本文整理汇总了Scala中org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala JValue类的具体用法?Scala JValue怎么用?Scala JValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: RedditExtractor
package com.orendain.sraw.util
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JArray
import com.orendain.sraw.model._
import com.orendain.sraw.model.extract._
object RedditExtractor extends HasExtractor[RedditEntity] {
val extractor = new Extractor[RedditEntity] {
def canExtract(json: JValue) = true
def extract(json: JValue) =
// TODO: fix
val extractors = Seq(
object RedditExtractors {
object CommentTree extends HasExtractor[Listing[Comment]] {
val extractor = new Extractor[Listing[Comment]] {
def canExtract(json: JValue) = RedditJson.unwrap(json) match {
case JArray(arr) => Listing.extractor(Comment).extractor.canExtract(arr.tail.head)
def extract(json: JValue) = RedditJson.unwrap(json) match {
case JArray(arr) => Listing.extractor(Comment).extractor.extract(arr.tail.head)
示例2: JSON
package se.joham.funrts.util
import org.json4s.{CustomSerializer, Extraction, ShortTypeHints}
import se.joham.funrts.model._
import Extraction.{decompose, extract}
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import se.gigurra.scalego.serialization.KnownSubTypes
import se.gigurra.scalego.serialization.json.JsonSerializer
import se.joham.funrts.model.FunRtsECS.{ECS, IdTypes}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.{compact, parse}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.{pretty => prty}
object JSON {
def writeAst(ecs: ECS): JValue = ecsSerializer.SerializableOps(ecs).toJsonAst
def write(ecs: ECS, pretty: Boolean): String = ecsSerializer.SerializableOps(ecs).toJson(pretty)
def writeAst(terrain: Terrain): JValue = decompose(terrain)
def write(terrain: Terrain, pretty: Boolean): String = if (pretty) prty(writeAst(terrain)) else compact(writeAst(terrain))
def readEcsAst(ecs: ECS, json: JValue): Unit = ecsSerializer.SerializableOps(ecs).appendJsonAst(json)
def readEcs(ecs: ECS, json: String): Unit = ecsSerializer.SerializableOps(ecs).appendJson(json)
def readTerrainAst(json: JValue): Terrain = extract[Terrain](json)
def readTerrain(json: String): Terrain = readTerrainAst(parse(json))
object TerrainSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Terrain](_ => ({
case json => extract[TerrainSerializable](json).toTerrain },{
case terrain: Terrain => decompose(new TerrainSerializable(terrain))
case class TerrainSerializable(nx: Int, ny: Int, base64Tiles: String) {
def this(terrain: Terrain) = this(terrain.nx, terrain.ny, Base64.encodeString(terrain.tiles))
def toTerrain: Terrain = Terrain(nx, ny, Base64.decodeBinary(base64Tiles))
implicit lazy val jsonFormats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats + TerrainSerializer + ShortTypeHints(Action.classes)
val ecsSerializer = new JsonSerializer[IdTypes](
knownSubtypes = KnownSubTypes.fromShortClassName(types = Action.classes:_*),
jsonFormats = jsonFormats
示例3: ApiErrorParser
package io.corbel.sdk.error
import com.ning.http.client.Response
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
class ApiErrorParser[T](f: Response => T) extends (Response => Either[ApiError, T]) with Logging {
override def apply(res: Response): Either[ApiError, T] = res.getStatusCode match {
case ok: Int if ok / 100 == 2 => Right(f(res))
case other: Int => Left(apiErrorBody(res))
def apiErrorBody(res: Response): ApiError = {
val apiError = ApiError(status = res.getStatusCode)
else {
Try(parse(res.getResponseBodyAsStream)) match {
case Success(json) => completeFromJson(apiError, json)
case _ =>
warn(s"Corbel error message without expected JSON body: ${res.getStatusCode} : ${res.getResponseBody}")
apiError.copy(message = Option(res.getResponseBody))
def completeFromJson(apiError: ApiError, json: JValue): ApiError = {
implicit val format = DefaultFormats
val c = (json \ "error").extractOpt[String]
val m = (json \ "errorDescription").extractOpt[String]
apiError.copy(errorCode = c, message = m)
示例4: DummyDeviceHistory
package com.ubirch.avatar.test.tools.model
import java.util.UUID
import com.ubirch.avatar.model.rest.device.DeviceHistory
import com.ubirch.util.uuid.UUIDUtil
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone}
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object DummyDeviceHistory {
def data(deviceId: String = UUIDUtil.uuidStr,
messageId: UUID = UUIDUtil.uuid,
deviceType: String = "lightsLamp",
timestamp: DateTime = DateTime.now,
deviceTags: Set[String] = Set("ubirch#0", "actor"),
deviceMessage: JValue = parse("""{"foo": 23, "bar": 42}""")
): DeviceHistory = {
messageId = messageId,
deviceDataRawId = UUIDUtil.uuid,
deviceId = deviceId,
deviceName = s"$deviceType $deviceId",
deviceType = deviceType,
deviceTags = deviceTags,
deviceMessage = deviceMessage,
timestamp = timestamp
def dataSeries(deviceId: String = UUIDUtil.uuidStr,
dType: String = "lightsLamp",
tags: Set[String] = Set("ubirch#0", "actor"),
message: JValue = parse("""{"foo": 23, "bar": 42}"""),
intervalMillis: Long = 1000 * 10, // 10s
timestampOffset: Long = -1000 * 60 * 60, // 1h
elementCount: Int = 5
): List[DeviceHistory] = {
val deviceDataList: ListBuffer[DeviceHistory] = ListBuffer()
val newestDateTime = DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC).minus(timestampOffset)
val range = 0 until elementCount
for (i <- range) {
val timestamp = newestDateTime.minus(i * intervalMillis)
val deviceData = data(deviceId = deviceId, deviceType = dType, timestamp = timestamp, deviceTags = tags, deviceMessage = message)
示例5: DummyDeviceHistory
package com.ubirch.avatar.core.test.model
import java.util.UUID
import com.ubirch.avatar.model.rest.device.DeviceHistory
import com.ubirch.util.uuid.UUIDUtil
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone}
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object DummyDeviceHistory {
def data(deviceId: String = UUIDUtil.uuidStr,
messageId: UUID = UUIDUtil.uuid,
deviceType: String = "lightsLamp",
timestamp: DateTime = DateTime.now,
deviceTags: Set[String] = Set("ubirch#0", "actor"),
deviceMessage: JValue = parse("""{"foo": 23, "bar": 42}""")
): DeviceHistory = {
messageId = messageId,
deviceDataRawId = UUIDUtil.uuid,
deviceId = deviceId,
deviceName = s"$deviceType $deviceId",
deviceType = deviceType,
deviceTags = deviceTags,
deviceMessage = deviceMessage,
timestamp = timestamp
def dataSeries(deviceId: String = UUIDUtil.uuidStr,
dType: String = "lightsLamp",
tags: Set[String] = Set("ubirch#0", "actor"),
message: JValue = parse("""{"foo": 23, "bar": 42}"""),
intervalMillis: Long = 1000 * 10, // 10s
timestampOffset: Long = -1000 * 60 * 60, // 1h
elementCount: Int = 5
): List[DeviceHistory] = {
val deviceDataList: ListBuffer[DeviceHistory] = ListBuffer()
val newestDateTime = DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC).minus(timestampOffset)
val range = 0 until elementCount
for (i <- range) {
val timestamp = newestDateTime.minus(i * intervalMillis)
val deviceData = data(deviceId = deviceId, deviceType = dType, timestamp = timestamp, deviceTags = tags, deviceMessage = message)
示例6: SighashSpec
package fr.acinq.syscoin.reference
import java.io.InputStreamReader
import fr.acinq.syscoin._
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JInt, JString, JValue}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
class SighashSpec extends FlatSpec {
implicit val format = DefaultFormats
"syscoin-lib" should "pass reference client sighash tests" in {
val stream = classOf[Base58Spec].getResourceAsStream("/data/sighash.json")
val json = JsonMethods.parse(new InputStreamReader(stream))
// use tail to skip the first line of the .json file
json.extract[List[List[JValue]]].tail.map(_ match {
case JString(raw_transaction) :: JString(script) :: JInt(input_index) :: JInt(hashType) :: JString(signature_hash) :: Nil => {
val tx = Transaction.read(raw_transaction)
val hash = Transaction.hashForSigning(tx, input_index.intValue, fromHexString(script), hashType.intValue)
assert(toHexString(hash.reverse) === signature_hash)
case _ => println("warning: could not parse sighash.json properly!")
示例7: HTTPPollingActorSpec
package polling
import java.time.Instant
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ResponseEntity
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep}
import akka.stream.testkit.scaladsl.{TestSink, TestSource}
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpecLike}
class HTTPPollingActorSpec(_system: ActorSystem) extends TestKit(_system)
with FlatSpecLike with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def afterAll = {
def testExchangeFlowPubSub(flow: Flow[(Instant, ResponseEntity), (String, JValue), NotUsed]) =
TestSource.probe[(Instant, ResponseEntity)]
.toMat(TestSink.probe[(String, JValue)])(Keep.both)
示例8: JsonRpcError
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
case class JsonRpcError(code: Int, message: String, data: Option[JValue])
// scalastyle:off magic.number
// scalastyle:off public.methods.have.type
object JsonRpcErrors {
val ParseError = JsonRpcError(-32700, "An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text", None)
val InvalidRequest = JsonRpcError(-32600, "The JSON sent is not a valid Request object", None)
val MethodNotFound = JsonRpcError(-32601, "The method does not exist / is not available", None)
def InvalidParams(msg: String = "Invalid method parameters") = JsonRpcError(-32602, msg, None)
val InternalError = JsonRpcError(-32603, "Internal JSON-RPC error", None)
def LogicError(msg: String) = JsonRpcError(-32000, msg, None)
val AccountLocked = LogicError("account is locked or unknown")
示例9: Athanor
package au.edu.utscic.athanorserver.athanor
import au.edu.utscic.athanorserver.data.RhetoricalImplicits
import au.edu.utscic.athanorserver.data.RhetoricalTypes._
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import com.xerox.jatanor.JAtanor
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization.write
import scala.io.Source
object Athanor {
lazy val config: Config = ConfigFactory.load()
lazy val path: String = config.getString("app.path")
lazy val athanor = new JAtanor
lazy val handler = athanor.LoadProgram(program,"")
lazy val program: String = fullPath("apply.kif")
lazy val testSentence: String = fullPath("sentence.json")
lazy val demoFile:String = Source.fromFile(testSentence).getLines.mkString
def fullPath(file:String): String = {
def parseJsonSentence(sent:String):ParsedSentence = {
import RhetoricalImplicits._
val json:JValue = parse(sent)
val lexNodes:LexicalNodes = json(0)
val constTree:ConstituentTree = json(1).extract[ConstituentTree]
val deps:Dependencies = json(2).extract[Dependencies]
def parsedSentenceToJsonString(parsedSent:ParsedSentence):String = {
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
val l = write(parsedSent._1)
val c = write(parsedSent._2).replaceAll("""(\"(?=[0-9]))|((?<=[0-9])\")""","") //remove quotes around Ints for json
val d = write(parsedSent._3)
def analyseParsedSentence(parsed:ParsedSentence):List[String] = {
val jsonStr:String = parsedSentenceToJsonString(parsed)
def analyseJson(json:String):List[String] = {
示例10: FieldDoesNotExistError
package com.github.rcoh.query.render
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JArray, JObject, JValue}
import com.github.rcoh.query.lang.Query
import com.github.rcoh.query.loaders.{ConcreteLoadable, ExposeAlways, Loadable, LoadableField}
trait RenderError
case class FieldDoesNotExistError(field: String) extends Exception(s"Field $field did not exist in object.")
case class ObjectNotIndexable(field: String, obj: JValue) extends Exception(s"Requested $field but $obj is not indexable.")
object Renderer {
def render[A: Loadable](obj: A, query: Query): JValue = {
val concreteLoadable = Loadable.toConcreteLoadable(obj)
val loadResult = concreteLoadable.load
val fieldMap = loadResult match {
case Right(jValue) if query.fields.nonEmpty => throw ObjectNotIndexable(query.fields.head._1, jValue)
case Right(jValue) => return jValue
case Left(fields) => fields
val requestedFields = query.fields.map { case (fieldName, subQuery) =>
val field = fieldMap.getOrElse(fieldName, throw FieldDoesNotExistError(fieldName))
field.loader() match {
case Left(loadable) => fieldName -> render(loadable, subQuery)
case Right(loadables) => fieldName -> renderList(loadables, subQuery)
val alwaysExposed = (fieldMap -- query.fields.keySet).collect {
case (fieldName, LoadableField(ExposeAlways, loader)) => loader() match {
case Left(loadable) => fieldName -> render(loadable, Query.NoQuery)
case Right(loadables) => fieldName -> renderList(loadables, Query.NoQuery)
val resultingMap = requestedFields ++ alwaysExposed
JObject(resultingMap.toList: _*)
private def renderList(loadables: Iterable[ConcreteLoadable], query: Query): JArray = {
val paged = loadables.drop(query.paging.offset).take(query.paging.max)
val renderedObjects = paged.map(render(_, query))
示例11: unjsonify
package com.telegram.json
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
import org.json4s.native.Serialization._
def unjsonify[T : Manifest](json: String): T = {
def unjsonify[T : Manifest](json: JValue): T = {
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
val camelCased = json transformField {
case (name, value) => (underscoreToCamel(name), value)
示例12: JsonSerializer
package com.github.gigurra.scalego.serialization.json
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Extraction, Formats}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.{compact, parse}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.{pretty => prty}
import Extraction.{decompose, extract}
import com.github.gigurra.scalego.core.{ECS, IdTypes}
import com.github.gigurra.scalego.serialization.{ECSSerializer, IdTypeMapper, KnownSubTypes}
import ECSSerializer._
case class JsonSerializer[T_IdTypes <: IdTypes](knownSubtypes: KnownSubTypes = KnownSubTypes.empty,
jsonFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats)
(implicit systemIdMapper: IdTypeMapper[T_IdTypes#SystemId], entityIdMapper: IdTypeMapper[T_IdTypes#EntityId]) {
private val serializer = new ECSSerializer[JValue, T_IdTypes](new JsonMapper[T_IdTypes](jsonFormats), knownSubtypes)
implicit class SerializableOps(ecs: ECS[T_IdTypes]) {
def toJsonAst: JValue = {
val map = serializer.SerializableECSOpsWrite(ecs).toSerializable
def toJson(pretty: Boolean = false): String = {
if (pretty) prty(toJsonAst)
else compact(toJsonAst)
def appendJson(json: String): Unit = {
def appendJsonAst(json: JValue): Unit = {
val intermediaryFormat = extract[SerializableEcs[JValue]](json)(jsonFormats, implicitly[Manifest[SerializableEcs[JValue]]])
示例13: JsonRPCRequest
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.rpc
import java.io.IOException
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshal
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Authorization, BasicHttpCredentials}
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjson4s.Json4sSupport._
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, jackson}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
// @formatter:off
case class JsonRPCRequest(jsonrpc: String = "1.0", id: String = "scala-client", method: String, params: Seq[Any])
case class Error(code: Int, message: String)
case class JsonRPCResponse(result: JValue, error: Option[Error], id: String)
case class JsonRPCError(error: Error) extends IOException(s"${error.message} (code: ${error.code})")
// @formatter:on
class BitcoinJsonRPCClient(user: String, password: String, host: String = "", port: Int = 8332, ssl: Boolean = false)(implicit system: ActorSystem) {
val scheme = if (ssl) "https" else "http"
val uri = Uri(s"$scheme://$host:$port")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val httpClient = Http(system)
implicit val serialization = jackson.Serialization
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
def invoke(method: String, params: Any*)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JValue] =
for {
entity <- Marshal(JsonRPCRequest(method = method, params = params)).to[RequestEntity]
httpRes <- httpClient.singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = uri, method = HttpMethods.POST).addHeader(Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials(user, password))).withEntity(entity))
jsonRpcRes <- Unmarshal(httpRes).to[JsonRPCResponse].map {
case JsonRPCResponse(_, Some(error), _) => throw JsonRPCError(error)
case o => o
} recover {
case t: Throwable if httpRes.status == StatusCodes.Unauthorized => throw new RuntimeException("bitcoind replied with 401/Unauthorized (bad user/password?)", t)
} yield jsonRpcRes.result
def invoke(request: Seq[(String, Seq[Any])])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[JValue]] =
for {
entity <- Marshal(request.map(r => JsonRPCRequest(method = r._1, params = r._2))).to[RequestEntity]
httpRes <- httpClient.singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = uri, method = HttpMethods.POST).addHeader(Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials(user, password))).withEntity(entity))
jsonRpcRes <- Unmarshal(httpRes).to[Seq[JsonRPCResponse]].map {
//case JsonRPCResponse(_, Some(error), _) => throw JsonRPCError(error)
case o => o
} recover {
case t: Throwable if httpRes.status == StatusCodes.Unauthorized => throw new RuntimeException("bitcoind replied with 401/Unauthorized (bad user/password?)", t)
} yield jsonRpcRes.map(_.result)
注:本文中的org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue类示例整理自Github/MSDocs等源码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。 |