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C++ boost类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了C++中boost的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ boost类的具体用法?C++ boost怎么用?C++ boost使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: integrate_slowpath

long double integrate_slowpath(
    boost::function<long double(long double)> const& f
  , long double lower_bound
  , long double upper_bound
  , long double tolerance
  , long double increment
) {
    long double total_area = 0.0L, temp_increment = increment;

    boost::uint64_t count_depth = 0
                  , last_count = 0
                  , iterations = 0
                  , rollbacks = 0
                  , refinements = 0;

    for (long double i = lower_bound; i < upper_bound; ++iterations)
        const long double fi = f(i);

        boost::uint64_t count = 0;

        // When the difference between the function value at the middle of the
        // increment and the start of the increment is too big, decrease the
        // increment by a factor of two and retry.
        while ((abs(f(i + (temp_increment / 2.0L)) - fi)) > tolerance)
            temp_increment /= 2.0L; // TODO: ensure that I am optimized away,
                                    // as I am computed at the head of the while
                                    // loop.

        if (count != last_count)
            cout << ( format("growth rate of increment changed from 1/2^%1% to "
                             "1/2^%2% at f(%3%)\n")
                    % (last_count + count_depth)
                    % (count + count_depth)
                    % group(setprecision(ld_precision), i));

        refinements += count;

        last_count = count;
        count_depth += count;

        total_area += fi * temp_increment;
        i += temp_increment;

        // Rollback one level of resolution at the end of each for-loop
        // iteration to avoid unneeded resolution, if we were not within the 
        // tolerance.
        if (count) 
            temp_increment *= 2.0L;

    cout << ( format("computation completed in %1% iterations\n"
                     "%2% refinements occurred\n"
                     "%3% rollbacks were performed\n")
            % iterations
            % refinements
            % rollbacks);

    return total_area;

示例2: main

int main(){
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::io::str;
    string s;
    stringstream oss;

    // storing the parsed format-string in a 'formatter' : 
    // format objects are regular objects that can be copied, assigned, 
    // fed arguments, dumped to a stream, re-fed arguments, etc... 
    // So users can use them the way they like.

    format fmter("%1% %2% %3% %1% \n");
    fmter % 10 % 20 % 30; 
    cout  << fmter;
    //          prints  "10 20 30 10 \n"
    // note that once the fmter got all its arguments, 
    // the formatted string stays available  (until next call to '%')
    //    The result is  available via function str() or stream's << :
    cout << fmter; 
    //          prints the same string again.

    // once you call operator% again, arguments are cleared inside the object
    // and it is an error to ask for the conversion string before feeding all arguments :
    fmter % 1001;
    try  { cout << fmter;   }
    catch (boost::io::too_few_args& exc) { 
      cout <<  exc.what() << "***Dont worry, that was planned\n";

    // we just need to feed the last two arguments, and it will be ready for output again :
    cout << fmter % 1002 % 1003;
    //          prints  "1001 1002 1003 1001 \n"

    cout  << fmter % 10 % 1 % 2;
    //          prints  "10 1 2 10 \n"

    // using format objects 

    // modify the formatting options for a given directive :
    fmter = format("%1% %2% %3% %2% %1% \n");
    fmter.modify_item(4, group(setfill('_'), hex, showbase, setw(5)) );
    cout << fmter % 1 % 2 % 3;
    //          prints  "1 2 3 __0x2 1 \n"
    // bind one of the argumets :
    fmter.bind_arg(1, 18);
    cout << fmter % group(hex, showbase, 20) % 30;        // %2 is 20, and 20 == 0x14
    //          prints  "18 0x14 30  _0x14 18 \n"
    fmter.modify_item(4, setw(0)); // cancels previous width-5
    fmter.bind_arg(1, 77); // replace 18 with 77 for first argument.
    cout << fmter % 10 % 20;
    //          prints  "77 10 20 0xa 77 \n"

      cout << fmter % 6 % 7 % 8;   // Aye ! too many args, because arg1 is bound already
    catch (boost::io::too_many_args& exc) 
      cout <<  exc.what() << "***Dont worry, that was planned\n";

    // clear() clears regular arguments, but not bound arguments :
    cout << fmter % 2 % 3;
    //          prints "77 2 3 0x2 77 \n"

    // use clear_binds() to clear both regular AND bound arguments :
    cout << fmter % 1 % 2 % 3;
    //          prints  "1 2 3 0x2 1 \n"
    // setting desired exceptions :
    fmter.exceptions( boost::io::all_error_bits ^( boost::io::too_many_args_bit ) );
    cout << fmter % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 ;

   // -----------------------------------------------------------
    // misc:

    // unsupported printf directives %n and asterisk-fields are purely ignored.
    // do *NOT* provide an argument for them, it is an error.
    cout << format("|%5d| %n") % 7 << endl;
    //          prints  "|    7| "
    cout << format("|%*.*d|")  % 7 << endl;
    //          prints "|7|"


示例3: log_add

bool Application::init()
	// seed da rand
	std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(timer.get_mms()));

	// setup new old time 
	oldtime = timer.get_dt_s();

	// init logger
	f_log = std::fopen(BIN("planetz.log").c_str(),"w");
#ifdef _RELEASE

	// init graphics
	if( !gfx.window_init(window.getW(),window.getH()) ) return false;

	plz.setMaterials( data_mgr.loadMaterials() );
	plz.setTextures ( data_mgr.loadTextures () );

	// init user interface
	if( !ui.init() ) return false;

	// FIXME: where should be this done?
		connect( 0 , bind(&Window::reshape_window,&window,_1,_2));
		connect( 1 , bind(&GFX::Gfx::reshape_window,&gfx,_1,_2) );
		connect( 2 , bind(&UI::PlanetzPicker::resize,&picker,_1,_2) );

	ui.add_listener( &setter , 1 );
	ui.add_listener( &camera , 2 );

		connect( bind(&GFX::Background::on_key_down,&bkg,_1) );

		connect( bind(&GFX::Background::on_mouse_motion,&bkg,_1,_2));
		connect( bind(&GFX::Background::on_button_up,&bkg,_1,_2,_3));

		connect( bind(&UI::PlanetzPicker::on_button_down,&picker,_1,_2,_3) );

		connect( 2 , bind(&GFX::DeferRender::on_camera_angle_changed,&plz,_1) );

		connect( bind(&Application::set_picked_planet,this,_1) );
#ifndef _RELEASE
		connect( bind(&PlanetPrinter::print,&pprnt,_1));

#ifndef _NOGUI
	// init graphical user interface
	try {
		pl = new PlanetzLayout( config ); 
	} catch(CEGUI::InvalidRequestException e) {
		log_printf(CRITICAL,"CEGUI exception: %s\n",e.getMessage().c_str());
		return false;

//        pl->on_cam_speed_changed.connect(
//                        bind(	&UI::CameraMgr::update,&camera
//                                ,UI::CameraMgr::FREELOOK,&boost::lambda::_1) );
	pl->on_cam_speed_changed.connect( bind(&Application::set_cam_speed,this,_1) );
	pl->on_sim_speed_changed.connect( bind(&Application::set_phx_speed,this,_1) );
	pl->on_pause_click.connect( bind(&Application::pause_toggle,this) );
	pl->on_reset_click.connect( bind(&Application::reset,this) );
	pl->on_save.connect( 1, bind(&MEM::DataFlowMgr::save,&data_mgr,_1) );
	pl->on_save.connect( 0, bind(&MEM::MISC::PlanetHolderCleaner::forceFilter,&phcleaner) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&MEM::DataFlowMgr::load,&data_mgr,_1) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&Application::pause_anim,this) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&GFX::PlanetsTracer::clear,&trace) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&UI::CameraMgr::clear,&camera) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&UI::PlanetzSetter::clear,&setter) );
	pl->on_load.connect( bind(&PlanetzLayout::hide_show_window,pl) );
	pl->on_planet_changed.connect( bind(&UI::PlanetzSetter::update,&setter,_1) );
	pl->on_planet_change.connect( bind(&UI::PlanetzSetter::change,&setter,_1) );

示例4: test_main

int test_main(int, char* [])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::str;

    Rational r(16,9);

    string s;
    s = str(format("%5%. %5$=6s . %1% format %5%, c'%3% %1% %2%.\n")
            % "le" % "bonheur" % "est" % "trop" % group(setfill('_'), "bref") );

    if(s  != "bref. _bref_ . le format bref, c'est le bonheur.\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("centered alignement : formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%+8d %-8d\n") % r % r );
    if(s  != "  +16/+9 16/9    \n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("[%0+4d %0+8d %-08d]\n") % 8 % r % r);
    if(s  != "[+008 +0016/+9 16/9    ]\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(zero-padded user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str( format("%1%, %20T_ (%|2$5|,%|3$5|)\n") % "98765" % 1326 % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "98765, _____________ ( 1326,   88)\n" )
        BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");
    s = str( format("%s, %|20t|=") % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "88,                 =" ) {
        cout << s << endl;
        BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%.2s %8c.\n") % "root" % "user" );
    if(s  != "ro        u.\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(truncation) formatting result incorrect");

    // width in format-string is overridden by setw manipulator :
    s = str( format("%|1$4| %|1$|") % group(setfill('0'), setw(6), 1) );
    if( s!= "000001 000001")
        BOOST_ERROR("width in format VS in argument misbehaved");

    s = str( format("%|=s|") % group(setfill('_'), setw(6), r) );
    if( s!= "_16/9_") {
        cerr << s << endl;
        BOOST_ERROR("width in group context is not handled correctly");

    // options that uses internal alignment : + 0 #
    s = str( format("%+6d %0#6x %s\n")  % 342 % 33 % "ok" );
    if( s !="  +342 0x0021 ok\n")
        BOOST_ERROR("(flags +, 0, or #) formatting result incorrect");

    // flags in the format string are not sticky
    // and hex in argument overrrides type-char d (->decimal) :
    s = str( format("%2$#4d %|1$4| %|2$#4| %|3$|")
             % 101
             % group(setfill('_'), hex, 2)
             % 103 );
    if(s != "_0x2  101 _0x2 103")
        BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (not-restoring state ?)");

    // flag '0' is tricky .
    // left-align cancels '0':
    s = str( format("%2$0#12X %2$0#-12d %1$0#10d \n") % -20 % 10 );
    if( s != "0X000000000A 10           -000000020 \n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (flag 0)");

    return 0;

示例5: test

void test()
    BOOST_TEST( UDT_use_count == 0 );  // reality check

    //  test scoped_ptr with a built-in type
    long * lp = new long;
    boost::scoped_ptr<long> sp ( lp );
    BOOST_TEST( sp.get() == lp );
    BOOST_TEST( lp == sp.get() );
    BOOST_TEST( &*sp == lp );

    *sp = 1234568901L;
    BOOST_TEST( *sp == 1234568901L );
    BOOST_TEST( *lp == 1234568901L );
    ck( static_cast<long*>(sp.get()), 1234568901L );
    ck( lp, *sp );

    BOOST_TEST( sp.get() == 0 );

    //  test scoped_ptr with a user defined type
    boost::scoped_ptr<UDT> udt_sp ( new UDT( 999888777 ) );
    BOOST_TEST( udt_sp->value() == 999888777 );
    udt_sp.reset( new UDT( 111222333 ) );
    BOOST_TEST( udt_sp->value() == 111222333 );
    udt_sp.reset( new UDT( 333222111 ) );
    BOOST_TEST( udt_sp->value() == 333222111 );

    //  test scoped_array with a build-in type
    char * sap = new char [ 100 ];
    boost::scoped_array<char> sa ( sap );
    BOOST_TEST( sa.get() == sap );
    BOOST_TEST( sap == sa.get() );

    strcpy( sa.get(), "Hot Dog with mustard and relish" );
    BOOST_TEST( strcmp( sa.get(), "Hot Dog with mustard and relish" ) == 0 );
    BOOST_TEST( strcmp( sap, "Hot Dog with mustard and relish" ) == 0 );

    BOOST_TEST( sa[0] == 'H' );
    BOOST_TEST( sa[30] == 'h' );

    sa[0] = 'N';
    sa[4] = 'd';
    BOOST_TEST( strcmp( sap, "Not dog with mustard and relish" ) == 0 );

    BOOST_TEST( sa.get() == 0 );

    //  test shared_ptr with a built-in type
    int * ip = new int;
    boost::shared_ptr<int> cp ( ip );
    BOOST_TEST( ip == cp.get() );
    BOOST_TEST( cp.use_count() == 1 );

    *cp = 54321;
    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 54321 );
    BOOST_TEST( *ip == 54321 );
    ck( static_cast<int*>(cp.get()), 54321 );
    ck( static_cast<int*>(ip), *cp );

    boost::shared_ptr<int> cp2 ( cp );
    BOOST_TEST( ip == cp2.get() );
    BOOST_TEST( cp.use_count() == 2 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp2.use_count() == 2 );

    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 54321 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 54321 );
    ck( static_cast<int*>(cp2.get()), 54321 );
    ck( static_cast<int*>(ip), *cp2 );

    boost::shared_ptr<int> cp3 ( cp );
    BOOST_TEST( cp.use_count() == 3 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp2.use_count() == 3 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp3.use_count() == 3 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp2.use_count() == 2 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp3.use_count() == 2 );
    cp.reset( new int );
    *cp =  98765;
    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 98765 );
    *cp3 = 87654;
    BOOST_TEST( *cp3 == 87654 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 87654 );
    cp.swap( cp3 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 87654 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 87654 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp3 == 98765 );
    cp.swap( cp3 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 98765 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 87654 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp3 == 87654 );
    cp2 = cp2;
    BOOST_TEST( cp2.use_count() == 2 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 87654 );
    cp = cp2;
    BOOST_TEST( cp2.use_count() == 3 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp2 == 87654 );
    BOOST_TEST( cp.use_count() == 3 );
    BOOST_TEST( *cp == 87654 );


void InputRule::unitTest() {

    sqlite3* db;

//    // test Ruleset class
//    path dbFileName = initial_path<path>()/"unitTest_InputRule.db3";
//    if (exists(dbFileName))
//        boost::filesystem::remove(dbFileName);
//    if(sqlite3_open(dbFileName.file_string().c_str(), &db)) {
    if(sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("could not open database file");

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("create Tables");

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("InputRule constructor(regex)");
    InputRule ruleAlpha(db, regex("(.*)\\.avi"), -1);
    InputRule ruleBeta(db, regex("(.*)\\.mpg"), -1);
    InputRule ruleGamma(db, regex("(.*)\\.jpg"), -1);
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleAlpha.getGems().size() == 1);
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleBeta.getGems().size() == 1);
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleGamma.getGems().size() == 1);

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("get gem");
    BOOST_REQUIRE(ruleAlpha.getGems().size() == 1);
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleAlpha.getGems()[0]->getName() == "fileName");

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("getRegex(), first time");
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleAlpha.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.avi" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleBeta.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.mpg" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleGamma.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.jpg" );

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("getRegex(), second time");
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleAlpha.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.avi" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleBeta.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.mpg" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleGamma.getRegex() == "(.*)\\.jpg" );

    vector<GemValue> gems;
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleAlpha.getGems().size() == 1);
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(ruleAlpha.applyTo("Test.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(!ruleAlpha.applyTo("Test.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(!ruleAlpha.applyTo("Test.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("applyTo() 048f97dc");
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleBeta.applyTo("Test.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleBeta.applyTo("Test.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleBeta.applyTo("Test.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("applyTo() 092aed5a");
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleGamma.applyTo("Test.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleGamma.applyTo("Test.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleGamma.applyTo("Test.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("applyTo() 6d984e20");

    BOOST_CHECK(ruleAlpha.applyTo("Name mit Blank.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleAlpha.applyTo("Name mit Blank.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleAlpha.applyTo("Name mit Blank.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleBeta.applyTo("Name mit Blank.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleBeta.applyTo("Name mit Blank.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleBeta.applyTo("Name mit Blank.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleGamma.applyTo("Name mit Blank.avi", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleGamma.applyTo("Name mit Blank.mpg", gems, true));
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleGamma.applyTo("Name mit Blank.jpg", gems, true));

    BOOST_CHECK(ruleAlpha.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.avi"));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleAlpha.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.mpg"));

    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleBeta.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.avi"));
    BOOST_CHECK(ruleBeta.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.mpg"));

    BOOST_CHECK(ruleGamma.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.jpg"));
    BOOST_CHECK(!ruleGamma.setRegex("([\\w ]*)\\.mpg"));

    BOOST_CHECKPOINT("getRegex(), third time");
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleAlpha.getRegex() == "([\\w ]*)\\.avi" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleBeta.getRegex() == "([\\w ]*)\\.mpg" );
    BOOST_CHECK( ruleGamma.getRegex() == "([\\w ]*)\\.jpg" );


示例7: initialize

core::Error initialize()

   // http endpoints
   using boost::bind;
   using namespace module_context;
   ExecBlock initBlock ;
      (bind(registerRpcMethod, "vcs_clone", vcsClone));
   Error error = initBlock.execute();
   if (error)
      return error;

   // If VCS is disabled, or we're not in a project, do nothing
   const projects::ProjectContext& projContext = projects::projectContext();
   FilePath workingDir = projContext.directory();

   if (!session::options().allowVcs() || !userSettings().vcsEnabled() || workingDir.empty())
      return Success();

   // If Git or SVN was explicitly specified, choose it if valid
   projects::RProjectVcsOptions vcsOptions;
   if (projContext.hasProject())
      Error vcsError = projContext.readVcsOptions(&vcsOptions);
      if (vcsError)

   if (vcsOptions.vcsOverride == kVcsIdNone)
      return Success();
   else if (vcsOptions.vcsOverride == git::kVcsId)
      if (git::isGitInstalled() && git::isGitDirectory(workingDir))
         return git::initializeGit(workingDir);
      return Success();
   else if (vcsOptions.vcsOverride == svn::kVcsId)
      if (svn::isSvnInstalled() && svn::isSvnDirectory(workingDir))
         return svn::initializeSvn(workingDir);
      return Success();

   if (git::isGitInstalled() && git::isGitDirectory(workingDir))
      return git::initializeGit(workingDir);
   else if (svn::isSvnInstalled() && svn::isSvnDirectory(workingDir))
      return svn::initializeSvn(workingDir);
      return Success();  // none specified or detected

示例8: if

/// \brief Combine a dssp_file and pdb representing the same structure in a sensible protein object
/// \relates dssp_file
/// \TODO Consider taking an ostream_ref_opt argument rather than assuming cerr
///       (fix all errors, *then* provide default of boost::none)
protein cath::file::protein_from_dssp_and_pdb(const dssp_file        &arg_dssp_file,        ///< The dssp_file object for a given structure
                                              const pdb              &arg_pdb_file,         ///< The dssp_file object for a given structure
                                              const dssp_skip_policy &arg_dssp_skip_policy, ///< Whether to exclude residues that are in the PDB but not the DSSP
                                              const string           &arg_name,             ///< The name to set as the title of the protein
                                              const ostream_ref_opt  &arg_ostream           ///< An optional reference to an ostream to which any logging should be sent
                                              ) {
	// Build a rough protein object from the pdb object
	const auto pdb_protein       = build_protein_of_pdb(
		( arg_dssp_skip_policy == dssp_skip_policy::SKIP__BREAK_ANGLES )
			? dssp_skip_policy::DONT_SKIP__BREAK_ANGLES
			: arg_dssp_skip_policy
	const auto pdb_skip_indices  = get_protein_res_indices_that_dssp_might_skip( arg_pdb_file, arg_ostream );

	// Grab the number of residues in the protein and dssp_file objects
	const auto num_dssp_residues = arg_dssp_file.get_num_residues();
	const auto num_pdb_residues  = pdb_protein.get_length();

	// Grab the residues names from the DSSP and PDB and then tally them up
	const auto pdb_res_names     = get_residue_ids  ( pdb_protein );
	const auto dssp_res_names    = get_residue_ids  ( arg_dssp_file, false );
	const auto alignment         = tally_residue_ids(

	// Prepare a list of new residue to populate
	residue_vec new_residues;
	new_residues.reserve( ( arg_dssp_skip_policy == dssp_skip_policy::SKIP__BREAK_ANGLES ) ? num_dssp_residues : num_pdb_residues );

	// Loop over the residues
	size_t alignment_ctr = 0;
	for (const size_t &pdb_residue_ctr : irange( 0_z, num_pdb_residues ) ) {
		const residue &the_pdb_residue = pdb_protein.get_residue_ref_of_index( pdb_residue_ctr );

		// If this PDB residue is in the alignment then it can be combined with the equivalent DSSP residue
		const bool is_in_alignment     = ( (alignment_ctr < alignment.size() ) && ( alignment[alignment_ctr].first == pdb_residue_ctr ) );
		if ( is_in_alignment ) {
			// Combine the two residues and add them to the back
			const residue &the_dssp_residue = arg_dssp_file.get_residue_of_index( alignment[alignment_ctr].second );
					angle_skipping_of_dssp_skip_policy( arg_dssp_skip_policy )

			// Increment the alignment counter
		else if ( res_skipping_of_dssp_skip_policy( arg_dssp_skip_policy ) == dssp_skip_res_skipping::DONT_SKIP ) {
			new_residues.push_back( the_pdb_residue );

	// Construct a new protein from the new list of residues
	return { arg_name, new_residues };

示例9: readFromMultilineAdjacencyList

    void readFromMultilineAdjacencyList( const string& fname, GraphT& G ) {
        typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphT >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
        typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphT >::edge_descriptor Edge;

        typedef unordered_map<string,Vertex> svMap;

        svMap namePosMap;
        bool inserted;
        Vertex u,v;
        typename unordered_map<string,Vertex>::iterator pos;

        bool headLine = false;
        size_t remEdgeLine = 0;
        string line;
        typedef vector< string > splitVectorT;
        ifstream gfile(fname);
        if ( gfile.is_open() ) {
            while( gfile.good() ) {
                getline( gfile, line, '\n' );
                if ( gfile.eof() ) { break; }
                auto vline = line.substr( 0, line.find_first_of('#') );

                if (vline.length() == 0) { continue; }

                splitVectorT splitVec;
                split( splitVec, vline, is_any_of(" \t"), token_compress_on );

                if ( splitVec.size() > 0  and vline.size() > 0 ) {
                    auto fromVert = splitVec[0];
                    remEdgeLine = lexical_cast<size_t>(splitVec[1]);

                    boost::tie( pos, inserted ) = namePosMap.insert( std::make_pair(fromVert,Vertex()) );
                    if (inserted) {
                        u = add_vertex(G);
                        G[u].name = fromVert;
                        // This will happen later
                        // G[u].idx = nameMap[fromVert];
                        pos->second = u;
                    } else {
                        u = pos->second;

                    while ( remEdgeLine > 0 ) {

                        getline( gfile, line, '\n' );
                        vline = line.substr( 0, line.find_first_of('#') );
                        split( splitVec, vline, is_any_of(" \t"), token_compress_on );

                        auto toVert = splitVec[0];
                        double weight = lexical_cast<double>(splitVec[1]);

                        boost::tie(pos, inserted) = namePosMap.insert(std::make_pair(toVert, Vertex()));
                        if (inserted) {
                            v = add_vertex(G);
                            G[v].name = toVert;
                            // This will happen later
                            // G[v].idx = nameMap[toVert];
                            pos->second = v;
                        } else {
                            v = pos->second;

                        Edge e; bool i;
                        boost::tie(e,i) = add_edge(u,v,G);
                        G[e].weight = weight;


            if ( namePosMap.size() != boost::num_vertices(G) ) {
                std::cerr << "(namePosMap.size() = " << namePosMap.size() << ") != ("
                          << "(order(G) = " << boost::num_vertices(G) << ") : Error building the graph, aborting\n";


示例10: auto_match_karaoke

karaoke_match_result auto_match_karaoke(std::vector<std::string> const& source_strings, std::string const& dest_string) {
	karaoke_match_result result = { 0, 0 };
	if (source_strings.empty()) return result;

	using namespace boost::locale::boundary;
	using boost::starts_with;

	result.source_length = 1;
	ssegment_index destination_characters(character, begin(dest_string), end(dest_string));
	auto src = boost::to_lower_copy(source_strings[0]);
	auto dst = destination_characters.begin();
	auto dst_end = destination_characters.end();

	// Eat all the whitespace at the beginning of the source and destination
	// syllables and exit if either ran out.
	auto eat_whitespace = [&]() -> bool {
		size_t i = 0, first_non_whitespace = 0;
		while (is_whitespace(next_codepoint(src.c_str(), &i)))
			first_non_whitespace = i;
		if (first_non_whitespace)
			src = src.substr(first_non_whitespace);

		while (dst != dst_end && is_whitespace(dst->str())) {

		// If we ran out of dest then this needs to match the rest of the
		// source syllables (this probably means the user did something wrong)
		if (dst == dst_end) {
			result.source_length = source_strings.size();
			return true;

		return src.empty();

	if (eat_whitespace()) return result;

	// We now have a non-whitespace character at the beginning of both source
	// and destination. Check if the source starts with a romanized kana, and
	// if it does then check if the destination also has the appropriate
	// character. If it does, match them and repeat.
	while (!src.empty()) {
		// First check for a basic match of the first character of the source and dest
		auto first_src_char = ssegment_index(character, begin(src), end(src)).begin()->str();
		if (compare(first_src_char, dst->str()) == 0) {
			src.erase(0, first_src_char.size());
			if (eat_whitespace()) return result;

		auto check = [&](kana_pair const& kp) -> bool {
			if (!starts_with(&*dst->begin(), kp.kana)) return false;

			src = src.substr(strlen(kp.romaji));
			for (size_t i = 0; kp.kana[i]; ) {
				i += dst->length();
			return true;

		bool matched = false;
		for (auto const& match : romaji_to_kana(src)) {
			if (check(match)) {
				if (eat_whitespace()) return result;
				matched = true;
		if (!matched) break;

	// Source and dest are now non-empty and start with non-whitespace.
	// If there's only one character left in the dest, it obviously needs to
	// match all of the source syllables left.
	if (std::distance(dst, dst_end) == 1) {
		result.source_length = source_strings.size();
		return result;

	// We couldn't match the current character, but if we can match the *next*
	// syllable then we know that everything in between must belong to the
	// current syllable. Do this by looking up to KANA_SEARCH_DISTANCE
	// characters ahead in destination and seeing if we can match them against
	// the beginning of a syllable after this syllable.
	// If a match is found, make a guess at how much source and destination
	// should be selected based on the distances it was found at.

	// The longest kanji are 'uketamawa.ru' and 'kokorozashi', each with a
	// reading consisting of five kana. This means each each character from
	// the destination can match at most five syllables from the source.
	static const int max_character_length = 5;

	// Arbitrarily chosen limit on the number of dest characters to try

示例11: readFromAdjacencyList

    void readFromAdjacencyList( const string& fname, GraphT& G ) {
        typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphT >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
        typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphT >::edge_descriptor Edge;
        typedef unordered_map<string,Vertex> svMap;

        svMap namePosMap;
        bool inserted;
        Vertex u,v;
        typename unordered_map<string,Vertex>::iterator pos;

        string line;
        typedef vector< string > splitVectorT;
        ifstream gfile(fname);
        size_t numInsertedVerts = 0;
        if ( gfile.is_open() ) {
            while( gfile.good() ) {
                getline( gfile, line, '\n' );
                if ( gfile.eof() ) { break; }
                auto vline = line.substr( 0, line.find_first_of('#') );
                splitVectorT splitVec;
                split( splitVec, vline, is_any_of(" \t"), token_compress_on );

                if ( splitVec.size() > 0  and vline.size() > 0 ) {
                    auto fromVert = splitVec[0];
                    boost::tie( pos, inserted ) = namePosMap.insert( std::make_pair(fromVert,Vertex()) );
                    if (inserted) {
                        u = add_vertex(G);
                        G[u].name = fromVert;
                        // This will happen later
                        // G[u].idx = nameMap[fromVert];
                        pos->second = u;
                    } else {
                        u = pos->second;

                    for( auto tgtIt = splitVec.begin() + 1; tgtIt != splitVec.end(); ++tgtIt ) {
                        auto& tgt = *tgtIt;
                        boost::tie(pos, inserted) = namePosMap.insert(std::make_pair(tgt, Vertex()));
                        if (inserted) {
                            v = add_vertex(G);
                            G[v].name = tgt;
                            // This will happen later
                            // G[v].idx = nameMap[tgt];
                            pos->second = v;
                        } else {
                            v = pos->second;

                        Edge e; bool i;
                        boost::tie(e,i) = add_edge(u,v,G); 
                        G[e].weight = 1.0;

            if ( namePosMap.size() != boost::num_vertices(G) ) {
                std::cerr << "(namePosMap.size() = " << namePosMap.size() << ") != ("
                          << "(order(G) = " << boost::num_vertices(G) << ") : Error building the graph, aborting\n";


示例12: main

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

  // Configurable parameters
  int max_events;                 // Maximum number of events to process
  string filelist;                // The file containing a list of files to use as input
  string input_prefix;            // A prefix that will be added to the path of each input file
  string output_name;             // Name of the ouput ROOT File
  string output_folder;           // Folder to write the output in
  po::options_description config("Configuration");
  po::variables_map vm;

      ("max_events",          po::value<int>(&max_events)-> default_value(-1))
      ("filelist",            po::value<string>(&filelist)->required())
      ("input_prefix",        po::value<string>(&input_prefix)->default_value(""))
      ("output_name",         po::value<string>(&output_name)->required())
      ("output_folder",       po::value<string>(&output_folder)->default_value(""))
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
              options(config).allow_unregistered().run(), vm);
  std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "JetTauFakeRateStudy" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;      string param_fmt = "%-25s %-40s\n";
  // Load necessary libraries for ROOT I/O of custom classes

  // Build a vector of input files
  vector<string> files = ParseFileLines(filelist);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) files[i] = input_prefix + files[i];
  // Create ROOT output fileservice
  fwlite::TFileService *fs = new fwlite::TFileService((output_folder+output_name).c_str());
  //Optional configurable parameters with which you can filter the collection you are interested in.
  double jet_pt, jet_eta, tau_pt, tau_eta;
  jet_pt = 20.0;
  jet_eta = 2.3; 
  tau_pt = 20.0;
  tau_eta = 2.3; 
  std::cout << "** Kinematics **" << std::endl;
  std::cout << boost::format(param_fmt) % "jet_pt" % jet_pt;
  std::cout << boost::format(param_fmt) % "jet_eta" % jet_eta;
  std::cout << boost::format(param_fmt) % "tau_pt" % tau_pt;
  std::cout << boost::format(param_fmt) % "tau_eta" % tau_eta;
 //Defining an analysis using this class removes all the need for any for loops through the events. An "analysis" loops through all the events up to max_events and runs the modules which you define at the end of this script using analysis.AddModule
  ic::AnalysisBase analysis(
    "JetTauFakeRateStudy",// Analysis name
    files,                // Input files
    "icEventProducer/EventTree", // TTree name
    max_events);          // Max. events to process (-1 = all)
  analysis.RetryFileAfterFailure(7, 3);

  //For now, read in all the jets and taus within the pt and eta range of interest. Using Andrew's modules makes it much easier to 
  //add other things later, if we need a certain type of ID (or flavour selection) applied to the jets/taus
  SimpleFilter<Tau> TauFilter = SimpleFilter<Tau>("TauFilter")
  .set_predicate(bind(MinPtMaxEta, _1, tau_pt, tau_eta));
  SimpleFilter<PFJet> JetFilter = SimpleFilter<PFJet>("JetFilter")
  .set_predicate(bind(MinPtMaxEta, _1, jet_pt, jet_eta));

  JetTauFakeRateExample jetTauFakeRate = JetTauFakeRateExample("jetTauFakeRate")

 //Add module here which reads in the filtered taus and jets and makes the plots/performs the fake rate study

  delete fs;
  return 0;

示例13: main

int main()
    using boost::mem_fn;

    X x;

    X const & rcx = x;
    X const * pcx = &x;

    boost::shared_ptr<X> sp(new X);



    mem_fn(&X::f1)(x, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::f1)(&x, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::f1)(sp, 1);

    mem_fn(&X::g1)(x, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::g1)(rcx, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::g1)(&x, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::g1)(pcx, 1);
    mem_fn(&X::g1)(sp, 1);

    mem_fn(&X::f2)(x, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::f2)(&x, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::f2)(sp, 1, 2);

    mem_fn(&X::g2)(x, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::g2)(rcx, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::g2)(&x, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::g2)(pcx, 1, 2);
    mem_fn(&X::g2)(sp, 1, 2);

    mem_fn(&X::f3)(x, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::f3)(&x, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::f3)(sp, 1, 2, 3);

    mem_fn(&X::g3)(x, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::g3)(rcx, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::g3)(&x, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::g3)(pcx, 1, 2, 3);
    mem_fn(&X::g3)(sp, 1, 2, 3);

    mem_fn(&X::f4)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::f4)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::f4)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4);

    mem_fn(&X::g4)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::g4)(rcx, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::g4)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::g4)(pcx, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    mem_fn(&X::g4)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4);

    mem_fn(&X::f5)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::f5)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::f5)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    mem_fn(&X::g5)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::g5)(rcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::g5)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::g5)(pcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    mem_fn(&X::g5)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    mem_fn(&X::f6)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::f6)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::f6)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

    mem_fn(&X::g6)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::g6)(rcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::g6)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::g6)(pcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    mem_fn(&X::g6)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

    mem_fn(&X::f7)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::f7)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::f7)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

    mem_fn(&X::g7)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::g7)(rcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::g7)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::g7)(pcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    mem_fn(&X::g7)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

    mem_fn(&X::f8)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::f8)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::f8)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);

    mem_fn(&X::g8)(x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::g8)(rcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::g8)(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::g8)(pcx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    mem_fn(&X::g8)(sp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);

示例14: connections

SetupDialog::SetupDialog(GraphBarImpl* barImpl)
    : connections(barImpl->connections),
    using boost::bind;
    setWindowTitle(_("Graph Setup"));

    QVBoxLayout* vbox = new QVBoxLayout();

    QHBoxLayout* hbox = new QHBoxLayout();        
    hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(_("Line width")));
    lineWidthSpin.setRange(1, 9);
            bind(&SetupDialog::onLineWidthChanged, this, _1)));

    hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
    hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(_("y-range, 10^")));
    verticalValueRangeSpin.setRange(-99.8, 99.8);
            bind(&SetupDialog::onVerticalValueRangeChanged, this, _1)));

    showLimitCheck.setText(_("Show limit values"));
            bind(&SetupDialog::onShowLimitToggled, this, _1)));








C++ botlib_import_t类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-31
C++ boneInfo_v类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-31





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