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C++ eigen::MatrixXcd类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了C++中eigen::MatrixXcd的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MatrixXcd类的具体用法?C++ MatrixXcd怎么用?C++ MatrixXcd使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: fix_phase

//fix phase of eigensystem and store phase of first entry of each eigenvector
void fix_phase(Eigen::MatrixXcd& V, Eigen::MatrixXcd& V_fix, std::vector<double>& phase) {
   const int V3 = pars -> get_int("V3");
  //helper variables:
  //Number of eigenvectors
  int n_ev;
  //negative imaginary
  std::complex<double> i_neg (0,-1);
  //tmp factor and phase
  std::complex<double> fac (1.,1.);
  double tmp_phase = 0;
  //get sizes right, resize if necessary
  n_ev = V.cols();
  if (phase.size() != n_ev) phase.resize(n_ev);
  if (V_fix.cols() != n_ev) V_fix.resize(3*V3,n_ev);
  //loop over all eigenvectors of system
  for (int n = 0; n < n_ev; ++n) {

    tmp_phase = std::arg(V(0,n));
    phase.at(n) = tmp_phase;
    fac = std::exp(i_neg*tmp_phase);
    //Fix phase of eigenvector with negative polar angle of first entry
    V_fix.col(n) = fac * V.col(n); 


示例2: operator

//TODO complex values as matrix entries too
//TODO support endomorphisms over Rn too
Expression EigenvectorsCommand::operator()(const QList< Analitza::Expression >& args)
    Expression ret;
    QStringList errors;
    const Eigen::MatrixXcd eigeninfo = executeEigenSolver(args, true, errors);
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        return ret;
    const int neigenvectors = eigeninfo.rows();
    QScopedPointer<Analitza::List> list(new Analitza::List);
    for (int j = 0; j < neigenvectors; ++j) {
        const Eigen::VectorXcd col = eigeninfo.col(j);
        QScopedPointer<Analitza::Vector> eigenvector(new Analitza::Vector(neigenvectors));
        for (int i = 0; i < neigenvectors; ++i) {
            const std::complex<double> eigenvalue = col(i);
            const double realpart = eigenvalue.real();
            const double imagpart = eigenvalue.imag();
            if (std::isnan(realpart) || std::isnan(imagpart)) {
                ret.addError(QCoreApplication::tr("Returned eigenvalue is NaN", "NaN means Not a Number, is an invalid float number"));
                return ret;
            } else if (std::isinf(realpart) || std::isinf(imagpart)) {
                ret.addError(QCoreApplication::tr("Returned eigenvalue is too big"));
                return ret;
            } else {
                bool isonlyreal = true;
                if (std::isnormal(imagpart)) {
                    isonlyreal = false;
                Analitza::Cn * eigenvalueobj = 0;
                if (isonlyreal) {
                    eigenvalueobj = new Analitza::Cn(realpart);
                } else {
                    eigenvalueobj = new Analitza::Cn(realpart, imagpart);
    return ret;

示例3: exit

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LapH::OperatorsForMesons::build_rvdaggerv(
                                            const LapH::RandomVector& rnd_vec) {

  // check if vdaggerv is already build
  if(not is_vdaggerv_set){
    std::cout << "\n\n\tCaution: vdaggerv is not set and rvdaggervr cannot be" 
              << " computed\n\n" << std::endl;

  clock_t t2 = clock();
  std::cout << "\tbuild rvdaggerv:";

  for(auto& rvdv_level1 : rvdaggerv)
    for(auto& rvdv_level2 : rvdv_level1)
      for(auto& rvdv_level3 : rvdv_level2)
        rvdv_level3 = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(4*dilE, nb_ev);

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
  for(size_t t = 0; t < Lt; t++){

  // rvdaggervr is calculated by multiplying vdaggerv with the same quantum
  // numbers with random vectors from right and left.
  for(const auto& op : operator_lookuptable.rvdaggerv_lookuptable){

    Eigen::MatrixXcd vdv;
    if(op.need_vdaggerv_daggering == false)
      vdv = vdaggerv[op.id_vdaggerv][t];
      vdv = vdaggerv[op.id_vdaggerv][t].adjoint();

    size_t rid = 0;
    for(const auto& rnd_id : 

      for(size_t block = 0; block < 4; block++){
      for(size_t vec_i = 0; vec_i < nb_ev; ++vec_i) {
        size_t blk =  block + vec_i * 4 + 4 * nb_ev * t;
        rvdaggerv[op.id][t][rid].block(vec_i%dilE + dilE*block, 0, 1, nb_ev) += 
             vdv.row(vec_i) * std::conj(rnd_vec(rnd_id, blk));
  }}// time and operator loops end here

  t2 = clock() - t2;
  std::cout << std::setprecision(1) << "\t\tSUCCESS - " << std::fixed 
    << ((float) t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;

示例4: read_evectors_bin_ts

//Reads in Eigenvectors from one Timeslice in binary format to V
void read_evectors_bin_ts(const char * path, const char* prefix, const int config_i, const int t,
    const int nb_ev, Eigen::MatrixXcd& V) {
  int V3 = pars -> get_int("V3");
  //bool thorough = pars -> get_int("strict");
  const int dim_row = 3 * V3;
  //TODO: Change path getting to something keyword independent
  //buffer for read in
  std::complex<double>* eigen_vec = new std::complex<double>[dim_row];
  //setting up file
  char filename[200];
  sprintf(filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%03d", path, prefix, config_i, t);
  std::cout << "Reading file: " << filename << std::endl;
  std::ifstream infile(filename, std::ifstream::binary);
  for (int nev = 0; nev < nb_ev; ++nev) {
    infile.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (eigen_vec), 2*dim_row*sizeof(double));
    V.col(nev) = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXcd, 0 >(eigen_vec, dim_row);
  if(check_trace(V, nb_ev) != true){
    std::cout << "Timeslice: " << t << ": Eigenvectors damaged, exiting" << std::endl;

  //clean up
  delete[] eigen_vec;

示例5: write_eig_sys_bin

void write_eig_sys_bin(const char* prefix, const int config_i, const int t, const int nb_ev, Eigen::MatrixXcd& V) {
  const int V3 = pars -> get_int("V3");
  std::string path = pars -> get_path("res");
  //set up filename
  char file [200];
  sprintf(file, "%s/%s.%04d.%03d", path.c_str(), prefix, config_i, t);
  //sprintf(file, "%s.%04d.%03d", prefix, config_i, t);
  if(check_trace(V, nb_ev) != true){
    std::cout << "Timeslice: " << t << ": Eigenvectors damaged, abort writing" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Writing to file:" << file << std::endl;
  std::ofstream outfile(file, std::ofstream::binary);
  std::streamsize  begin = outfile.tellp();
  std::streamsize eigsys_bytes =2*3*V3*nb_ev*sizeof(double); 
  outfile.write(reinterpret_cast<char*> (V.data()), eigsys_bytes);
  std::streamsize end = outfile.tellp();
  if ( (end - begin)/eigsys_bytes != 1 ){
    std::cout << "Timeslice:  " << t << " Error: write incomplete, exiting" << std::endl;
    std::cout << (end-begin) << " bytes instead of expected "<< eigsys_bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << end - begin << " bytes written" << std::endl;


示例6: main

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  // initialize parameters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  Parameters p;

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "Memory usage of p: " << sizeof(p) << " bytes." << endl;

  Eigen::MatrixXcd H = p.Ham();

  cout << "size of Hamiltonian: " << H.rows() << "x" << H.cols() << endl;
  cout << "Hamiltonian: " << H << endl;
  cout << "Second element of Hamiltonian: " << p.Ham(0,1) << endl;

  // propagate /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  return 0;

示例7: trafo_ev

// TODO: work on interface with eigenvector class
// transform matrix of eigenvectors with gauge array
Eigen::MatrixXcd GaugeField::trafo_ev(const Eigen::MatrixXcd &eig_sys) {
  const ssize_t dim_row = eig_sys.rows();
  const ssize_t dim_col = eig_sys.cols();
  Eigen::MatrixXcd ret(dim_row, dim_col);
  if (omega.shape()[0] == 0)
  // write_gauge_matrices("ev_trafo_log.bin",Omega);

  for (ssize_t nev = 0; nev < dim_col; ++nev) {
    for (ssize_t vol = 0; vol < dim_row; ++vol) {
      int ind_c = vol % 3;
      Eigen::Vector3cd tmp =
          omega[0][ind_c].adjoint() * (eig_sys.col(nev)).segment(ind_c, 3);
      (ret.col(nev)).segment(ind_c, 3) = tmp;
    }  // end loop nev
  }    // end loop vol
  return ret;

示例8: LowerTriangleOfSquareMatrix

  // This returns a matrix that is the lower-triangular part (only column
  // index <= row index) of the square of matrixToSquare.
  Eigen::MatrixXcd SymmetricComplexMassMatrix::LowerTriangleOfSquareMatrix(
                                 Eigen::MatrixXcd const& matrixToSquare ) const
    Eigen::MatrixXcd valuesSquaredMatrix( numberOfRows,
                                          numberOfRows );
    for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
         rowIndex < numberOfRows;
         ++rowIndex )
      for( size_t columnIndex( 0 );
           columnIndex <= rowIndex;
           ++columnIndex )
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).real(0.0);
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).imag(0.0);
        for( size_t sumIndex( 0 );
             sumIndex < numberOfRows;
             ++sumIndex )
          double temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).real()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).real() )
               + ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).imag() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex, columnIndex ).real(temp);
          temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).imag() )
               - ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).real() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag(temp);
          // The Eigen routines don't bother looking at elements of
          // valuesSquaredMatrix where columnIndex > rowIndex, so we don't even
          // bother filling them with the conjugates of the transpose.
    return valuesSquaredMatrix;

示例9: mult_dirac

void BasicOperator::mult_dirac(const Eigen::MatrixXcd& matrix,
                               Eigen::MatrixXcd& reordered, 
                               const size_t index) const {

  const vec_pdg_Corr op_Corr = global_data->get_lookup_corr();

  const size_t rows = matrix.rows();
  const size_t cols = matrix.cols();
  const size_t col = cols/4;
  if( (rows != reordered.rows()) || (cols != reordered.cols()) ){
    std::cout << "Error! In BasicOperator::mult_dirac: size of matrix and "
                 "reordered must be equal" << std::endl;

  for(const auto& dirac : op_Corr[index].gamma){
    if(dirac != 4){
      for(size_t block = 0; block < 4; block++){
        reordered.block(0, block * col, rows, col) = 
          gamma[dirac].value[block] *
          matrix.block(0, gamma[dirac].row[block]*col, rows, col);


示例10: main

int main() {
  const int dim_row = MAT_ENTRIES;
  const int dim_col = 120;// number of eigenvectors
  //Set up data structure
  Eigen::MatrixXcd V;
  Eigen::MatrixXcd V_dagger;
  Eigen::MatrixXcd S;
  V = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero( dim_row, dim_col);
  V_dagger = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero( dim_row, dim_col);
  S = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero( dim_row, dim_col);
  read_eigenvectors_from_binary_ts("eigenvectors", 600, 0, V);
  //read_eigenvectors_from_binary_ts("eigenvectors", 600, 0);
  std::cout << "Calculating v v_dagger" << std::endl;
  V_dagger = V.adjoint();
  for(int i = 0; i < dim_row; ++i ){
    for(int j = 0; j < dim_col; ++j) {
      //std::complex<double> entry =  V.row(i) * V_dagger.col(j);
      if (std::abs(V(i,j)) > 1e-15)  
      std::cout << i << " " << j << " " << V(i,j) << std::endl;

示例11: check_trace

static bool check_trace(const Eigen::MatrixXcd& V, const int nb_ev){
  bool read_state = true;
  Eigen::MatrixXcd VdV(nb_ev,nb_ev);
  VdV = V.adjoint() * V;
  double eps = 10e-10;
  std::complex<double> trace (0.,0.), sum(0.,0.);
  trace = VdV.trace();
  sum = VdV.sum();
  std::cout << trace.real() << std::endl;
  if ( fabs( trace.real()) - nb_ev > eps ||
       fabs(trace.imag()) > eps ||
       fabs(sum.real()) - nb_ev > eps ||
       fabs(sum.imag()) > eps)
    read_state = false;
  return read_state; 

示例12: build_otsdf

void CCorrelationFilters::build_otsdf(struct CDataStruct *img, struct CParamStruct *params, struct CFilterStruct *filt)
	 * This function implements the correlation filter design proposed in the following publications.
     * [1] Optimal trade-off synthetic discriminant function filters for arbitrary devices, B.V.K.Kumar, D.W.Carlson, A.Mahalanobis - Optics Letters, 1994.
	 * [2] Jason Thornton, "Matching deformed and occluded iris patterns: a probabilistic model based on discriminative cues." PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2007.
	 * [3] Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, Jonathon M Smereka, and B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, "A comparative evaluation of iris and ocular recognition methods on challenging ocular images." IJCB, 2011.
     * [4] A. Mahalanobis, B.V.K. Kumar, D. Casasent, "Minimum average correlation energy filters," Applied Optics, 1987
	 * Notes: This filter design is good when the dimensionality of the data is greater than the training sample size. Setting the filter parameter params->alpha=0 results in the popular MACE filter. However, it is usually better to set alpha to a small number rather than setting it to 0. If you use MACE cite [4].

	filt->params = *params;
	filt->filter.size_data = params->size_filt_freq;
	filt->filter.size_data_freq = params->size_filt_freq;

	filt->filter.num_elements_freq = img->num_elements_freq;
	params->num_elements_freq = img->num_elements_freq;
	filt->filter.data_freq = new complex<double>[img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels];
	Eigen::ArrayXcd filt_freq = Eigen::ArrayXcd::Zero(params->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels);
	// If not set default to 1
	if (params->wpos < 1) params->wpos = 1;
	filt->params.wpos = params->wpos;
	compute_psd_matrix(img, params);
	Eigen::MatrixXcd Y = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,img->num_data);
	Eigen::MatrixXcd u = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(img->num_data,1);
	Eigen::MatrixXcd temp = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(img->num_data,img->num_data);
	Eigen::MatrixXd tmp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(img->num_data,img->num_data);
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXcd> X(img->data_freq,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,img->num_data);
	Eigen::ArrayXXcd temp1 = Eigen::ArrayXXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq,img->num_channels);
	Eigen::ArrayXXcd temp2 = Eigen::ArrayXXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq,img->num_channels);
	Eigen::Vector2i num_blocks_1, num_blocks_2;
	num_blocks_1 << img->num_channels,img->num_channels;
	num_blocks_2 << img->num_channels,1;
	for (int k=0;k<img->num_data;k++){
        temp2 = X.block(0,k,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,1).array();
        fusion_matrix_multiply(temp1, img->Sinv, temp2, num_blocks_1, num_blocks_2);
        Y.block(0,k,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,1) = temp1.matrix();
		if (img->labels[k] == 1)
			u(k) = std::complex<double>(params->wpos,0);
			u(k) = std::complex<double>(1,0);

	temp = X.conjugate().transpose()*Y;
	temp = temp.ldlt().solve(u);
	filt_freq = Y*temp;
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::ArrayXcd>(filt->filter.data_freq,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels) = filt_freq;
	filt->filter.num_data = 1;
	filt->filter.num_channels = img->num_channels;

示例13: cmplxMatrixString

 std::string cmplxMatrixString(const Eigen::MatrixXcd& m)
   // Make a string from the bytes
   return std::string((char *) m.data(), m.size() * sizeof(m(0, 0)));

示例14: clock

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LapH::Quarklines::build_Q2L(const Perambulator& peram,
               const OperatorsForMesons& meson_operator,
               const std::vector<QuarklineQ2Indices>& ql_lookup,
               const std::vector<RandomIndexCombinationsQ2>& ric_lookup){

  std::cout << "\tcomputing Q2L:";
  clock_t time = clock();
#pragma omp parallel 
  Eigen::MatrixXcd M = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(4 * dilE, 4 * nev);

  for(size_t t1 = 0; t1 < Lt; t1++){                  
  for(size_t t2 = 0; t2 < Lt/dilT; t2++){
    for(size_t op = 0; op < ql_lookup.size(); op++){ 
      size_t nb_rnd = ric_lookup[(ql_lookup[op]).
      for(size_t rnd1 = 0; rnd1 < nb_rnd; rnd1++){

#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
  for(size_t t1 = 0; t1 < Lt; t1++){                  
  for(const auto& qll : ql_lookup){
    size_t rnd_counter = 0;
    int check = -1;
    for(const auto& rnd_id : ric_lookup[qll.id_ric_lookup].rnd_vec_ids){
      if(check != rnd_id.first){ // this avoids recomputation
        for(size_t row = 0; row < 4; row++){
        for(size_t col = 0; col < 4; col++){
            M.block(col*dilE, row*nev, dilE, nev) =
              peram[rnd_id.first].block((t1*4 + row)*nev, 
                                        (t1/dilT*4 + col)*dilE, 
                                        nev, dilE).adjoint() *
              meson_operator.return_vdaggerv(qll.id_vdaggerv, t1);
            M.block(col*dilE, row*nev, dilE, nev) =
              peram[rnd_id.first].block((t1*4 + row)*nev, 
                                        (t1/dilT*4 + col)*dilE, 
                                        nev, dilE).adjoint() *
              meson_operator.return_vdaggerv(qll.id_vdaggerv, t1).adjoint();
          // gamma_5 trick
          if( ((row + col) == 3) || (abs(row - col) > 1) )
            M.block(col*dilE, row*nev, dilE, nev) *= -1.;
      for(size_t t2 = 0; t2 < Lt/dilT; t2++){
        Q2L[t1][t2][qll.id][rnd_counter].setZero(4*dilE, 4*dilE);

        const size_t gamma_id = qll.gamma[0]; 

        for(size_t block_dil = 0; block_dil < 4; block_dil++) {
          const cmplx value = gamma[gamma_id].value[block_dil];
          const size_t gamma_index = gamma[gamma_id].row[block_dil];
          for(size_t row = 0; row < 4; row++){
          for(size_t col = 0; col < 4; col++){

                        block(row*dilE, col*dilE, dilE, dilE) +=
               value * 
               M.block(row*dilE, block_dil*nev, dilE, nev) *
                          (t1*4 + gamma_index)*nev, 
                          (t2*4 + col)*dilE, nev, dilE);

      check = rnd_id.first;
} // pragma omp ends

  time = clock() - time;
  std::cout << "\t\t\tSUCCESS - " << ((float) time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC 
            << " seconds" << std::endl;

示例15: build_mmcf

void CCorrelationFilters::build_mmcf(struct CDataStruct *img, struct CParamStruct *params, struct CFilterStruct *filt)
	 * This function calls the correlation filter design proposed in the following publications.
	 * A. Rodriguez, Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar and A. Mahalanobis, "Maximum Margin Correlation Filter: A New Approach for Localization and Classification", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012.
	 * Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, "Advances in Correlation Filters: Vector Features, Structured Prediction and Shape Alignment" PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2012.
	 * Vishnu Naresh Boddeti and B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, "Maximum Margin Vector Correlation Filters," Arxiv 1404.6031 (April 2014).
	 * Notes: This currently the best performing Correlation Filter design, especially when the training sample size is larger than the dimensionality of the data.
	filt->params = *params;
	filt->filter.size_data = params->size_filt_freq;
	filt->filter.size_data_freq = params->size_filt_freq;
	filt->filter.num_elements_freq = img->num_elements_freq;
	params->num_elements_freq = img->num_elements_freq;
	filt->filter.data_freq = new complex<double>[img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels];
	Eigen::ArrayXcd filt_freq = Eigen::ArrayXcd::Zero(params->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels);
	// If not set default to 1
	if (params->wpos < 1) params->wpos = 1;
	filt->params.wpos = params->wpos;
	compute_psd_matrix(img, params);
	Eigen::MatrixXcd Y = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,img->num_data);
	Eigen::MatrixXcd u = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(img->num_data,1);
	Eigen::MatrixXd temp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(img->num_data,img->num_data);
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXcd> X(img->data_freq,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,img->num_data);
	Eigen::ArrayXXcd temp1 = Eigen::ArrayXXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq,img->num_channels);
	Eigen::ArrayXXcd temp2 = Eigen::ArrayXXcd::Zero(img->num_elements_freq,img->num_channels);
	Eigen::Vector2i num_blocks_1, num_blocks_2;
	num_blocks_1 << img->num_channels,img->num_channels;
	num_blocks_2 << img->num_channels,1;
	for (int k=0;k<img->num_data;k++){
        temp2 = X.block(0,k,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,1).array();
        fusion_matrix_multiply(temp1, img->Sinv, temp2, num_blocks_1, num_blocks_2);
        Y.block(0,k,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,1) = temp1.matrix();
		if (img->labels[k] == 1)
			u(k) = std::complex<double>(params->wpos,0);
			u(k) = std::complex<double>(-1,0);
	esvm::SVMClassifier libsvm;
	temp = (X.conjugate().transpose()*Y).real();
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> y(img->labels,img->num_data,1);
	libsvm.train(temp, y);
	int nSV;
	Eigen::VectorXi sv_indices = Eigen::VectorXi::Zero(nSV);
	Eigen::VectorXd sv_coef = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nSV);
	for (int k=0; k<nSV; k++) {
		filt_freq += (Y.block(0,sv_indices[k]-1,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels,1)*sv_coef[k]).array();
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::ArrayXcd>(filt->filter.data_freq,img->num_elements_freq*img->num_channels) = filt_freq;
	filt->filter.num_data = 1;
	filt->filter.num_channels = img->num_channels;

示例16: exit

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LapH::distillery::create_source(const size_t dil_t, const size_t dil_e,
                                     std::complex<double>* source) {
  if(dil_t >= param.dilution_size_so[0] ||
     dil_e >= param.dilution_size_so[1] ){
        std::cout << "dilution is out of bounds in \"create_source\"" <<

  const size_t Lt = param.Lt;
  const size_t Ls = param.Ls;
  const size_t number_of_eigen_vec = param.nb_ev;
  const size_t Vs = Ls*Ls*Ls;
  const size_t dim_row = Vs*3;

  int numprocs = 0, myid = 0;
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);

  // setting source to zero 
  for(size_t dil_d = 0; dil_d < param.dilution_size_so[2]; ++dil_d)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 12*Vs*Lt/numprocs; ++i)
      source[dil_d*12*Vs*Lt/numprocs + i] = {0.0, 0.0};

  // indices of timeslices with non-zero entries
  size_t nb_of_nonzero_t = Lt/param.dilution_size_so[0];  
  // TODO: think about smart pointer here!
  size_t* t_index = new size_t[nb_of_nonzero_t];
  create_dilution_lookup(nb_of_nonzero_t, param.dilution_size_so[0], 
                         dil_t, param.dilution_type_so[0], t_index);

  // indices of eigenvectors to be combined
  size_t nb_of_ev_combined = number_of_eigen_vec/param.dilution_size_so[1];
  size_t* ev_index = new size_t[nb_of_ev_combined];
  create_dilution_lookup(nb_of_ev_combined, param.dilution_size_so[1], 
                         dil_e, param.dilution_type_so[1], ev_index);

  // indices of Dirac components to be combined 
  // TODO: This is needed only once - could be part of class
  size_t nb_of_dirac_combined = 4/param.dilution_size_so[2];
  size_t** d_index = new size_t*[param.dilution_size_so[2]];
  for(size_t i = 0; i < param.dilution_size_so[2]; ++i)
    d_index[i] = new size_t[nb_of_dirac_combined];
  for(size_t dil_d = 0; dil_d < param.dilution_size_so[2]; ++dil_d)
    create_dilution_lookup(nb_of_dirac_combined, param.dilution_size_so[2],
                           dil_d, param.dilution_type_so[2], d_index[dil_d]);

  // creating the source 
  // running over nonzero timeslices
  for(size_t t = 0; t < nb_of_nonzero_t; ++t){ 
    // intermidiate memory
    Eigen::MatrixXcd S = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(dim_row, 4);
    size_t time = t_index[t];                 // helper index
    if((int) (time / (Lt/numprocs)) == myid) {
      size_t time_id = time % (Lt/numprocs);  // helper index
      // building source on one timeslice
      for(size_t ev = 0; ev < nb_of_ev_combined; ++ev){
        size_t ev_h = ev_index[ev] * 4; // helper index 
        for(size_t d = 0; d < 4; ++d){
          S.col(d) += random_vector[time](ev_h+d) *
      // copy the created source into output array
      size_t t_h = time_id*Vs; // helper index
      for(size_t x = 0; x < Vs; ++x){
        size_t x_h  = (t_h + x)*12;    // helper index
        size_t x_h2 = x*3;            // helper index
        for(size_t d2 = 0; d2 < param.dilution_size_so[2]; ++d2){
          for(size_t d3 = 0; d3 < nb_of_dirac_combined; ++d3){
            size_t d_h = x_h + d_index[d2][d3]*3; // helper index
            for(size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c){
              source[d2*12*Vs*Lt/numprocs + d_h + c] = 
                                          S(x_h2 + c, d_index[d2][d3]);
  } // end of loop over nonzero timeslices
  // freeing memory
  delete[] t_index;
  delete[] ev_index;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < param.dilution_size_so[2]; ++i)
    delete[] d_index[i];
  delete[] d_index;
  t_index = NULL;
  ev_index = NULL;
  d_index = NULL;

示例17: init_operator

void BasicOperator::init_operator(const char dilution,
                                  const LapH::VdaggerV& vdaggerv, 
                                  const LapH::Perambulator& peram){

  const int Lt = global_data->get_Lt();
  const size_t nb_ev = global_data->get_number_of_eigen_vec();
  const std::vector<quark> quarks = global_data->get_quarks();
  const size_t nb_rnd = quarks[0].number_of_rnd_vec;
  const size_t dilE = quarks[0].number_of_dilution_E;
  const int dilT = quarks[0].number_of_dilution_T;
  const size_t Q2_size = 4 * dilE;
  const vec_pdg_Corr op_Corr = global_data->get_lookup_corr();

  const size_t nb_op = op_Corr.size();

  std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;
  clock_t time = clock();
  #pragma omp parallel 
  Eigen::MatrixXcd M = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Q2_size, 4 * nb_ev);
  #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
  for(int t_0 = 0; t_0 < Lt; t_0++){

    if(omp_get_thread_num() == 0)
      std::cout << "\tcomputing double quarkline: " 
                << std::setprecision(2) << (float) t_0/Lt*100 << "%\r" 
                << std::flush;

    for(const auto& op : op_Corr){

      for(size_t rnd_i = 0; rnd_i < nb_rnd; ++rnd_i) {
        for(int t = 0; t < Lt/dilT; t++){
          // new momentum -> recalculate M[0]
          // M only depends on momentum and displacement. first_vdv 
          // prevents repeated calculation for different gamma structures
          if(op.first_vdv == true){

            for(size_t col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
            for(size_t row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
              if(op.negative_momentum == false){
                M.block(dilE * col, nb_ev * row, dilE, nb_ev) = 
                  (peram(1, rnd_i).block(nb_ev * (4 * t_0 + row), 
                                      dilE * (4 * t + col), 
                                      nb_ev, dilE)).adjoint() *
                  vdaggerv.return_vdaggerv(op.id_vdv, t_0);
              else {
                M.block(dilE * col, nb_ev * row, dilE, nb_ev) = 
                  (peram(1, rnd_i).block(nb_ev * (4 * t_0 + row), 
                                      dilE * (4 * t + col), 
                                      nb_ev, dilE)).adjoint() *
                  // TODO: calculate V^daggerV Omega from op.negative_momentum 
                  // == false and multiply Omega from the left
                  // and then (V^daggerV Omega)^dagger * Omega
                  (vdaggerv.return_vdaggerv(op.id_vdv, t_0)).adjoint();

              // gamma_5 trick. It changes the sign of the two upper right and two
              // lower left blocks in dirac space
              if( ((row + col) == 3) || (abs(row - col) > 1) )
                M.block(dilE * col, row * nb_ev, dilE, nb_ev) *= -1.;
            }}// loops over row and col end here
          }//if over same gamma structure ends here

          for(int ti = 0; ti < 3; ti++){
          // getting the neighbour blocks
          const int tend = (Lt/dilT+t + ti - 1)%(Lt/dilT);  
          for(size_t rnd_j = 0; rnd_j < nb_rnd; ++rnd_j) {
            if(rnd_i != rnd_j){

              //dilution of d-quark from left
              for(size_t block_dil = 0; block_dil < 4; block_dil++){
                cmplx value = 1.;
                value_dirac(op.id, block_dil, value);

                  for(size_t col = 0; col < 4; col++){
                  for(size_t row = 0; row < 4; row++){

                        .block(row*dilE, col*dilE, dilE, dilE) += value * 
                      M.block(row*dilE, block_dil* nb_ev, dilE, nb_ev) * 
                      peram(0, rnd_j)
                        .block(4*nb_ev*t_0 + order_dirac(op.id, block_dil)*nb_ev, 
                          Q2_size*tend + col*dilE, nb_ev, dilE);

              }}}//dilution ends here

          }}}// loops over rnd_j and ti block end here 
        }// loop over t ends here
      }// loop over rnd_i ends here
    }//loop operators
  }// loops over t_0 ends here
  }// pragma omp ends

  std::cout << "\tcomputing double quarkline: 100.00%" << std::endl;
  time = clock() - time;
  std::cout << "\t\tSUCCESS - " << ((float) time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC 
            << " seconds" << std::endl;

示例18: size_pn

 inline int size_pn() const { return coef_iat_ipn.cols(); }

示例19: size_at

 inline int size_at() const { return coef_iat_ipn.rows(); }









C++ eigen::MatrixXd类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-31
C++ eigen::MatrixBase类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-31





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