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gitlab4j/gitlab4j-api: GitLab4J API (gitlab4j-api) provides a full featured Java ...

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GitLab4J™ API (gitlab4j-api)
Java Client Library for the GitLab REST API

Maven Central Build Status javadoc.io

GitLab4J™ API (gitlab4j-api) provides a full featured and easy to consume Java library for working with GitLab repositories via the GitLab REST API. Additionally, full support for working with GitLab webhooks and system hooks is also provided.

Table of Contents

GitLab Server Version Support

GitLab4J-API supports version 11.0+ of GitLab Community Edition (gitlab-ce) and GitLab Enterprise Edition (gitlab-ee).

GitLab released GitLab Version 11.0 in June of 2018 which included many major changes to GitLab. If you are using GitLab server earlier than version 11.0, it is highly recommended that you either update your GitLab install or use a version of this library that was released around the same time as the version of GitLab you are using.

As of GitLab 11.0 support for the GitLab API v3 has been removed from the GitLab server (see https://about.gitlab.com/2018/06/01/api-v3-removal-impending/). Support for GitLab API v3 will be removed from this library sometime in 2019. If you are utilizing the v3 support, please update your code to use GitLab API v4.

Using GitLab4J-API

Java 8 Requirement

As of GitLab4J-API 4.8.0, Java 8+ is now required to use GitLab4J-API.


Javadocs are available here: javadoc.io

Project Set Up

To utilize GitLab4J™ API in your Java project, simply add the following dependency to your project's build file:
Gradle: build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.gitlab4j', name: 'gitlab4j-api', version: '5.0.1'

NOTE: Pulling dependencies may fail when using Gradle prior to 4.5. See Gradle issue 3065

Maven: pom.xml


Ivy and SBT
There have been reports of problems resolving some dependencies when using Ivy or SBT, for help resolving those issues see:
JAX-RS API Issue #571
JAX-RS API Issue #572

Usage Examples

GitLab4J-API is quite simple to use, all you need is the URL to your GitLab server and the Personal Access Token from your GitLab Account Settings page. Once you have that info it is as simple as:

// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.server.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");

// Get the list of projects your account has access to
List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getProjects();

You can also login to your GitLab server with username, and password:

// Log in to the GitLab server using a username and password
GitLabApi gitLabApi = GitLabApi.oauth2Login("http://your.gitlab.server.com", "username", "password");

As of GitLab4J-API 4.6.6, all API requests support performing the API call as if you were another user, provided you are authenticated as an administrator:

// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server (must be an administrator)
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.server.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");

// sudo as as a different user, in this case the user named "johndoe", all future calls will be done as "johndoe"

// To turn off sudo mode

Setting Request Timeouts

As of GitLab4J-API 4.14.21 support has been added for setting the conect and read timeouts for the API client:

GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", proxyConfig);

// Set the connect timeout to 1 second and the read timeout to 5 seconds
gitLabApi.setRequestTimeout(1000, 5000);

Connecting Through a Proxy Server

As of GitLab4J-API 4.8.2 support has been added for connecting to the GitLab server using an HTTP proxy server:

// Log in to the GitLab server using a proxy server (with basic auth on proxy)
Map<String, Object> proxyConfig = ProxyClientConfig.createProxyClientConfig(
        "http://your-proxy-server", "proxy-username", "proxy-password");
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", null, proxyConfig);

// Log in to the GitLab server using a proxy server (no auth on proxy)
Map<String, Object> proxyConfig = ProxyClientConfig.createProxyClientConfig("http://your-proxy-server");
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", null, proxyConfig);

// Log in to the GitLab server using an NTLM (Windows DC) proxy
Map<String, Object> ntlmProxyConfig = ProxyClientConfig.createNtlmProxyClientConfig(
        "http://your-proxy-server", "windows-username", "windows-password", "windows-workstation", "windows-domain");
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", null, ntlmProxyConfig);

See the Javadoc on the GitLabApi class for a complete list of methods accepting the proxy configuration (clientConfiguration parameter)

GitLab API V3 and V4 Support

As of GitLab4J-API 4.2.0 support has been added for GitLab API V4. If your application requires GitLab API V3, you can still use GitLab4J-API by creating your GitLabApi instance as follows:

// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server using GitLab API V3
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi(ApiVersion.V3, "http://your.gitlab.server.com", "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN");

As of GitLab 11.0 support for the GitLab API v3 has been removed from the GitLab server (see https://about.gitlab.com/2018/06/01/api-v3-removal-impending/). Support for GitLab API v3 will be removed from this library sometime in 2019. If you are utilizing the v3 support, please update your code to use GitLab API v4.

Logging of API Requests and Responses

As of GitLab4J-API 4.8.39 support has been added to log the requests to and the responses from the GitLab API. Enable logging using one of the following methods on the GitLabApi instance:

GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.server.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");

// Log using the shared logger and default level of FINE

// Log using the shared logger and the INFO level

// Log using the specified logger and the INFO level
gitLabApi.enableRequestResponseLogging(yourLoggerInstance, java.util.logging.Level.INFO);

// Log using the shared logger, at the INFO level, and include up to 1024 bytes of entity logging
gitLabApi.enableRequestResponseLogging(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, 1024);

// Log using the specified logger, at the INFO level, and up to 1024 bytes of entity logging
gitLabApi.enableRequestResponseLogging(yourLoggerInstance, java.util.logging.Level.INFO, 1024);

Results Paging

GitLab4J-API provides an easy to use paging mechanism to page through lists of results from the GitLab API. Here are a couple of examples on how to use the Pager:

// Get a Pager instance that will page through the projects with 10 projects per page
Pager<Project> projectPager = gitlabApi.getProjectsApi().getProjects(10);

// Iterate through the pages and print out the name and description
while (projectsPager.hasNext())) {
    for (Project project : projectPager.next()) {
        System.out.println(project.getName() + " -: " + project.getDescription());

As of GitLab4J-API 4.9.2, you can also fetch all the items as a single list using a Pager instance:

// Get a Pager instance so we can load all the projects into a single list, 10 items at a time:
Pager<Project> projectPager = gitlabApi.getProjectsApi().getProjects(10);
List<Project> allProjects = projectPager.all();

Java 8 Stream Support

As of GitLab4J-API 4.9.2, all GitLabJ-API methods that return a List result have a similarlly named method that returns a Java 8 Stream. The Stream returning methods use the following naming convention: getXxxxxStream().

The built-in methods that return a Stream do so using eager evaluation, meaning all items are pre-fetched from the GitLab server and a Stream is returned which will stream those items. Eager evaluation does NOT support parallel reading of data from ther server, it does however allow for parallel processing of the Stream post data fetch.

To stream using lazy evaluation, use the GitLab4J-API methods that return a Pager instance, and then call the lazyStream() method on the Pager instance to create a lazy evaluation Stream. The Stream utilizes the Pager instance to page through the available items. A lazy Stream does NOT support parallel operations or skipping.

Eager evaluation example usage:

// Stream the visible projects printing out the project name.
Stream<Project> projectStream = gitlabApi.getProjectApi().getProjectsStream();
projectStream.map(Project::getName).forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));

// Operate on the stream in parallel, this example sorts User instances by username
// NOTE: Fetching of the users is not done in parallel,
// only the sorting of the users is a parallel operation.
Stream<User> stream = gitlabApi.getUserApi().getUsersStream();
List<User> users = stream.parallel().sorted(comparing(User::getUsername)).collect(toList());

Lazy evaluation example usage:

// Get a Pager instance to that will be used to lazily stream Project instances.
// In this example, 10 Projects per page will be pre-fetched.
Pager<Project> projectPager = gitlabApi.getProjectApi().getProjects(10);

// Lazily stream the Projects, printing out each project name, limit the output to 5 project names
projectPager.lazyStream().limit(5).map(Project::getName).forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));

Java 8 Optional Support

GitLab4J-API supports Java 8 Optional<T> for API calls that result in the return of a single item. Here is an example on how to use the Java 8 Optional<T> API calls:

Optional<Group> optionalGroup =  gitlabApi.getGroupApi().getOptionalGroup("my-group-path");
if (optionalGroup.isPresent())
    return optionalGroup.get();

return gitlabApi.getGroupApi().addGroup("my-group-name", "my-group-path");

Issue Time Estimates

GitLab issues allow for time tracking. The following time units are currently available:

  • months (mo)
  • weeks (w)
  • days (d)
  • hours (h)
  • minutes (m)

Conversion rates are 1mo = 4w, 1w = 5d and 1d = 8h.

Making API Calls

The API has been broken up into sub API classes to make it easier to consume and to separate concerns. The GitLab4J sub API classes typically have a one-to-one relationship with the API documentation at GitLab API. Following is a sample of the GitLab4J sub API class mapping to the GitLab API documentation:

org.gitlab4j.api.GroupApi -> https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/groups.html
org.gitlab4j.api.MergeRequestApi -> https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/merge_requests.html
org.gitlab4j.api.ProjectApi -> https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/projects.html
org.gitlab4j.api.UserApi -> https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/users.html

Available Sub APIs

The following is a list of the available sub APIs along with a sample use of each API. See the Javadocs for a complete list of available methods for each sub API.


Sub API Examples


// Add an OAUTH Application to GitLab
ApplicationScope[] scopes = {ApplicationScope.SUDO, ApplicationScope.PROFILE};
gitLabApi.getApplicationsApi().createApplication("My OAUTH Application", "https//example.com/myapp/callback", scopes);


// Get the current GitLab server application settings
ApplicationSettings appSettings = gitLabApi.getApplicationSettingsApi().getAppliationSettings();


// Get the current GitLab server audit events for entity
// This uses the ISO8601 date utilities the in org.gitlab4j.api.utils.ISO8601 class
Date since = ISO8601.toDate("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z");
Date until = new Date(); // now
List<AuditEvent> auditEvents = gitLabApi.getAuditEventApi().getAuditEvents(since, until, EntityType.USER, 1);


// Get a list of AwardEmoji belonging to the specified issue (group ID = 1, issues IID = 1)
List<AwardEmoji> awardEmojis = gitLabApi.getAwardEmojiApi().getIssuAwardEmojis(1, 1);


// Get a list of the Issue Boards belonging to the specified project
List<Board> boards = gitLabApi.getBoardsApi().getBoards(projectId);


// Get a list of commits associated with the specified branch that fall within the specified time window
// This uses the ISO8601 date utilities the in org.gitlab4j.api.utils.ISO8601 class
Date since = ISO8601.toDate("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z");
Date until = new Date(); // now
List<Commit> commits = gitLabApi.getCommitsApi().getCommits(1234, "new-feature", since, until);


// Get a list of the registry repositories belonging to the specified project
List<RegistryRepository> registryRepos = gitLabApi.ContainerRegistryApi().getRepositories(projectId);


// Get a list of DeployKeys for the authenticated user
List<DeployKey> deployKeys = gitLabApi.getDeployKeysApi().getDeployKeys();


// Get a list of Discussions for the specified merge request
List<Discussion> discussions = gitLabApi.getDiscussionsApi().getMergeRequestDiscussions(projectId, mergeRequestIid);


// Get a list of Environments for the specified project
List<Environment> environments = gitLabApi.getEnvironmentsApi().getEnvironments(projectId);


// Get a list epics of the requested group and its subgroups.
List<Epic> epics = gitLabApi.getEpicsApi().getEpics(1);






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