' 导入命名空间
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Class App
<STAThread()> Shared Sub Main()
End Sub
Shared Sub Serialize()
' To serialize the objects, you must first open a stream for writing.
' Use a file stream here.
Dim fs As New FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Create)
' Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it
' to serialize the data to the stream.
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
' Construct a Version1Type object and serialize it.
Dim obj As New Version1Type
obj.x = 123
formatter.Serialize(fs, obj)
Catch e As SerializationException
Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " & e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Shared Sub Deserialize()
' Declare the Version2Type reference.
Dim obj As Version2Type = Nothing
' Open the file containing the data that you want to deserialize.
Dim fs As New FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Open)
' Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it
' to deserialize the data from the stream.
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
' Construct an instance of the
' Version1ToVersion2TypeSerialiationBinder type.
' This Binder type can deserialize a Version1Type
' object to a Version2Type object.
formatter.Binder = New Version1ToVersion2DeserializationBinder
obj = DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(fs), Version2Type)
Catch e As SerializationException
Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " & e.Message)
End Try
' To prove that a Version2Type object was deserialized,
' display the object's type and fields to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Type of object deserialized: {0}", obj.GetType())
Console.WriteLine("x = {0}, name = {1}", obj.x, obj.name)
End Sub
End Class
<Serializable()> Class Version1Type
Public x As Int32
End Class
<Serializable()> Class Version2Type
Implements ISerializable
Public x As Int32
Public name As String
' The security attribute demands that code that calls
' this method have permission to perform serialization.
<SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter:=True)> _
Private Sub GetObjectData(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _
ByVal context As StreamingContext) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
info.AddValue("x", x)
info.AddValue("name", name)
End Sub
' The security attribute demands that code that calls
' this method have permission to perform serialization.
<SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter:=True)> _
Private Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _
ByVal context As StreamingContext)
x = info.GetInt32("x")
name = info.GetString("name")
Catch e As SerializationException
' The "name" field was not serialized because
' Version1Type did not contain this field.
' Set this field to a reasonable default value.
name = "Reasonable default value"
End Try
End Sub
End Class
NotInheritable Class Version1ToVersion2DeserializationBinder
Inherits SerializationBinder
Public Overrides Function BindToType(ByVal assemblyName As String, _
ByVal typeName As String) As Type
Dim typeToDeserialize As Type = Nothing
' For each assemblyName/typeName that you want to deserialize
' to a different type, set typeToDeserialize to the desired type.
Dim assemVer1 As String = [Assembly].GetExecutingAssembly().FullName
Dim typeVer1 As String = GetType(Version1Type).FullName
If assemblyName = assemVer1 And typeName = typeVer1 Then
' To use a type from a different assembly version,
' change the version number.
' To do this, uncomment the following code.
' assemblyName = assemblyName.Replace("", "")
' To use a different type from the same assembly,
' change the type name.
typeName = typeName.Replace("Version1Type", "Version2Type")
End If
' The following code returns the type.
typeToDeserialize = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, _
Return typeToDeserialize
End Function
End Class