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MVC中使用泛型仓储模式和依赖注入在ASP.NETMVC中使用泛型仓储模式和依赖注入,实现增 ...

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Dependency Injection (DI)--依赖注入

Dependency Injection (DI) is a type of IoC, it is a pattern where objects are not responsible for creating their own dependencies. Dependency injection is a way to remove hard-coded dependencies among objects, making it easier to replace an object's dependencies, either for testing (using mock objects in unit test) or to change run-time behaviour.



Before understanding Dependency Injection, you should be familiar with the two concepts of Object Oriented Programming, one is tight coupling and another is loose coupling, so let's see each one by one.


Tight Coupling--紧耦合

It means two objects are independent and an object can use another object without being dependent on it. It is a design goal that seeks to reduce the inter-dependencies among components of a system with the goal of reducing the risk that changes in one component will require changes in any other component.


Now in short, Dependency Injection is a pattern that makes objects loosely coupled instead of tightly coupled. Generally, we create a concrete class object in the class we require the object and bind it in the dependent class but DI is a pattern where we create a concrete class object outside this high-level module or dependent class.


There are three types of dependency injections:


  1. Constructor Dependency Injection---构造函数的依赖注入
  2. Setter Dependency Injection--Setter注入
  3. Interface Dependency Injection---接口注入

In this article, we will use Constructor Dependency Injection. This is the most commonly used Dependency Injection Pattern in Object Oriented Programming. The Constructor Dependency Injection uses a parameter to inject dependencies so there is normally one parameterized constructor always. So in this constructor dependency, the object has no default constructor and you need to pass specified values at the time of creation to initiate the object. You can say that your design is loosely coupled with the use of constructor dependency injection.


Dependency Injection (DI) Container--依赖注入容器

The Dependency Injection Container is a framework to create dependencies and inject them automatically when required. It automatically creates objects based on requests and injects them when required. It helps us split our application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces and then glue them back together in a flexible manner. By DI container, our code will become easier to write, reuse, test and modify. In this article, we will use a Niject DI Container.

这个依赖注入容器是一个框架,来创建依赖,并在需要的时候,自动注入依赖。它自动根据需要创建对象,并且在需要的时候,注入他们。它帮助我们,拆分我们的程序,变成松耦合的,高内聚的片段,然后以灵活的方式拼凑在一起。通过依赖注入容器,我们的代码,将会变得很容易写,很好的重用性,很容易测试,并且很容易修改。在这个文章中,我们将会使用Niject 依赖注入容器。

CRUD Operations Application Design--增删查改的程序设计

We create four projects in a solution to implement DIP with generic repository pattern. These are:

我们在解决方案中,创建四个项目通过使用泛型仓储模式来实现依赖倒置(DIP--Dependency Inversion Principle),他们是:

  1. Ioc.Core (class library)--类库
  2. Ioc.Data (class library)--类库
  3. Ioc.Service (class library)--类库
  4. Ioc.Web (web application)--web应用程序

Define Entities in Application--在程序中定义实体

In this article, we are working with the Entity Framework Code First Approach so the project Ioc.Core contains entities that are necessary in the application's database. In this project, we create three entities, one is theBaseEntity class that has common properties that will be inherited by each entity and the others are Userand UserProfile entities. Let's see each entity. The following is a code snippet for the BaseEntity class.

在这个文章中,我们使用EF Code First方法,所以这个Ioc.Core包含了这个程序的数据库必须的实体。在这个项目中,我们创建三个实体,一个是BaseEntity,它有公共的属性,将会被每一个实体和另外的两个实体(User和UserProfile继承)。我们来一个一个看,首先看BaseEntity实体类。


The User and UserProfile entities have a one-to-one relationship. One User can have only one profile.


Now, we create a User entity under the Data folder of the Ioc.Core project that inherits from the BaseEntityclass. The following is a code snippet for the User entity.



Now, we create a UserProfile entity under the Data folder of the Ioc.Core project that inherits from theBaseEntity class. The following is a code snippet for the UserProfile entity.



Define Context Class---定义上下文类

The Ioc.Data project contains DataContextUser and UserProfile entities Mapping and Repository. The ADO.NET Entity Framework Code First data access approach requires us to create a data access context class that inherits from the DbContext class so we create an interface IDbContext that inherited by context classIocDbContext (IocDbContext.cs) class. In this class, we override the OnModelCreating() method. This method is called when the model for a context class (IocDbContext) has been initialized, but before the model has been locked down and used to initialize the context such that the model can be further configured before it is locked down. First, create an IDbContext interface and the following code snippet for it.

Ioc.Data项目包含数据上下文,User,和Userprofile实体,Mapping和Repository.ADO.NET EF CodeFirst 数据访问方法,需要我们去创建一个数据访问上下文类,继承自DbContext类,所以我们可以创建一个接口IDbContext,被Context类(IocDbContext.CS)继承,我们重写这个OnModelCreating()方法,当上下文类(IocDbContext)已经被初始化的时候,这个方法就会被调用,但是在model被锁住之前,去初始化这个上下文,这个时候,这个model能够被进一步的配置,在被Locked down之前。首先,创建一个IDbContext接口:



每天学一点,每天积累一天,进步就不止一点点!PS:好记性不如烂笔头,学会总结,学会思考~~~ ----要飞翔,必须靠自己!



Dependency Injection (DI)--依赖注入

Dependency Injection (DI) is a type of IoC, it is a pattern where objects are not responsible for creating their own dependencies. Dependency injection is a way to remove hard-coded dependencies among objects, making it easier to replace an object's dependencies, either for testing (using mock objects in unit test) or to change run-time behaviour.



Before understanding Dependency Injection, you should be familiar with the two concepts of Object Oriented Programming, one is tight coupling and another is loose coupling, so let's see each one by one.


Tight Coupling--紧耦合

It means two objects are independent and an object can use another object without being dependent on it. It is a design goal that seeks to reduce the inter-dependencies among components of a system with the goal of reducing the risk that changes in one component will require changes in any other component.


Now in short, Dependency Injection is a pattern that makes objects loosely coupled instead of tightly coupled. Generally, we create a concrete class object in the class we require the object and bind it in the dependent class but DI is a pattern where we create a concrete class object outside this high-level module or dependent class.


There are three types of dependency injections:


  1. Constructor Dependency Injection---构造函数的依赖注入
  2. Setter Dependency Injection--Setter注入
  3. Interface Dependency Injection---接口注入

In this article, we will use Constructor Dependency Injection. This is the most commonly used Dependency Injection Pattern in Object Oriented Programming. The Constructor Dependency Injection uses a parameter to inject dependencies so there is normally one parameterized constructor always. So in this constructor dependency, the object has no default constructor and you need to pass specified values at the time of creation to initiate the object. You can say that your design is loosely coupled with the use of constructor dependency injection.


Dependency Injection (DI) Container--依赖注入容器

The Dependency Injection Container is a framework to create dependencies and inject them automatically when required. It automatically creates objects based on requests and injects them when required. It helps us split our application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces and then glue them back together in a flexible manner. By DI container, our code will become easier to write, reuse, test and modify. In this article, we will use a Niject DI Container.

这个依赖注入容器是一个框架,来创建依赖,并在需要的时候,自动注入依赖。它自动根据需要创建对象,并且在需要的时候,注入他们。它帮助我们,拆分我们的程序,变成松耦合的,高内聚的片段,然后以灵活的方式拼凑在一起。通过依赖注入容器,我们的代码,将会变得很容易写,很好的重用性,很容易测试,并且很容易修改。在这个文章中,我们将会使用Niject 依赖注入容器。

CRUD Operations Application Design--增删查改的程序设计

We create four projects in a solution to implement DIP with generic repository pattern. These are:

我们在解决方案中,创建四个项目通过使用泛型仓储模式来实现依赖倒置(DIP--Dependency Inversion Principle),他们是:

  1. Ioc.Core (class library)--类库
  2. Ioc.Data (class library)--类库
  3. Ioc.Service (class library)--类库
  4. Ioc.Web (web application)--web应用程序

Define Entities in Application--在程序中定义实体

In this article, we are working with the Entity Framework Code First Approach so the project Ioc.Core contains entities that are necessary in the application's database. In this project, we create three entities, one is theBaseEntity class that has common properties that will be inherited by each entity and the others are Userand UserProfile entities. Let's see each entity. The following is a code snippet for the BaseEntity class.

在这个文章中,我们使用EF Code First方法,所以这个Ioc.Core包含了这个程序的数据库必须的实体。在这个项目中,我们创建三个实体,一个是BaseEntity,它有公共的属性,将会被每一个实体和另外的两个实体(User和UserProfile继承)。我们来一个一个看,首先看BaseEntity实体类。


The User and UserProfile entities have a one-to-one relationship. One User can have only one profile.


Now, we create a User entity under the Data folder of the Ioc.Core project that inherits from the BaseEntityclass. The following is a code snippet for the User entity.



Now, we create a UserProfile entity under the Data folder of the Ioc.Core project that inherits from theBaseEntity class. The following is a code snippet for the UserProfile entity.



Define Context Class---定义上下文类

The Ioc.Data project contains DataContextUser and UserProfile entities Mapping and Repository. The ADO.NET Entity Framework Code First data access approach requires us to create a data access context class that inherits from the DbContext class so we create an interface IDbContext that inherited by context classIocDbContext (IocDbContext.cs) class. In this class, we override the OnModelCreating() method. This method is called when the model for a context class (IocDbContext) has been initialized, but before the model has been locked down and used to initialize the context such that the model can be further configured before it is locked down. First, create an IDbContext interface and the following code snippet for it.

Ioc.Data项目包含数据上下文,User,和Userprofile实体,Mapping和Repository.ADO.NET EF CodeFirst 数据访问方法,需要我们去创建一个数据访问上下文类,继承自DbContext类,所以我们可以创建一个接口IDbContext,被Context类(IocDbContext.CS)继承,我们重写这个OnModelCreating()方法,当上下文类(IocDbContext)已经被初始化的时候,这个方法就会被调用,但是在model被锁住之前,去初始化这个上下文,这个时候,这个model能够被进一步的配置,在被Locked down之前。首先,创建一个IDbContext接口:















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