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prasmussen/gdrive: Google Drive CLI Client

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请

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开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):

Go 97.1%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):



gdrive is a command line utility for interacting with Google Drive.



gdrive is finally verified for using sensitive scopes which should fix the This app is blocked error. Note that the project name will show up as project-367116221053 when granting access to you account. (I don't dare to change any more settings in the google console.)


None, binaries are statically linked. If you want to compile from source you need the go toolchain. Version 1.5 or higher.


With Homebrew on Mac

brew install gdrive


Download gdrive from one of the links in the latest release. The first time gdrive is launched (i.e. run gdrive about in your terminal not just gdrive), you will be prompted for a verification code. The code is obtained by following the printed url and authenticating with the google account for the drive you want access to. This will create a token file inside the .gdrive folder in your home directory. Note that anyone with access to this file will also have access to your google drive. If you want to manage multiple drives you can use the global --config flag or set the environment variable GDRIVE_CONFIG_DIR. Example: GDRIVE_CONFIG_DIR="/home/user/.gdrive-secondary" gdrive list You will be prompted for a new verification code if the folder does not exist.

Compile from source

go get github.com/prasmussen/gdrive

The gdrive binary should now be available at $GOPATH/bin/gdrive


Gdrive supports basic syncing. It only syncs one way at the time and works more like rsync than e.g. dropbox. Files that are synced to google drive are tagged with an appProperty so that the files on drive can be traversed faster. This means that you can't upload files with gdrive upload into a sync directory as the files would be missing the sync tag, and would be ignored by the sync commands. The current implementation is slow and uses a lot of memory if you are syncing many files. Currently only one file is uploaded at the time, the speed can be improved in the future by uploading several files concurrently. To learn more see usage and the examples below.

Service Account

For server to server communication, where user interaction is not a viable option, is it possible to use a service account, as described in this Google document. If you want to use a service account, instead of being interactively prompted for authentication, you need to use the --service-account <serviceAccountCredentials> global option, where serviceAccountCredentials is a file in JSON format obtained through the Google API Console, and its location is relative to the config dir.


Placing a .gdriveignore in the root of your sync directory can be used to skip certain files from being synced. .gdriveignore follows the same rules as .gitignore, except that gdrive only reads the .gdriveignore file in the root of the sync directory, not ones in any subdirectories.


gdrive [global] list [options]                                 List files
gdrive [global] download [options] <fileId>                    Download file or directory
gdrive [global] download query [options] <query>               Download all files and directories matching query
gdrive [global] upload [options] <path>                        Upload file or directory
gdrive [global] upload - [options] <name>                      Upload file from stdin
gdrive [global] update [options] <fileId> <path>               Update file, this creates a new revision of the file
gdrive [global] info [options] <fileId>                        Show file info
gdrive [global] mkdir [options] <name>                         Create directory
gdrive [global] share [options] <fileId>                       Share file or directory
gdrive [global] share list <fileId>                            List files permissions
gdrive [global] share revoke <fileId> <permissionId>           Revoke permission
gdrive [global] delete [options] <fileId>                      Delete file or directory
gdrive [global] sync list [options]                            List all syncable directories on drive
gdrive [global] sync content [options] <fileId>                List content of syncable directory
gdrive [global] sync download [options] <fileId> <path>        Sync drive directory to local directory
gdrive [global] sync upload [options] <path> <fileId>          Sync local directory to drive
gdrive [global] changes [options]                              List file changes
gdrive [global] revision list [options] <fileId>               List file revisions
gdrive [global] revision download [options] <fileId> <revId>   Download revision
gdrive [global] revision delete <fileId> <revId>               Delete file revision
gdrive [global] import [options] <path>                        Upload and convert file to a google document, see 'about import' for available conversions
gdrive [global] export [options] <fileId>                      Export a google document
gdrive [global] about [options]                                Google drive metadata, quota usage
gdrive [global] about import                                   Show supported import formats
gdrive [global] about export                                   Show supported export formats
gdrive version                                                 Print application version
gdrive help                                                    Print help
gdrive help <command>                                          Print command help
gdrive help <command> <subcommand>                             Print subcommand help

List files

gdrive [global] list [options]

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)

  -m, --max <maxFiles>       Max files to list, default: 30
  -q, --query <query>        Default query: "trashed = false and 'me' in owners". See https://developers.google.com/drive/search-parameters
  --order <sortOrder>        Sort order. See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/drive/v3#FilesListCall.OrderBy
  --name-width <nameWidth>   Width of name column, default: 40, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width
  --absolute                 Show absolute path to file (will only show path from first parent)
  --no-header                Dont print the header
  --bytes                    Size in bytes

List file in subdirectory

./gdrive list --query " 'IdOfTheParentFolder' in parents"

Download file or directory

gdrive [global] download [options] <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -f, --force           Overwrite existing file
  -r, --recursive       Download directory recursively, documents will be skipped
  --path <path>         Download path
  --delete              Delete remote file when download is successful
  --no-progress         Hide progress
  --stdout              Write file content to stdout
  --timeout <timeout>   Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300

Download all files and directories matching query

gdrive [global] download query [options] <query>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -f, --force       Overwrite existing file
  -r, --recursive   Download directories recursively, documents will be skipped
  --path <path>     Download path
  --no-progress     Hide progress

Upload file or directory

gdrive [global] upload [options] <path>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -r, --recursive               Upload directory recursively
  -p, --parent <parent>         Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents
  --name <name>                 Filename
  --description <description>   File description
  --no-progress                 Hide progress
  --mime <mime>                 Force mime type
  --share                       Share file
  --delete                      Delete local file when upload is successful
  --timeout <timeout>           Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
  --chunksize <chunksize>       Set chunk size in bytes, default: 8388608

Upload file from stdin

gdrive [global] upload - [options] <name>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -p, --parent <parent>         Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents
  --chunksize <chunksize>       Set chunk size in bytes, default: 8388608
  --description <description>   File description
  --mime <mime>                 Force mime type
  --share                       Share file
  --timeout <timeout>           Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
  --no-progress                 Hide progress

Update file, this creates a new revision of the file

gdrive [global] update [options] <fileId> <path>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -p, --parent <parent>         Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents
  --name <name>                 Filename
  --description <description>   File description
  --no-progress                 Hide progress
  --mime <mime>                 Force mime type
  --timeout <timeout>           Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
  --chunksize <chunksize>       Set chunk size in bytes, default: 8388608

Show file info

gdrive [global] info [options] <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --bytes   Show size in bytes

Create directory

gdrive [global] mkdir [options] <name>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -p, --parent <parent>         Parent id of created directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents
  --description <description>   Directory description

Share file or directory

gdrive [global] share [options] <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --role <role>     Share role: owner/writer/commenter/reader, default: reader
  --type <type>     Share type: user/group/domain/anyone, default: anyone
  --email <email>   The email address of the user or group to share the file with. Requires 'user' or 'group' as type
  --discoverable    Make file discoverable by search engines
  --revoke          Delete all sharing permissions (owner roles will be skipped)

List files permissions

gdrive [global] share list <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)

Revoke permission

gdrive [global] share revoke <fileId> <permissionId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)

Delete file or directory

gdrive [global] delete [options] <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -r, --recursive   Delete directory and all it's content

List all syncable directories on drive

gdrive [global] sync list [options]

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --no-header   Dont print the header

List content of syncable directory

gdrive [global] sync content [options] <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --order <sortOrder>        Sort order. See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/drive/v3#FilesListCall.OrderBy
  --path-width <pathWidth>   Width of path column, default: 60, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width
  --no-header                Dont print the header
  --bytes                    Size in bytes

Sync drive directory to local directory

gdrive [global] sync download [options] <fileId> <path>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --keep-remote         Keep remote file when a conflict is encountered
  --keep-local          Keep local file when a conflict is encountered
  --keep-largest        Keep largest file when a conflict is encountered
  --delete-extraneous   Delete extraneous local files
  --dry-run             Show what would have been transferred
  --no-progress         Hide progress
  --timeout <timeout>   Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300

Sync local directory to drive

gdrive [global] sync upload [options] <path> <fileId>

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  --keep-remote             Keep remote file when a conflict is encountered
  --keep-local              Keep local file when a conflict is encountered
  --keep-largest            Keep largest file when a conflict is encountered
  --delete-extraneous       Delete extraneous remote files
  --dry-run                 Show what would have been transferred
  --no-progress             Hide progress
  --timeout <timeout>       Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
  --chunksize <chunksize>   Set chunk size in bytes, default: 8388608

List file changes

gdrive [global] changes [options]

  -c, --config <configDir>         Application path, default: /Users/<user>/.gdrive
  --refresh-token <refreshToken>   Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
  --access-token <accessToken>     Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
  --service-account <accountFile>  Oauth service account filename, used for server to server communication without user interaction (file is relative to config dir)
  -m, --max <maxChanges>     Max changes to list, default: 100
  --since <pageToken>        Page token to start listing changes from
  --now                      Get latest page token
  --name-width <nameWidth>   Width of name column, default: 40, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width
  --no-header                Dont print the header






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