Keechma is a micro framework for Reagent written in ClojureScript. It gives you a set of utilities that allow you to build applications that have the following properties:
Deterministic and predictable behavior
Based on the route, you can determine what the application's state will be
UI never "requests" data it's always provided to it
Unidirectional data flow
Route params are derived from the URL
Application state is derived from the route params
UI is derived from the application state
Loose coupling between components
Communication is performed through core.async channels
Automatic synchronization of entities' states
An entity is any data loaded into the app that has an identity (e.g. :id column)
Entities are stored in the EntityDB
EntityDB propagates entity state to every place where that entity is displayed in the UI
Enforced lifecycle (and memory safety)
Automatically load data on route change
Automatically clean up stale data on route change
Automatically set up event listeners on route change (e.g. listener on the WebSocket)
Automatically tear down event listeners on route change
Applications are first-class citizens
Applications can be started and stopped
Applications can be passed around
Applications can mount sub-applicationsns
UI components are decoupled and reusable
UI components can declare it's dependencies
Dependencies are injected when the application is started
Each component has own context
No shared globals
Router is bound to the application context
App state is bound to the application context
Multiple apps can run at the same time, each with own state
Read the guides or the API docs to find out more about Keechma.
Kičma (lat. columna vertebralis) is a Croatian word for backbone / spine.