参考链接: 1.实现了对golang map的key的处理,如计算交集,并集等。 package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main(){ map1 := map[string]int{"aaa":1,"bbb":2,"ccc":3} map2 := map[string]int{"ccc":1,"ddd":2,"eee":3} newmap1 := sets.StringKeySet(map1) newmap2 := sets.StringKeySet(map2) fmt.Println(newmap1.List(),newmap2.List()) fmt.Println(newmap1.HasAny(newmap2.List()...)) //3个点用于把数组打散为单个元素 }结果:true 函数:func ExponentialBackoff(backoff Backoff, condition ConditionFunc) error ExponentialBackoff : 可以实现在函数执行错误后实现以指数退避方式的延时重试。ExponentialBackoff内部使用的是time.Sleep ExponentialBackoff的首个入参Backoff如下:
type Backoff struct { // The initial duration. Duration time.Duration // Duration is multiplied by factor each iteration. Must be greater // than or equal to zero. Factor float64 // The amount of jitter applied each iteration. Jitter is applied after // cap. Jitter float64 // The number of steps before duration stops changing. If zero, initial // duration is always used. Used for exponential backoff in combination // with Factor. Steps int // The returned duration will never be greater than cap *before* jitter // is applied. The actual maximum cap is `cap * (1.0 + jitter)`. Cap time.Duration } 当Factor和Jitter都为0时,可以看到调度周期是相同的,即Duration的值(1s)。 import ( "fmt" "" "time" ) func main(){ var DefaultRetry = wait.Backoff{ Steps: 5, Duration: 1 * time.Second, Factor: 0, Jitter: 0, } fmt.Println(wait.ExponentialBackoff(DefaultRetry,func() (bool, error){ fmt.Println(time.Now()) return false,nil })) } 结果: 2019-07-05 10:17:33.9610108 +0800 CST m=+0.079831101 2019-07-05 10:17:34.961132 +0800 CST m=+1.079952301 2019-07-05 10:17:35.961512 +0800 CST m=+2.080332301 2019-07-05 10:17:36.9625144 +0800 CST m=+3.081334701 2019-07-05 10:17:37.9636334 +0800 CST m=+4.082453701 timed out waiting for the condition Factor为1时,可以看到函数执行间隔均为1s var DefaultRetry = wait.Backoff{ Steps: 5, Duration: 1 * time.Second, Factor: 1, Jitter: 0, } 结果: 2019-07-05 10:28:50.8481017 +0800 CST m=+2.363983901 2019-07-05 10:28:51.8482274 +0800 CST m=+3.364109601 2019-07-05 10:28:52.8482359 +0800 CST m=+4.364118201 2019-07-05 10:28:53.848687 +0800 CST m=+5.364569301 2019-07-05 10:28:54.849409 +0800 CST m=+6.365291201 timed out waiting for the condition 调整Factor为3,预期延时时间为1s,3s,9s,27s,从测试结果看与预期相符 var DefaultRetry = wait.Backoff{ Steps: 5, Duration: 1 * time.Second, Factor: 3, Jitter: 0, } 结果: 2019-07-05 10:35:06.9030165 +0800 CST m=+0.077746101 2019-07-05 10:35:07.9038392 +0800 CST m=+1.078568701 2019-07-05 10:35:10.9038733 +0800 CST m=+4.078602901 2019-07-05 10:35:19.9042141 +0800 CST m=+13.078943601 2019-07-05 10:35:46.904647 +0800 CST m=+40.079376501 timed out waiting for the condition wait库的第二组 func Poll(interval, timeout time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error func PollImmediate(interval, timeout time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error func PollInfinite(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error func PollImmediateInfinite(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error func PollUntil(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error func PollImmediateUntil(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error Poll表示以interval的周期执行condition函数,直到timeout超时或condition返回true/err非空。 wait.Poll和wait.Until使用上还是有些类似的,区别在于一个使用timeout限制超时时间,一个使用chan提供主动停止调度。 import ( "fmt" "" "time" ) func main(){ wait.Poll(time.Second, time.Second*5, func() (done bool, err error) { fmt.Println(time.Now()) return false,nil }) 结果: 2019-07-05 13:43:31.2622405 +0800 CST m=+1.069324901 2019-07-05 13:43:32.2619663 +0800 CST m=+2.069050701 2019-07-05 13:43:33.2626114 +0800 CST m=+3.069695801 2019-07-05 13:43:34.2626876 +0800 CST m=+4.069772001 2019-07-05 13:43:35.2624168 +0800 CST m=+5.069501201 2019-07-05 13:43:35.2624168 +0800 CST m=+5.069501201