开源软件名称:lanebreach/frontend开源软件地址:开源编程语言:JavaScript 99.8%开源软件介绍:LaneBreach Front-endNOTE: Work on this project has been paused in favor of using a templated solution. We'll revisit this decision at some point in 2020.This repository contains the front-end application for viewing the data for the lane-breach application. Build Status (master)PrerequisitePackages/Tools
Environment (Optional)While not at all required, this projecct is optimized for Microsofts Free VSCode IDE and Google's CloudCode plugin for VSCode. You can download VSCode here: You will then want to install the CloudCode plugin, which can be done by navigating to the extensions (squares) icon in the lefthand toolbar and searching for it. You can find more info on all the features here: Setup ProjectClone the project, cd into it, install dependencies, pick a port and run it. You're now live and ready to code. git clone
cd frontend/src
npm install
PORT=3000 npm run-script dev Project OperationsRunning LocallyPORT=3000 npm run-script dev The app is now running on localhost:3001. N.B.: The web-app port for local development is always Mimicking Production LocallyTo ensure that things will work in production. You can use the included Kubernetes manifests and skaffold file to build the Docker images, and deploy to your one-node K8S cluster running on Docker for Desktop on your machine. If you have VSCode and the CloudCode plugin installed, simply bring up the Command Pallet (Shift-Command-P [MacOS]) and type If you stumble into an issue that only seems to be occuring here, you can have CloudCode automatically build and deploy on file change using the Build for ProductionProduction builds are handled by CircleCI on merge of your feature branch into More information about the build / deployment can be found in docs/architecture/ Developer Workflow