def normal(start, end, seed=0):
""" Generate data with a white Gaussian (normal) distribution
start_time : int
Start time in GPS seconds to generate noise
end_time : int
End time in GPS seconds to generate nosie
seed : {None, int}
The seed to generate the noise.
noise : TimeSeries
A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise
# This is reproduceable because we used fixed seeds from known values
s = int(start / BLOCK_SIZE)
e = int(end / BLOCK_SIZE)
# The data evenly divides so the last block would be superfluous
if end % BLOCK_SIZE == 0:
e -= 1
sv = RandomState(seed).randint(-2**50, 2**50)
data = numpy.concatenate([block(i + sv) for i in numpy.arange(s, e + 1, 1)])
ts = TimeSeries(data, delta_t=1.0 / SAMPLE_RATE, epoch=start)
return ts.time_slice(start, end)
def line_model(freq, data, tref, amp=1, phi=0):
""" Simple time-domain model for a frequency line.
freq: float
Frequency of the line.
data: pycbc.types.TimeSeries
Reference data, to get delta_t, start_time, duration and sample_times.
tref: float
Reference time for the line model.
amp: {1., float}, optional
Amplitude of the frequency line.
phi: {0. float}, optional
Phase of the frequency line (radians).
freq_line: pycbc.types.TimeSeries
A timeseries of the line model with frequency 'freq'. The returned
data are complex to allow measuring the amplitude and phase of the
corresponding frequency line in the strain data. For extraction, use
only the real part of the data.
freq_line = TimeSeries(zeros(len(data)), delta_t=data.delta_t,
times = data.sample_times - float(tref)
alpha = 2 * numpy.pi * freq * times + phi = amp * numpy.exp(1.j * alpha)
return freq_line
def noise_from_psd(length, delta_t, psd, seed=None):
""" Create noise with a given psd.
Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired
a unique seed should be provided.
length : int
The length of noise to generate in samples.
delta_t : float
The time step of the noise.
psd : FrequencySeries
The noise weighting to color the noise.
seed : {0, int}
The seed to generate the noise.
noise : TimeSeries
A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd.
noise_ts = TimeSeries(zeros(length), delta_t=delta_t)
if seed is None:
seed = numpy.random.randint(2**32)
randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed)
N = int (1.0 / delta_t / psd.delta_f)
n = N/2+1
stride = N/2
if n > len(psd):
raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t")
psd = (psd[0:n]).lal()[n-1] = 0
segment = TimeSeries(zeros(N), delta_t=delta_t).lal()
length_generated = 0
SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness)
while (length_generated < length):
if (length_generated + stride) < length:[length_generated:length_generated+stride] =[0:stride]
else:[length_generated:length] =[0:length-length_generated]
length_generated += stride
SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness)
return noise_ts
def test_injection_presence(self):
"""Verify presence of signals at expected times"""
injections = InjectionSet(
for det in self.detectors:
for inj in self.injections:
ts = TimeSeries(numpy.zeros(10 * self.sample_rate),
epoch=lal.LIGOTimeGPS(inj.end_time - 5),
max_amp, max_loc = ts.abs_max_loc()
# FIXME could test amplitude and time more precisely
self.assertTrue(max_amp > 0 and max_amp < 1e-10)
time_error = ts.sample_times.numpy()[max_loc] - inj.end_time
self.assertTrue(abs(time_error) < 1.5 * self.earth_time)
def __init__(self, frame_src,
""" Create a rolling buffer of frame data
frame_src: str of list of strings
Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a
list of frame files, a glob, etc.
channel_name: str
Name of the channel to read from the frame files
Time to start reading from.
max_buffer: {int, 2048}, Optional
Length of the buffer in seconds
self.frame_src = frame_src
self.channel_name = channel_name
self.read_pos = start_time
self.force_update_cache = force_update_cache
self.increment_update_cache = increment_update_cache
self.channel_type, self.raw_sample_rate = self._retrieve_metadata(, self.channel_name)
raw_size = self.raw_sample_rate * max_buffer
self.raw_buffer = TimeSeries(zeros(raw_size, dtype=numpy.float64),
epoch=start_time - max_buffer,
示例7: interpolate_complex_frequency
def interpolate_complex_frequency(series, delta_f, zeros_offset=0, side='right'):
"""Interpolate complex frequency series to desired delta_f.
Return a new complex frequency series that has been interpolated to the
desired delta_f.
series : FrequencySeries
Frequency series to be interpolated.
delta_f : float
The desired delta_f of the output
zeros_offset : optional, {0, int}
Number of sample to delay the start of the zero padding
side : optional, {'right', str}
The side of the vector to zero pad
interpolated series : FrequencySeries
A new FrequencySeries that has been interpolated.
new_n = int( (len(series)-1) * series.delta_f / delta_f + 1)
samples = numpy.arange(0, new_n) * delta_f
old_N = int( (len(series)-1) * 2 )
new_N = int( (new_n - 1) * 2 )
time_series = TimeSeries(zeros(old_N), delta_t =1.0/(series.delta_f*old_N),
ifft(series, time_series)
if side == 'left':
time_series.roll(zeros_offset + new_N - old_N)
elif side == 'right':
out_series = FrequencySeries(zeros(new_n), epoch=series.epoch,
delta_f=delta_f, dtype=series.dtype)
fft(time_series, out_series)
return out_series
class DataBuffer(object):
""" A linear buffer that acts as a FILO for reading in frame data
def __init__(self, frame_src,
""" Create a rolling buffer of frame data
frame_src: str of list of strings
Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a
list of frame files, a glob, etc.
channel_name: str
Name of the channel to read from the frame files
Time to start reading from.
max_buffer: {int, 2048}, Optional
Length of the buffer in seconds
self.frame_src = frame_src
self.channel_name = channel_name
self.read_pos = start_time
self.channel_type, self.sample_rate = self._retrieve_metadata(, self.channel_name)
raw_size = self.sample_rate * max_buffer
self.raw_buffer = TimeSeries(zeros(raw_size, dtype=numpy.float64),
epoch=start_time - max_buffer,
def update_cache(self):
""" Reset the lal cache. This can be used to update the cache if the
result may change due to more files being added to the filesystem,
for example.
cache = locations_to_cache(self.frame_src)
stream = lalframe.FrStreamCacheOpen(cache) = stream
def _retrieve_metadata(self, stream, channel_name):
""" Retrieve basic metadata by reading the first file in the cache
stream: lal stream object
Stream containing a channel we want to learn about
channel_name: str
The name of the channel we want to know the dtype and sample rate of
channel_type: lal type enum
Enum value which indicates the dtype of the channel
sample_rate: int
The sample rate of the data within this channel
data_length = lalframe.FrStreamGetVectorLength(channel_name, stream)
channel_type = lalframe.FrStreamGetTimeSeriesType(channel_name, stream)
create_series_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][2]
get_series_metadata_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][3]
series = create_series_func(channel_name, stream.epoch, 0, 0,
lal.ADCCountUnit, 0)
get_series_metadata_func(series, stream)
return channel_type, int(1.0/series.deltaT)
def _read_frame(self, blocksize):
""" Try to read the block of data blocksize seconds long
blocksize: int
The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel
data: TimeSeries
TimeSeries containg 'blocksize' seconds of frame data
If data cannot be read for any reason
read_func = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][0]
dtype = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][1]
data = read_func(, self.channel_name, self.read_pos, blocksize, 0)
return TimeSeries(, delta_t=data.deltaT,
raise RuntimeError('Cannot read requested frame data')
def null_advance(self, blocksize):
""" Advance and insert zeros
class DataBuffer(object):
"""A linear buffer that acts as a FILO for reading in frame data
def __init__(self, frame_src,
""" Create a rolling buffer of frame data
frame_src: str of list of strings
Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a
list of frame files, a glob, etc.
channel_name: str
Name of the channel to read from the frame files
Time to start reading from.
max_buffer: {int, 2048}, Optional
Length of the buffer in seconds
self.frame_src = frame_src
self.channel_name = channel_name
self.read_pos = start_time
self.force_update_cache = force_update_cache
self.increment_update_cache = increment_update_cache
self.channel_type, self.raw_sample_rate = self._retrieve_metadata(, self.channel_name)
raw_size = self.raw_sample_rate * max_buffer
self.raw_buffer = TimeSeries(zeros(raw_size, dtype=numpy.float64),
epoch=start_time - max_buffer,
def update_cache(self):
"""Reset the lal cache. This can be used to update the cache if the
result may change due to more files being added to the filesystem,
for example.
cache = locations_to_cache(self.frame_src)
stream = lalframe.FrStreamCacheOpen(cache) = stream
def _retrieve_metadata(self, stream, channel_name):
"""Retrieve basic metadata by reading the first file in the cache
stream: lal stream object
Stream containing a channel we want to learn about
channel_name: str
The name of the channel we want to know the dtype and sample rate of
channel_type: lal type enum
Enum value which indicates the dtype of the channel
sample_rate: int
The sample rate of the data within this channel
data_length = lalframe.FrStreamGetVectorLength(channel_name, stream)
channel_type = lalframe.FrStreamGetTimeSeriesType(channel_name, stream)
create_series_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][2]
get_series_metadata_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][3]
series = create_series_func(channel_name, stream.epoch, 0, 0,
lal.ADCCountUnit, 0)
get_series_metadata_func(series, stream)
return channel_type, int(1.0/series.deltaT)
def _read_frame(self, blocksize):
"""Try to read the block of data blocksize seconds long
blocksize: int
The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel
data: TimeSeries
TimeSeries containg 'blocksize' seconds of frame data
If data cannot be read for any reason
read_func = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][0]
dtype = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][1]
data = read_func(, self.channel_name,
self.read_pos, int(blocksize), 0)
return TimeSeries(, delta_t=data.deltaT,
示例10: get_td_from_freqtau
def get_td_from_freqtau(template=None, taper=None, **kwargs):
"""Return time domain ringdown with all the modes specified.
template: object
An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
taper: {None, float}, optional
Tapering at the beginning of the waveform with duration taper * tau.
This option is recommended with timescales taper=1./2 or 1. for
time-domain ringdown-only injections.
The abrupt turn on of the ringdown can cause issues on the waveform
when doing the fourier transform to the frequency domain. Setting
taper will add a rapid ringup with timescale tau/10.
Each mode and overtone will have a different taper depending on its tau,
the final taper being the superposition of all the tapers.
lmns : list
Desired lmn modes as strings (lm modes available: 22, 21, 33, 44, 55).
The n specifies the number of overtones desired for the corresponding
lm pair (maximum n=8).
Example: lmns = ['223','331'] are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330
f_lmn: float
Central frequency of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes.
tau_lmn: float
Damping time of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes.
amp220 : float
Amplitude of the fundamental 220 mode.
amplmn : float
Fraction of the amplitude of the lmn overtone relative to the
fundamental mode, as many as the number of subdominant modes.
philmn : float
Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. Should also
include the information from the azimuthal angle (phi + m*Phi).
inclination : {None, float}, optional
Inclination of the system in radians. If None, the spherical harmonics
will be set to 1.
delta_t : {None, float}, optional
The time step used to generate the ringdown.
If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the
amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes).
t_final : {None, float}, optional
The ending time of the output frequency series.
If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude
is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes).
hplustilde: FrequencySeries
The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and
n overtones in frequency domain.
hcrosstilde: FrequencySeries
The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and
n overtones in frequency domain.
input_params = props(template, freqtau_required_args, **kwargs)
# Get required args
f_0, tau = lm_freqs_taus(**input_params)
lmns = input_params['lmns']
for lmn in lmns:
if int(lmn[2]) == 0:
raise ValueError('Number of overtones (nmodes) must be greater '
'than zero.')
# following may not be in input_params
inc = input_params.pop('inclination', None)
delta_t = input_params.pop('delta_t', None)
t_final = input_params.pop('t_final', None)
if not delta_t:
delta_t = lm_deltat(f_0, tau, lmns)
if not t_final:
t_final = lm_tfinal(tau, lmns)
kmax = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1
# Different overtones will have different tapering window-size
# Find maximum window size to create long enough output vector
if taper:
taper_window = int(taper*max(tau.values())/delta_t)
kmax += taper_window
outplus = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t)
outcross = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t)
if taper:
start = - taper * max(tau.values())
outplus._epoch, outcross._epoch = start, start
for lmn in lmns:
l, m, nmodes = int(lmn[0]), int(lmn[1]), int(lmn[2])
hplus, hcross = get_td_lm(freqs=f_0, taus=tau, l=l, m=m, nmodes=nmodes,
taper=taper, inclination=inc, delta_t=delta_t,
t_final=t_final, **input_params)
if not taper: += +=
outplus = taper_shift(hplus, outplus)
outcross = taper_shift(hcross, outcross)
def get_td_lm(template=None, taper=None, **kwargs):
"""Return time domain lm mode with the given number of overtones.
template: object
An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
taper: {None, float}, optional
Tapering at the beginning of the waveform with duration taper * tau.
This option is recommended with timescales taper=1./2 or 1. for
time-domain ringdown-only injections.
The abrupt turn on of the ringdown can cause issues on the waveform
when doing the fourier transform to the frequency domain. Setting
taper will add a rapid ringup with timescale tau/10.
Each overtone will have a different taper depending on its tau, the
final taper being the superposition of all the tapers.
freqs : dict
{lmn:f_lmn} Dictionary of the central frequencies for each overtone,
as many as number of modes.
taus : dict
{lmn:tau_lmn} Dictionary of the damping times for each overtone,
as many as number of modes.
l : int
l mode (lm modes available: 22, 21, 33, 44, 55).
m : int
m mode (lm modes available: 22, 21, 33, 44, 55).
nmodes: int
Number of overtones desired (maximum n=8)
amp220 : float
Amplitude of the fundamental 220 mode, needed for any lm.
amplmn : float
Fraction of the amplitude of the lmn overtone relative to the
fundamental mode, as many as the number of subdominant modes.
philmn : float
Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. Should also
include the information from the azimuthal angle (phi + m*Phi).
inclination : {None, float}, optional
Inclination of the system in radians for the spherical harmonics.
delta_t : {None, float}, optional
The time step used to generate the ringdown.
If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the
amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes).
t_final : {None, float}, optional
The ending time of the output time series.
If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is
1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes).
hplus: TimeSeries
The plus phase of a lm mode with overtones (n) in time domain.
hcross: TimeSeries
The cross phase of a lm mode with overtones (n) in time domain.
input_params = props(template, lm_required_args, **kwargs)
# Get required args
amps, phis = lm_amps_phases(**input_params)
f_0 = input_params.pop('freqs')
tau = input_params.pop('taus')
inc = input_params.pop('inclination', None)
l, m = input_params.pop('l'), input_params.pop('m')
nmodes = input_params.pop('nmodes')
if int(nmodes) == 0:
raise ValueError('Number of overtones (nmodes) must be greater '
'than zero.')
# The following may not be in input_params
delta_t = input_params.pop('delta_t', None)
t_final = input_params.pop('t_final', None)
if not delta_t:
delta_t = lm_deltat(f_0, tau, ['%d%d%d' %(l,m,nmodes)])
if not t_final:
t_final = lm_tfinal(tau, ['%d%d%d' %(l, m, nmodes)])
kmax = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1
# Different overtones will have different tapering window-size
# Find maximum window size to create long enough output vector
if taper:
taper_window = int(taper*max(tau.values())/delta_t)
kmax += taper_window
outplus = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t)
outcross = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t)
if taper:
start = - taper * max(tau.values())
outplus._epoch, outcross._epoch = start, start
for n in range(nmodes):
hplus, hcross = get_td_qnm(template=None, taper=taper,
f_0=f_0['%d%d%d' %(l,m,n)],
tau=tau['%d%d%d' %(l,m,n)],
phi=phis['%d%d%d' %(l,m,n)],
amp=amps['%d%d%d' %(l,m,n)],
inclination=inc, l=l, m=m,
delta_t=delta_t, t_final=t_final)
if not taper: +=
def get_td_qnm(template=None, taper=None, **kwargs):
"""Return a time domain damped sinusoid.
template: object
An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
taper: {None, float}, optional
Tapering at the beginning of the waveform with duration taper * tau.
This option is recommended with timescales taper=1./2 or 1. for
time-domain ringdown-only injections.
The abrupt turn on of the ringdown can cause issues on the waveform
when doing the fourier transform to the frequency domain. Setting
taper will add a rapid ringup with timescale tau/10.
f_0 : float
The ringdown-frequency.
tau : float
The damping time of the sinusoid.
amp : float
The amplitude of the ringdown (constant for now).
phi : float
The initial phase of the ringdown. Should also include the information
from the azimuthal angle (phi_0 + m*Phi)
inclination : {None, float}, optional
Inclination of the system in radians for the spherical harmonics.
l : {2, int}, optional
l mode for the spherical harmonics. Default is l=2.
m : {2, int}, optional
m mode for the spherical harmonics. Default is m=2.
delta_t : {None, float}, optional
The time step used to generate the ringdown.
If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the
amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude.
t_final : {None, float}, optional
The ending time of the output time series.
If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is
1/1000 of the peak amplitude.
hplus: TimeSeries
The plus phase of the ringdown in time domain.
hcross: TimeSeries
The cross phase of the ringdown in time domain.
input_params = props(template, qnm_required_args, **kwargs)
f_0 = input_params.pop('f_0')
tau = input_params.pop('tau')
amp = input_params.pop('amp')
phi = input_params.pop('phi')
# the following may not be in input_params
inc = input_params.pop('inclination', None)
l = input_params.pop('l', 2)
m = input_params.pop('m', 2)
delta_t = input_params.pop('delta_t', None)
t_final = input_params.pop('t_final', None)
if not delta_t:
delta_t = 1. / qnm_freq_decay(f_0, tau, 1./1000)
if delta_t < min_dt:
delta_t = min_dt
if not t_final:
t_final = qnm_time_decay(tau, 1./1000)
kmax = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1
times = numpy.arange(kmax) * delta_t
if inc is not None:
Y_plus, Y_cross = spher_harms(l, m, inc)
Y_plus, Y_cross = 1, 1
hplus = amp * Y_plus * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * \
numpy.cos(two_pi*f_0*times + phi)
hcross = amp * Y_cross * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * \
numpy.sin(two_pi*f_0*times + phi)
if taper and delta_t < taper*tau:
taper_window = int(taper*tau/delta_t)
kmax += taper_window
outplus = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax), delta_t=delta_t)
outcross = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax), delta_t=delta_t)
# If size of tapering window is less than delta_t, do not apply taper.
if not taper or delta_t > taper*tau:[:kmax] = hplus[:kmax] = hcross
return outplus, outcross
taper_hp, taper_hc = apply_taper(delta_t, taper, f_0, tau, amp, phi,
l, m, inc)
start = - taper * tau[:taper_window] = taper_hp[taper_window:] = hplus[:taper_window] = taper_hc
def apply(self, strain, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1):
"""Add injections (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series.
strain : TimeSeries
Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64.
detector_name : string
Name of the detector used for projecting injections.
f_lower : {None, float}, optional
Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value
provided by each injection.
distance_scale: {1, foat}, optional
Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is
no scaling.
For invalid types of `strain`.
if not strain.dtype in (float32, float64):
raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \
+ str(strain.dtype))
lalstrain = strain.lal()
detector = Detector(detector_name)
earth_travel_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI
t0 = float(strain.start_time) - earth_travel_time
t1 = float(strain.end_time) + earth_travel_time
# pick lalsimulation tapering function
taper = taper_func_map[strain.dtype]
# pick lalsimulation injection function
add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype]
for inj in self.table:
# roughly estimate if the injection may overlap with the segment
end_time = inj.get_time_geocent()
#CHECK: This is a hack (10.0s); replace with an accurate estimate
inj_length = 10.0
eccentricity = 0.0
polarization = 0.0
start_time = end_time - 2 * inj_length
if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1:
# compute the waveform time series
hp, hc = sim.SimBurstSineGaussian(float(inj.q),
hp = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=hp.deltaT, epoch=hp.epoch)
hc = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=hc.deltaT, epoch=hc.epoch)
hp._epoch += float(end_time)
hc._epoch += float(end_time)
if float(hp.start_time) > t1:
# compute the detector response, taper it if requested
# and add it to the strain
#signal = detector.project_wave(
# hp, hc, inj.longitude, inj.latitude, inj.polarization)
signal_lal = hp.astype(strain.dtype).lal()
if taper_map['TAPER_NONE'] is not None:
taper(, taper_map['TAPER_NONE'])
add_injection(lalstrain, signal_lal, None)[:] =[:]
def get_td_qnm(template=None, delta_t=None, t_lower=None, t_final=None, **kwargs):
"""Return a time domain damped sinusoid.
template: object
An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
f_0 : float
The ringdown-frequency.
tau : float
The damping time of the sinusoid.
t_0 : {0, float}, optional
The starting time of the ringdown.
phi_0 : {0, float}, optional
The initial phase of the ringdown.
Amp : {1, float}, optional
The amplitude of the ringdown (constant for now).
delta_t : {None, float}, optional
The time step used to generate the ringdown.
If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the
amplitude is 1/100 of the peak amplitude.
t_lower: {None, float}, optional
The starting time of the output time series.
If None, it will be set to delta_t.
t_final : {None, float}, optional
The ending time of the output time series.
If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is
1/1000 of the peak amplitude.
hplus: TimeSeries
The plus phase of the ringdown in time domain.
hcross: TimeSeries
The cross phase of the ringdown in time domain.
input_params = props_ringdown(template,**kwargs)
f_0 = input_params['f_0']
tau = input_params['tau']
t_0 = input_params['t_0']
phi_0 = input_params['phi_0']
Amp = input_params['Amp']
if delta_t is None:
delta_t = 1. / qnm_freq_decay(f_0, tau, 1./100)
if t_lower is None:
t_lower = delta_t
kmin = 0
kmin=int(t_lower / delta_t)
if t_final is None:
t_final = qnm_time_decay(tau, 1./1000)
kmax = int(t_final / delta_t)
n = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1
two_pi = 2 * numpy.pi
times = numpy.arange(t_lower, t_final, delta_t)
hp = Amp * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * numpy.cos(two_pi*f_0*times + phi_0)
hc = Amp * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * numpy.sin(two_pi*f_0*times + phi_0)
hplus = TimeSeries(zeros(n), delta_t=delta_t)
hcross = TimeSeries(zeros(n), delta_t=delta_t)[kmin:kmax] = hp[kmin:kmax] = hc
return hplus, hcross
def apply(self, strain, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1,
"""Add injections (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series.
strain : TimeSeries
Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64.
detector_name : string
Name of the detector used for projecting injections.
f_lower : {None, float}, optional
Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value
provided by each injection.
distance_scale: {1, float}, optional
Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is
no scaling.
simulation_ids: iterable, optional
If given, only inject signals with the given simulation IDs.
For invalid types of `strain`.
if not strain.dtype in (float32, float64):
raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \
+ str(strain.dtype))
lalstrain = strain.lal()
detector = Detector(detector_name)
earth_travel_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI
t0 = float(strain.start_time) - earth_travel_time
t1 = float(strain.end_time) + earth_travel_time
# pick lalsimulation injection function
add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype]
injections = self.table
if simulation_ids:
injections = [inj for inj in injections \
if inj.simulation_id in simulation_ids]
for inj in injections:
if f_lower is None:
f_l = inj.f_lower
f_l = f_lower
if inj.numrel_data != None and inj.numrel_data != "":
# performing NR waveform injection
# reading Hp and Hc from the frame files
swigrow = self.getswigrow(inj)
import lalinspiral
Hp, Hc = lalinspiral.NRInjectionFromSimInspiral(swigrow,
# converting to pycbc timeseries
hp = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=Hp.deltaT,
hc = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=Hc.deltaT,
hp /= distance_scale
hc /= distance_scale
end_time = float(hp.get_end_time())
start_time = float(hp.get_start_time())
if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1:
# roughly estimate if the injection may overlap with the segment
end_time = inj.get_time_geocent()
inj_length = sim.SimInspiralTaylorLength(
strain.delta_t, inj.mass1 * lal.MSUN_SI,
inj.mass2 * lal.MSUN_SI, f_l, 0)
start_time = end_time - 2 * inj_length
if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1:
name, phase_order = legacy_approximant_name(inj.waveform)
# compute the waveform time series
hp, hc = get_td_waveform(
inj, approximant=name, delta_t=strain.delta_t,
f_lower=f_l, distance=inj.distance * distance_scale,
hp._epoch += float(end_time)
hc._epoch += float(end_time)
if float(hp.start_time) > t1:
# compute the detector response, taper it if requested
# and add it to the strain
signal = detector.project_wave(
hp, hc, inj.longitude, inj.latitude, inj.polarization)
# the taper_timeseries function converts to a LAL TimeSeries
示例16: get_td_qnm
def get_td_qnm(template=None, **kwargs):
"""Return a time domain damped sinusoid.
template: object
An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
f_0 : float
The ringdown-frequency.
tau : float
The damping time of the sinusoid.
phi_0 : {0, float}, optional
The initial phase of the ringdown.
amp : {1, float}, optional
The amplitude of the ringdown (constant for now).
delta_t : {None, float}, optional
The time step used to generate the ringdown.
If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the
amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude.
t_final : {None, float}, optional
The ending time of the output time series.
If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is
1/1000 of the peak amplitude.
hplus: TimeSeries
The plus phase of the ringdown in time domain.
hcross: TimeSeries
The cross phase of the ringdown in time domain.
input_params = props_ringdown(template,**kwargs)
# get required args
f_0 = input_params['f_0']
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('f_0 is required')
tau = input_params['tau']
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('tau is required')
# get optional args
# the following have defaults, and so will be populated
phi_0 = input_params.pop('phi_0')
amp = input_params.pop('amp')
# the following may not be in input_params
delta_t = input_params.pop('delta_t', None)
t_final = input_params.pop('t_final', None)
if delta_t is None:
delta_t = 1. / qnm_freq_decay(f_0, tau, 1./1000)
if t_final is None:
t_final = qnm_time_decay(tau, 1./1000)
kmax = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1
two_pi = 2 * numpy.pi
times = numpy.arange(kmax)*delta_t
hp = amp * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * numpy.cos(two_pi*f_0*times + phi_0)
hc = amp * numpy.exp(-times/tau) * numpy.sin(two_pi*f_0*times + phi_0)
hplus = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax), delta_t=delta_t)
hcross = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax), delta_t=delta_t)[:kmax] = hp[:kmax] = hc
return hplus, hcross