Igor is a service that provides a single point of integration with Continuous Integration (CI) and Source Control Management (SCM) services for Spinnaker.
Common Polling Architecture
Igor runs a number of pollers that all share the same common architecture. At a high level, they all:
periodically get a list of items from an external resource (e.g. builds on a Jenkins master)
compare that list against their own persisted cache of items (the difference is called delta size)
send an echo event for each new item
cache the new list of items
health: igor has a HealthIndicator that reports Down if no pollers are running or if they have not had a successful polling cycle in a long time
locking: pollers can optionally acquire a distributed lock in the storage system before attempting to complete a polling cycle. This makes it possible to run igor in a high-availability configuration and scale it horizontally.
safeguards: abnormally large delta sizes can indicate a problem (e.g. lost or corrupt cache data) and cause downstream issues. If a polling cycle results in a delta size above the threshold, the new items will not be cached and events will not be submitted to echo to prevent a trigger storm. Manual action will be needed to resolve this, such as using the fast-forward admin endpoint: /admin/pollers/fastforward/{monitorName}[?partition={partition}]. Fast-forwarding means that all pending cache state will be polled and saved, but will not send echo notifications.
Relevant properties:
Default value
Defines whether or not the build system polling mechanism is enabled. Disabling this will effectively disable any integration with a build system that depends on Igor polling it.
Interval in seconds between polling cycles
Defines the upper threshold for number of new items before a cache update cycle will be rejected
Enables distributed locking so that igor can run on multiple nodes without interference
Relevant metrics:
represents the number of new items cached by a given monitor during a polling cycle
0 if deltaSize < threshold, deltaSize otherwise
published for every polling cycle with the duration it took to complete
an error counter indicating a failed polling cycle
All these metrics can be grouped by a monitor tag (e.g. DockerMonitor, JenkinsMonitor...) to track down issues.
Commit controller classes expose APIs to retrieve lists of commits, such as /github/{{projectKey}}/{{repositorySlug}}/compareCommits?from={{fromHash}}&to={{toHash}}
At the moment, igor only exposes read APIs, there are no pollers and no triggers involving SCM services directly.
For each of these services, a poller can be enabled (e.g. with jenkins.enabled) that will start monitoring new builds/pipelines/artifacts, caching them and submitting events to echo, thus supporting pipeline triggers. GCB is a bit different in that it doesn't poll and requires setting up pubsub subscriptions.
The BuildController class also exposes APIs for services that support them such as:
getting build status
listing builds/jobs on a master
listing queued builds
starting and stopping builds/jobs
These APIs are used to provide artifact information for bake stages.
Configuring Jenkins Masters
In your configuration block (either in igor.yml, igor-local.yml, spinnaker.yml or spinnaker-local.yml), you can define multiple masters blocks by using the list format.
You can obtain a Jenkins API token by navigating to http://your.jenkins.server/me/configure (where me is your username).
In your configuration block (either in igor.yml, igor-local.yml, spinnaker.yml or spinnaker-local.yml), you can define multiple masters blocks by using the list format.
To authenticate with Travis you use a "Personal access token" on a git user with permissions read:org, repo, user. This is added in settings -> Personal access tokens on github/github-enterprise.
enabled: true
# Travis names are prefixed with travis- inside igor.
- name: ci # This will show as travis-ci inside spinnaker.
baseUrl: https://travis-ci.com
address: https://api.travis-ci.com
githubToken: 6a7729bdba8c4f9abc58b175213d83f072d1d832
- /Upload https?:\/\/.+\/(.+\.(deb|rpm))/
When parsing artifact information from Travis builds, igor uses a default regex
that will match on output from the jfrog rt/art CLI tool. Different regexes than the
default may be configured using the regexes list.
Configuring Gitlab CI Masters
In your configuration block (either in igor.yml, igor-local.yml, spinnaker.yml or spinnaker-local.yml), you can define multiple masters blocks by using the list format.
To authenticate with Gitlab CI use a Personal Access Token with permissions read_api.
enabled: true
itemUpperThreshold: 1000 # Optional, default 1000. Determines max new pipeline count before a cache cycle is rejected
- address: "https://git.mycompany.com"
name: mygitlab
privateToken: kjsdf023ofku209823
# Optional:
defaultHttpPageLength: 100 # defaults 100, page length when querying paginated Gitlab API endpoints (100 is max per Gitlab docs)
limitByOwnership: false # defaults false, limits API results to projects/groups owned by the token creator
limitByMembership: true # defaults true, limits API results to projects/groups the token creator is a member in
httpRetryMaxAttempts: 5 # defaults 5, # default max number of retries when hitting Gitlab APIs and errors occur
httpRetryWaitSeconds: 2 # defaults 2, # of seconds to wait between retries
httpRetryExponentialBackoff: false # deafults false, if true retries to Gitlab will increase exponentially using the httpRetryWaitSeconds option's value
Build properties are automatically read from successful Gitlab CI Pipelines using the pattern SPINNAKER_PROPERTY_*=value. For example a log containing a line
SPINNAKER_PROPERTY_HELLO=world will create a build property item hello=world. Gitlab CI artifacts are not yet supported.
Integration with Docker Registry
Clouddriver can be configured to poll your registries. When that is the case, igor can then create a poller that will list the registries indexed by clouddriver, check each one for new images and submit events to echo (hence allowing Docker triggers)
Relevant properties:
requires services.clouddriver.baseUrl to be configured
To start the JVM in debug mode, set the Java system property DEBUG=true:
./gradlew -DDEBUG=true
The JVM will then listen for a debugger to be attached on port 8188. The JVM will not wait for the debugger to be attached before starting igor; the relevant JVM arguments can be seen and modified as needed in build.gradle.