在上一篇文章中,我谈到了asp.net Forums 之控件研究,这次我们来谈谈asp.net Forums 的配置、缓存和多数据访问。
#region VSS
/* * $Header: /HiForums/Components/Configuration/ForumConfiguration.cs 1 05-10-26 15:04 Jacky $ * * $History: ForumConfiguration.cs $ * * ***************** Version 1 ***************** * User: Jacky Date: 05-10-26 Time: 15:04 * Created in $/HiForums/Components/Configuration * * ***************** Version 1 ***************** * User: Jacky Date: 05-10-21 Time: 14:20 * Created in $/HiForums/Components/Configuration * * ***************** Version 3 ***************** * User: Jacky Date: 05-09-20 Time: 19:23 * Updated in $/ASP.NET Forums/Components/Configuration * * ***************** Version 2 ***************** * User: Jacky Date: 05-09-20 Time: 1:36 * Updated in $/ASP.NET Forums/Components/Configuration */
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Xml; using System.Configuration; using System.Xml.Serialization; using AspNetForums.Components; using AspNetForums.Enumerations;
namespace AspNetForums.Configuration { // ********************************************************************* // ForumConfiguration // /// <summary> /// 读取论坛配置信息,根据CS结构重构. /// by venjiang 2005/10/25 /// </summary> /// // ***********************************************************************/ public class ForumConfiguration { #region 成员字段 public static readonly string CacheKey = "ForumsConfiguration"; private Hashtable providers = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable extensions = new Hashtable(); private static readonly Cache cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; private string defaultProvider; private string defaultLanguage; private string forumFilesPath; private bool disableBackgroundThreads = false; private bool disableIndexing = false; private bool disableEmail = false; private string passwordEncodingFormat = "unicode"; private int threadIntervalEmail = 15; private int threadIntervalStats = 15; //private SystemType systemType = SystemType.Self; private short smtpServerConnectionLimit = -1; private bool enableLatestVersionCheck = true; private string uploadFilesPath = "/Upload/"; private XmlDocument XmlDoc = null; #endregion
#region 构造器 public ForumConfiguration(XmlDocument doc) { XmlDoc = doc; LoadValuesFromConfigurationXml(); } #endregion
#region 获取XML节点 public XmlNode GetConfigSection(string nodePath) { return XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(nodePath); }
#endregion /* public static ForumConfiguration GetConfig() { return (ForumConfiguration) ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("forums/forums"); } */ #region 获取配置信息实例 public static ForumConfiguration GetConfig() { ForumConfiguration config = cache.Get(CacheKey) as ForumConfiguration; if(config == null) { string path; if(HttpContext.Current != null) path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Forums.config"); else path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Forums.config";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); config = new ForumConfiguration(doc); cache.Insert(CacheKey,config,new CacheDependency(path),DateTime.MaxValue,TimeSpan.Zero,CacheItemPriority.AboveNormal,null);
//cache.ReSetFactor(config.CacheFactor); } return config;
} #endregion
#region 加载配置文件设置 internal void LoadValuesFromConfigurationXml() { XmlNode node = GetConfigSection("Forums/Core"); XmlAttributeCollection attributeCollection = node.Attributes;
// 默认数据提供者 XmlAttribute att = attributeCollection["defaultProvider"]; if(att != null) defaultProvider = att.Value; // 默认语言 att = attributeCollection["defaultLanguage"]; if(att != null) defaultLanguage =att.Value; else defaultLanguage = "zh-CN"; // 论坛路径 att = attributeCollection["forumFilesPath"]; if(att != null) forumFilesPath = att.Value; else forumFilesPath = "/"; // 禁用后台线程 att = attributeCollection["disableThreading"]; if(att != null) disableBackgroundThreads = bool.Parse(att.Value); else disableBackgroundThreads = false; // 禁止索引 att = attributeCollection["disableIndexing"]; if(att != null) disableIndexing = bool.Parse(att.Value); else disableIndexing = false; // 禁止邮件 att = attributeCollection["disableEmail"]; if(att != null) disableEmail = bool.Parse(att.Value); else disableEmail = false; // 密码加密格式 att = attributeCollection["passwordEncodingFormat"]; if(att != null) passwordEncodingFormat = att.Value; else passwordEncodingFormat = "unicode"; // 后中统计状态 att = attributeCollection["threadIntervalStats"]; if(att != null) threadIntervalStats = int.Parse(att.Value); else threadIntervalStats = 15; // 邮件队列发送间隔 att = attributeCollection["threadIntervalEmail"]; if(att != null) threadIntervalEmail = int.Parse(att.Value); else threadIntervalEmail = 15; // SMTP服务器设置 att = attributeCollection["smtpServerConnectionLimit"]; if(att != null) smtpServerConnectionLimit = short.Parse(att.Value); else smtpServerConnectionLimit = -1; // 版本检查 att = attributeCollection["enableLatestVersionCheck"]; if(att != null) enableLatestVersionCheck = bool.Parse(att.Value); // 上传文件路径 att = attributeCollection["uploadFilesPath"]; if(att != null) uploadFilesPath = att.Value;
// 读取子节点 foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) { if (child.Name == "providers") GetProviders(child, providers);
if (child.Name == "extensionModules") GetProviders(child, extensions);
} }
#region 获取配置文件节点Provider internal void GetProviders(XmlNode node, Hashtable table) { foreach (XmlNode provider in node.ChildNodes) { switch (provider.Name) { case "add": table.Add(provider.Attributes["name"].Value, new Provider(provider.Attributes)); break;
case "remove": table.Remove(provider.Attributes["name"].Value); break;
case "clear": table.Clear(); break;
} #endregion
#region 公有属性 // Properties // public string DefaultLanguage { get { return defaultLanguage; } }
public string ForumFilesPath { get { return forumFilesPath; } }
public string DefaultProvider { get { return defaultProvider; } }
public Hashtable Providers { get { return providers; } }
public Hashtable Extensions { get { return extensions; } }
public bool IsBackgroundThreadingDisabled { get { return disableBackgroundThreads; } }
public bool IsIndexingDisabled { get { return disableIndexing; } }
public string PasswordEncodingFormat { get { return passwordEncodingFormat; } }
public string UploadFilesPath { get { return uploadFilesPath; } }
public bool IsEmailDisabled { get { return disableEmail; } }
public int ThreadIntervalEmail { get { return threadIntervalEmail; } }
public int ThreadIntervalStats { get { return threadIntervalStats; } }
public short SmtpServerConnectionLimit { get { return smtpServerConnectionLimit; } }
public bool EnableLatestVersionCheck { get { return enableLatestVersionCheck; } } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 数据提供者实体类 /// </summary> public class Provider { #region 成员字段 private string name; private string providerType; private ExtensionType extensionType; private NameValueCollection providerAttributes = new NameValueCollection(); #endregion
#region 构造器 public Provider(XmlAttributeCollection attributes) { // Set the name of the provider // name = attributes["name"].Value;
// Set the extension type // try { extensionType = (ExtensionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExtensionType), attributes["extensionType"].Value, true); } catch { // Occassionally get an exception on parsing the extensiontype, so set it to Unknown extensionType = ExtensionType.Unknown; }
providerType = attributes["type"].Value;
// Store all the attributes in the attributes bucket // foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in attributes) { if ((attribute.Name != "name") && (attribute.Name != "type")) providerAttributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);
} #endregion
#region 公有属性 public string Name { get { return name; } }
public string Type { get { return providerType; } }
public ExtensionType ExtensionType { get { return extensionType; } }
public NameValueCollection Attributes { get { return providerAttributes; } }
#endregion } } // ********************************************************************* // ForumsConfigurationHandler // /// <summary> /// Class used by ASP.NET Configuration to load ASP.NET Forums configuration. /// </summary> /// // ***********************************************************************/ /* internal class ForumsConfigurationHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler { public virtual object Create(Object parent, Object context, XmlNode node) { ForumConfiguration config = new ForumConfiguration(); config.LoadValuesFromConfigurationXml(node); return config; }
} */
这个配置文件配置了ANF的默认数据提供者、默认语言、论坛路径、是滞禁用后台线程、是滞禁止索引、是否禁止邮件、密码加密格式、线程间隔状态、邮件队列发送间隔、SMTP服务器设置、版本检查 上传文件路径、数据提供者、自定义HttpModule等。主要方法为GetConfig():
public static ForumConfiguration GetConfig() { ForumConfiguration config = cache.Get(CacheKey) as ForumConfiguration; if(config == null) { string path; if(HttpContext.Current != null) path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Forums.config"); else path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Forums.config";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); config = new ForumConfiguration(doc); cache.Insert(CacheKey,config,new CacheDependency(path),DateTime.MaxValue,TimeSpan.Zero,CacheItemPriority.AboveNormal,null);
//cache.ReSetFactor(config.CacheFactor); } return config;
在此方法中,首先从Cache缓存中获取配置信息,如配置信息还未缓存,则读敢配置文件。配置文件位于网站根目录下的Forums.config文件。读取配置文件的内容后插入缓存中以便下次使用。 Forums.config文件如下:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Forums> <Core defaultLanguage="zh-CN" forumFilesPath="/" disableEmail="false" disableIndexing="true" disableThreading="false" threadIntervalStats="15" threadIntervalEmail="15" smtpServerConnectionLimit="-1" passwordEncodingFormat="unicode" enableLatestVersionCheck="false" uploadFilesPath="/Upload/" defaultProvider="SqlForumsProvider"> <providers> <clear /> <