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Python api.get_unit_model_by_id函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中pulp.plugins.loader.api.get_unit_model_by_id函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_unit_model_by_id函数的具体用法?Python get_unit_model_by_id怎么用?Python get_unit_model_by_id使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _resolve_new_units

    def _resolve_new_units(self, existing, wanted):
        Decide what units are needed to be downloaded.

        Filter out units which are already in a repository,
        associate units which are already downloaded,

        :param existing: units which are already in a repository
        :type existing: list of unit keys as namedtuples
        :param wanted: units which should be imported into a repository
        :type wanted: list of unit keys as namedtuples

        :return: list of unit keys to download; empty list if all units are already downloaded
        :rtype:  list of unit keys as namedtuples
        model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE)
        unit_generator = (model(**unit_tuple._asdict()) for unit_tuple in wanted)
        still_wanted = set(wanted)
        for unit in units_controller.find_units(unit_generator):
            file_exists = unit._storage_path is not None and os.path.isfile(unit._storage_path)
            if file_exists:
                if unit.unit_key_as_named_tuple not in existing:
                    repo_controller.associate_single_unit(self.repo.repo_obj, unit)

        return list(still_wanted)

示例2: get_unit_key_fields_for_type

def get_unit_key_fields_for_type(type_id):
    Based on a unit type ID, determine the fields that compose that type's unit key.

    This supports both the new mongoengine models and the old "types_def" collection, so the caller
    need not worry about whether a type has been converted to use mongoengine or not.

    :param type_id: unique ID for a unit type
    :type  type_id: str

    :return:    tuple containing the name of each field in the unit key
    :rtype:     tuple

    :raises ValueError: if the type ID is not found
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    if model_class is not None:
        return model_class.unit_key_fields

    type_def = types_db.type_definition(type_id)
    if type_def is not None:
        # this is an "old style" model
        return tuple(type_def['unit_key'])

    raise ValueError

示例3: delete_orphan_content_units_by_type

    def delete_orphan_content_units_by_type(type_id):
        Delete the orphaned content units for the given content type.
        This method only applies to new style content units that are loaded via entry points

        NOTE: this method deletes the content unit's bits from disk, if applicable.

        :param type_id: id of the content type
        :type type_id: basestring
        # get the model matching the type
        content_model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
        content_units = content_model.objects().only('id', 'storage_path')

        # Paginate the content units
        for units_group in plugin_misc.paginate(content_units):
            # Build the list of ids to search for an easier way to access units in the group by id
            unit_dict = dict()
            for unit in units_group:
                unit_dict[unit.id] = unit

            id_list = list(unit_dict.iterkeys())

            # Clear the units that are currently associated from unit_dict
            non_orphan = model.RepositoryContentUnit.objects(unit_id__in=id_list)\
            for non_orphan_id in non_orphan:

            # Remove the unit and any references on disk
            for unit_to_delete in unit_dict.itervalues():
                if unit_to_delete.storage_path:

示例4: get_model_serializer_for_type

def get_model_serializer_for_type(type_id):
    Get a ModelSerializer instance associated with a given unit type id

    Serializers are only needed with mongoengine models.

    This will return None for pymongo models or mongoengine models that do not have a serializer.

    :param type_id: unique ID for a unit type
    :type  type_id: str

    :return:    model serializer instance, if available
    :rtype:     pulp.server.webservices.views.serializers.ModelSerializer or None

    :raises ValueError: if the type ID is not found
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    # mongoengine models have a SERIALIZER attr, which is exposed via the serializer
    # property as an instance with the associated model
    if model_class is not None and hasattr(model_class, 'SERIALIZER'):
        serializer = model_class.SERIALIZER
        # model serializer methods currently take the model class as an arg
        # so stash the model class on the serializer for now, and this all
        # gets made better with https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1555
        serializer.model = model_class
        # instantiate the serializer before returning
        return serializer()

示例5: _handle_group_category_comps

def _handle_group_category_comps(repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
    Handles the creation of a package group or category.

    If a file was uploaded, treat this as upload of a comps.xml file. If no file was uploaded,
    the process only creates the unit.

    :param repo: The repository to import the package into
    :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository

    :param type_id: The type_id of the package being uploaded
    :type  type_id: str

    :param unit_key: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values
    :type  unit_key: dict

    :param metadata: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values, or None
    :type  metadata: dict or None

    :param file_path: The path to the uploaded package
    :type  file_path: str

    :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
    :type  conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.upload.UploadConduit

    :param config: plugin configuration for the repository
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, unit_key or {})
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, metadata or {})

    if file_path is not None and os.path.getsize(file_path) > 0:
        # uploading a comps.xml
        repo_id = repo.repo_id
        _get_and_save_file_units(file_path, group.process_group_element,
                                 group.GROUP_TAG, conduit, repo_id)
        _get_and_save_file_units(file_path, group.process_category_element,
                                 group.CATEGORY_TAG, conduit, repo_id)
        _get_and_save_file_units(file_path, group.process_environment_element,
                                 group.ENVIRONMENT_TAG, conduit, repo_id)
        # uploading a package group or package category
        unit_data = {}
        unit_data.update(metadata or {})
        unit_data.update(unit_key or {})
            unit = model_class(**unit_data)
        except TypeError:
            raise ModelInstantiationError()


        if file_path:

        repo_controller.associate_single_unit(repo, unit)

示例6: _handle_erratum

def _handle_erratum(repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
    Handles the upload for an erratum. There is no file uploaded so the only
    steps are to save the metadata and optionally link the erratum to RPMs
    in the repository.

    NOTE: For now errata is handled differently than other units. Uploaded erratum should not
    overwrite the existing one if the latter exists, they should be merged. This is only because
    of the way erratum is stored in the MongoDB and it is in `our plans`_ to re-think how to do
    it correctly.

    .. _our plans: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1803

    :param repo: The repository to import the package into
    :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository

    :param type_id: The type_id of the package being uploaded
    :type  type_id: str

    :param unit_key: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values
    :type  unit_key: dict

    :param metadata: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values, or None
    :type  metadata: dict or None

    :param file_path: The path to the uploaded package
    :type  file_path: str

    :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
    :type  conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.upload.UploadConduit

    :param config: plugin configuration for the repository
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, unit_key or {})
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, metadata or {})

    unit_data = {}
    unit_data.update(metadata or {})
    unit_data.update(unit_key or {})

    existing_unit = model_class.objects.filter(**unit_key).first()
    new_unit = model_class(**unit_data)

    # Add repo_id to each collection of the pkglist of the new erratum
    for collection in new_unit.pkglist:
        collection['_pulp_repo_id'] = repo.repo_id

    unit = new_unit
    if existing_unit:
        unit = existing_unit

    if not config.get_boolean(CONFIG_SKIP_ERRATUM_LINK):
        repo_controller.associate_single_unit(repo, unit)

示例7: delete_orphan_content_units_by_type

    def delete_orphan_content_units_by_type(type_id, content_unit_ids=None):
        Delete the orphaned content units for the given content type.
        This method only applies to new style content units that are loaded via entry points

        NOTE: this method deletes the content unit's bits from disk, if applicable.

        :param type_id: id of the content type
        :type type_id: basestring
        :param content_unit_ids: list of content unit ids to delete; None means delete them all
        :type content_unit_ids: iterable or None
        :return: count of units deleted
        :rtype: int
        # get the model matching the type
        content_model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
        if content_unit_ids:
            query_sets = []
            for page in plugin_misc.paginate(content_unit_ids):
                qs = content_model.objects(id__in=page).only('id', '_storage_path')
            content_units = itertools.chain(*query_sets)
            content_units = content_model.objects.only('id', '_storage_path')

        count = 0

        # Paginate the content units
        for units_group in plugin_misc.paginate(content_units):
            # Build the list of ids to search for an easier way to access units in the group by id
            unit_dict = dict()
            for unit in units_group:
                unit_dict[unit.id] = unit

            id_list = list(unit_dict.iterkeys())

            # Clear the units that are currently associated from unit_dict
            non_orphan = model.RepositoryContentUnit.objects(unit_id__in=id_list)\
            for non_orphan_id in non_orphan:

            # Remove the unit, lazy catalog entries, and any content in storage.
            for unit_to_delete in unit_dict.itervalues():
                if unit_to_delete._storage_path:
                count += 1

        return count

示例8: _download

    def _download(self, catalog_entry, request, responder):
        Build a nectar downloader and download the content from the catalog entry.
        The download is performed by the alternate content container, so it is possible
        to use the streamer in conjunction with alternate content sources.

        :param catalog_entry:   The catalog entry to download.
        :type  catalog_entry:   pulp.server.db.model.LazyCatalogEntry
        :param request:         The client content request.
        :type  request:         twisted.web.server.Request
        :param responder:       The file-like object that nectar should write to.
        :type  responder:       Responder
        # Configure the primary downloader for alternate content sources
        plugin_importer, config, db_importer = repo_controller.get_importer_by_id(
        # There is an unfortunate mess of configuration classes and attributes, and
        # multiple "models" floating around. The MongoEngine class that corresponds
        # to the database entry only contains the repository config. The ``config``
        # variable above contains the repository configuration _and_ the plugin-wide
        # configuration, so here we override the db_importer.config because it doesn't
        # have the whole config. In the future the importer object should seemlessly
        # load and apply the plugin-wide configuration.
        db_importer.config = config.flatten()
        primary_downloader = plugin_importer.get_downloader_for_db_importer(
            db_importer, catalog_entry.url, working_dir='/tmp')
        pulp_request = request.getHeader(PULP_STREAM_REQUEST_HEADER)
        listener = StreamerListener(request, self.config, catalog_entry, pulp_request)
        primary_downloader.session = self.session
        primary_downloader.event_listener = listener

        # Build the alternate content source download request
        unit_model = plugins_api.get_unit_model_by_id(catalog_entry.unit_type_id)
        qs = unit_model.objects.filter(id=catalog_entry.unit_id).only(*unit_model.unit_key_fields)
            unit = qs.get()
            download_request = content_models.Request(

            alt_content_container = content_container.ContentContainer(threaded=False)
            alt_content_container.download(primary_downloader, [download_request], listener)
        except DoesNotExist:
            # A catalog entry is referencing a unit that doesn't exist which is bad.
            msg = _('The catalog entry for {path} references {unit_type}:{id}, but '
                    'that unit is not in the database.')
            logger.error(msg.format(path=catalog_entry.path, unit_type=catalog_entry.unit_type_id,

示例9: check_all_and_associate

def check_all_and_associate(wanted, conduit, config, download_deferred, catalog):
    Given a set of unit keys as namedtuples, this function checks if a unit
    already exists in Pulp and returns the set of tuples that were not
    found. This checks for the unit in the db as well as for the actual file
    on the filesystem. If a unit exists in the db and the filesystem, this function
    also associates the unit to the given repo. Note that the check for the actual file
    is performed only for the supported unit types.

    :param wanted:            iterable of units as namedtuples
    :type  wanted:            iterable
    :param conduit:           repo sync conduit
    :type  conduit:           pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSync
    :param config:            configuration instance passed to the importer
    :type  config:            pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    :param download_deferred: indicates downloading is deferred (or not).
    :type  download_deferred: bool
    :param catalog:           Deferred downloading catalog.
    :type  catalog:           pulp_rpm.plugins.importers.yum.sync.PackageCatalog

    :return:    set of unit keys as namedtuples, identifying which of the
                named tuples received as input were not found on the server.
    :rtype:     set
    sorted_units = _sort_by_type(wanted)
    for unit_type, values in sorted_units.iteritems():
        model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(unit_type)
        # FIXME "fields" does not get used, but it should
        # fields = model.unit_key_fields + ('_storage_path',)
        unit_generator = (model(**unit_tuple._asdict()) for unit_tuple in values.copy())
        for unit in units_controller.find_units(unit_generator):
            # Existing RPMs, DRPMs and SRPMs are disqualified when the associated
            # package file does not exist and downloading is not deferred.
            if not download_deferred and unit_type in (
                    ids.TYPE_ID_RPM, ids.TYPE_ID_SRPM, ids.TYPE_ID_DRPM):
                if unit._storage_path is None or not os.path.isfile(unit._storage_path):
            if rpm_parse.signature_enabled(config):
                    rpm_parse.filter_signature(unit, config)
                except PulpCodedException as e:
            repo_controller.associate_single_unit(conduit.repo, unit)
    still_wanted = set()
    return still_wanted

示例10: get_repo_unit_models

def get_repo_unit_models(repo_id):
    Retrieve all the MongoEngine models for units in a given repository. If a unit
    type is in the repository and does not have a MongoEngine model, that unit type
    is excluded from the returned list.

    :param repo_id: ID of the repo whose unit models should be retrieved.
    :type  repo_id: str

    :return: A list of sub-classes of ContentUnit that define a unit model.
    :rtype:  list of pulp.server.db.model.ContentUnit
    unit_types = model.RepositoryContentUnit.objects(
    unit_models = [plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id) for type_id in unit_types]
    # Filter any non-MongoEngine content types.
    return filter(None, unit_models)

示例11: _download

    def _download(self, catalog_entry, request, responder):
        Build a nectar downloader and download the content from the catalog entry.
        The download is performed by the alternate content container, so it is possible
        to use the streamer in conjunction with alternate content sources.

        :param catalog_entry:   The catalog entry to download.
        :type  catalog_entry:   pulp.server.db.model.LazyCatalogEntry
        :param request:         The client content request.
        :type  request:         twisted.web.server.Request
        :param responder:       The file-like object that nectar should write to.
        :type  responder:       Responder
        # Configure the primary downloader for alternate content sources
        plugin_importer, config, db_importer = repo_controller.get_importer_by_id(
        primary_downloader = plugin_importer.get_downloader_for_db_importer(
            db_importer, catalog_entry.url, working_dir='/tmp')
        pulp_request = request.getHeader(PULP_STREAM_REQUEST_HEADER)
        listener = StreamerListener(request, self.config, catalog_entry, pulp_request)
        primary_downloader.session = self.session
        primary_downloader.event_listener = listener

        # Build the alternate content source download request
        unit_model = plugins_api.get_unit_model_by_id(catalog_entry.unit_type_id)
        qs = unit_model.objects.filter(id=catalog_entry.unit_id).only(*unit_model.unit_key_fields)
            unit = qs.get()
            download_request = content_models.Request(

            alt_content_container = content_container.ContentContainer(threaded=False)
            alt_content_container.download(primary_downloader, [download_request], listener)
        except DoesNotExist:
            # A catalog entry is referencing a unit that doesn't exist which is bad.
            msg = _('The catalog entry for {path} references {unit_type}:{id}, but '
                    'that unit is not in the database.')
            logger.error(msg.format(path=catalog_entry.path, unit_type=catalog_entry.unit_type_id,

示例12: check_repo

def check_repo(wanted):
    Given an iterable of units as namedtuples, this function will search for them
    using the given search method and return the set of tuples that were not
    found. This checks for the unit in the db as well as for the actual file
    on the filesystem. Note that the check for the actual file is performed only
    for the supported unit types.

    This is useful in a case where you know what units you want to have in a repo,
    but need to know which you need to actually download by eliminating the ones
    you already have.

    :param wanted:          iterable of units as namedtuples
    :type  wanted:          iterable
    :param sync_conduit:
    :type  sync_conduit:    pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit

    :return:    set of unit keys as namedtuples, identifying which of the
                named tuples received as input were not found by the
                search method.
    :rtype:     set
    # sort by type
    sorted_units = _sort_by_type(wanted)
    # UAQ for each type
    for unit_type, values in sorted_units.iteritems():
        model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(unit_type)

        fields = model.unit_key_fields + ('_storage_path',)
        rpm_srpm_drpm = unit_type in (ids.TYPE_ID_RPM,

        # FIXME this function being called doesn't have a fields parameter
        unit_generator = (model(**unit_tuple._asdict()) for unit_tuple in values.copy())
        for unit in units_controller.find_units(unit_generator, fields=fields):
            if rpm_srpm_drpm:
                # For RPMs, SRPMs and DRPMs, also check if the file exists on the filesystem.
                # If not, we do not want to skip downloading the unit.
                if unit._storage_path is None or not os.path.isfile(unit._storage_path):

    ret = set()
    return ret

示例13: download_succeeded

    def download_succeeded(self, report):
        Marks the individual file for the unit as downloaded and moves it into
        its final storage location if its checksum value matches the value in
        the catalog entry (if present).

        Inherited from DownloadEventListener.

        :param report: the report associated with the download request.
        :type  report: nectar.report.DownloadReport
        # Reload the content unit
        unit_model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(report.data[TYPE_ID])
        unit_qs = unit_model.objects.filter(id=report.data[UNIT_ID])
        content_unit = unit_qs.only('_content_type_id', 'id', '_last_updated').get()
        path_entry = report.data[UNIT_FILES][report.destination]

        # Validate the file and update the progress.
        catalog_entry = path_entry[CATALOG_ENTRY]

            relative_path = os.path.relpath(
            if len(report.data[UNIT_FILES]) == 1:
                # If the unit is single-file, update the storage path to point to the file
                content_unit.import_content(report.destination, location=relative_path)
            self.progress_successes += 1
            path_entry[PATH_DOWNLOADED] = True
        except (InvalidChecksumType, VerificationException, IOError), e:
            _logger.debug(_('Download of {path} failed: {reason}.').format(
                path=catalog_entry.path, reason=str(e)))
            path_entry[PATH_DOWNLOADED] = False
            self.progress_failures += 1

示例14: _handle_erratum

def _handle_erratum(repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
    Handles the upload for an erratum. There is no file uploaded so the only
    steps are to save the metadata and optionally link the erratum to RPMs
    in the repository.

    :param repo: The repository to import the package into
    :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository

    :param type_id: The type_id of the package being uploaded
    :type  type_id: str

    :param unit_key: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values
    :type  unit_key: dict

    :param metadata: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values, or None
    :type  metadata: dict or None

    :param file_path: The path to the uploaded package
    :type  file_path: str

    :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
    :type  conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.upload.UploadConduit

    :param config: plugin configuration for the repository
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, unit_key or {})
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, metadata or {})

    unit_data = {}
    unit_data.update(metadata or {})
    unit_data.update(unit_key or {})

    unit = model_class(**unit_data)


    if not config.get_boolean(CONFIG_SKIP_ERRATUM_LINK):
        for model_type in [models.RPM, models.SRPM]:
            pass  # TODO Find out if the unit exists, if it does, associated, if not, create

示例15: check_all_and_associate

def check_all_and_associate(wanted, sync_conduit):
    Given a set of unit keys as namedtuples, this function checks if a unit
    already exists in Pulp and returns the set of tuples that were not
    found. This checks for the unit in the db as well as for the actual file
    on the filesystem. If a unit exists in the db and the filesystem, this function
    also associates the unit to the given repo. Note that the check for the actual file
    is performed only for the supported unit types.

    :param wanted:          iterable of units as namedtuples
    :type  wanted:          iterable
    :param sync_conduit:    repo sync conduit
    :type  sync_conduit:    pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSync

    :return:    set of unit keys as namedtuples, identifying which of the
                named tuples received as input were not found on the server.
    :rtype:     set
    sorted_units = _sort_by_type(wanted)
    for unit_type, values in sorted_units.iteritems():
        model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(unit_type)
        # FIXME "fields" does not get used, but it should
        # fields = model.unit_key_fields + ('_storage_path',)
        rpm_srpm_drpm = unit_type in (ids.TYPE_ID_RPM,

        unit_generator = (model(**unit_tuple._asdict()) for unit_tuple in values)
        for unit in units_controller.find_units(unit_generator):
            if rpm_srpm_drpm:
                # For RPMs, SRPMs and DRPMs, also check if the file exists on the filesystem.
                # If not, we do not want to skip downloading the unit.
                if unit._storage_path is None or not os.path.isfile(unit._storage_path):
            # Add the existing unit to the repository
            repo_controller.associate_single_unit(sync_conduit.repo, unit)

    ret = set()
    return ret

示例16: _handle_yum_metadata_file

def _handle_yum_metadata_file(repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
    Handles the upload for a Yum repository metadata file.

    :param repo: The repository to import the package into
    :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository

    :param type_id: The type_id of the package being uploaded
    :type  type_id: str

    :param unit_key: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values
    :type  unit_key: dict

    :param metadata: A dictionary of fields to overwrite introspected field values, or None
    :type  metadata: dict or None

    :param file_path: The path to the uploaded package
    :type  file_path: str

    :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
    :type  conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.upload.UploadConduit

    :param config: plugin configuration for the repository
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, unit_key or {})
    update_fields_inbound(model_class, metadata or {})

    unit_data = {}
    unit_data.update(metadata or {})
    unit_data.update(unit_key or {})

    model = models.YumMetadataFile(**unit_data)
    except NotUniqueError:
        model = model.__class__.objects.get(**model.unit_key)

    repo_controller.associate_single_unit(conduit.repo, model)

示例17: _get_deferred_content_units

def _get_deferred_content_units():
    Retrieve a list of units that have been added to the DeferredDownload collection.

    :return: A generator of content units that correspond to DeferredDownload entries.
    :rtype:  generator of pulp.server.db.model.FileContentUnit
    for deferred_download in DeferredDownload.objects.filter():
            unit_model = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(deferred_download.unit_type_id)
            if unit_model is None:
                _logger.error(_('Unable to find the model object for the {type} type.').format(
                unit = unit_model.objects.filter(id=deferred_download.unit_id).get()
                yield unit
        except DoesNotExist:
            # This is normal if the content unit in question has been purged during an
            # orphan cleanup.
            _logger.debug(_('Unable to find the {type}:{id} content unit.').format(
                type=deferred_download.unit_type_id, id=deferred_download.unit_id))

示例18: remap_fields_with_serializer

def remap_fields_with_serializer(content_unit):
    """Remap fields in place in a pymongo object using a mongoengine serializer

    :param content_unit: Content unit to modify
    :type content_unit: dict
    :param remove_remapped: If True, remove remapped keys from content unit when remapping.
                            Remapped keys are left in place and copied by default
    :type remove_remapped: bool

    This is a small workaround to help in cases where REST views are returning the older objects
    coming out of pymongo, but still need to have their fields remapped according to the rules of
    the pymongo serializer. As a workaround, this is a "best effort" function, so serialization
    failures will be written to the debug log and not raise exeptions.

    Usage of pymongo objects is deprecated. Since this function is only concerned with serializing
    pymongo objects, its usage is also deprecated. Furthermore, this function is only intended to
    be used in the final serialization of objects before presentation in the REST API.

        content_type_id = content_unit['_content_type_id']
    except KeyError:
        # content unit didn't have a content type id, usually means we're testing...
        _logger.debug('No _content_type_id found in content unit when remapping fields: '

    cu_document = api.get_unit_model_by_id(content_type_id)

    if hasattr(cu_document, 'SERIALIZER'):
        for original_field, remapped_field in cu_document.SERIALIZER()._remapped_fields.items():
                content_unit[remapped_field] = content_unit.pop(original_field)
            except KeyError:
                # If the original field doesn't exist, log and move on
                _logger.debug('original field not found when attempting to remap: {0}'

示例19: _download

    def _download(self, catalog_entry, request, responder):
        Build a nectar downloader and download the content from the catalog entry.
        The download is performed by the alternate content container, so it is possible
        to use the streamer in conjunction with alternate content sources.

        :param catalog_entry:   The catalog entry to download.
        :type  catalog_entry:   pulp.server.db.model.LazyCatalogEntry
        :param request:         The client content request.
        :type  request:         twisted.web.server.Request
        :param responder:       The file-like object that nectar should write to.
        :type  responder:       Responder
        # Configure the primary downloader for alternate content sources
        importer, config = repo_controller.get_importer_by_id(catalog_entry.importer_id)
        primary_downloader = importer.get_downloader(config, catalog_entry.url,
        pulp_request = request.getHeader(PULP_STREAM_REQUEST_HEADER)
        listener = StreamerListener(request, self.config, catalog_entry, pulp_request)
        primary_downloader.session = self.session
        primary_downloader.event_listener = listener

        # Build the alternate content source download request
        unit_model = plugins_api.get_unit_model_by_id(catalog_entry.unit_type_id)
        qs = unit_model.objects.filter(id=catalog_entry.unit_id).only(*unit_model.unit_key_fields)
        unit = qs.get()
        download_request = content_models.Request(

        alt_content_container = content_container.ContentContainer(threaded=False)
        alt_content_container.download(primary_downloader, [download_request], listener)

示例20: upload_unit

    def upload_unit(self, transfer_repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata,
                    file_path, conduit, config):
        if type_id not in SUPPORTED_TYPES:
            return self.fail_report(
                "Unsupported unit type {0}".format(type_id))
        model_class = plugin_api.get_unit_model_by_id(type_id)
        repo = transfer_repo.repo_obj
        conduit.repo = repo
        metadata = metadata or {}

        unit_data = {}
        unit_data.update(metadata or {})
        unit_data.update(unit_key or {})

            unit = model_class.from_file(file_path, unit_data)
        except models.Error as e:
            return self.fail_report(str(e))

        unit = unit.save_and_associate(file_path, repo)
        return dict(success_flag=True, summary="",








Python model.Unit类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-25
Python api.get_importer_by_id函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-25





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