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Scala IntegrationPatience类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Scala中org.scalatest.concurrent.IntegrationPatience的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala IntegrationPatience类的具体用法?Scala IntegrationPatience怎么用?Scala IntegrationPatience使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ApiSpecServer

package global

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatestplus.play._
import play.api.GlobalSettings
import play.api.mvc.Results
import play.api.test._

abstract class ApiSpecServer extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerTest with Results with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {

  val currentVersion = 1

  protected def getFakeApp(global: GlobalSettings): FakeApplication = {
      additionalConfiguration = Map(
        "slick.dbs.default.driver" -> "slick.driver.H2Driver$",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.driver" -> "org.h2.Driver",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.url" -> "jdbc:h2:mem:play;MODE=PostgreSQL;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=FALSE",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.user" -> "sa",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.password" -> "",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.connectionPool" -> "disabled",
        "slick.dbs.default.db.keepAliveConnection" -> "true",

        "play.evolutions.enabled" -> "false",
        "play.evolutions.autoApply" -> "false",
        "play.evolutions.autocommit" -> "false"
      withGlobal = Some(global)

示例2: WiremockHelper

package uk.gov.hmrc.emailverification

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.WireMockServer
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.core.WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatestplus.play.OneServerPerSuite

object WiremockHelper {
  val wiremockPort = 11111
  val wiremockHost = "localhost"
  val url = s"http://$wiremockHost:$wiremockPort"

trait WiremockHelper {

  import uk.gov.hmrc.emailverification.WiremockHelper._

  val wmConfig = wireMockConfig().port(wiremockPort)
  val wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(wmConfig)

  def startWiremock() = {
    WireMock.configureFor(wiremockHost, wiremockPort)

  def stopWiremock() = wireMockServer.stop()

  def resetWiremock() = WireMock.reset()


trait IntegrationSpecBase extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen with OneServerPerSuite with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience with Matchers with WiremockHelper with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll {
  override def beforeEach() = {

  override def beforeAll() = {

  override def afterAll() = {

示例3: NegociosFunctionalTest

package controllers

import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.IntegrationPatience
import org.scalatestplus.play._
import play.api.mvc.Results

class NegociosFunctionalTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with OptionValues
with WsScalaTestClient with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll with Results
with MockFactory with OneServerPerSuite with HtmlUnitFactory with AllBrowsersPerSuite with IntegrationPatience {

  override lazy val browsers = Vector(

  override def afterAll(): Unit = {

  val host = s"http://localhost:$port"

  def sharedTests(browser: BrowserInfo) = {

    "Index" should s"mostrar los negocios en el listado y cargar la configuracion ${browser.name}" in {
      go to s"$host/"
      pageTitle shouldBe "Hello MV - Configurador"
      click on find(name("configuracion")).value

      eventually(currentUrl shouldBe s"$host/negocios/avanza_seguro/configuracion")

    it should s"cargar un negocio ${browser.name}" in {
      go to s"$host/"
      pageTitle shouldBe "Hello MV - Configurador"
      click on find(name("negocios")).value

      eventually(currentUrl shouldBe s"$host/negocios/avanza_seguro")


  override def convertToLegacyEqualizer[T](left: T): LegacyEqualizer[T] = ???

  override def convertToLegacyCheckingEqualizer[T](left: T): LegacyCheckingEqualizer[T] = ???

示例4: SearchServiceIntegrationTest

package services

import model.{Airport, Country, Runway, SearchResult}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
import resolver.MySqlResolver
import utils.TestInjector

class SearchServiceIntegrationTest extends FunSpec with Matchers with TestInjector with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {

  describe("Search Service") {
    val searchResolver = getInjector.instanceOf[MySqlResolver]
    val service = new SearchService(searchResolver)

    it("should get search results if searched by country name") {
      val expectedSearchResult= SearchResult(Country("Australia", "AU"), Airport("Allambie Airport", "small_airport"),Runway("X", 0))
      val searchResults = service.searchCountriesByNameOrCountryCode("australia").futureValue

      searchResults.length should be(799)
      searchResults.count(_.country.name == "Australia") should be(799)
      searchResults.head should be(expectedSearchResult)

    it("should get search results if searched by country code") {
      val expectedSearchResult= SearchResult(Country("Australia", "AU"), Airport("Allambie Airport", "small_airport"),Runway("X", 0))
      val searchResults = service.searchCountriesByNameOrCountryCode("au").futureValue

      searchResults.length should be(799)
      searchResults.count(_.country.name == "Australia") should be(799)
      searchResults.head should be(expectedSearchResult)

    it("should get search results if searched for fuzzy term") {
      val expectedSearchResult= SearchResult(Country("Australia", "AU"), Airport("Allambie Airport", "small_airport"),Runway("X", 0))
      val searchResults = service.searchCountriesByNameOrCountryCode("aus").futureValue

      searchResults.length should be(799)
      searchResults.count(_.country.name == "Australia") should be(799)
      searchResults.head should be(expectedSearchResult)



示例5: ReportServiceIntegrationTest

package services

import model.{Country, CountryReport, RunwayReport, SurfaceReport}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
import resolver.MySqlResolver
import utils.TestInjector

class ReportServiceIntegrationTest extends FunSpec with Matchers with TestInjector with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {
  describe("Report Service") {
    val sqlResolver = getInjector.instanceOf[MySqlResolver]
    val service = new ReportService(sqlResolver)

    it("should generate report for top 10 Countries with highest no of airports") {
      val results = service.findCountriesWithHighestNoOfAirports.futureValue

      results.size should be(10)
      results.head should be(CountryReport(Country("United States", "US"), 14167))

    it("should generate report for top 10 Countries with lowest no of airports") {
      val results = service.findCountriesWithLowestNoOfAirports.futureValue

      results.size should be(10)
      results.head should be(CountryReport(Country("Chad", "TD"), 1))

    it("should generate report for surface per countries") {
      val results = service.findSurfacePerCountry().futureValue

      results.size should be(390)
      results.head should be(SurfaceReport(Country("Afghanistan", "AF"), "GVL"))

    it("should generate report for top 10 runway idents") {
      val results = service.findCommonRunwayIdents().futureValue

      results.size should be(10)
      results.head should be(RunwayReport("H1", 5482))

示例6: SectionEmptyValuesMatchingSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model._
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.rules.{SectionCarryOver, SectionRule, SectionRuleSet}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.SectionFactMatcher
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class SectionEmptyValuesMatchingSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  "section fact with empty values matcher" should {
    "produce fact error when fact is missing answers for which there is no match and corresponding rule values are not all empty in any of the rules" in {
      val fact = Map(
        ("question1" -> "yes"),
        ("question2" -> ""),
        ("question3" -> ""))
      val rules = List(
        SectionRule(List("yes","yes","yes"), SectionCarryOver("high"  , true)),
        SectionRule(List("yes","no" ,"no" ), SectionCarryOver("medium", true)),
        SectionRule(List("no" ,"yes",""   ), SectionCarryOver("low"   , false))
      val ruleSet = SectionRuleSet(List("question1", "question2", "question3"), rules)

      val response = SectionFactMatcher.matchFacts(fact, ruleSet)
      response.isLeft shouldBe true
      response.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [FactError]
    "produce rules error when fact is missing answers for which there is no match but corresponding rule values are empty in at least one rule" in {
      val fact = Map(
        ("question1" -> "yes"),
        ("question2" -> ""),
        ("question3" -> ""))
      val rules = List(
        SectionRule(List("yes","yes","yes"), SectionCarryOver("high"  , true)),
        SectionRule(List("yes","no" ,""   ), SectionCarryOver("medium", true)),
        SectionRule(List("no" ,""   ,""   ), SectionCarryOver("low"   , false))
      val ruleSet = SectionRuleSet(List("question1", "question2", "question3"), rules)

      val response = SectionFactMatcher.matchFacts(fact, ruleSet)
      response.isLeft shouldBe true
      response.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileError]


示例7: EmptyValuesValidatorSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.rules.{SectionCarryOver, SectionRule}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model._
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.EmptyValuesValidator
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class EmptyValuesValidatorSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  object SectionEmptyValuesValidator extends EmptyValuesValidator {
    type ValueType = String
    type Rule = SectionRule
    type RuleResult = SectionCarryOver

    def valueEmpty(s: String) = s.isEmpty

  "empty values validator" should {
    "produce fact error if FactsEmptySet is a subset of MaximumRulesEmptySet" in {
      val fact = Map(
        ("question1" -> "yes"),
        ("question2" -> ""),
        ("question3" -> ""))
      val rules = List(
        SectionRule(List("yes","yes","yes"), SectionCarryOver("high"  , true)),
        SectionRule(List("yes","no" ,"no" ), SectionCarryOver("medium", true)),
        SectionRule(List("no" ,"yes",""   ), SectionCarryOver("low"   , false))

      val error = SectionEmptyValuesValidator.noMatchError(fact,rules)
      error shouldBe a [FactError]
    "produce rules error if FactsEmptySet is a superset of MaximumRulesEmptySet" in {
      val fact = Map(
        ("question1" -> "yes"),
        ("question2" -> ""),
        ("question3" -> ""))
      val rules = List(
        SectionRule(List("yes","yes","yes"), SectionCarryOver("high"  , true)),
        SectionRule(List("yes","no" ,""   ), SectionCarryOver("medium", true)),
        SectionRule(List("no" ,""   ,""   ), SectionCarryOver("low"   , false))

      val error = SectionEmptyValuesValidator.noMatchError(fact,rules)
      error shouldBe a [RulesFileError]


示例8: MatrixRulesLoaderSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.RulesFileLoadError
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.rules.SectionCarryOver
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.{MatrixFactMatcher, MatrixRulesLoader, RulesFileMetaData}
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class MatrixRulesLoaderSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  val csvFilePath = "/matrix.csv"
  val csvFilePathError = "/matrix_error.csv"
  val csvMetadata = RulesFileMetaData(2, 1, csvFilePath)
  val csvMetadataError = RulesFileMetaData(2, 1, csvFilePathError)

  "matrix rules loader" should {
    "load matrix rules from a csv file" in {
      val maybeRules = MatrixRulesLoader.load(csvMetadata)
      maybeRules.isRight shouldBe true
      maybeRules.map { ruleset =>
        ruleset.rules should have size 3
        ruleset.headings should have size 2
    "return error if file is not found" in {
      val maybeRules = MatrixRulesLoader.load(RulesFileMetaData(2, 1, csvFilePath + "xx"))
      maybeRules.isLeft shouldBe true
      maybeRules.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileLoadError]
    "return error if file contains invalid data" in {
      val maybeRules = MatrixRulesLoader.load(csvMetadataError)
      maybeRules.isLeft shouldBe true
      maybeRules.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileLoadError]
    "provide valid input for an inference against fact" in {
      val matrixFacts = Map(
        ("BusinessStructure" -> SectionCarryOver("high", true)), ("Substitute" -> SectionCarryOver("high" , false))
      val maybeRules = MatrixRulesLoader.load(csvMetadata)
      maybeRules.isRight shouldBe true
      maybeRules.map { ruleset =>
        ruleset.rules should have size 3
        ruleset.headings should have size 2
        val response = MatrixFactMatcher.matchFacts(matrixFacts, ruleset)
        response.isRight shouldBe true
        response.map { decision =>
          decision.value should equal("out of IR35")

示例9: MatrixEmptyValuesMatchingSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model._
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.rules.{MatrixDecision, MatrixRule, MatrixRuleSet, SectionCarryOver}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.MatrixFactMatcher
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class MatrixEmptyValuesMatchingSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  "matrix fact with empty values matcher" should {
    "produce fact error when fact is missing answers for which rule values are not empty" in {
      val matrixFacts = Map(
        ("BusinessStructure" -> SectionCarryOver("high", true)),
        ("Substitute" -> SectionCarryOver("" , false)),
        ("FinancialRisk" -> SectionCarryOver("" , false))
      val matrixRules = List(
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("high" , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("self employed")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , false),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("in IR35")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("medium", true ),SectionCarryOver("high", true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("out of IR35"))
      val matrixRuleSet = MatrixRuleSet(List("BusinessStructure", "Substitute", "FinancialRisk"), matrixRules)

      val response = MatrixFactMatcher.matchFacts(matrixFacts, matrixRuleSet)
      response.isLeft shouldBe true
      response.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [FactError]
    "produce rules error when fact is missing answers for which there is no match but corresponding rule values are empty in at least one rule" in {
      val matrixFacts = Map(
        ("BusinessStructure" -> SectionCarryOver("high", true)),
        ("Substitute" -> SectionCarryOver("" , false)),
        ("FinancialRisk" -> SectionCarryOver("" , false))
      val matrixRules = List(
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("high" , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("self employed")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , false),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("in IR35")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("medium", true ),SectionCarryOver("", true ),SectionCarryOver("" , true )), MatrixDecision("out of IR35"))
      val matrixRuleSet = MatrixRuleSet(List("BusinessStructure", "Substitute", "FinancialRisk"), matrixRules)

      val response = MatrixFactMatcher.matchFacts(matrixFacts, matrixRuleSet)
      response.isLeft shouldBe true
      response.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileError]


示例10: DecisionRequestSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.api.{Section, QuestionSet}
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class DecisionRequestSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  val json =
      |  "version" : "1.0",
      |  "sections" : [ {
      |    "name" : "personal-service",
      |    "facts" : {
      |      "1" : true,
      |      "2" : false,
      |      "3" : true
      |    }
      |  } ]

  "decision request json" should {
    "be correctly converted to Scala object" in {
      val parsed = Json.parse(json)
      val jsResult = Json.fromJson[QuestionSet](parsed)
      jsResult.isSuccess shouldBe true
      val obj = jsResult.get
      obj.sections should have size 1
      obj.sections(0).facts should have size 3

      val m:Map[String,Boolean] = obj.sections(0).facts
      val res = (1 to 3).flatMap(i => m.get(i.toString))
      res should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs (List(true, false, true))

  "decision request Scala object" should {
    "be correctly converted to json object" in {
      val personalServiceQuestions = Map("1" -> true, "2" -> false, "3" -> true)
      val helperQuestions = Map("1" -> false, "2" -> false, "3" -> false)
      val controlQuestions = Map("1" -> true, "2" -> true, "3" -> true)
      val sections = List(
        Section("personal-service", personalServiceQuestions),
        Section("helper", helperQuestions),
        Section("control", controlQuestions)
      val decisionRequest = QuestionSet("1.0", sections)
      val jsValue:JsValue = Json.toJson(decisionRequest)
      val jsections = jsValue \\ "sections"
      val jfacts = jsValue \\ "facts"
      jsections should have size 1
      jfacts should have size 3


示例11: MatrixFactMatcherSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model._
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.rules.{MatrixDecision, MatrixRule, MatrixRuleSet, SectionCarryOver}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.MatrixFactMatcher
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class MatrixFactMatcherSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  "matrix fact matcher" should {
    "produce correct result for a sample matrix fact" in {
      val matrixFacts = Map(
        ("BusinessStructure" -> SectionCarryOver("high", true)), ("Substitute" -> SectionCarryOver("high" , false))
      val matrixRules = List(
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("in IR35")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("high", false)), MatrixDecision("out of IR35")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("medium", true ),SectionCarryOver("high", true )), MatrixDecision("in IR35"))
      val matrixRuleSet = MatrixRuleSet(List("BusinessStructure", "Substitute"), matrixRules)

      val response = MatrixFactMatcher.matchFacts(matrixFacts, matrixRuleSet)

      response.isRight shouldBe true
      response.map { decision =>
        decision.value should equal("out of IR35")
    "produce correct result for a partial fact" in {
      val matrixFacts = Map(
        ("BusinessStructure" -> SectionCarryOver("high", true)),
        ("Substitute" -> SectionCarryOver("low" , false)),
        ("FinancialRisk" -> SectionCarryOver("" , false))
      val matrixRules = List(
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("high" , true ),SectionCarryOver("" , true )), MatrixDecision("self employed")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("high"  , true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , false),SectionCarryOver("" , true )), MatrixDecision("in IR35")),
        MatrixRule(List(SectionCarryOver("medium", true ),SectionCarryOver("high", true ),SectionCarryOver("low" , true )), MatrixDecision("out of IR35"))
      val matrixRuleSet = MatrixRuleSet(List("BusinessStructure", "Substitute", "FinancialRisk"), matrixRules)

      val response = MatrixFactMatcher.matchFacts(matrixFacts, matrixRuleSet)

      response.isRight shouldBe true
      response.map { decision =>
        decision.value should equal("in IR35")


示例12: SectionRulesLoaderSpec

package uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice

import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Inspectors, LoneElement}
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.model.RulesFileLoadError
import uk.gov.hmrc.decisionservice.ruleengine.{RulesFileMetaData, SectionFactMatcher, SectionRulesLoader}
import uk.gov.hmrc.play.test.UnitSpec

class SectionRulesLoaderSpec extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with LoneElement with Inspectors with IntegrationPatience {

  val csvFilePath = "/business_structure.csv"
  val csvFilePathError = "/business_structure_error.csv"
  val csvMetadata = RulesFileMetaData(3, 2, csvFilePath)
  val csvMetadataError = RulesFileMetaData(3, 2, csvFilePathError)

  "section rules loader" should {
    "load section rules from a csv file" in {
      val maybeRules = SectionRulesLoader.load(csvMetadata)
      maybeRules.isRight shouldBe true
      maybeRules.map { ruleset =>
        ruleset.rules should have size 4
        ruleset.headings should have size 3
    "return error if file is not found" in {
      val maybeRules = SectionRulesLoader.load(RulesFileMetaData(3, 2, csvFilePath + "xx"))
      maybeRules.isLeft shouldBe true
      maybeRules.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileLoadError]
    "return error if file contains invalid data" in {
      val maybeRules = SectionRulesLoader.load(csvMetadataError)
      maybeRules.isLeft shouldBe true
      maybeRules.leftMap { error =>
        error shouldBe a [RulesFileLoadError]
    "provide valid input for an inference against fact" in {
      val fact = Map(
        ("Q1" -> "yes"),
        ("Q2" -> "no"),
        ("Q3" -> "yes"))
      val maybeRules = SectionRulesLoader.load(csvMetadata)
      maybeRules.isRight shouldBe true
      maybeRules.map { ruleset =>
        ruleset.rules should have size 4
        ruleset.headings should have size 3
        val response = SectionFactMatcher.matchFacts(fact, ruleset)
        response.isRight shouldBe true
        response.map { sectionResult =>
          sectionResult.value should equal("low")
          sectionResult.exit should equal(true)

示例13: ExampleApplication

package com.example

import java.net.URI

import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.ReactiveInfluxDbName
import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.command.query.BaseQueryCommand
import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.itest.ITestConfig
import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.response.EmptyJsonResponse
import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.{ReactiveInflux, ReactiveInfluxCore}
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import play.api.libs.ws.{WSClient, WSResponse}

class ExampleApplication extends FunSuite with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {
  test("Execute custom command") {
    val reactiveInflux = ReactiveInflux(config = Some(ITestConfig.config))
    try {
      implicit val dbName = ReactiveInfluxDbName("ExampleApplicatixon")
      val db = reactiveInflux.database
      try {
        val core = reactiveInflux.asInstanceOf[ReactiveInfluxCore]
        whenReady(core.execute(new CustomQueryCommand(core.config.url)).failed) { ex =>
      finally {
    finally {

class CustomQueryCommand(baseUri: URI) extends BaseQueryCommand(baseUri) {
  override type TResult = Unit
  override protected def responseFactory(wsResponse: WSResponse) =  new CustomQueryCommandResponse(wsResponse)
  override def httpRequest(ws: WSClient) = ws.url(qUri("WHATEVER").toString)

class CustomQueryCommandResponse(wsResponse: WSResponse) extends EmptyJsonResponse(wsResponse) 

示例14: LayerClientIntegrationSpec

package com.jatescher.layer

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCodes }
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{ IntegrationPatience, PatienceConfiguration, ScalaFutures }
import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpec }
import scala.concurrent.Future

class LayerClientIntegrationSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with PatienceConfiguration with IntegrationPatience with ScalaFutures {
  val testConfig = ConfigFactory.load("test-application.conf")
  val router = new LayerRouter(testConfig)
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("LayerClientIntegrationSpecSystem")
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

  class IntegrationLayerClient(router: LayerRouter, config: Config) extends LayerClient(router, config) {
    def testRequest(httpRequest: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = executeRequest(httpRequest)

  "#executeRequest" should {
    "complete the request" in {
      val request = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, uri = "https://layer.com")
      val client = new IntegrationLayerClient(router, testConfig)
      client.testRequest(request).futureValue.status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK


示例15: SimulationManagerSpec

package com.coding42.gol

import com.coding42.gol.SimulationManager.SimulationConfig
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.{Await, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class SimulationManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {

  it should "start and stop a simulation without failing" in {
    val generator = SimulationManager.generator( () => 100, _ => (), _ => ())
    val simulation = generator(SimulationConfig(None, 50, 10))
    simulation.start() shouldBe true
    Await.result(simulation.stop(), 1.second)

  it should "when a simulation is started the steps should get updated" in {
    val promise = Promise[List[Int]]()
    var steps: List[Int] = Nil

    val stepUpdater: (Int) => Unit = step => {
      steps = step :: steps

      if(steps.length == 3) {

    val generator = SimulationManager.generator(() => 100, stepUpdater, _ => ())
    val simulation = generator(SimulationConfig(None, 50, 10))
    simulation.start() shouldBe true

    promise.future.futureValue shouldBe List(3,2,1)
    Await.result(simulation.stop(), 1.second)

  it should "start always the same simulation with a seed" in {
    val generator = SimulationManager.generator( () => 100, _ => (), _ => ())
    val simulation = generator(SimulationConfig(Some(1234), 5, 5))
    simulation.life.board shouldBe Vector(
      Vector(true, false, true, false, true),
      Vector(false, false, true, false, false),
      Vector(false, false, false, false, true),
      Vector(false, true, false, false, false),
      Vector(false, false, false, true, false)

  it should "not be able to start a simulation twice" in {
    val generator = SimulationManager.generator( () => 100, _ => (), _ => ())
    val simulation = generator(SimulationConfig(None, 50, 10))
    simulation.start() shouldBe true
    simulation.start() shouldBe false
    Await.result(simulation.stop(), 1.second)

示例16: LifeAppSpec

package com.coding42.gol

import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{Eventually, IntegrationPatience}

import scalafx.application.Platform

class LifeAppSpec extends FlatSpec with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with Matchers {

  it should "open the app and create a default canvas of 300x200" in {
    eventually {
      LifeApp.canvas.width.value shouldBe 300
      LifeApp.canvas.height.value shouldBe 200

  it should "check app updates steps" in {
    eventually {
      step shouldBe "Step: 1"

    eventually {
      step shouldBe "Step: 2"

  it should "restart button does start steps again an can change size" in {
    eventually {
      step shouldBe "Step: 3"

    Platform.runLater(LifeApp.widthField.text = "100")
    Platform.runLater(LifeApp.heightField.text = "50")

    eventually {
      step shouldBe "Step: 1"
      LifeApp.canvas.width.value shouldBe 100
      LifeApp.canvas.height.value shouldBe 50

  private def step = LifeApp.stepText.text.value

  private def runApp(): Unit = {
    val thread = new Thread {
      override def run(): Unit = {


示例17: beforeAll

package com.acromancer.acromancer.test

import com.acromancer.acromancer.common.sql.SqlDatabase
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}

trait FlatSpecWithDb extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures
    with IntegrationPatience {

  private val connectionString = "jdbc:h2:mem:acromancer_test" + this.getClass.getSimpleName + ";DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
  val sqlDatabase = SqlDatabase.createEmbedded(connectionString)

  override protected def beforeAll() {

  def clearData() {

  override protected def afterAll() {

  private def dropAll() {
    import sqlDatabase.driver.api._
    sqlDatabase.db.run(sqlu"DROP ALL OBJECTS").futureValue

  private def createAll() {

  override protected def afterEach() {
    try {
    catch {
      case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()


示例18: ExitGuardTest

package com.twitter.finagle.util

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{Eventually, IntegrationPatience}
import org.scalatest.junit.{AssertionsForJUnit, JUnitRunner}
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar

class ExitGuardTest
  extends FunSuite
  with MockitoSugar
  with AssertionsForJUnit
  with Eventually
  with IntegrationPatience {

  test("guard creates thread, unguard removes") {
    val name = s"ExitGuardTest-${System.nanoTime}"
    val guard = ExitGuard.guard(name)
    val (thread, guards) = ExitGuard.guards.get



    // depending on what has been registered and unregistered,
    // either there should be no guards or our name should not be in the list.
    ExitGuard.guards match {
      case None =>
        eventually { assert(!thread.isAlive, ExitGuard.explainGuards()) }
      case Some((_, gs)) =>

  test("explain shows reason") {
    val guard = ExitGuard.guard("<%= reason %>")
    assert(ExitGuard.explainGuards().contains("<%= reason %>"))
    assert(!ExitGuard.explainGuards().contains("<%= reason %>"))

示例19: localThread

package com.twitter.finagle.mux.lease.exp

import com.twitter.util.Local
import org.scalatest.Assertion
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, Conductors}

trait LocalConductors extends Conductors with IntegrationPatience {

  def localThread(conductor: Conductor)(fn: => Unit): Unit = {
    val outer = Local.save()
    conductor.thread {
      val saved = Local.save()
      try {
      } finally {

  def localWhenFinished(conductor: Conductor)(fn: => Assertion): Unit = {
    val outer = Local.save() 








Scala JsString类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala Service类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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