我常用下面的方法: c#
step 1 replace the tag of <body> with the follewing codes:
<% if (Request["__SCROLLPOS"] != null && Request["__SCROLLPOS"] != String.Empty) { int pos = Convert.ToInt32 (Request["__SCROLLPOS"]); Response.Write ("<body id=\"theBody\" " + "onscroll=\"javascript:document.forms[0].__SCROLLPOS.value = " + "theBody.scrollTop;\" " + "onload=\"javascript:theBody.scrollTop=" + pos + ";\">"); } else { Response.Write ("<body id=\"theBody\" " + "onscroll=\"javascript:document.forms[0].__SCROLLPOS.value =" + "theBody.scrollTop;\">"); } %>
step 2 add the follewing codes between <form> and </form>
<input type="hidden" name="__SCROLLPOS" value="" />
step 1 replace the tag of <body> with the follewing codes:
<% If Not Request("__SCROLLPOS") Is Nothing then if Request("__SCROLLPOS") <> String.Empty Then Dim pos As Integer = CType(Request("__SCROLLPOS"), Integer) Response.Write("<body ) end if %>
step 2 add the follewing codes between <form> and </form>
<input type="hidden" name="__SCROLLPOS" value="" />