gitsome supports Fish-style auto-suggestions. Use the right arrow key to complete a suggestion.
Python REPL
gitsome is powered by xonsh, which supports a Python REPL.
Run Python commands alongside shell commands:
Additional xonsh features can be found in the xonsh tutorial.
Command History
gitsome keeps track of commands you enter and stores them in ~/.xonsh_history.json. Use the up and down arrow keys to cycle through the command history.
Customizable Highlighting
You can control the ansi colors used for highlighting by updating your ~/.gitsomeconfig file.
configure Configure gitsome.
create-comment Create a comment on the given issue.
create-issue Create an issue.
create-repo Create a repo.
emails List all the user's registered emails.
emojis List all GitHub supported emojis.
feed List all activity for the given user or repo.
followers List all followers and the total follower count.
following List all followed users and the total followed count.
gitignore-template Output the gitignore template for the given language.
gitignore-templates Output all supported gitignore templates.
issue Output detailed information about the given issue.
issues List all issues matching the filter.
license Output the license template for the given license.
licenses Output all supported license templates.
me List information about the logged in user.
notifications List all notifications.
octo Output an Easter egg or the given message from Octocat.
pull-request Output detailed information about the given pull request.
pull-requests List all pull requests.
rate-limit Output the rate limit. Not available for Enterprise.
repo Output detailed information about the given filter.
repos List all repos matching the given filter.
search-issues Search for all issues matching the given query.
search-repos Search for all repos matching the given query.
starred Output starred repos.
trending List trending repos for the given language.
user List information about the given user.
view View the given index in the terminal or a browser.
View trending devs (devs are currently only supported in browser):
$ gh trending [language] --devs --browser
Viewing Content
The view command
View the previously listed notifications, pull requests, issues, repos, users etc, with HTML nicely formatted for your terminal, or optionally in your browser: