(1)遍历Grid中的所有Item(一行),一次仅展开一行【Single expand in hierarchical grid】 private void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e) (2)展开或者折叠所有行 protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, Telerik.WebControls.GridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == RadGrid.ExpandCollapseCommandName) { (e.Item.FindControl("btnExpand") as ImageButton).Visible = !(e.Item.FindControl("btnExpand") as ImageButton).Visible; (e.Item.FindControl("btnCollapse") as ImageButton).Visible = !(e.Item.FindControl("btnCollapse") as ImageButton).Visible; } if (e.CommandName == "ExpandAll") { //Looping through each DataItem and making the "btnExpand" image button in the item visibility to false and "btnCollapse" visibility to true foreach (GridDataItem GridDataItem in RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetItems(new GridItemType[] { GridItemType.Item, GridItemType.AlternatingItem })) { ImageButton btnExpand = (ImageButton)GridDataItem.FindControl("btnExpand"); btnExpand.Visible = false; ImageButton btnCollapse = (ImageButton)GridDataItem.FindControl("btnCollapse"); btnCollapse.Visible = true; } //Exapanding the DataItem foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGrid1.Items) { item.Expanded = true; } //Hiding the CollapseAll image in the header to true and ExpandAll image in the header to false GridHeaderItem GridHeaderItem = e.Item as GridHeaderItem; ImageButton imgCollapseAll = (ImageButton)GridHeaderItem.FindControl("CollapseAll"); imgCollapseAll.Visible = true; ImageButton imgExpandAll = (ImageButton)GridHeaderItem.FindControl("ExpandAll"); imgExpandAll.Visible = false; } if (e.CommandName == "CollapseAll") { //Looping through each DataItem and making the "btnExpand" image button in the item visibility to true and "btnCollapse" visibility to false foreach (GridDataItem GridDataItem in RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetItems(new GridItemType[] { GridItemType.Item, GridItemType.AlternatingItem })) { ImageButton btnExpand = (ImageButton)GridDataItem.FindControl("btnExpand"); btnExpand.Visible = true; ImageButton btnCollapse = (ImageButton)GridDataItem.FindControl("btnCollapse"); btnCollapse.Visible = false; } //Collapsing the DataItem foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGrid1.Items) { item.Expanded = false; } //Hiding the CollapseAll image in the header to false and ExpandAll image in the header to true GridHeaderItem GridHeaderItem = e.Item as GridHeaderItem; ImageButton imgCollapseAll = (ImageButton)GridHeaderItem.FindControl("CollapseAll"); imgCollapseAll.Visible = false; ImageButton imgExpandAll = (ImageButton)GridHeaderItem.FindControl("ExpandAll"); imgExpandAll.Visible = true; } } (3)导致Grid重新绑定数据【Commands that invoke Rebind() implicitly】 Here is the complete list of commands that trigger Rebind(): Command Name Field ExpandCollapse Update Cancel Delete Edit InitInsert PerformInsert RebindGrid Page Sort Filter Note that the following commands do not perform internal rebind: Select Deselect |