PHP代码: <? $lan = substr(?$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,0,5); if ($lan == "zh-cn") print("<meta http-equiv='refresh' content = '0;URL = gb/index.htm'>"); else print("<meta http-equiv='refresh' content = '0;URL = eng/index.htm'>"); ?> HTML网页根据来访这的浏览器语言不同自动跳转多语言页面 在 <head> </head> 之间加入如下代码。 <script> var type=navigator.appName if (type=="Netscape") var lang = navigator.language else var lang = navigator.userLanguage //cut down to first 2 chars of country code var lang = lang.substr(0,2) // 英语 if (lang == "en") window.location.replace('url') // 简体中文 else if (lang == "zh-cn") window.location.replace('url') // 繁体中文 else if (lang == "zh-tw") window.location.replace('url') // 德语 else if (lang == "de") window.location.replace('url') // 除上面所列的语言 else window.location.replace('url') </script>