本文转自: Sourabh Shirhatti ASP.NET Core Module overview. Configuration with web.configThe ASP.NET Core Module is configured with the framework-dependent deployment and configures the ASP.NET Core Module to handle site requests: XML
self-contained deployment: XML
The path saves stdout logs to the LogFiles folder, which is a location automatically created by the service. Sub-application configuration for an important note pertaining to the configuration of web.config files in sub-apps. Attributes of the aspNetCore element
Setting environment variablesEnvironment variables set in this section take precedence over system environment variables.
警告 Only set the app_offline.htmIf the app is still running after the number of seconds defined in When the app_offline.htm file is removed, the next request starts the app. Start-up error pageHTTP Errors Log creation and redirectionThe app pool must have write access to the location where the logs are written (use It's the responsibility of the hoster to limit the disk space the logs consume. third-party logging providers. If the Confirm that the AppPool user identity has permission to write to the path provided. XML
Configuration with web.config for an example of the Proxy configuration uses HTTP protocol and a pairing tokenThere's no risk of eavesdropping the traffic between the module and Kestrel from a location off of the server. Without knowing the pairing token value, an attacker can't submit requests that bypass the check in the IIS Middleware. ASP.NET Core Module with an IIS Shared ConfigurationWhen using an IIS Shared Configuration, follow these steps:
Module version and Hosting Bundle installer logsTo determine the version of the installed ASP.NET Core Module:
The Hosting Bundle installer logs for the module are found at C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Temp. The file is named dd_DotNetCoreWinSvrHosting__<timestamp>_000_AspNetCoreModule_x64.log. Module, schema, and configuration file locationsModuleIIS (x86/amd64):
IIS Express (x86/amd64):
IIS Express
IIS Express
在创建文件 <application_root >\.vs\配置时从任何 web 应用程序项目开始在 Visual Studio 解决方案。