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Python tensorflow.equal函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.equal函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python equal函数的具体用法?Python equal怎么用?Python equal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _get_mask_of_label

def _get_mask_of_label(label, background, ignore_label):
    mask_fg = 1 - tf.to_float(tf.equal(label, background))
    mask_ig = 1 - tf.to_float(tf.equal(label, ignore_label))
    # mask_fg = 1 - label.eq(background)
    # mask_ig = 1 - label.eq(ignore_label)
    mask = mask_fg * mask_ig
    return mask, mask_ig

示例2: call

 def call(self, inputs):
   batch_shape = tf.shape(inputs)[:-1]
   length = tf.shape(inputs)[-1]
   ngram_range_counts = []
   for n in range(self.minval, self.maxval):
     # Reshape inputs from [..., length] to [..., 1, length // n, n], dropping
     # remainder elements. Each n-vector is an ngram.
     reshaped_inputs = tf.reshape(
         inputs[..., :(n * (length // n))],
         tf.concat([batch_shape, [1], (length // n)[tf.newaxis], [n]], 0))
     # Count the number of times each ngram appears in the input. We do so by
     # checking whether each n-vector in the input is equal to each n-vector
     # in a Tensor of all possible ngrams. The comparison is batched between
     # the input Tensor of shape [..., 1, length // n, n] and the ngrams Tensor
     # of shape [..., input_dim**n, 1, n].
     ngrams = tf.reshape(
         list(np.ndindex((self.input_dim,) * n)),
         [1] * (len(inputs.shape)-1) + [self.input_dim**n, 1, n])
     is_ngram = tf.equal(
         tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.equal(reshaped_inputs, ngrams), tf.int32),
     ngram_counts = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(is_ngram, tf.float32), axis=-1)
   return tf.concat(ngram_range_counts, axis=-1)

示例3: getRpRnTpTnForTrain0OrVal1

    def getRpRnTpTnForTrain0OrVal1(self, y, training0OrValidation1):
        # The returned list has (numberOfClasses)x4 integers: >numberOfRealPositives, numberOfRealNegatives, numberOfTruePredictedPositives, numberOfTruePredictedNegatives< for each class (incl background).
        # Order in the list is the natural order of the classes (ie class-0 RP,RN,TPP,TPN, class-1 RP,RN,TPP,TPN, class-2 RP,RN,TPP,TPN ...)
        # param y: y = T.itensor4('y'). Dimensions [batchSize, r, c, z]
        yPredToUse = self.y_pred_train if  training0OrValidation1 == 0 else self.y_pred_val
        returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass = []
        for class_i in range(0, self._numberOfOutputClasses) :
            #Number of Real Positive, Real Negatives, True Predicted Positives and True Predicted Negatives are reported PER CLASS (first for WHOLE).
            tensorOneAtRealPos = tf.equal(y, class_i)
            tensorOneAtRealNeg = tf.logical_not(tensorOneAtRealPos)

            tensorOneAtPredictedPos = tf.equal(yPredToUse, class_i)
            tensorOneAtPredictedNeg = tf.logical_not(tensorOneAtPredictedPos)
            tensorOneAtTruePos = tf.logical_and(tensorOneAtRealPos,tensorOneAtPredictedPos)
            tensorOneAtTrueNeg = tf.logical_and(tensorOneAtRealNeg,tensorOneAtPredictedNeg)
            returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass.append( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tensorOneAtRealPos, dtype="int32")) )
            returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass.append( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tensorOneAtRealNeg, dtype="int32")) )
            returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass.append( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tensorOneAtTruePos, dtype="int32")) )
            returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass.append( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tensorOneAtTrueNeg, dtype="int32")) )
        return returnedListWithNumberOfRpRnTpTnForEachClass

示例4: focal_loss

  def focal_loss(onehot_labels, cls_preds,
                 alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0, name=None, scope=None):
    """Compute softmax focal loss between logits and onehot labels
    logits and onehot_labels must have same shape [batchsize, num_classes] and
    the same data type (float16, 32, 64)
      onehot_labels: Each row labels[i] must be a valid probability distribution
      cls_preds: Unscaled log probabilities
      alpha: The hyperparameter for adjusting biased samples, default is 0.25
      gamma: The hyperparameter for penalizing the easy labeled samples
      name: A name for the operation (optional)
      A 1-D tensor of length batch_size of same type as logits with softmax focal loss
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'focal_loss', [cls_preds, onehot_labels]) as sc:
      logits = tf.convert_to_tensor(cls_preds)
      onehot_labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(onehot_labels)

      precise_logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) if (
        logits.dtype == tf.float16) else logits
      onehot_labels = tf.cast(onehot_labels, precise_logits.dtype)
      predictions = tf.nn.sigmoid(logits)
      predictions_pt = tf.where(tf.equal(onehot_labels, 1), predictions, 1. - predictions)
      # add small value to avoid 0
      epsilon = 1e-8
      alpha_t = tf.scalar_mul(alpha, tf.ones_like(onehot_labels, dtype=tf.float32))
      alpha_t = tf.where(tf.equal(onehot_labels, 1.0), alpha_t, 1 - alpha_t)
      losses = tf.reduce_sum(
        -alpha_t * tf.pow(1. - predictions_pt, gamma) * onehot_labels * tf.log(predictions_pt + epsilon),
        name=name, axis=1)
      return losses

示例5: fpn_map_rois_to_levels

def fpn_map_rois_to_levels(boxes):
    Assign boxes to level 2~5.

        boxes (nx4):

        [tf.Tensor]: 4 tensors for level 2-5. Each tensor is a vector of indices of boxes in its level.
        [tf.Tensor]: 4 tensors, the gathered boxes in each level.

    Be careful that the returned tensor could be empty.
    sqrtarea = tf.sqrt(tf_area(boxes))
    level = tf.to_int32(tf.floor(
        4 + tf.log(sqrtarea * (1. / 224) + 1e-6) * (1.0 / np.log(2))))

    # RoI levels range from 2~5 (not 6)
    level_ids = [
        tf.where(level <= 2),
        tf.where(tf.equal(level, 3)),   # == is not supported
        tf.where(tf.equal(level, 4)),
        tf.where(level >= 5)]
    level_ids = [tf.reshape(x, [-1], name='roi_level{}_id'.format(i + 2))
                 for i, x in enumerate(level_ids)]
    num_in_levels = [tf.size(x, name='num_roi_level{}'.format(i + 2))
                     for i, x in enumerate(level_ids)]

    level_boxes = [tf.gather(boxes, ids) for ids in level_ids]
    return level_ids, level_boxes

示例6: get_accuracy_loss

def get_accuracy_loss(arg,x,y,y_):
    Note: when the task is regression accuracy = loss but for classification
    loss = cross_entropy,svm_loss, surrogate_loss, etc and accuracy = 1 - {0-1 loss}.
    with tf.name_scope("loss_and_acc") as scope:
        # loss
        if arg.softmax:
            #cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.rduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y), reduction_indices=[1]))
            diff = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y)
            cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(diff)
            loss = cross_entropy
            correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) # list of booleans indicating correct predictions
            accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
            l2_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_-y), 0))
            loss = l2_loss
            y = tf.cast(tf.sign(y),tf.float32)
            y_ = tf.cast(tf.sign(y_),tf.float32)
            correct_prediction = tf.equal(y, y_) # list of booleans indicating correct predictions
            accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
        # accuracy
        # if arg.classification:
        #     correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) # list of booleans indicating correct predictions
        #     accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
        # else:
        #     accuracy = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))
    tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
    tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy)
    return loss, accuracy

示例7: to_binary_tf

def to_binary_tf(bar_or_track_bar, threshold=0.0, track_mode=False, melody=False):
    """Return the binarize tensor of the input tensor (be careful of the channel order!)"""
    if track_mode:
        # melody track
        if melody:
            melody_is_max = tf.equal(bar_or_track_bar, tf.reduce_max(bar_or_track_bar, axis=2, keep_dims=True))
            melody_pass_threshold = (bar_or_track_bar > threshold)
            out_tensor = tf.logical_and(melody_is_max, melody_pass_threshold)
        # non-melody track
            out_tensor = (bar_or_track_bar > threshold)
        return out_tensor
        if len(bar_or_track_bar.get_shape()) == 4:
            melody_track = tf.slice(bar_or_track_bar, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 1])
            other_tracks = tf.slice(bar_or_track_bar, [0, 0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -1, -1])
        elif len(bar_or_track_bar.get_shape()) == 5:
            melody_track = tf.slice(bar_or_track_bar, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, -1, 1])
            other_tracks = tf.slice(bar_or_track_bar, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1])
        # melody track
        melody_is_max = tf.equal(melody_track, tf.reduce_max(melody_track, axis=2, keep_dims=True))
        melody_pass_threshold = (melody_track > threshold)
        out_tensor_melody = tf.logical_and(melody_is_max, melody_pass_threshold)
        # other tracks
        out_tensor_others = (other_tracks > threshold)
        if len(bar_or_track_bar.get_shape()) == 4:
            return tf.concat([out_tensor_melody, out_tensor_others], 3)
        elif len(bar_or_track_bar.get_shape()) == 5:
            return tf.concat([out_tensor_melody, out_tensor_others], 4)

示例8: sorted_images

def sorted_images(images, label_onehot):
  # images is [bs, x, y, c]
  labels = tf.argmax(label_onehot, axis=1)
  _, n_classes = label_onehot.shape.as_list()
  to_stack = []
  for i in xrange(n_classes):
    inds = tf.where(tf.equal(labels, i))

    def _gather():
      return tf.squeeze(tf.gather(images, inds), 1)

    def _empty():
      return tf.zeros([0] + images.shape.as_list()[1:], dtype=tf.float32)

    assert inds.shape.as_list()[0] is None
    x = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(inds)[0], 0), _empty, _gather)
  # pad / trim all up to 10.
  padded = []
  for t in to_stack:
    n_found = tf.shape(t)[0]
    pad = tf.pad(t[0:10], tf.stack([tf.stack([0,tf.maximum(0, 10-n_found)]), [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]))

  xs = [tf.concat(tf.split(p, 10), axis=1) for p in padded]
  ys = tf.concat(xs, axis=2)
  ys = tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(ys, 0., 1.) * 255., tf.uint8)
  return ys

示例9: make_tf_top

def make_tf_top(x_shape, loss='sigmoid_ce'):
    builds the top layer, i.e. the loss layer. 
  with tf.name_scope('top') as scope:
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=x_shape, name='input')
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=x_shape, name='output')

    if loss=='sigmoid_ce':
      L = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, y))
      correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.round( tf.sigmoid(x) ), tf.round( y ))
      accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
      accuracy_summary = [tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy)]
    elif loss=='softmax_ce':
      L = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, y))
      correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax( tf.nn.softmax(x), 1 ), tf.argmax( y, 1 ))
      accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
      accuracy_summary = [tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy)]
    elif loss=='sigmoid_l2':
      L = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.sigmoid(x) - y)
      accuracy = None
      accuracy_summary = []
    elif loss=='l2':
      L = tf.nn.l2_loss(x - y)
      accuracy = None
      accuracy_summary = []

    loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('log_loss', tf.log(L))
    dx = tf.gradients(L, x)[0]

    return L, dx, tf.summary.merge([loss_summary] + accuracy_summary), accuracy

示例10: m_body

        def m_body(i, ta_tp, ta_fp, gmatch):
            # Jaccard score with groundtruth bboxes.
            rbbox = bboxes[i]
            jaccard = bboxes_jaccard(rbbox, gbboxes)
            jaccard = jaccard * tf.cast(tf.equal(glabels, rlabel), dtype=jaccard.dtype)

            # Best fit, checking it's above threshold.
            idxmax = tf.cast(tf.argmax(jaccard, axis=0), tf.int32)
            jcdmax = jaccard[idxmax]
            match = jcdmax > matching_threshold
            existing_match = gmatch[idxmax]
            not_difficult = tf.logical_not(gdifficults[idxmax])

            # TP: match & no previous match and FP: previous match | no match.
            # If difficult: no record, i.e FP=False and TP=False.
            tp = tf.logical_and(not_difficult,
                                tf.logical_and(match, tf.logical_not(existing_match)))
            ta_tp = ta_tp.write(i, tp)
            fp = tf.logical_and(not_difficult,
                                tf.logical_or(existing_match, tf.logical_not(match)))
            ta_fp = ta_fp.write(i, fp)
            # Update grountruth match.
            mask = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(grange, idxmax),
                                  tf.logical_and(not_difficult, match))
            gmatch = tf.logical_or(gmatch, mask)

            return [i+1, ta_tp, ta_fp, gmatch]

示例11: _compute_sparse_average_correct

def _compute_sparse_average_correct(input_, labels, per_example_weights, topk=1):
    """Returns the numerator and denominator of classifier accuracy."""
    labels = tf.to_int64(labels)
    labels.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with([input_.get_shape()[0], None])
    if topk == 1:
        predictions = tf.reshape(tf.argmax(input_, 1), [-1, 1])
        in_topk = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(labels, predictions), reduction_indices=[1])
        # Use broadcasting to check if ANY of the predictions are in the top k.
        # TODO(eiderman): For a multi-label top k, what does accuracy mean?
        predictions = tf.reshape(tf.nn.top_k(input_, topk)[1], [-1, 1, topk])
        labels = tf.expand_dims(labels, [-1])

        in_topk = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(tf.cast(labels, predictions.dtype), predictions), reduction_indices=[1, 2])
    correct_predictions = tf.to_float(in_topk)

    # If individual examples are weighted, then we want to normalize by that.
    if per_example_weights is not None:
        per_example_weights = _convert_and_assert_per_example_weights_compatible(
            input_, per_example_weights, dtype=None
        float_weights = tf.to_float(per_example_weights)
        # TODO(eiderman): This should use an op that doesn't support broadcasting.
        correct_predictions *= float_weights
        num_examples = tf.reduce_sum(float_weights)
        # shape only holds ints, but we want to always return the same type
        # for num_examples to make everything compatible.
        num_examples = tf.to_float(tf.gather(tf.shape(input_), 0))
    return tf.reduce_sum(correct_predictions), num_examples

示例12: train

  def train(self, sentences):
    token_ids, token_values, token_dense_shape = self._tokenize(sentences)
    tokens_sparse = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(
        indices=token_ids, values=token_values, dense_shape=token_dense_shape)
    tokens = tf.sparse.to_dense(tokens_sparse, default_value="")

    sparse_lookup_ids = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(
    lookup_ids = tf.sparse.to_dense(sparse_lookup_ids, default_value=0)

    # Targets are the next word for each word of the sentence.
    tokens_ids_seq = lookup_ids[:, 0:-1]
    tokens_ids_target = lookup_ids[:, 1:]

    tokens_prefix = tokens[:, 0:-1]

    # Mask determining which positions we care about for a loss: all positions
    # that have a valid non-terminal token.
    mask = tf.logical_and(
        tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "")),
        tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "<E>")))

    input_mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)

    with tf.GradientTape() as t:
      sentence_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self._embeddings,

      lstm_initial_state = self._lstm_cell.get_initial_state(

      lstm_output = self._rnn_layer(
          inputs=sentence_embeddings, initial_state=lstm_initial_state)

      # Stack LSTM outputs into a batch instead of a 2D array.
      lstm_output = tf.reshape(lstm_output, [-1, self._lstm_cell.output_size])

      logits = self._logit_layer(lstm_output)

      targets = tf.reshape(tokens_ids_target, [-1])
      weights = tf.cast(tf.reshape(input_mask, [-1]), tf.float32)

      losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
          labels=targets, logits=logits)

      # Final loss is the mean loss for all token losses.
      final_loss = tf.math.divide(
          tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(losses, weights)),

    watched = t.watched_variables()
    gradients = t.gradient(final_loss, watched)

    for w, g in zip(watched, gradients):

    return final_loss

示例13: make_minibatch

    def make_minibatch(self, valid_anchors):
        with tf.variable_scope('rpn_minibatch'):

            # in labels(shape is [N, ]): 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is ignored
            labels, anchor_matched_gtboxes, object_mask = \
                self.rpn_find_positive_negative_samples(valid_anchors)  # [num_of_valid_anchors, ]

            positive_indices = tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.equal(labels, 1.0)), [-1])  # use labels is same as object_mask

            num_of_positives = tf.minimum(tf.shape(positive_indices)[0],
                                          tf.cast(self.rpn_mini_batch_size * self.rpn_positives_ratio, tf.int32))

            # num of positives <= minibatch_size * 0.5
            positive_indices = tf.random_shuffle(positive_indices)
            positive_indices = tf.slice(positive_indices, begin=[0], size=[num_of_positives])
            # positive_anchors = tf.gather(self.anchors, positive_indices)

            negative_indices = tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.equal(labels, 0.0)), [-1])
            num_of_negatives = tf.minimum(self.rpn_mini_batch_size - num_of_positives,

            negative_indices = tf.random_shuffle(negative_indices)
            negative_indices = tf.slice(negative_indices, begin=[0], size=[num_of_negatives])
            # negative_anchors = tf.gather(self.anchors, negative_indices)

            minibatch_indices = tf.concat([positive_indices, negative_indices], axis=0)
            minibatch_indices = tf.random_shuffle(minibatch_indices)

            minibatch_anchor_matched_gtboxes = tf.gather(anchor_matched_gtboxes, minibatch_indices)
            object_mask = tf.gather(object_mask, minibatch_indices)
            labels = tf.cast(tf.gather(labels, minibatch_indices), tf.int32)
            labels_one_hot = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=2)
            return minibatch_indices, minibatch_anchor_matched_gtboxes, object_mask, labels_one_hot

示例14: remap_keys

    def remap_keys(sparse_tensor):
        # Current indices of our SparseTensor that we need to fix
        bad_indices = sparse_tensor.indices # shape = (current_batch_size * (number_of_items/users[i] + 1), 2)
        # Current values of our SparseTensor that we need to fix
        bad_values = sparse_tensor.values # shape = (current_batch_size * (number_of_items/users[i] + 1),)

        # Since batch is ordered, the last value for a batch index is the user
        # Find where the batch index chages to extract the user rows
        # 1 where user, else 0
        user_mask = tf.concat(values = [bad_indices[1:,0] - bad_indices[:-1,0], tf.constant(value = [1], dtype = tf.int64)], axis = 0) # shape = (current_batch_size * (number_of_items/users[i] + 1), 2)

        # Mask out the user rows from the values
        good_values = tf.boolean_mask(tensor = bad_values, mask = tf.equal(x = user_mask, y = 0)) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i],)
        item_indices = tf.boolean_mask(tensor = bad_indices, mask = tf.equal(x = user_mask, y = 0)) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i],)
        user_indices = tf.boolean_mask(tensor = bad_indices, mask = tf.equal(x = user_mask, y = 1))[:, 1] # shape = (current_batch_size,)

        good_user_indices = tf.gather(params = user_indices, indices = item_indices[:,0]) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i],)

        # User and item indices are rank 1, need to make rank 1 to concat
        good_user_indices_expanded = tf.expand_dims(input = good_user_indices, axis = -1) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i], 1)
        good_item_indices_expanded = tf.expand_dims(input = item_indices[:, 1], axis = -1) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i], 1)
        good_indices = tf.concat(values = [good_user_indices_expanded, good_item_indices_expanded], axis = 1) # shape = (current_batch_size * number_of_items/users[i], 2)

        remapped_sparse_tensor = tf.SparseTensor(indices = good_indices, values = good_values, dense_shape = sparse_tensor.dense_shape)
        return remapped_sparse_tensor

示例15: check_integrity_and_batch

      def check_integrity_and_batch(*datasets):
        """Checks whether a sequence of frames are from the same video.

          *datasets: datasets each skipping 1 frame from the previous one.

          batched data and the integrity flag.
        not_broken = tf.constant(True)
        if "frame_number" in datasets[0]:
          frame_numbers = [dataset["frame_number"][0] for dataset in datasets]

          not_broken = tf.equal(
              frame_numbers[-1] - frame_numbers[0], num_frames-1)
          if self.only_keep_videos_from_0th_frame:
            not_broken = tf.logical_and(not_broken,
                                        tf.equal(frame_numbers[0], 0))
          tf.logging.warning("use_not_breaking_batching is True but "
                             "no frame_number is in the dataset.")

        features = {}
        for key in datasets[0].keys():
          values = [dataset[key] for dataset in datasets]
          batch = tf.stack(values)
          features[key] = batch
        return features, not_broken

示例16: streaming_f1

    def streaming_f1(self, labels, predictions, n_classes, weights=None, type='macro'):
        labels_and_predictions_by_class = [(tf.equal(labels, c), tf.equal(predictions, c)) for c in range(0, n_classes)]
        tp_by_class_val, tp_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.true_positives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])
        fn_by_class_val, fn_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.false_negatives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])
        fp_by_class_val, fp_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.false_positives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])

        f1_update_op = tf.group(*chain(tp_by_class_update_op, fn_by_class_update_op, fp_by_class_update_op))

        if type == 'macro':
            epsilon = [10e-6 for _ in range(n_classes)]
            f1_val = tf.multiply(2., tp_by_class_val) / (tf.reduce_sum([tf.multiply(2., tp_by_class_val),
                                                                        fp_by_class_val, fn_by_class_val, epsilon],
            f1_val = tf.reduce_mean(f1_val)
            epsilon = 10e-6
            total_tp = tf.reduce_sum(tp_by_class_val)
            total_fn = tf.reduce_sum(fn_by_class_val)
            total_fp = tf.reduce_sum(fp_by_class_val)

            f1_val = tf.squeeze(tf.multiply(2., total_tp) / (tf.multiply(2., total_tp) +
                                                             total_fp + total_fn + epsilon,
        return f1_val, f1_update_op

示例17: bhattacharyya

    def bhattacharyya(self):
        """Approximate bhattacharyya distance between cover and non-cover distances.
        Similar to Mahalanobis distance, but for distributions with different variances.
        Assumes normality, hence approximate.

            tf.Tensor: bhattacharyya distance between distributions of the cover
                and non-cover pairs' distances.
            tf.Tensor: mean cover pair distance
            tf.Tensor: mean non-cover pair distance
        y_A, y_B = self.subnet_A[-1], self.subnet_B[-1]
        squared_dists = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y_A - y_B),
                                      reduction_indices=1, )
        cover_pairs = tf.where(tf.equal(self.is_cover, tf.ones_like(self.is_cover)))
        non_cover_pairs = tf.where(tf.equal(self.is_cover, tf.zeros_like(self.is_cover)))

        pair_dists = tf.sqrt(tf.gather(squared_dists, tf.reshape(cover_pairs, [-1])))
        non_pair_dists = tf.sqrt(tf.gather(squared_dists, tf.reshape(non_cover_pairs, [-1])))
        mu_pairs, sigma2_pairs = tf.nn.moments(pair_dists, axes=[0], name='d_pairs')
        mu_non_pairs, sigma2_non_pairs = tf.nn.moments(non_pair_dists, axes=[0], name='d_non_pairs')

        bhatt = tf.add( 0.25 * tf.log(0.25 * (sigma2_pairs/sigma2_non_pairs + sigma2_non_pairs/sigma2_pairs + 2)),
                  0.25 * (mu_pairs - mu_non_pairs)**2 / (sigma2_pairs + sigma2_non_pairs), name='bhatt')
        return bhatt, mu_pairs, mu_non_pairs

示例18: evaluate_precision_recall

def evaluate_precision_recall(
    input_layer, labels, threshold=0.5, per_example_weights=None, name=PROVIDED, phase=Phase.train
    """Computes the precision and recall of the prediction vs the labels.

    input_layer: A Pretty Tensor object.
    labels: The target labels to learn as a float tensor.
    threshold: The threshold to use to decide if the prediction is true.
    per_example_weights: A Tensor with a weight per example.
    name: An optional name.
    phase: The phase of this model; non training phases compute a total across
      all examples.
    Precision and Recall.
    _ = name  # Eliminate warning, name used for namescoping by PT.
    selected, sum_retrieved, sum_relevant = _compute_precision_recall(
        input_layer, labels, threshold, per_example_weights

    if phase != Phase.train:
        dtype = tf.float32
        # Create the variables in all cases so that the load logic is easier.
        relevant_count = tf.get_variable(
        retrieved_count = tf.get_variable(
        selected_count = tf.get_variable(

        with input_layer.g.device(selected_count.device):
            selected = tf.assign_add(selected_count, selected)
        with input_layer.g.device(retrieved_count.device):
            sum_retrieved = tf.assign_add(retrieved_count, sum_retrieved)
        with input_layer.g.device(relevant_count.device):
            sum_relevant = tf.assign_add(relevant_count, sum_relevant)

    return (
        tf.select(tf.equal(sum_retrieved, 0), tf.zeros_like(selected), selected / sum_retrieved),
        tf.select(tf.equal(sum_relevant, 0), tf.zeros_like(selected), selected / sum_relevant),

示例19: _decode_and_resize

    def _decode_and_resize(image_tensor):
      """Decodes jpeg string, resizes it and returns a uint8 tensor."""

      # These constants are set by Inception v3's expectations.
      height = 299
      width = 299
      channels = 3

      image_tensor = tf.where(tf.equal(image_tensor, ''), IMAGE_DEFAULT_STRING, image_tensor)

      # Fork by whether image_tensor value is a file path, or a base64 encoded string.
      slash_positions = tf.equal(tf.string_split([image_tensor], delimiter="").values, '/')
      is_file_path = tf.cast(tf.count_nonzero(slash_positions), tf.bool)

      # The following two functions are required for tf.cond. Note that we can not replace them
      # with lambda. According to TF docs, if using inline lambda, both branches of condition
      # will be executed. The workaround is to use a function call.
      def _read_file():
        return tf.read_file(image_tensor)

      def _decode_base64():
        return tf.decode_base64(image_tensor)

      image = tf.cond(is_file_path, lambda: _read_file(), lambda: _decode_base64())
      image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image, channels=channels)
      image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)
      image = tf.image.resize_bilinear(image, [height, width], align_corners=False)
      image = tf.squeeze(image, squeeze_dims=[0])
      image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.uint8)
      return image

示例20: activation_image

def activation_image(activations, label_onehot):
  """Make a row sorted by class for each activation. Put a black line around the activations."""
  labels = tf.argmax(label_onehot, axis=1)
  _, n_classes = label_onehot.shape.as_list()
  mean, var = tf.nn.moments(activations, [0, 1])
  activations = (activations - mean)/tf.sqrt(var+1e-5)

  activations = tf.clip_by_value(activations, -1, 1)
  activations = (activations + 1.0) / 2.0 # shift to [0, 1]

  canvas = []
  for i in xrange(n_classes):
    inds = tf.where(tf.equal(labels, i))

    def _gather():
      return tf.squeeze(tf.gather(activations, inds), 1)

    def _empty():
      return tf.zeros([0, activations.shape.as_list()[1]], dtype=tf.float32)

    assert inds.shape.as_list()[0] is None
    x = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(inds)[0], 0), _empty, _gather)
    canvas.append(tf.zeros([1, activations.shape.as_list()[1]]))
  canvas = tf.concat(canvas, 0)
  canvas = tf.reshape(canvas, [1, activations.shape.as_list()[0]+n_classes, canvas.shape.as_list()[1], 1])
  return canvas









Python tensorflow.executing_eagerly函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python tensorflow.enable_eager_execution函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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