* Prepares the stack for a 64-bit guest and places the arguments in the correct
* register / stack locations.
* Arguments on 64-bit systems:
* 1st ARG: %RDI
* 2nd ARG: %RSI
* 3rd ARG: %RDX
* 4th ARG: %RCX
* 5th ARG: %R8
* 6th ARG: %R9
* 7th ARG - nth ARG: on stack from right to left
* @param inject The injection structure of the module that is injected.
* @param virt_stack A pointer to the virtual address of the memory area
* that was reserved for the stack of the module.
void prepareStack64(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct injection *inject, u64 *virt_stack)
u64 phys_stack = 0;
struct x86_exception error;
struct injection_arg *arg = NULL;
unsigned int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
enum kvm_reg reg;
// Do we actually have arguments?
if (inject->args)
// Move all data to the stack that cannot be directly passed as an argument
// such as strings and structures.
for (i = 0; i < inject->args->argc; ++i)
arg = get_next_arg(inject, arg);
if (!is_immediate(arg))
// Copy the data to the stack
PRINT_DEBUG("Writing data of argument %d with type %d and size %d to 0x%llx\n",
i, arg->type, arg->size, *virt_stack - arg->size);
// Update address
(*virt_stack) -= arg->size;
arg->data_on_stack = (void *)(*virt_stack);
// Write
phys_stack = vcpu->arch.mmu.gva_to_gpa(vcpu, (*virt_stack), 0, &error);
ret = kvm_write_guest(vcpu->kvm, phys_stack, get_arg_data(inject, arg), arg->size);
if(ret < 0)
PRINT_ERROR("An error (code: %d) occurred while writing the argument %d to memory!\n",
ret, i);
// Place arguments into the correct register / stack locations
arg = NULL;
for (i = inject->args->argc; i > 0 ; --i)
arg = get_prev_arg(inject, arg);
if (i >= 7)
// Arg goes on the stack
// ToDo: We just fix this to 8 byte here, but the size of the arg
// may actually be shorter
(*virt_stack) -= 8;
phys_stack = vcpu->arch.mmu.gva_to_gpa(vcpu, (*virt_stack), 0, &error);
if (is_immediate(arg))
PRINT_DEBUG("Writing argument %d with type %d and size %d to the stack 0x%llx\n",
i, arg->type, arg->size, *virt_stack);
ret = kvm_write_guest(vcpu->kvm, phys_stack, get_arg_data(inject, arg), arg->size);
PRINT_DEBUG("Writing pointer 0x%lx to argument %d with type %d and size %d to the stack 0x%llx\n",
(unsigned long)arg->data_on_stack, i, arg->type, arg->size, *virt_stack);
ret = kvm_write_guest(vcpu->kvm, phys_stack, &arg->data_on_stack, 8);
if(ret < 0)
PRINT_ERROR("An error (code: %d) occurred while writing the argument %d "
"to the stack!\n",
ret, i);
// Arg goes into a register
switch (i)
case 1:
rp_frame *
frame_read (char *str, rp_screen *screen)
Window w = 0L;
rp_window *win;
rp_frame *f;
char *tmp, *d;
int s_width = -1;
int s_height = -1;
/* Create a blank frame. */
f = xmalloc (sizeof (rp_frame));
PRINT_DEBUG(("parsing '%s'\n", str));
d = xstrdup(str);
tmp = strtok_ws (d);
/* Verify it starts with '(frame ' */
if (strcmp(tmp, "(frame"))
PRINT_DEBUG(("Doesn't start with '(frame '\n"));
free (d);
free (f);
return NULL;
/* NOTE: there is no check to make sure each field was filled in. */
tmp = strtok_ws(NULL);
while (tmp)
if (!strcmp(tmp, ":number"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":x"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":y"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":width"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":height"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":screenw"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":screenh"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":window"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":last-access"))
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":dedicated")) {
/* f->dedicated is unsigned, so read into local variable. */
long dedicated;
if (dedicated <= 0)
f->dedicated = 0;
f->dedicated = 1;
else if (!strcmp(tmp, ")"))
PRINT_ERROR(("Unknown slot %s\n", tmp));
/* Read the next token. */
tmp = strtok_ws(NULL);
if (tmp)
PRINT_ERROR(("Frame has trailing garbage\n"));
free (d);
/* adjust x, y, width and height to a possible screen size change */
if (s_width > 0)
f->x = (f->x*screen->width)/s_width;
f->width = (f->width*screen->width)/s_width;
if (s_height > 0)
f->y = (f->y*screen->height)/s_height;
f->height = (f->height*screen->height)/s_height;
/* Perform some integrity checks on what we got and fix any
problems. */
if (f->number <= 0)
f->number = 0;
if (f->x <= 0)
f->x = 0;
if (f->y <= 0)
f->y = 0;
if (f->width <= defaults.window_border_width*2)
f->width = defaults.window_border_width*2 + 1;
if (f->height <= defaults.window_border_width*2)
f->height = defaults.window_border_width*2 + 1;
if (f->last_access < 0)
f->last_access = 0;
/* Find the window with the X11 window ID. */
win = find_window_in_list (w, &rp_mapped_window);
if (win)
// Request a checkpoint of the local process
// The return value is
// - negative in case of error
// - zero when successfully resuming after the checkpoint
// - positive when restarting from the checkpoint
static int request_checkpoint( const char* filename )
cr_checkpoint_args_t cr_file_args;
cr_checkpoint_handle_t cr_handle;
int cr_fd = -1;
int return_code = 0;
// Check current state
if ( cr_state != CR_READY ) {
switch( cr_state ) {
PRINT_ERROR("Error: Already checkpointing... (cr_state=%d)\n", cr_state);
return_code = -10;
PRINT_ERROR("Error: Not ready to checkpoint... (cr_state=%d)\n", cr_state);
return_code = -11;
goto error;
} else {
// All is ok, proceed to checkpoint request
CR_state_transition_nolock( CR_REQUEST_CHECKPOINT );
cr_fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);
if ( cr_fd < 0 ) {
PRINT_ERROR_ERRNO("Failed to open checkpoint file '%s'", errno, filename);
return_code = -1;
goto error;
int ret = cr_initialize_checkpoint_args_t(&cr_file_args);
if (ret < 0) {
PRINT_ERROR("BLCR call cr_initialize_checkpoint_args_t() failed\n");
return_code = -2;
goto error;
cr_file_args.cr_scope = CR_SCOPE_PROC;
cr_file_args.cr_target = getpid();
cr_file_args.cr_fd = cr_fd;
cr_file_args.cr_signal = 0;
cr_file_args.cr_timeout = 0;
cr_file_args.cr_flags &= ~CR_CHKPT_DUMP_ALL; // Save None
// Request a checkpoint
PRINT_DEBUG( DEBUG_FT_verbose, "cr_request_checkpoint() with file '%s'\n", filename );
ret = cr_request_checkpoint(&cr_file_args, &cr_handle);
PRINT_DEBUG( DEBUG_FT_verbose>1, "cr_request_checkpoint() returned %d\n", ret );
if (ret < 0) {
PRINT_ERROR("BLCR call cr_request_checkpoint() failed with error %d: %s\n", errno, cr_strerror(errno));
return_code = -3;
goto error;
// Wait for the end of the checkpoint, and retry while interrupted
PRINT_DEBUG( DEBUG_FT_verbose, "cr_poll_checkpoint()\n" );
do {
ret = cr_poll_checkpoint(&cr_handle, NULL);
} while (ret == CR_POLL_CHKPT_ERR_PRE && errno == EINTR);
PRINT_DEBUG( DEBUG_FT_verbose>1, "cr_poll_checkpoint() returned %d\n", ret );
// Check the result of the checkpoint
if (ret == CR_POLL_CHKPT_ERR_POST && errno == CR_ERESTARTED) {
// We are restarting, ignore this error code
// The checkpoint file is not opened at restart
cr_fd = -1;
// Positive value means restart
return_code = 1;
return return_code;
} else if (ret < 0) {
// Checkpoint failed
PRINT_ERROR("BLCR call cr_poll_checkpoint() failed with error %d: %s\n", errno, cr_strerror(errno));
// Negative value for failure
return_code = -4;
goto error;
} else if (ret == 0) {
// 0 means that the checkpoint is in progress
// It should never happen because we don't specify any timeout when calling cr_poll_checkpoint()
ASSERT_MSG( 0==1, "Internal error\n");
* Funkcja pobiera certyfikat z formularza wczytanego do struktury xmlDocPtr i
* zapisuje go do bufora generycznego.
* \param document Sparsowany formularz XML.
* \param certyfikat Wskaźnik na bufor generyczny. Pod wskazanym adresem zapisany
* zostanie zdekodowany certyfikat. Potrzebna pamięc zostanie zaalokowana.
* \retval 0 Wszystko OK.
* \retval -1 Nie można pobrać z formularza certyfikatu. Może podano zły formularz?
* \retval -2 Nie można zdekodować certyfikatu.
* */
long _getCertificateFromXML(xmlDocPtr *document, GenBuf_t ** certyfikat)
long status = 0;
int si_temp = 0;
char *xpath = NULL; /*ściezka xpath do certyfikatu*/
char *node_value = NULL; /*zawartość taga ze zbejzowanym certem*/
size_t dlugosc_bufora=0; /*długość rozbejzowanego certyfikatu*/
/*sprawdzamy wywolanie*/
if (document == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (certyfikat == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
if (*certyfikat != NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg;
/*pobieramy certyfikat*/
asprintf(&xpath, "//ds:X509Certificate");
asprintf(&xpath, "//ds:Signature/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate");
status = bmdxml_get_node_value_by_xpath (*document, (const char *) xpath, &node_value);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Unable to get certificate from the form!\n");
return -1;
/*dodajemy go do genbufa*/
(*certyfikat) = (GenBuf_t*) malloc (sizeof(GenBuf_t));
(*certyfikat)->buf = (char *)spc_base64_decode((unsigned char *)node_value, &dlugosc_bufora, 0, &si_temp);
if (si_temp != 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Error while decoding certificate!\n");
return -2;
if (dlugosc_bufora <= 5)
PRINT_DEBUG("Decoded buffer has %li length!\n", (long)dlugosc_bufora);
return -2;
(*certyfikat)->size = (long)dlugosc_bufora;
return 0;
示例9: _compareSerials
* Funkcja porównuje numery seryjne z certyfikatu i z formularza
* */
long _compareSerials(char **cert, char **form)
BIGNUM *certGigant = NULL; /*serial z certyfikatu*/
BIGNUM *formGigant = NULL; /*serial z formularza*/
BN_CTX *ctx = NULL; /*kontekst dla numerków*/
char *castrate = NULL; /*serial cert. pozbawiony spacji*/
long equal = -13;
long i, j;
long len = 0; /*długość numeru seryjnego*/
/*wywolanie funkcji*/
if (cert == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (*cert == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (form == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
if (*form == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
/*kastracja cert*/
len = (long)strlen(*cert);
castrate = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * len);
if (castrate == NULL)
PRINT_ERROR("No memory!\n");
return -13;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++)
if ((*cert)[i] != ' ')
castrate[j] = (*cert)[i];
castrate[j] = '\0';
/*inicjaliacja numerków*/
certGigant = BN_new();
formGigant = BN_new();
/*ładujemy numerki do BN*/
BN_hex2bn(&certGigant, castrate);
BN_dec2bn(&formGigant, *form);
/*porównujemy seriale*/
equal = BN_cmp(certGigant, formGigant);
/*inicjalizujemy kontekst do BN*/
ctx = BN_CTX_new();
return equal;
示例10: _getInfoFromXML
* Funkcja pobiera numer seryjny i wystawcę certyfikatu z formularza.
* \param document Wskaźnik na sparsowany dokument xml.
* \param FormSerialNumber Wskaźnik na numer seryjny. String pod ten numer
* zostanie zaalokowany, należy go potem zwolnić.
* \param FormIssuerName Wskaźnik na nazwę wystawcy. String pod tę nazwę
* zostanie zaalokowany, nalezy go potem zwolnić.
* \retval 0 Wszystko OK.
* \retval -1 Nie można pobrać numeru seryjnego z formularza.
* \retval -2 Nie można pobrać imienia wystawcy z formularza.
* */
long _getInfoFromXML(const xmlDocPtr *document, char **FormSerialNumber, char **FormIssuerName)
long status;
char *xpath = NULL; /*ściezka xpath do certyfikatu*/
char *node_value = NULL; /*zawartość taga ze zbejzowanym certem*/
if (document == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (FormSerialNumber == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
if (*FormSerialNumber != NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
if (FormIssuerName == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 3\n");
return ERR_arg+3;
if (*FormIssuerName != NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 3\n");
return ERR_arg+3;
/*pobieramy serial*/
asprintf(&xpath, "//X509SerialNumber");
asprintf(&xpath, "//ds:Signature/ds:Object/xades:QualifyingProperties/xades:SignedProperties/xades:SignedSignatureProperties/xades:SigningCertificate/xades:Cert/xades:IssuerSerial/ds:X509SerialNumber");
status = bmdxml_get_node_value_by_xpath (*document, xpath, &node_value);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Unable to get serial number from the form!\n");
return -1;
asprintf(FormSerialNumber, "%s", node_value);
node_value = NULL;
xpath = NULL;
/*pobieramy IssuerName*/
asprintf(&xpath, "//X509IssuerName");
asprintf(&xpath, "//ds:Signature/ds:Object/xades:QualifyingProperties/xades:SignedProperties/xades:SignedSignatureProperties/xades:SigningCertificate/xades:Cert/xades:IssuerSerial/ds:X509IssuerName");
status = bmdxml_get_node_value_by_xpath (*document, (const char *) xpath, &node_value);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Unable to get issuer name from the form!\n");
return -2;
asprintf(FormIssuerName, "%s", node_value);
node_value = NULL;
xpath = NULL;
return 0;
示例11: verify_memory
* Funkcja dokonuje weryfikacji poprawności złożonego podpisu pod formularzem.
* \param[in] mngr Zainicjalizowany menedżer kluczy.
* \param[in] buffer Formularz do zweryfikowania.
* \param[in] buffer_len Długość weryfikowanego formularza.
* \retval 0 Podpis poprawny.
* \retval 1 Podpis niepoprawny.
* \retval -1 Nie można przeparsować dokumentu.
* \retval -2 Nie znaleziono startowego węzła.
* \retval -3 Nie dało się utworzyć kontekstu podpisu.
* \retval -4 Nie dało rady zweryfikować podpisu.
* */
static long verify_memory(xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr, const char* buffer, const long buffer_len) {
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx = NULL;
long ret = -99;
/* load file */
doc = xmlParseMemory(buffer,buffer_len);
if ((doc == NULL) || (xmlDocGetRootElement(doc) == NULL)){
ret = -1;
goto done;
/* find start node */
node = xmlSecFindNode(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), xmlSecNodeSignature, xmlSecDSigNs);
if(node == NULL) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Start node %s not found\n",xmlSecNodeSignature);
ret = -2;
goto done;
/* create signature context */
dsigCtx = xmlSecDSigCtxCreate(mngr);
if(dsigCtx == NULL) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Failed to create signature context\n");
ret = -3;
goto done;
/* Verify signature */
if(xmlSecDSigCtxVerify(dsigCtx, node) < 0) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error: signature verify failed\n");
ret = -4;
goto done;
/* print verification result to stdout */
if(dsigCtx->status == xmlSecDSigStatusSucceeded) {
ret = 0;
PRINT_DEBUG("XAdES: Signature is OK\n");
} else {
ret = 1;
PRINT_DEBUG("XAdES: Signature is INVALID\n");
/* cleanup */
if(dsigCtx != NULL) {
if(doc != NULL) {
示例12: isCertificateValid
/**Funkcja sprawdza, czy certyfikat jest ważny w danym momencie oznaczonym przez timestamp.
* \param certyfikat Certyfikat do sprawdzenia.
* \param timestamp Znacznik czasu.
* */
long isCertificateValid(GenBuf_t **certyfikat, GenBuf_t *timestamp)
long status = -1;
char *validNB = NULL;/*początek okresu wazności*/
char *validNA = NULL;/*koniec okresu ważności*/
char *today = NULL;/*dzisiejsza data*/
GenBuf_t *PlainData = NULL;
time_t tNB, tNA, tToday;
if (certyfikat == NULL || *certyfikat == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (timestamp == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
/*poczatek waznosci*/
status = GetValidityNBFromX509Certificate_time(*certyfikat, &tNB);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Couldn't get validity not before\n");
return -1;
/*koniec waznosci*/
status = GetValidityNAFromX509Certificate_time(*certyfikat, &tNA);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Couldn't get validity not after\n");
return -2;
PRINT_VDEBUG("Getting current date from timestamp...\n");
status = GetGenerationTimeFromTimestamp_time(timestamp, &tToday);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Couldn't get current date and time\n");
return -3;
/*ewentualne wydruki*/
/*PRINT_VDEBUG("Valid not before: %s\n", validNB);
PRINT_VDEBUG("Valid not after: %s\n", validNA);
PRINT_VDEBUG("Today is: %s\n", today);*/
/*konieczne porównania*/
/*tNB = _to_seconds(validNB);
tNA = _to_seconds(validNA);
tToday = _to_seconds(today);*/
if (tToday < tNB)
PRINT_DEBUG("Certificate not valid before %s!\n", validNB);
return -4;
else if (tToday > tNA)
PRINT_DEBUG("Certificate not valid after %s!\n", validNA);
return -5;
return 0;
示例13: verify_fields
* Funkcja porównuje zawartość pól X509IssuerName, X509SerialNumber i CertDigest
* w certyfikacie i w formularzu.
* \retval -1 Nie można przeparsować dokumentu.
* \retval -2 Nie można pobrać info certyfikatu z formularza.
* \retval -3 Nie można pobrać info z formularza.
* \retval -4 Niezgodne numery seryjne.
* \retval -5 Niezgodne nazwy wystawców.
* \retval -6 Nie można utworzyć skrótu z certyfikatu.
* \retval -7 Nie można pobrać skrótu certyfikatu z formularza.
* \retval -8 Niezgodne skróty z certyfikatów.
* \retval -9 Certyfikat przeterminowany.
* */
long verify_fields(const char *buffer, const long buffer_len, GenBuf_t *timestamp)
xmlDocPtr document = NULL;
char *CertSerialNumber = NULL; /*serial sczytany z certyfikatu*/
char *FormSerialNumber = NULL; /*serial sczytany z formularza*/
char *CertIssuerName = NULL; /*wystawca sczytany z certyfikatu*/
char *FormIssuerName = NULL; /*wystawca sczytany z formularza*/
char *CertDigest = NULL; /*digest w base64 do porównania*/
char *FormDigest = NULL; /*digest z formularza*/
GenBuf_t *certyfikat = NULL; /*genbuf z certyfikatem*/
long status;
/*kontrola poprawnosci parametrow*/
if (buffer == NULL)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 1\n");
return ERR_arg+1;
if (buffer_len == 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Wrong argument 2 (too short!)\n");
return ERR_arg+2;
/* load file */
document = xmlParseMemory(buffer,buffer_len);
if ((document == NULL) || (xmlDocGetRootElement(document) == NULL))
return -1;
/* pobieramy certyfikat*/
status = _getCertificateFromXML(&document, &certyfikat);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Error while getting certificate.\n");
return -2;
/*pobieramy date waznosci*/
status = isCertificateValid(&certyfikat, timestamp);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Error - certificate not valid!\n");
return -9;
/* get Serial and IssuerName from certificate in the form*/
status = _getInfoFromCertificate(&certyfikat, &CertSerialNumber, &CertIssuerName);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Error while getting info from X509 Certificate.\n");
return -2;
PRINT_VDEBUG("Form signed by certificate issued by %s, serial: %s\n",
CertIssuerName, CertSerialNumber);
/* get Serial and IssuerName from the form*/
_getInfoFromXML(&document, &FormSerialNumber, &FormIssuerName);
if (status < 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Error while getting info from the form.\n");
return -3;
/*porównujemy seriale*/
status = _compareSerials(&CertSerialNumber, &FormSerialNumber);
if (status != 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Bad serial number.\n");
return -4;
/*porównujemy wystawcow*/
status = _compareIssuerNames(&CertIssuerName, &FormIssuerName);
if (status != 0)
PRINT_DEBUG("Bad issuer name.\n");
return -5;
/*sprawdzamy digest*/
status = _getDigestAndMethod(&document, &FormDigest, &metoda);
if (status < 0)
void *switch_loop(void *local) {
struct fins_module *module = (struct fins_module *) local;
PRINT_DEBUG("Entered: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name);
struct switch_data *md = (struct switch_data *) module->data;
uint32_t i;
int ret;
//int32_t val;
struct finsFrame *ff;
//uint8_t index;
int counter = 0;
while (module->state == FMS_RUNNING) {
secure_sem_wait(module->event_sem); //TODO uncomment, for testing
for (i = 0; i < MAX_MODULES; i++) {
if (md->overall->modules[i] != NULL) {
//helgrind says is race condition, though there will always be FF when post to event_sem
if (!IsEmpty(md->overall->modules[i]->output_queue)) { //added as optimization
//can possibly cause switch to be "behind"
ret = sem_getvalue(md->overall->modules[i]->output_sem, &val);
if (ret) {
PRINT_ERROR("sem get value prob: src module_index=%u, ret=%d", i, ret);
} //*/
//if (val != 0) {
while ((ret = sem_wait(md->overall->modules[i]->output_sem)) && errno == EINTR)
if (ret != 0) {
PRINT_ERROR("sem wait prob: src module_index=%u, ret=%d", i, ret);
ff = read_queue(md->overall->modules[i]->output_queue);
//if (ff != NULL) { //shouldn't occur
//index = ff->destinationID;
if (ff->destinationID < 0 || ff->destinationID > MAX_MODULES) {
PRINT_ERROR("dropping ff: illegal destination: src module_index=%u, dst module_index=%u, ff=%p, meta=%p",
i, ff->destinationID, ff, ff->metaData);
//TODO if FCF set ret_val=0 & return? or free or just exit(-1)?
} else { //if (i != id) //TODO add this?
if (md->overall->modules[ff->destinationID] != NULL) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Counter=%d, from='%s', to='%s', ff=%p, meta=%p",
counter, md->overall->modules[i]->name, md->overall->modules[ff->destinationID]->name, ff, ff->metaData);
//TODO decide if should drop all traffic to switch input queues, or use that as linking table requests
if (ff->destinationID == module->index) {
switch_process_ff(module, ff);
} else {
while ((ret = sem_wait(md->overall->modules[ff->destinationID]->input_sem)) && errno == EINTR)
if (ret != 0) {
PRINT_ERROR("sem wait prob: dst index=%u, ff=%p, meta=%p, ret=%d", ff->destinationID, ff, ff->metaData, ret);
if (write_queue(ff, md->overall->modules[ff->destinationID]->input_queue)) {
} else {
PRINT_ERROR("Write queue error: dst index=%u, ff=%p, meta=%p", ff->destinationID, ff, ff->metaData);
} else {
PRINT_ERROR("dropping ff: destination not registered: src index=%u, dst index=%u, ff=%p, meta=%p",
i, ff->destinationID, ff, ff->metaData);
//TODO if FCF set ret_val=0 & return? or free or just exit(-1)?
PRINT_DEBUG("Exited: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name);
return NULL;