/************************************************图片水印功能开始************************************************************/ /** * @desc 图片添加文字水印 * @param string|file $source 背景图片,即需要加水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式 * @param int|string $waterImage 图片水印,即作为水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式 * @param int|string $waterPos 水印位置,有10种状态,0为随机位置 1为顶端居左,2为顶端居中,3为顶端居右; * 4为中部居左,5为中部居中,6为中部居右; * 7为底端居左,8为底端居中,9为底端居右 * @param int|string $waterText 文字水印,即把文字作为为水印,支持ASCII码,不支持中文 * @param int|string $fontSize 文字大小,值为1、2、3、4或5,默认为5 * @param int|string $textColor 文字颜色,值为十六进制颜色值,默认为#FF0000(红色) * */ function CreateImageWaterMark($source,$waterImage,$waterText,$waterPos = 0, $fontSize=25, $textColor='', $font = '') { if(empty($font)){ $font = ROOT_PATH."/static/common/lib/assets/fonts/simkai.ttf"; } $date = ROOT_PATH.'static/upload/watermark/' . date ( 'Ymd' ) . '/'; $img = $date . md5 ( $source .$waterImage. $waterText.$waterPos . $fontSize . $textColor ) . '5.jpg'; if (file_exists ($img)) { return $img; } $main = imagecreatefromjpeg ( $source ); $width = imagesx ( $main );//原图宽度 $height = imagesy ( $main );//原图高度 $target = imagecreatetruecolor ( $width, $height ); if (!empty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor) == 7)) { $R = hexdec(substr($textColor, 1, 2)); $G = hexdec(substr($textColor, 3, 2)); $B = hexdec(substr($textColor, 5)); $white = imagecolorallocate($target, $R, $G, $B); } else { $white = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 0, 0 );//字的RGB颜色 } // $white = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 255, 255 ); imagefill ( $target, 0, 0, $white ); imagecopyresampled ( $target, $main, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height ); //设定图像的混色模式 imagealphablending($target, true); //水印位置 if ($waterImage) {//图片水印 $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage); $water_w = $water_info[0]; //取得水印图片的宽 $water_h = $water_info[1]; //取得水印图片的高 //判断水印图片的宽高 if ($waterImage && (($width < $water_w) || ($height < $water_h))) { //将水印图按背景图的比例进行宽度压缩 $waterImage = CompressImage($waterImage,$width,$height); $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage); $water_w = $water_info[0]; //取得水印图片的宽 $water_h = $water_info[1]; //取得水印图片的高 } } else {//文字水印 $fontBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $waterText);//文字水平居中实质 $water_w = $fontBox[2] - $fontBox[6]; $water_h = $fontBox[3] - $fontBox[7]; unset($fontBox); } switch ($waterPos) { case 1://1为顶端居左 $posX = 0;// // -10 是距离右侧10px 可以自己调节 $posY = $waterImage ? 0 : intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize) + 10; // + 10 是距离顶部10px 可以自己调节 break; case 2://2为顶端居中 $posX = ($width - $water_w) / 2; $posY = $waterImage ? 0 : intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize) + 10; // + 10 是距离顶部10px 可以自己调节 break; case 3://3为顶端居右 $posX = $waterImage ? $width - $water_w : $width - $water_w -10;//-10 是距离右侧10px 可以自己调节 $posY = $waterImage ? 0 : intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize); // $posY = intval($fontSize) + 10; // + 10 是距离顶部10px 可以自己调节 break; case 4://4为中部居左 $posX = 0; $posY = ($height - $water_h) / 2; break; case 5://5为中部居中 $posX = ($width - $water_w) / 2; $posY = ($height - $water_h) / 2; break; case 6://6为中部居右 $posX = $width - $water_w - 10; // -10 是距离右侧10px 可以自己调节 $posY = ($height - $water_h) / 2; break; case 7://7为底端居左 $posX = 0; $posY = $height - $water_h; break; case 8://8为底端居中 $posX = ($width - $water_w) / 2; $posY = $height - $water_h; break; case 9://9为底端居右 $posX = $width - $water_w - 10; // -10 是距离右侧10px 可以自己调节 $posY = $height - $water_h - 10; // -10 是距离底部10px 可以自己调节 break; case 0://随机 default://随机 $posX = rand(0, ($width - $water_w)); $posY = rand(0, ($height - $water_h)); break; } if($waterImage && $waterText){ if (!empty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor) == 7)) { $R = hexdec(substr($textColor, 1, 2)); $G = hexdec(substr($textColor, 3, 2)); $B = hexdec(substr($textColor, 5)); $fontColor = imagecolorallocate($target, $R, $G, $B); } else { $fontColor = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 0, 0 );//字的RGB颜色 } $fontBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $waterText); imagettftext ( $target, $fontSize, 0, ceil(($width - $fontBox[2]) / 2), 560, $fontColor, $font, $waterText ); //水印图片 $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage); switch ($water_info[2]) {//取得水印图片的格式 case 1: $child1 = imagecreatefromgif($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; case 2: $child1 = imagecreatefromjpeg($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; case 3: $child1 = imagecreatefrompng($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; default:die('水印图片格式不支持'); } // $child1 = imagecreatefrompng( $waterImage); imagecopymerge ( $target, $child1, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, imagesx ( $child1 ), imagesy ( $child1 ), 100 ); }elseif($waterImage){ //水印图片 $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage); switch ($water_info[2]) {//取得水印图片的格式 case 1: $child1 = imagecreatefromgif($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; case 2: $child1 = imagecreatefromjpeg($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; case 3: $child1 = imagecreatefrompng($waterImage); // @unlink($waterImage); break; default:die('水印图片格式不支持'); } // $child1 = imagecreatefrompng( $waterImage); imagecopymerge ( $target, $child1, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, imagesx ( $child1 ), imagesy ( $child1 ), 100 ); }else{ if (!empty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor) == 7)) { $R = hexdec(substr($textColor, 1, 2)); $G = hexdec(substr($textColor, 3, 2)); $B = hexdec(substr($textColor, 5)); $fontColor = imagecolorallocate($target, $R, $G, $B); } else { $fontColor = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 0, 0 );//字的RGB颜色 } imagettftext ( $target, $fontSize, 0, $posX, $posY, $fontColor, $font, $waterText ); } //eof of 合成图片 if(!is_dir($date)){ @mkdir ($date,0777,true); } imagejpeg ( $target,$img, 95 ); imagedestroy ( $main ); imagedestroy ( $target ); if($waterImage){ imagedestroy ( $child1 ); } return $img; } /** * @desc 按比例压缩图片宽高 * @param string|file $image 图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式 * @param int|string $n_w 图片宽度 * @param int|string $n_h 图片高度 * */ function CompressImage($image,$n_w,$n_h){ $date = ROOT_PATH.'static/upload/watermark/deal/' . date ( 'Ymd' ).'/'; $imgUrl = $date . md5 ($image) . '.jpg'; if (file_exists ($imgUrl)) { return $imgUrl; } $size=getimagesize($image); switch($size[2]){ case 1: $img=imagecreatefromgif($image); break; case 2: $img=imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break; case 3: $img=imagecreatefrompng($image); break; default: return '图片格式不支持'; } $width = imagesx($img);//原图片宽度 $height= imagesy($img);//原图片高度 //缩略图最大宽度与最大高度比 $thcrown = $n_w/$n_h; //原图宽高比 $crown = $width/$height; if($crown/$thcrown >= 1){ $n_h = $n_w/$crown; } else { $n_w = $n_h*$crown; } //1.创建画布 $new = imagecreatetruecolor($n_w, $n_h); $img = imagecreatefrompng($image); //2.上色 imagealphablending($new,false);//这里很重要,意思是不合并颜色,直接用$target_im图像颜色替换,包括透明色; imagesavealpha($new,true);//这里很重要,意思是不要丢了$target_im图像的透明色; $tag_white = imagecolorallocatealpha($new, 255, 255, 255,127);//把生成新图的白色改为透明色 存为tag_white // $color=imagecolorallocate($new,255,255,255); //3.设置透明 imagecolortransparent($new,$tag_white); imagefill($new,0,0,$tag_white); //copy部分图像并调整 imagecopyresized($new, $img,0, 0,0, 0,$n_w, $n_h, $width, $height); // imagecopymerge($new, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $n_w, $n_h, 100);//合并原图和新生成的透明图 //删除原图片 @unlink($image); //图像输出新图片、另存为 if(!is_dir($date)){ @mkdir($date,0777,true); } $imageUrl = $date . md5 ($image) . '.jpg'; // imagepng($new, $dest_path); imagejpeg ( $new,$image, 95 ); imagedestroy($new); imagedestroy($img); return $imageUrl; } function generateImg($source,$waterImage, $text1, $text2, $text3, $font = '') { if(empty($font)){ $font = ROOT_PATH."/static/common/lib/assets/fonts/simkai.ttf"; } $date = ROOT_PATH.'static/upload/watermark/' . date ( 'Ymd' ) . '/'; $img = $date . md5 ( $source . $text1 . $text2 . $text3 ) . '.jpg'; if (file_exists ($img)) { return $img; } $main = imagecreatefromjpeg ( $source ); $width = imagesx ( $main ); $height = imagesy ( $main ); $target = imagecreatetruecolor ( $width, $height ); $white = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 255, 255 ); imagefill ( $target, 0, 0, $white ); imagecopyresampled ( $target, $main, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height ); $fontSize = 18;//磅值字体 $fontColor = imagecolorallocate ( $target, 255, 0, 0 );//字的RGB颜色 $fontBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $text1);//文字水平居中实质 imagettftext ( $target, $fontSize, 0, ceil(($width - $fontBox[2]) / 2), 190, $fontColor, $font, $text1 ); $fontBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $text2); imagettftext ( $target, $fontSize, 0, ceil(($width - $fontBox[2]) / 2), 370, $fontColor, $font, $text2 ); $fontBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $text3); imagettftext ( $target, $fontSize, 0, ceil(($width - $fontBox[2]) / 2), 560, $fontColor, $font, $text3 ); //imageantialias($target, true);//抗锯齿,有些PHP版本有问题,谨慎使用 imagefilledpolygon ( $target, array (10 + 0, 0 + 142, 0, 12 + 142, 20 + 0, 12 + 142), 3, $fontColor );//画三角形 imageline($target, 100, 200, 20, 142, $fontColor);//画线 imagefilledrectangle ( $target, 50, 100, 250, 150, $fontColor );//画矩形 //bof of 合成图片 // $child1 = imagecreatefromjpeg ( $waterImage); $child1 = imagecreatefrompng( $waterImage); imagecopymerge ( $target, $child1, 0, 400, 0, 0, imagesx ( $child1 ), imagesy ( $child1 ), 100 ); //eof of 合成图片 @mkdir ($date); imagejpeg ( $target,$img, 95 ); imagedestroy ( $main ); imagedestroy ( $target ); imagedestroy ( $child1 ); return $img; } /************************************************图片水印功能结束************************************************************/