Public Overrides Function GetAllUsers(pageIndex As Integer, _
pageSize As Integer, _
ByRef totalRecords As Integer) _
As MembershipUserCollection
Dim conn As OdbcConnection = New OdbcConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("SELECT Count(*) FROM Users " & _
"WHERE ApplicationName = ?", conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ApplicationName", OdbcType.VarChar, 255).Value = ApplicationName
Dim users As MembershipUserCollection = New MembershipUserCollection()
Dim reader As OdbcDataReader = Nothing
totalRecords = 0
totalRecords = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer)
If totalRecords <= 0 Then Return users
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Username, Email, PasswordQuestion," & _
" Comment, IsApproved, CreationDate, LastLoginDate," & _
" LastActivityDate, LastPasswordChangedDate " & _
" FROM Users " & _
" WHERE ApplicationName = ? " & _
" ORDER BY Username Asc"
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim startIndex As Integer = pageSize * pageIndex
Dim endIndex As Integer = startIndex + pageSize - 1
Do While reader.Read()
If counter >= startIndex Then
Dim u As MembershipUser = GetUserFromReader(reader)
End If
If counter >= endIndex Then cmd.Cancel()
counter += 1
Catch e As OdbcException
' Handle exception.
If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close()
End Try
Return users
End Function
' GetUserFromReader
' A helper function that takes the current row from the OdbcDataReader
' and populates a MembershipUser object with the values. Called by the
' MembershipUser.GetUser implementation.
Public Function GetUserFromReader(reader As OdbcDataReader) As MembershipUser
Dim providerUserKey As Object = reader.GetValue(0)
Dim username As String = reader.GetString(1)
Dim email As String = reader.GetString(2)
Dim passwordQuestion As String = ""
If Not reader.GetValue(3) Is DBNull.Value Then _
passwordQuestion = reader.GetString(3)
Dim comment As String = ""
If Not reader.GetValue(4) Is DBNull.Value Then _
comment = reader.GetString(4)
Dim isApproved As Boolean = reader.GetBoolean(5)
Dim isLockedOut As Boolean = reader.GetBoolean(6)
Dim creationDate As DateTime = reader.GetDateTime(7)
Dim lastLoginDate As DateTime = New DateTime()
If Not reader.GetValue(8) Is DBNull.Value Then _
lastLoginDate = reader.GetDateTime(8)
Dim lastActivityDate As DateTime = reader.GetDateTime(9)
Dim lastPasswordChangedDate As DateTime = reader.GetDateTime(10)
Dim lastLockedOutDate As DateTime = New DateTime()
If Not reader.GetValue(11) Is DBNull.Value Then _
lastLockedOutDate = reader.GetDateTime(11)
Dim u As MembershipUser = New MembershipUser(Me.Name, _
username, _
providerUserKey, _
email, _
passwordQuestion, _
comment, _
isApproved, _
isLockedOut, _
creationDate, _
lastLoginDate, _
lastActivityDate, _
lastPasswordChangedDate, _
Return u
End Function