使用ASP.NET WEB API文档来上传异步文件 原文作者:Henrik F Nielsen
HTML窗体文件上传(在RFC1867中定义)是经典的上传内容到Web服务器机制,同时我知道的所有浏览器都支持它。这个博客展示了在ASP.NET Web API文档中,如何通过使用.NET 4和增强版的.NET4.5基于任务模式,来处理窗体文件的上传。
在使用ASP.NET Web API文档时,你可以通过托管来上传任意大小的文件。ASP.NET对于你上传的文件大小不能超过2G。
1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 2: <html> 3: <head> 4: <title>File Upload Sample</title> 5: </head> 6: <body> 7: <form action="http://localhost:8080/api/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> 8: What is your name? 9: <input name="submitter" size="40" type="text"><br> 10: What file are you uploading? 11: <input name="data" size="40" type="file"> 12: <br> 13: <input type="submit"> 14: </form> 15: </body> 16: </html>
在使用MIME多部分时,这会使所有的数据进行编码,同时一个HTTP POST请求提交如下:
1: Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x 2: 3: --AaB03x 4: content-disposition: form-data; name="submitter" 5: 6: Henrik Nielsen 7: --AaB03x 8: content-disposition: form-data ; name="data"; filename="file1.txt" 9: Content-Type: text/plain 10: 11: ... contents of file1.txt ... 12: --AaB03x--
1: <!DOCTYPE HTML> 2: <html> 3: <head> 4: <title>HTML5 Multiple File Upload Sample</title> 5: </head> 6: <body> 7: <form action="http://localhost:8080/api/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> 8: What is your name? 9: <input name="submitter" size="40" type="text"><br> 10: What files are you uploading? 11: <input name="data" type=file multiple> 12: <br> 13: <input type="submit" /> 14: </form> 15: </body> 16: </html> 17:
首先,我们创建一个ApiController实现一个HTTP POST行为来处理文件上传。请注意因为我们异步读取文件,所以该操作返回Task<T>。
注:我们使用了Visual Studio11测试版推出的新的异步/等候关键字,但你同样可以使用已经在Visual Studio 2010中的Tasks和ContinueWith模式。
我们做的第一件事是检查内容是不是确实的“multipart/ form-data”。 第二件事情,我们要做的是创建一个让您控制内容结束的MultipartFormDataStreamProvider函数。在这种情况下,我们保存文件夹的路径是“c:\tmp\uploads”。 它还包含有关文件存储的信息。
1: public class UploadController : ApiController 2: { 3: public async Task<List<string>> PostMultipartStream() 4: { 5: // Verify that this is an HTML Form file upload request 6: if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data")) 7: { 8: throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); 9: } 10: 11: // Create a stream provider for setting up output streams that saves the output under c:\tmp\uploads 12: // If you want full control over how the stream is saved then derive from MultipartFormDataStreamProvider 13: // and override what you need. 14: MultipartFormDataStreamProvider streamProvider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider("c:\\tmp\\uploads"); 15: 16: // Read the MIME multipart content using the stream provider we just created. 17: IEnumerable<HttpContent> bodyparts = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider); 18: 19: // The submitter field is the entity with a Content-Disposition header field with a "name" parameter with value "submitter" 20: string submitter; 21: if (!bodyparts.TryGetFormFieldValue("submitter", out submitter)) 22: { 23: submitter = "unknown"; 24: } 25: 26: // Get a dictionary of local file names from stream provider. 27: // The filename parameters provided in Content-Disposition header fields are the keys. 28: // The local file names where the files are stored are the values. 29: IDictionary<string, string> bodyPartFileNames = streamProvider.BodyPartFileNames; 30: 31: // Create response containing information about the stored files. 32: List<string> result = new List<string>(); 33: result.Add(submitter); 34: 35: IEnumerable<string> localFiles = bodyPartFileNames.Select(kv => kv.Value); 36: result.AddRange(localFiles); 37: 38: return result; 39: } 40: }
1: public static bool TryGetFormFieldValue(this IEnumerable<HttpContent> contents, string dispositionName, out string formFieldValue) 2: { 3: if (contents == null) 4: { 5: throw new ArgumentNullException("contents"); 6: } 7: 8: HttpContent content = contents.FirstDispositionNameOrDefault(dispositionName); 9: if (content != null) 10: { 11: formFieldValue = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; 12: return true; 13: } 14: 15: formFieldValue = null; 16: return false; 17: } 托管控制器
在这个例子中,我们构建一个简单的设置应用程序,那么当在HttpSelfHostConfiguration中配置MaxReceivedMessageSize和TransferMode时,就可以使用托管ApiController。然后,我们用一个简单的HTML表单指向ApiController,这样我们就可以使用浏览器上传文件。这个HTML表单可以被托管在任何地方 - 在这里,我们只是拖放到文件夹C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Samples中,并通过使用因特网信息服务来提供服务。
1: class Program 2: { 3: static void Main(string[] args) 4: { 5: var baseAddress = "http://localhost:8080/"; 6: HttpSelfHostServer server = null; 7: 8: try 9: { 10: // Create configuration 11: var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseAddress); 12: 13: // Set the max message size to 1M instead of the default size of 64k and also 14: // set the transfer mode to 'streamed' so that don't allocate a 1M buffer but 15: // rather just have a small read buffer. 16: config.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024 * 1024; 17: config.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed; 18: 19: // Add a route 20: config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( 21: name: "default", 22: routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", 23: defaults: new { controller = "Home", id = RouteParameter.Optional }); 24: 25: server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config); 26: 27: server.OpenAsync().Wait(); 28: 29: Console.WriteLine("Hit ENTER to exit"); 30: Console.ReadLine(); 31: } 32: finally 33: { 34: if (server != null) 35: { 36: server.CloseAsync().Wait(); 37: } 38: } 39: } 40: } 一旦你上传文件成功,你会发现它在文件夹c:\\tmp\uploads中,如果你要求一个JSON,它还会自动内容协商,像:["henrik","c:\\tmp\\uploads\\sample.random"] |