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Golang jsonp.Get函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/opesun/jsonp.Get函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Get函数的具体用法?Golang Get怎么用?Golang Get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: TypeConfig

// Both everyone and personal.
func (v *V) TypeConfig() error {
	uni := v.uni
	typ := uni.Req.Form["type"][0]
	op, ok := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules.content.types."+typ)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can not find content type " + typ + " in options.")
	uni.Dat["type"] = typ
	uni.Dat["type_options"], _ = json.MarshalIndent(op, "", "    ")
	uni.Dat["op"] = op
	user_type_op, _ := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat["_user"], "content_options."+typ)
	uni.Dat["user_type_op"] = user_type_op
	return nil

示例2: AD

func AD(uni *context.Uni) error {
	defer adErr(uni)
	var err error
	if lev, k := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user.level"); k == false || lev.(int) < 300 {
		if admin_model.SiteHasAdmin(uni.Db) {
			uni.Dat["_points"] = []string{"admin/login"}
		} else {
			uni.Dat["_points"] = []string{"admin/regfirstadmin"}
		return nil
	m, cerr := routep.Comp("/admin/{modname}", uni.P)
	if cerr != nil { // It should be always nil anyway.
		return fmt.Errorf("Control is routed to Admin display, but it does not like the url structure.")
	modname, _ := m["modname"]
	switch modname {
	case "":
		err = Index(uni)
	case "edit-config":
		err = EditConfig(uni)
	case "install":
		err = Install(uni)
	case "uninstall":
		err = Uninstall(uni)
		_, installed := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules."+modname)
		if !installed {
			err = fmt.Errorf("There is no module named ", modname, " installed.")
		var viewname string
		if len(uni.Paths) < 4 {
			viewname = "index"
		} else {
			viewname = uni.Paths[3]
		uni.Caller.Call("views", modname, "AdminInit", nil)
		sanitized_viewname := Viewnameize(viewname)
		if !uni.Caller.Has("views", modname, sanitized_viewname) {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Module %v has no view named %v.", modname, sanitized_viewname)
		ret_rec := func(e error) {
			err = e
		uni.Dat["_points"] = []string{modname + "/" + viewname}
		uni.Caller.Call("views", modname, sanitized_viewname, ret_rec)
	return err

示例3: Index

func (v *V) Index() error {
	uni := v.uni
	var search string
	if s, hass := uni.Req.Form["point-name"]; hass {
		search = s[0]
	points, ok := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Display-points")
	if !ok {
		// return fmt.Errorf("There is no \"Display-points\" field in the option document.") // Rather than freezing we easily recover here below.
		points = map[string]interface{}{}
	// TODO: clean up here and make it more straightforward.
	points_m := points.(map[string]interface{})
	has_points := false
	ps := []string{}
	if ok {
		for key, _ := range points_m {
			if search == "" || strings.Index(key, search) != -1 {
				ps = append(ps, key)
			has_points = true
	uni.Dat["has_points"] = has_points
	uni.Dat["point_names"] = ps
	uni.Dat["search"] = search
	uni.Dat["_points"] = []string{"display_editor/index"}
	return nil

示例4: allowsComment

// Return values: content type, general (fatal) error, puzzle error
// Puzzle error is returned to support the decision of wether to put the comment into a moderation queue.
func (a *A) allowsComment(op string) (string, error, error) {
	uni := a.uni
	inp := uni.Req.Form
	user_level := scut.Ulev(uni.Dat["_user"])
	content_id := bson.ObjectIdHex(inp["content_id"][0])
	typ, err := content_model.TypeOf(uni.Db, content_id)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err, nil
	auth_opts, ignore := user.AuthOpts(uni, "content.types."+typ, op+"_comment")
	if ignore {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Auth options should not be ignored."), nil
	err, puzzle_err := user.AuthAction(uni, auth_opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err, nil
	var user_id bson.ObjectId
	user_id_i, has := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user._id") // At this point the user will have a user id. TODO: except when the auth_opts is misconfigured.
	if !has {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("User has no id."), nil
	if has {
		user_id = user_id_i.(bson.ObjectId)
	if op != "insert" {
		err = content_model.CanModifyComment(uni.Db, inp, 300, user_id, user_level) // TODO: remove hard-coded value.
	return typ, err, puzzle_err

示例5: update

// Update content.
// TODO: Consider separating the shared processes of Insert/Update (type and rule checking, extracting)
func (a *A) update() error {
	uni := a.uni
	uid, typ, prep_err := a.allowsContent("insert")
	if prep_err != nil {
		return prep_err
	rule, hasrule := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules.content.types."+typ+".rules")
	if !hasrule {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't find content type rules " + typ)
	err := content_model.Update(uni.Db, uni.Ev, rule.(map[string]interface{}), uni.Req.Form, uid)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	draft_id, has_draft_id := uni.Req.Form[content_model.Parent_draft_field]
	content_id := uni.Req.Form["id"][0]
	if has_draft_id && len(draft_id[0]) > 0 { // Coming from draft.
		// We must set redirect because it can come from draft edit too.
		uni.Dat["_cont"] = map[string]interface{}{
			"!type": typ,
			"!id":   content_id,
	} else {
		uni.Dat["_cont"] = map[string]interface{}{
			"!type": typ,
	return nil

示例6: Load

// Searches all {{load modname/filename.ext}} and replaces that with the proper requires then calls the require module on the file.
func Load(opt_i interface{}, root string, file []byte, get func(string, string) ([]byte, error)) ([]byte, error) {
	r := regexp.MustCompile(beg + "([a-zA-Z_.:/-])*" + end)
	s := r.FindAllString(string(file), -1)
	cut_beg := len(beg)
	cut_end := len(end)
	for _, v := range s {
		replacement := []byte{}
		load_name := v[cut_beg : len(v)-cut_end]
		loads, has := jsonp.Get(opt_i, load_name)
		if has {
			req_paths := jsonp.ToStringSlice(loads.([]interface{}))
			for _, x := range req_paths {
				replacement = append(replacement, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("{{require %v}}", x))...)
		if len(replacement) > 0 {
			str, err := require.RMem(root, replacement, get)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			replacement = []byte(str)
		file = r.ReplaceAll(file, replacement)
	return file, nil

示例7: eval_rec

func eval_rec(i interface{}, vars map[string]interface{}, nested bool) interface{} {
	switch val := i.(type) {
	case string:
		if string(val[0]) == Marker {
			if string(val[1]) == "&" { // Reference
				if nested {
					panic("Can't interpret reference in map or slice.")
				} else {
					return Ref{vars, string(val[2:])}
			} else { // Variable
				val, _ := jsonp.Get(vars, val[1:])
				return val
		} else {
			return i
	case map[string]interface{}:
		for i, v := range val {
			val[i] = eval_rec(v, vars, true)
	case []interface{}:
		for i, v := range val {
			val[i] = eval_rec(v, vars, true)
		return i
	return i

示例8: contentView

func (h *H) contentView(content_map map[string]string) (error, bool) {
	uni := h.uni
	types, ok := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules.content.types")
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("No content types."), false
	slug_keymap := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, v := range types.(map[string]interface{}) {
		type_conf := v.(map[string]interface{})
		if slugval, has := type_conf["accessed_by"]; has {
			slug_keymap[slugval.(string)] = struct{}{}
		} else {
			slug_keymap["slug"] = struct{}{}
	slug_keys := []string{}
	for i, _ := range slug_keymap {
		slug_keys = append(slug_keys, i)
	content, found := content_model.FindContent(uni.Db, slug_keys, content_map["slug"])
	if !found {
		return nil, false
	dont_query := map[string]interface{}{"password": 0}
	resolver.ResolveOne(uni.Db, content, dont_query)
	uni.Dat["_points"] = []string{"content"}
	uni.Dat["content"] = content
	return nil, true

示例9: DereferStrict

func (r Ref) DereferStrict() interface{} {
	val, ok := jsonp.Get(r.vars, r.name)
	if !ok {
		panic(r.name + " is undefined.")
	return val

示例10: allowsContent

func (a *A) allowsContent(op string) (bson.ObjectId, string, error) {
	uni := a.uni
	var typ string
	if op == "insert" {
		typ = uni.Req.Form["type"][0] // See TODO below.
	} else {
		content_id := patterns.ToIdWithCare(uni.Req.Form["id"][0]) // TODO: Don't let it panic if id does not exists, return descriptive error message.
		_typ, err := content_model.TypeOf(uni.Db, content_id)
		if err != nil {
			return "", "", err
		typ = _typ
	auth_opts, ignore := user.AuthOpts(uni, "content.types."+typ, op)
	if ignore {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Auth options should not be ignored.")
	err, _ := user.AuthAction(uni, auth_opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	uid_i, has_uid := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user._id")
	if !has_uid {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Can't %v content, you have no id.", op)
	uid := uid_i.(bson.ObjectId)
	user_level := scut.Ulev(uni.Dat["_user"])
	allowed_err := content_model.CanModifyContent(uni.Db, uni.Req.Form, 300, uid, user_level)
	if allowed_err != nil {
		return "", "", allowed_err
	return uid, typ, nil

示例11: musth

func musth(a string, b map[string]interface{}) error {
	_, has := jsonp.Get(b, a)
	if !has {
		return fmt.Errorf("Map has no key \"%v\". Terminating.", a)
	return nil

示例12: D

// Displays a display point.
func D(uni *context.Uni) {
	points, points_exist := uni.Dat["_points"]
	var point string
	if points_exist {
		point = points.([]string)[0]
	} else {
		p := uni.Req.URL.Path
		if p == "/" {
			point = "index"
		} else {
			point = p
	queries, queries_exists := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Display-points."+point+".queries")
	if queries_exists {
		qmap, ok := queries.(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			runQueries(uni, qmap)
	// While it is not the cheapest solution to convert bson.ObjectIds to strings here, where we have to iterate trough all values,
	// it is still better than remembering (and forgetting) to convert it at every specific place.
	langs, _ := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user.languages") // _user always has language member
	langs_s := toStringSlice(langs)
	loc, _ := display_model.LoadLocStrings(uni.Dat, langs_s, uni.Root, scut.GetTPath(uni.Opt, uni.Req.Host), nil) // TODO: think about errors here.
	if loc != nil {
		uni.Dat["loc"] = loc
	if _, isjson := uni.Req.Form["json"]; isjson {
	} else {
		err := DisplayFile(uni, point)
		if err != nil {
			uni.Dat["missing_file"] = point
			err_404 := DisplayFile(uni, "404")
			if err_404 != nil {
				uni.Put("Cant find file: ", point)

示例13: OkayToDoAction

// A very basic framework to provide an easy way to do action based authorization (currently checks user levels and puzzles).
// Hopefully this will solve the common security problem of forgetting to check the user's rights in modules,
// since everything is blacklisted by default (needs admin rights).
// Example:
// "Modules.%v.actions.%v.auth" : {
// 		"min_lev": 0,				// Defaults to 300. 0 Means somebody who has a user level >= min_lev can do it.
//		"no_puzzles_lev": 2			// Defaults to 2. Means someone who has a user level >= no_puzzles_lev will not have to solve the spam protection puzzle.
//		"puzzles": ["timer"]		// Defaults to defaultPuzzles(uni).
//		"hot_reg": 2				// More precisely: "reg, login, build".
//									// Defaults to 0. Specifies wether to register, login and build a guest user.
//									// 0 means don't register at all. 1 means register if he solved the puzzles. 2 register even if he failed the puzzles (useful for moderation).
// }
// A value of false means proceed as passed. This is useful when the rights to an action can not be determined by only
// from the module and action name. A good example is the content module. An action of "insert", or "comment_insert" can belong
// to different types of content, thus requiring different levels.
// We can solve this problem by assigning "Modules.content.actions.insert.auth" = false
// and calling this function by hand as mod_name = "content.types.blog", action_name = "insert" => "Modules.content.types.blog.actions.insert.auth" (long, I know...).
// Better workaround must exists, but currently we go on with this in the content module.
// First error is general error, not meant to be ignored, second is puzzle error, which can be ignored if one wants implement moderation.
func OkayToDoAction(uni *context.Uni, mod_name, action_name string) (error, error) {
	if _, installed := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules."+mod_name); !installed {
		return fmt.Errorf(cant_run_back, action_name, mod_name), nil
	auth_options, explicit_ignore := AuthOpts(uni, mod_name, action_name)
	if explicit_ignore {
		return nil, nil
	return AuthAction(uni, auth_options)

示例14: SavePersonalTypeConfig

// TODO: Ugly name.
func (a *A) SavePersonalTypeConfig() error {
	uni := a.uni
	return fmt.Errorf(not_impl) // Temp.
	user_id_i, has := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user._id")
	if !has {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't find user id.")
	user_id := user_id_i.(bson.ObjectId)
	return content_model.SavePersonalTypeConfig(uni.Db, uni.Req.Form, user_id)

示例15: InstallB

// opt structure:
// Modules.modulename
func InstallB(db *mgo.Database, ev ifaces.Event, opt map[string]interface{}, modn, mode string) (bson.ObjectId, error) {
	var object_id bson.ObjectId
	if _, already := jsonp.Get(opt, "Modules."+modn); mode == "install" && already {
		return object_id, fmt.Errorf("Module " + modn + " is already installed.")
	} else if mode == "uninstall" && !already {
		return object_id, fmt.Errorf("Module " + modn + " is not installed.")
	object_id = basic.CreateOptCopy(db)
	return object_id, nil

示例16: Config

func (v *V) Config() error {
	uni := v.uni
	op, _ := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules.content")
	marsh, err := json.MarshalIndent(op, "", "    ")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't marshal content options.")
	uni.Dat["content_options"] = string(marsh)
	return nil

示例17: ownLev

func (h *HighLev) ownLev() (int, bool) {
	verbL, ok := jsonp.Get(h.nouns, fmt.Sprintf("%v.verbs.%v.ownLevel", h.desc.Sentence.Noun, h.desc.Sentence.Verb))
	if ok {
		return numcon.IntP(verbL), true
	nounL, ok := jsonp.GetM(h.nouns, fmt.Sprintf("%v.ownLevel", h.desc.Sentence.Noun))
	if ok {
		return numcon.IntP(nounL), true
	return 0, false

示例18: getSidebar

func (v *V) getSidebar() []string {
	uni := v.uni
	menu := []string{}
	types, has := jsonp.Get(uni.Opt, "Modules.content.types")
	if !has {
		panic("There are no content types.")
	for i, _ := range types.(map[string]interface{}) {
		menu = append(menu, i)
	return menu

示例19: DeleteComment

func (a *A) DeleteComment() error {
	uni := a.uni
	_, allow_err, _ := a.allowsComment("delete")
	if allow_err != nil {
		return allow_err
	uid, has_uid := jsonp.Get(uni.Dat, "_user._id")
	if !has_uid {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't delete comment, you have no id.")
	return content_model.DeleteComment(uni.Db, uni.Ev, uni.Req.Form, uid.(bson.ObjectId))

示例20: Set

func (r Ref) Set(a interface{}) {
	// TODO: this will not handle []s, set should be implemented in opesun/jsonp.
	sl := strings.Split(r.name, ".")
	l := len(sl)
	if l == 1 {
		r.vars[r.name] = a
	} else {
		// TODO: This is not generic yet!
		val, _ := jsonp.Get(r.vars, strings.Join(sl[:l-1], "."))
		name := sl[l-1:][0]
		val.(map[string]interface{})[name] = val









Golang util.ObjectLoad函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-29
Golang log.Warnf函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-29





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