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Python logger.info函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中themis.logger.info函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python info函数的具体用法?Python info怎么用?Python info使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: truth_coverage

def truth_coverage(corpus, truth, systems_data):
    Statistics about which answers came from the truth set broken down by system.

    :param corpus: corpus generated by 'xmgr corpus' command
    :type corpus: pandas.DataFrame
    :param truth: question to answer mapping used in training
    :type truth: pandas.DataFrame
    :param systems_data: collated results for all systems
    :type systems_data: pandas.DataFrame
    :return: truth coverage summary statistics
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    truth_answers = pandas.merge(corpus, truth, on=ANSWER_ID)[ANSWER].drop_duplicates()
    n = len(corpus)
    m = len(truth_answers)
    logger.info("%d answers out of %d possible answers in truth (%0.3f%%)" % (m, n, 100.0 * m / n))
    systems_data = pandas.concat(systems_data).dropna()
    answers = systems_data.groupby(SYSTEM)[[CORRECT]].count()
    answers_in_truth = systems_data[systems_data[ANSWER].isin(truth_answers)].groupby(SYSTEM)[[ANSWER]]
    summary = answers_in_truth.count()
    summary["Answers"] = answers
    summary = summary.rename(columns={ANSWER: "Answers in Truth"})
    summary["Answers in Truth %"] = 100 * summary["Answers in Truth"] / summary["Answers"]
    correct_answers = systems_data[systems_data[CORRECT]]
    correct_answers_in_truth = correct_answers[correct_answers[ANSWER].isin(truth_answers)]
    summary["Correct Answers"] = correct_answers.groupby(SYSTEM)[CORRECT].count()
    summary["Correct Answers in Truth"] = correct_answers_in_truth.groupby(SYSTEM)[CORRECT].count()
    summary["Correct Answers in Truth %"] = 100 * summary["Correct Answers in Truth"] / summary["Correct Answers"]
    return summary[
        ["Answers", "Correct Answers",
         "Answers in Truth", "Answers in Truth %",
         "Correct Answers in Truth", "Correct Answers in Truth %"]].sort_values("Correct Answers", ascending=False)

示例2: get_items

def get_items(item_type, names, checkpoint, get_item, write_frequency):
    Given a list of item names and a checkpoint, this function recovers any previously checkpointed items, then gets
    the remaining items and writes them to a checkpoint.

    :param item_type: name of item type for use in logging
    :type item_type: str
    :param names: list of item names
    :type names: list
    :param checkpoint: checkpoint to periodically write items to
    :type checkpoint: DataFrameCheckpoint
    :param get_item: function that returns an item given a name
    :type get_item: func
    :param write_frequency: how often to log a process message
    :type write_frequency: int
    :return: the checkpoint
    :rtype: DataFrameCheckpoint
    recovered = checkpoint.recovered
    if recovered:
        logger.info("Recovered %d %s from previous run" % (len(recovered), item_type))
    total = len(names)
    start = 1 + len(recovered)
        names_to_get = sorted(set(names) - recovered)
        for i, name in enumerate(names_to_get, start):
            if i == start or i == total or i % write_frequency == 0:
                logger.info("Get " + percent_complete_message(item_type, i, total))
            item = get_item(name)
            checkpoint.write(name, item)
    return checkpoint

示例3: kfold_split

def kfold_split(df, outdir, _folds=5, _training_header=False):
    Split the data-set into equal training and testing sets. Put training and testing set into local directory
    as csv files.

    :param df: data frame to be splited
    :param outdir: output directory path
    :param _folds: number of folds to be performed
    :param _training_header: header og the training file
    :return: list of directory for training set and teting set
    # Randomize the order of the input dataframe
    df = df.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(df))]
    df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
    foldSize = int(math.ceil(len(df) / float(_folds)))
    logger.info("Total records: " + str(len(df)))
    logger.info("Fold size: " + str(foldSize))
    logger.info("Results written to output folder " + outdir)

    for x in range(0, _folds):
        fold_low = x * foldSize
        fold_high = (x + 1) * foldSize

        if fold_high >= len(df):
            fold_high = len(df)

        test_df = df.iloc[fold_low:fold_high]
        train_df = df.drop(df.index[fold_low:fold_high])

        test_df.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'Test' + str(x) + '.csv'), encoding='utf-8', index=False)
        train_df.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'Train' + str(x) + '.csv'), header=_training_header, encoding='utf-8', index=False)

        logger.info("--- Train_Fold_" + str(x) + ' size = ' + str(len(train_df)))
        logger.info("--- Test_Fold_" + str(x) + ' size = ' + str(len(test_df)))

示例4: interpret_annotation_assist

def interpret_annotation_assist(annotation_assist, judgment_threshold):
    Convert the file produced by the Annotation Assist tool into a set of judgments that can be used by Themis.

    Convert the in purview column from an integer value to a boolean. Convert the annotation score column to a boolean
    correct column by applying a threshold. An answer can only be correct if the question is in purview. Drop any Q&A
    pairs that have multiple annotations.

    :param annotation_assist: Annotation Assist judgments
    :type annotation_assist: pandas.DataFrame
    :param judgment_threshold: threshold above which an answer is deemed correct
    :type judgment_threshold: pandas.DataFrame
    :return: Annotation Assist judgments with a boolean Correct column
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    qa_duplicates = annotation_assist[[QUESTION, ANSWER]].duplicated()
    if any(qa_duplicates):
        n = sum(qa_duplicates)
            "Dropping %d Q&A pairs with multiple annotations (%0.3f%%)" % (n, 100.0 * n / len(annotation_assist)))
        annotation_assist.drop_duplicates((QUESTION, ANSWER), keep=False, inplace=True)
    annotation_assist[IN_PURVIEW] = annotation_assist[IN_PURVIEW].astype("bool")
    annotation_assist[CORRECT] = \
        annotation_assist[IN_PURVIEW] & (annotation_assist[ANNOTATION_SCORE] >= judgment_threshold)
    logger.info("Processed %d judgments" % len(annotation_assist))
    return annotation_assist.drop(ANNOTATION_SCORE, axis="columns")

示例5: system_similarity

def system_similarity(systems_data):
    For each system pair, return the number of questions they answered the same.

    :param systems_data: collated results for all systems
    :type systems_data: pandas.DataFrame
    :return: table of pairs of systems and their similarity statistics
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    systems_data = drop_missing(systems_data)
    systems = systems_data[SYSTEM].drop_duplicates().sort_values()
    columns = ["System 1", "System 2", "Same Answer", "Same Answer %"]
    results = pandas.DataFrame(columns=columns)
    for x, y in itertools.combinations(systems, 2):
        data_x = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == x]
        data_y = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == y]
        m = pandas.merge(data_x, data_y, on=QUESTION)
        n = len(m)
        logger.info("%d question/answer pairs in common for %s and %s" % (n, x, y))
        same_answer = sum(m["%s_x" % ANSWER] == m["%s_y" % ANSWER])
        same_answer_pct = 100.0 * same_answer / n
        results = results.append(
            pandas.DataFrame([[x, y, same_answer, same_answer_pct]], columns=columns))
    results["Same Answer"] = results["Same Answer"].astype("int64")
    return results.set_index(["System 1", "System 2"])

示例6: get_truth_from_mapped_questions

def get_truth_from_mapped_questions(mapped_questions):
    def get_pau_mapping(question):
        if "predefinedAnswerUnit" in question:
            return question["predefinedAnswerUnit"]
        elif "mappedQuestion" in question:
            question_id = question["mappedQuestion"]["id"]
                mapped_question = questions[question_id]
            except KeyError:
                logger.warning("Question %s mapped to non-existent question %s" % (question["id"], question_id))
                return None
            return get_pau_mapping(mapped_question)
            return None

    unmapped = 0
    # Index the questions by their question id so that mapped questions can be looked up.
    questions = dict([(question["id"], question) for question in mapped_questions])
    for question in questions.values():
        question[ANSWER_ID] = get_pau_mapping(question)
        if question[ANSWER_ID] is None:
            unmapped += 1
    questions = [q for q in questions.values() if q[ANSWER_ID] is not None]
    question_ids = [q["id"] for q in questions]
    question_text = [q["text"] for q in questions]
    answer_id = [q[ANSWER_ID] for q in questions]
    truth = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict({QUESTION_ID: question_ids, QUESTION: question_text, ANSWER_ID: answer_id})
    logger.info("%d mapped, %d unmapped" % (len(truth), unmapped))
    return truth

示例7: deakin

def deakin(usage_log):
    low_confidence_response = usage_log[ANSWER].str.contains(
        "Here's Watson's response, but remember it's best to use full sentences.")
    logger.info("Removed %d questions with low confidence responses" % sum(low_confidence_response))
    usage_log = usage_log[~low_confidence_response]
    usage_log = filter_usage_log_by_user_experience(usage_log, ["Dialog Response"])
    usage_log = fix_confidence_ranges(usage_log)
    return usage_log

示例8: get_pau

 def get_pau(pau_id):
     paus = xmgr.get_paus(pau_id)
     if paus:
         pau = paus[0]
         return {ANSWER: pau["responseMarkup"], TITLE: pau["title"], FILENAME: pau["sourceName"]}
         logger.info("Could not download pau %s" % pau_id)
         return None

示例9: judge_sample_handler

def judge_sample_handler(args):
    questions = pandas.concat(args.judgments)[[QUESTION]].drop_duplicates()
    sample = pandas.merge(questions, args.frequency, on=QUESTION, how="left")
    n = len(sample)
    logger.info("%d judged questions" % n)
    m = sum(sample[FREQUENCY].isnull())
    if m:
        logger.warning("Missing frequencies for %d questions (%0.3f%%)" % (m, 100.0 * m / n))

示例10: download_corpus_from_xmgr

def download_corpus_from_xmgr(xmgr, output_directory, checkpoint_frequency, max_docs):
    Download the corpus from an XMGR project

    A corpus is a mapping of answer text to answer Ids. It also contains answer titles and the names of the documents
    from which the answers were extracted.

    This can take a long time to complete, so intermediate results are saved in the directory. If you restart an
    incomplete download it will pick up where it left off.

    :param xmgr: connection to an XMGR project REST API
    :type xmgr: XmgrProject
    :param output_directory: directory into which write the corpus.csv file
    :type output_directory: str
    :checkpoint_frequency: how often to write intermediate results to a checkpoint file
    :type checkpoint_frequency: int
    :param max_docs: maximum number of corpus documents to download, if None, download them all
    :type max_docs: int
    document_ids_csv = os.path.join(output_directory, "document_ids.csv")
    corpus_csv = os.path.join(output_directory, "corpus.csv")
    if os.path.isfile(corpus_csv) and not os.path.isfile(document_ids_csv):
        logger.info("Corpus already downloaded")
    logger.info("Download corpus from %s" % xmgr)
    document_ids = sorted(set(document["id"] for document in xmgr.get_documents()))
    document_ids = document_ids[:max_docs]
    n = len(document_ids)
    downloaded_document_ids = DataFrameCheckpoint(document_ids_csv, [DOCUMENT_ID, "Paus"], checkpoint_frequency)
    corpus = DataFrameCheckpoint(corpus_csv, CorpusFileType.columns)
        if downloaded_document_ids.recovered:
            logger.info("Recovered %d documents from previous run" % len(downloaded_document_ids.recovered))
        document_ids = sorted(set(document_ids) - downloaded_document_ids.recovered)
        m = len(document_ids)
        start = len(downloaded_document_ids.recovered) + 1
        if m:
            for i, document_id in enumerate(document_ids, start):
                if i % checkpoint_frequency == 0 or i == start or i == m:
                    logger.info(percent_complete_message("Get PAUs from document", i, n))
                paus = xmgr.get_paus_from_document(document_id)
                # The document id and number of PAUs are both integers. Cast them to strings, otherwise pandas will
                # write them as floats.
                for pau in paus:
                    corpus.write(pau["id"], pau["responseMarkup"], pau["title"], pau["sourceName"], str(document_id))
                downloaded_document_ids.write(str(document_id), str(len(paus)))
    corpus = from_csv(corpus_csv).drop_duplicates(ANSWER_ID)
    to_csv(corpus_csv, CorpusFileType.output_format(corpus))
    docs = len(from_csv(document_ids_csv))
    logger.info("%d documents and %d PAUs in corpus" % (docs, len(corpus)))

示例11: train_nlc

def train_nlc(url, username, password, truth, name):
    logger.info("Train model %s with %d instances" % (name, len(truth)))
    with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as training_file:
        # NLC cannot handle newlines.
        truth[QUESTION] = truth[QUESTION].str.replace("\n", " ")
        to_csv(training_file, truth[[QUESTION, ANSWER_ID]], header=False, index=False)
        nlc = NaturalLanguageClassifier(url=url, username=username, password=password)
        r = nlc.create(training_data=training_file, name=name)
    return r["classifier_id"]

示例12: nlc_router_test

def nlc_router_test(url, username, password, collate_file, path):
    Querying NLC for testing set to determine the system(NLC or Solr) and then lookup related
    fields from collated file (used as an input to the oracle experiment)

    :param url: URL of NLC instance
    :param username: NLC Username
    :param password: NLC password
    :param oracle_out: file created by oracle experiment
    :param collate_file: collated file created for oracle experiment as input
    :param path: directory path to save intermediate results

    :return: output file with best system NLC or Solr and relevant fields
    def log_correct(system_data, name):
        n = len(system_data)
        m = sum(system_data[CORRECT])
        logger.info("%d of %d correct in %s (%0.3f%%)" % (m, n, name, 100.0 * m / n))

    # import list of classifier from file
    classifier_list = []
    with open(os.path.join(path, 'classifier.json'), 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    for x in range(0, NLC_ROUTER_FOLDS):
        classifier_list.append(data[x]['NLC+Solr Oracle_fold_{0}'.format(str(x))].encode("utf-8"))

    for x in range(0, NLC_ROUTER_FOLDS):
        test = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "Test{0}.csv".format(str(x))))
        test = test[[QUESTION]]
        test[QUESTION] = test[QUESTION].str.replace("\n", " ")
        classifier_id = classifier_list[x]
        n = NLC(url, username, password, classifier_id, test)
        out_file = os.path.join(path, "Out{0}.csv".format(str(x)))
        logger.info("Testing on fold {0} using NLC classifier {1}".format(str(x), str(classifier_list[x])))
        answer_router_questions(n, set(test[QUESTION]), out_file)

    # Concatenate multiple trained output into single csv file
    dfList = []
    columns = [QUESTION, SYSTEM]
    for x in range(0, NLC_ROUTER_FOLDS):
        df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "Out{0}.csv".format(str(x))), header=0)

    concateDf = pandas.concat(dfList, axis=0)
    concateDf.columns = columns
    concateDf.to_csv(os.path.join(path, "Interim-Result.csv"), encoding='utf-8', index=None)

    # Join operation to get fields from oracle collated file
    result = pandas.merge(concateDf, collate_file, on=[QUESTION, SYSTEM])
    result = result.rename(columns={SYSTEM: ANSWERING_SYSTEM})
    result[SYSTEM] = 'NLC-as-router'
    result[CONFIDENCE] = __standardize_confidence(result)
    log_correct(result, 'NLC-as-router')
    return result

示例13: fallback_combination

def fallback_combination(systems_data, default_system, secondary_system):
    Combine results from two systems into a single fallback system. The default system will answer the question if
    the confidence is above a certain threshold. This method will find the optimal confidence threshold.

    :param systems_data: collated results for the input systems
    :type systems_data: pandas.DataFrame
    :param default_system: the name of the default system (if confidence > t)
    :type default_system: str
    :param secondary_system: the name of the fallback system (if default_confidence < t)
    :type secondary_system: str
    :return: Fallback results in collated format
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    systems_data = drop_missing(systems_data)

    default_system_data = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == default_system]
    secondary_system_data = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == secondary_system]

    intersecting_questions = set(default_system_data[QUESTION]).intersection(set(secondary_system_data[QUESTION]))

    logger.warn("{0} questions in default system".format(len(default_system_data)))
    logger.warn("{0} questions in secondary system".format(len(secondary_system_data)))
    logger.warn("{0} questions in overlapping set".format(len(intersecting_questions)))

    default_system_data = default_system_data[default_system_data[QUESTION].isin(intersecting_questions)]
    secondary_system_data = secondary_system_data[secondary_system_data[QUESTION].isin(intersecting_questions)]

    unique_confidences = default_system_data[CONFIDENCE].unique()

    best_threshold, best_precision = 0, 0
    for threshold in unique_confidences:
        combined_system = _create_combined_fallback_system_at_threshold(default_system_data, secondary_system_data, threshold)

        system_precision = precision(combined_system, 0)
        if system_precision > best_precision:
            best_precision = system_precision
            best_threshold = threshold

    logger.info("Default system accuracy:   {0}%".format(str(precision(default_system_data, 0) * 100)[:4]))
    logger.info("Secondary system accuracy: {0}%".format(str(precision(secondary_system_data, 0) * 100)[:4]))
    logger.info("Combined system accuracy:  {0}%".format(str(best_precision * 100)[:4]))

    logger.info("Combined system best threshold: {0}".format(best_threshold))

    best_system = _create_combined_fallback_system_at_threshold(default_system_data, secondary_system_data, best_threshold)
    best_system[ANSWERING_SYSTEM] = best_system[SYSTEM]
    best_system[SYSTEM] = "{0}_FALLBACK_{1}_AT_{2}".format(default_system, secondary_system, str(best_threshold)[:4])

    logger.info("Questions answered by {0}: {1}%".format(default_system, str(100 * float(len(best_system[best_system[ANSWERING_SYSTEM] == default_system])) / len(best_system))[:4]))

    best_system[CONFIDENCE] = __standardize_confidence(best_system)
    return best_system

示例14: __call__

 def __call__(self, filename):
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
         collated = super(self.__class__, self).__call__(filename)
         m = sum(collated[collated[IN_PURVIEW] == False][CORRECT])
         if m:
             n = len(collated)
                 "%d out of %d question/answer pairs in %s are marked as out of purview but correct (%0.3f%%)"
                 % (m, n, filename, 100.0 * m / n))
         return collated
         logger.info("{0} does not exist".format(filename))
         return None

示例15: filter_usage_log_by_user_experience

def filter_usage_log_by_user_experience(usage_log, disallowed):
    Only retain questions whose 'user experience' value does not appear on a blacklist.

    :param usage_log: QuestionsData.csv report log
    :type usage_log: pandas.DataFrame
    :param disallowed: set of disallowed 'user experience' values
    :type disallowed: enumerable set of str
    :return: usage log with questions removed
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    n = len(usage_log)
    usage_log = usage_log[~usage_log[USER_EXPERIENCE].isin(disallowed)]
    logger.info("Removed %d questions with user experience '%s'" % ((n - len(usage_log)), ",".join(disallowed)))
    return usage_log

示例16: extract_handler

def extract_handler(args):
    # Do custom fixup of usage logs.
    usage_log = pandas.concat(args.usage_log)
    n = len(usage_log)
    if args.before or args.after:
        usage_log = filter_usage_log_by_date(usage_log, args.before, args.after)
    user_experience = set(args.user_experience) | {"DIALOG"}  # DIALOG is always disallowed
    usage_log = filter_usage_log_by_user_experience(usage_log, user_experience)
    if args.deakin:
        usage_log = deakin(usage_log)
    m = n - len(usage_log)
    if n:
        logger.info("Removed %d of %d questions (%0.3f%%)" % (m, n, 100.0 * m / n))
    # Extract Q&A pairs from fixed up usage logs.
    qa_pairs = extract_question_answer_pairs_from_usage_logs(usage_log)

示例17: compare_systems

def compare_systems(systems_data, x, y, comparison_type):
    On which questions did system x do better or worse than system y?

    System x did better than system y if it correctly answered a question when system y did not, and vice versa.

    :param systems_data: collated results for all systems
    :type systems_data: pandas.DataFrame
    :param x: system name
    :type x: str
    :param y: system name
    :type y: str
    :param comparison_type: "better" or "worse"
    :type comparison_type: str
    :return: all question/answer pairs from system x that were either better or worse than system y
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

    def col_name(type, system):
        return type + " " + system

    systems_data = drop_missing(systems_data)
    systems_data = systems_data[systems_data[IN_PURVIEW]]
    data_x = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == x]
    data_y = systems_data[systems_data[SYSTEM] == y][[QUESTION, ANSWER, CONFIDENCE, CORRECT]]
    questions = pandas.merge(data_x, data_y, on=QUESTION, how="left", suffixes=(" " + x, " " + y)).dropna()
    n = len(questions)
    logger.info("%d shared question/answer pairs between %s and %s" % (n, x, y))
    x_correct = col_name(CORRECT, x)
    y_correct = col_name(CORRECT, y)
    if comparison_type == "better":
        a = questions[x_correct] == True
        b = questions[y_correct] == False
    elif comparison_type == "worse":
        a = questions[x_correct] == False
        b = questions[y_correct] == True
        raise ValueError("Invalid comparison type %s" % comparison_type)
    d = questions[a & b]
    m = len(d)
    logger.info("%d %s (%0.3f%%)" % (m, comparison_type, 100.0 * m / n))
           col_name(ANSWER, x), col_name(CONFIDENCE, x), col_name(ANSWER, y), col_name(CONFIDENCE, y)]]
    d = d.sort_values([col_name(CONFIDENCE, x), FREQUENCY, QUESTION], ascending=(False, False, True))
    return d.set_index(QUESTION)

示例18: augment_usage_log

def augment_usage_log(usage_log, judgments):
    Add In Purview and Annotation Score information to system usage log.

    :param usage_log: user interaction logs from QuestionsData.csv XMGR report
    :type usage_log: pandas.DataFrame
    :param judgments: judgments
    :type judgments: pandas.DataFrame
    :return: user interaction logs with additional columns
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    usage_log = usage_log.rename(columns={QUESTION_TEXT: QUESTION, TOP_ANSWER_TEXT: ANSWER})
    augmented = pandas.merge(usage_log, judgments, on=(QUESTION, ANSWER), how="left")
    n = len(usage_log[[QUESTION, ANSWER]].drop_duplicates())
    if n:
        m = len(judgments)
        logger.info("%d unique question/answer pairs, %d judgments (%0.3f%%)" % (n, m, 100.0 * m / n))
    return augmented.rename(columns={QUESTION: QUESTION_TEXT, ANSWER: TOP_ANSWER_TEXT})

示例19: filter_corpus

def filter_corpus(corpus, max_size):
    Remove corpus entries above a specified size.

    :param corpus: corpus with Answer Id and Answer columns
    :type corpus: pandas.DataFrame
    :param max_size: maximum allowed Answer size in characters
    :type max_size: int
    :return: corpus with oversize answers removed
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    if max_size is not None:
        filtered = corpus[corpus[ANSWER].str.len() <= max_size]
        n = len(corpus)
        if n:
            m = n - len(filtered)
            logger.info("Filtered %d of %d answers over size %d (%0.3f%%)" % (m, n, max_size, 100.0 * m / n))
        corpus = filtered
    return corpus.set_index(ANSWER_ID)

示例20: get_answers_from_usage_log

def get_answers_from_usage_log(questions, qa_pairs_from_logs):
    Get answers returned by WEA to questions by looking them up in the usage log.

    Each question in the Q&A pairs must have a unique answer.

    :param questions: questions to look up in the usage logs
    :type questions: pandas.DataFrame
    :param qa_pairs_from_logs: question/answer pairs extracted from user logs
    :type qa_pairs_from_logs: pandas.DataFrame
    :return: Question, Answer, and Confidence
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame
    answers = pandas.merge(questions, qa_pairs_from_logs, on=QUESTION, how="left")
    missing_answers = answers[answers[ANSWER].isnull()]
    if len(missing_answers):
        logger.warning("%d questions without answers" % len(missing_answers))
    logger.info("Answered %d questions" % len(answers))
    answers = answers[[QUESTION, ANSWER, CONFIDENCE]].sort_values([QUESTION, CONFIDENCE], ascending=[True, False])
    return answers.set_index(QUESTION)









Python base.render函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python theming.to_curses_attr函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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