开源软件名称: martinwells/playcraftengine开源软件地址: https://github.com/martinwells/playcraftengine开源编程语言:
开源软件介绍: Playcraft is a javascript HTML5 game engine focused on an entity systems design. You can find more information and documentation at http://playcraftlabs.com
Tweening support - see pc.components.Mover added
Tweening demo added
More support for cocoonJS
More flexible server support (thanks dobesv)
pc.CanvasImage now support rotation and composition (thanks dobesv)
Sub-image support
Better Tiled integration (loading spritesheet, zindex, origin parameters, multiple tilesets and empty block skipping)
[bug] Fixed objectId/uniqueId not being set correctly for components
[bug] getTile checked isOnMap correctly
[bug] Safari 6+ now support memory graphs properly
Lots and lots of other bugs fixed
hex tile maps now supported using (pc.HexTileLayer)
spritesheets can now have frame relative draw offsets
all components now have an active flag which disables a component, without having to remove it (e.g. entity.getComponent('fade').active = false)
new input type DEVICE_ORIENTATION added to input.js (thanks natchiketa)
yourgame sample project now demonstrates how to do multiple scenes and a simple menu system
yourgame sample project is more organized (moving towards it being a template)
a compatibility fix was added for IE9+ (property clones required init's -- still working on tracking down the issue)
fixed IE not wanting to load base64 encoded XML (i.e. levels in Scrollia)
fixed the timer function for non-animation frame browsers (IE)
components now use a static type naming, rather than dynamic this.Class.shortName to avoid inheritance typing issues
a new demo: customcomponent added to show a simple example of a mousehover (thanks Leandro)
fixed pc.SpriteSheet image option left out of the API call docs
you can now set the friction and linear damping of physics components at runtime (setFriction and setLinearDamping)
pc.Image.resize exposed in the API. setScale has some better docs on how to scale to a particular pixel size
fixed bug in entity.removeTag
fixes for scaling (thanks David)
fixed fade component not correctly looping infinitely (when loops:0 used)
when adding a scene you can now specify to not make it active - addScene(scene, false);
loader will now correctly call onLoaded callback if no resources are being loaded
fixed a bug in pc.Point.dirTo not returning correct angles in some cases
fixed scrollia demo level1.tmx not loading correct tileset path
pc.Poly shape class added to math.js
Slopes for tile maps - Tiled integration support arbitrary polygons
physics.setLinearVelocity and setAngularVelocity now also wakes up the physics body
added device iPod and iOS detection (pc.device.isiPod and pc.device.isiOS)
sound is by default disabled on iOS devices (we're working on methods to help with sound on mobile safari)
pc.Sprite and pc.SpriteSheet API docs were not linked in the API list
fixed a bug when loading resources that have mixed case resource names (thanks Jett)
fixed pc.systems.EntitySystem API docs (and added it to the API list)
fixed bug in togglePauseResume (thanks Jett)
fixed pc.DataResources not loading on some Firefox versions
scrollia demo is now organized into separate files/folders
fixed add/sub color bug in pc.Color (thanks Eemeli)
pc.Tools.arrayRemove fixed if multiples of the same element exist (thanks im007boy)
spin effects added (pc.components.Spin)
scale effects added (pc.components.Scale)
input component actions bug fix
spatial and physics are now synced
onResize fixed
input components can now take an optional 'target' entity, where states and actions will be set/sent.
minor fixes to touch input handling
Scrollia demo updated to show how to implement touch controls
Polygon drawing component added - pc.components.Poly
Circle drawing component added - pc.components.Circle
jQuery dependencies have been removed, and jQuery is no longer included with the engine. Most of the changes are in
the gamecore class structuring. We needed to do this to increase compatibility with the iOS accelerator and some SmartTV
setups. And generally a desire to not depend on other libraries where possible. The good news is we save 100+K on the
minified build. You'll need to manually include jquery from now on if you need it.
gamecore base class moved to it's own file (gamecore/src/base.js)
gamecore load ordering changed (now: gamecore.js, class.js then base.js)