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首先,FCKEDITOR的性能是非常好的,用户只需很少的时间就可以载入FCKEDITOR所需文件.对于其他在线编辑器来 说,这几乎是个很难解决的难题,因为在开启编辑器时需要装载太多的文件.比如CUTEEDITOR,虽然功能比FCKEDITOR还要强大,可是,它本身 也够庞大了,至于FREETEXTBOX等,其易用性与FCKEDITOR相比,尚有差距,可以说,FCKEDITOR是一个别具匠心的在线编辑器,它里 面融入了作者高深的面向对象的JAVASCRIPT功力,集易用性与强大的功能与一体.

_samples中为示例文件同时,FCKeditor支持以下编程语言环境: ASP.Net\ASP\ColdFusion\PHP\Java\Active-FoxPro\Lasso\Perl\Python



Version 2.4.2

Fixed Bugs:

  • [#279] The UTF-8 BOM was being included in the wrong files, affecting mainly PHP installations.

Version 2.4.1

New Features and Improvements:

  • [#118] The SelectAll command now is available in Source Mode.
  • The new open source FCKpackager sub-project is now available. It replaces the FCKeditor.Packager software to compact the editor source.
  • With Firefox, if a paste execution is blocked by the browser security settings, the new "Paste" popup is shown to the user to complete the pasting operation.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Various fixes to the ColdFusion File Browser connector.
  • We are now pointing the download of ieSpell to their pages, instead to a direct file download from one of their mirrors. This disables the ability of "click and go" (which can still be achieved by pointing the download to a file in your server), but removes any troubles with mirrors link changes (and they change it frequently).
  • The Word cleanup has been changed to remove "display:none" tags that may come from Word.
  • [SF BUG-1659613] The 2.4 version introduced a bug in the flash handling code that generated out of memory errors in IE7.
  • [SF BUG-1660456] The icons in context menus were draggable.
  • [SF BUG-1653009] If the server is configured to process html files as asp then it generated ASP error 0138.
  • [SF BUG-1288609] The content of iframes is now preserved.
  • [SF BUG-1245504] [SF BUG-1652240] Flash files without the .swf extension weren't recognized upon reload.
  • [SF PATCH-1649753] Node selection for text didn't work in IE. Thanks to yurik dot m.
  • [SF BUG-1573191] The Html code inserted with FCK.InsertHtml didn't have the same protection for special tags.
  • [#110] The OK button in dialogs had its width set as an inline style.
  • [#113] [#94] [SF BUG-1659270] ForcePasteAsPlainText didn't work in Firefox.
  • [#114] The correct entity is now used to fill empty blocks when ProcessHTMLEntities is disabled.
  • [#90] The editor was wrongly removing some <br> tags from the code.
  • [#139] The CTRL+F and CTRL+S keystroke default behaviors are now preserved.
  • [#138] We are not providing a CTRL + ALT combination in the default configuration file because it may be incompatible with some keyboard layouts. So, the CTRL + ALT + S combination has been changed to CTRL + SHIFT + S.
  • [#129] In IE, it was not possible to paste if "Allow paste operation via script" was disabled in the browser security settings.
  • [#112] The enter key now behaves correctly on lists with Firefox, when the EnterMode is set to 'br'.
  • [#152] Invalid self-closing tags are now being fixed before loading.
  • A few tags were being ignored to the check for required contents (not getting stripped out, as expected). Fixed.
  • [#202] The HR tag will not anymore break the contents loaded in the editor.
  • [#211] Some invalid inputs, like "<p>" where making the caret disappear in Firefox.
  • [#99] The <div> element is now considered a block container if EnterMode=p|br. It acts like a simple block only if EnterMode=div.
  • Hidden fields will now show up as an icon in IE, instead of a normal text field. They are also selectable and draggable, in all browsers.
  • [#213] Styles are now preserved when hitting enter at the end of a paragraph.
  • [#77] If ShiftEnterMode is set to a block tag (p or div), the desired block creation in now enforced, instead of copying the current block (which is still the behavior of the simple enter).
  • [#209] Links and images URLs will now be correctly preserved with Netscape 7.1.
  • [#165] The enter key now honors the EnterMode settings when outdenting a list item.
  • [#190] Toolbars may be wrongly positioned. Fixed.
  • [#254] The IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue setting is now correctly handled in Firefox.
  • [#248] The behavior of the backspace key has been fixed on some very specific cases.

Version 2.4

New Features and Improvements:

  • [SF Feature-1329273] [SF Feature-1456005] [SF BUG-1315002] [SF BUG-1350180] [SF BUG-1450689] [SF BUG-1461033] [SF BUG-1510111] [SF BUG-1203560] [SF BUG-1564838] The advance Enter Key Handler is now being introduced. It gives you complete freedom to configure the editor to generate <p>, <div> or <br> when the user uses both the [Enter] and [Shift]+[Enter] keys. The new "EnterMode" and "ShiftEnterMode" settings can be use to control its behavior. It also guarantees that all browsers will generate the same output.
  • The new and powerful Keyboard Accelerator System is being introduced. You can now precisely control the commands to execute when some key combinations are activated by the user. It guarantees that all browsers will have the same behavior regarding the shortcuts.
    It also makes it possible to remove buttons from the toolbar and still invoke their features by using the keyboard instead.
    It also blocks all default "CTRL based shortcuts" imposed by the browsers, so if you don't want users to underline text, just remove the CTRL+U combination from the keystrokes table. Take a look at the FCKConfig.Keystrokes setting in the fckconfig.js file.
  • The new "ProtectedTags" configuration option is being introduced. It will accept a list of tags (separated by a pipe "|"), which will have no effect during editing, but will still be part of the document DOM. This can be used mainly for non HTML standard, custom tags.
  • Dialog box commands can now open resizable dialogs (by setting oCommand.Resizable = true).
  • Updated support for AFP. Thanks to Soenke Freitag.
  • New language file:
    • Afrikaans (by Willem Petrus Botha).
  • [SF Patch-1456343] New sample file showing how to dynamically exchange a textarea and an instance of FCKeditor. Thanks to Finn Hakansson
  • [SF Patch-1496115] [SF BUG-1588578] [SF BUG-1376534] [SF BUG-1343506] [SF Feature-1211065] [SF Feature-949144] The content of anchors are shown and preserved on creation. *
  • [SF Feature-1587175] Local links to an anchor are readjusted if the anchor changes.
  • [SF Patch-1500040] New configuration values to specify the Id and Class for the body element.
  • [SF Patch-1577202] The links created with the popup option now are accessible even if the user has JavaScript disabled.
  • [SF Patch-1443472] [SF BUG-1576488] [SF BUG-1334305] [SF BUG-1578312] The Paste from Word clean up function can be configured with FCKConfig.CleanWordKeepsStructure to preserve the markup as much as possible. Thanks Jean-Charles ROGEZ.
  • [SF Patch-1472654] The server side script location for SpellerPages can now be set in the configuration file, by using the SpellerPagesServerScript setting.
  • Attention: All connectors are now pointing by default to the "/userfiles/" folder instead of "/UserFiles/" (case change). Also, the inner folders for each type (file, image, flash and media) are all lower-cased too.
  • Attention: The UseBROnCarriageReturn configuration is not anymore valid. The EnterMode setting can now be used to precisely set the enter key behavior.

Fixed Bugs:

  • [SF BUG-1444937] [SF BUG-1274364] Shortcut keys are now undoable correctly.
  • [SF BUG-1015230] Toolbar buttons now update their state on shortcut keys activation.
  • [SF BUG-1485621] It is now possible to precisely control which shortcut keys can be used.
  • [SF BUG-1573714] [SF BUG-1593323] Paste was not working in IE if both AutoDetectPasteFromWord and ForcePasteAsPlainText settings were set to "false".
  • [SF BUG-1578306] The context menu was wrongly positioned if the editing document was set to render in strict mode. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • [SF BUG-1567060] [SF BUG-1565902] [SF BUG-1440631] IE was getting locked on some specific cases. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1582859] [SF Patch-1579507] Firefox' spellchecker is now disabled during editing mode. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • Fixed Safari and Opera detection system (for development purposes only).
  • Paste from Notepad was including font information in IE. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1584092] When replacing text area, names with spaces are now accepted.
  • Depending on the implementation of toolbar combos (mainly for custom plugins) the editor area was loosing the focus when clicking in the combo label. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1596937] InsertHtml() was inserting the HTML outside the editor area on some very specific cases.
  • [SF BUG-1585548] On very specific, rare and strange cases, the XHTML processor was not working properly in IE. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1584951] [SF BUG-1380598] [SF BUG-1198139] [SF BUG-1437318] In Firefox, the style selector will not anymore delete the contents when removing styles on specific cases.
  • [SF BUG-1515441] [SF BUG-1451071] The "Insert/Edit Link" and "Select All" buttons are now working properly when the editor is running on a IE Modal dialog.
  • On some very rare cases, IE was throwing a memory error when hiding the context menus. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1526154] [SF BUG-1509208] With Firefox, <style> tags defined in the source are now preserved.
  • [SF BUG-1535946] The IE dialog system has been changed to better work with custom dialogs.
  • [SF BUG-1599520] The table dialog was producing empty tags when leaving some of its fields empty.
  • [SF BUG-1599545] HTML entities are now processed on attribute values too.
  • [SF BUG-1598517] Meta tags are now protected from execution during editing (avoiding the "redirect" meta to be activated).
  • [SF BUG-1415601] Firefox internals: styleWithCSS is used instead of the deprecated useCSS whenever possible.
  • All JavaScript Core extension function have been renamed to "PascalCase" (some were in "camelCase"). This may have impact on plugins that use any of those functions.
  • [SF BUG-1592311] Operations in the caption of tables are now working correctly in both browsers.
  • Small interface fixes to the about box.
  • [SF PATCH-1604576] [SF BUG-1604301] Link creation failed in Firefox 3 alpha. Thanks to Arpad Borsos
  • [SF BUG-1577247] Unneeded call to captureEvents and releaseEvents.
  • [SF BUG-1610790] On some specific situations, the call to form.submit(), in form were FCKeditor has been unloaded by code, was throwing the "Can't execute code from a freed script" error.
  • [SF BUG-1613167] If the configuration was missing the FCKConfig.AdditionalNumericEntities entry an error appeared.
  • [SF BUG-1590848] [SF BUG-1626360] Cleaning of JavaScript strict warnings in the source code.
  • [SF BUG-1559466] The ol/ul list property window always searched first for a UL element.
  • [SF BUG-1516008] Class attribute in IE wasn't loaded in the image dialog.
  • The "OnAfterSetHTML" event is now fired when being/switching to Source View.
  • [SF BUG-1631807] Elements' style properties are now forced to lowercase in IE.
  • The extensions "html", "htm" and "asis" have been added to the list of denied extensions on upload.
  • Empty inline elements (like span and strong) will not be generated any more.
  • Some elements attributes (like hspace) where not being retrieved when set to "0".
  • [SF BUG-1508341] Fix for the ColdFusion script file of SpellerPages.

* This version has been partially sponsored by Medical Media Lab.

Version 2.3.3

New Features and Improvements:

  • The project has been relicensed under the terms of the GPL / LGPL / MPL licenses. This change will remove many licensing compatibility issues with other open source licenses, making the editor even more "open" than before.
  • Attention: The default directory in the distribution package is now named "fckeditor" (in lowercase) instead of "FCKeditor".  This change may impact installations on case sensitive OSs, like Linux.
  • Attention: The "Universal Keyboard" has been removed from the package. The license of those files was unclear so they can't be included alongside the rest of FCKeditor.

Version 2.3.2

New Features and Improvements:

  • Users can now decide if the template dialog will replace the entire contents of the editor or simply place the template in the cursor position. This feature can be controlled by the "TemplateReplaceAll" and "TemplateReplaceCheckbox" configuration options.
  • [SF Patch-1237693] A new configuration option (ProcessNumericEntities) is now available to tell the editor to convert non ASCII chars to their relative numeric entity references. It is disabled by default.
  • The new "AdditionalNumericEntities" setting makes it possible to define a set of characters to be transformed to their relative numeric entities. This is useful when you don't want the code to have simple quotes ('), for example.
  • The Norwegian language file (no.js) has been duplicated to include the Norwegian Bokmal (nb.js) in the supported interface languages. Thanks to Martin Kronstad.
  • Two new patterns have been added to the Universal Keyboard:
    • Persian. Thanks to Pooyan Mahdavi
    • Portuguese. Thanks to Bo Brandt.
  • [SF Patch-1517322] It is now possible to define the start number on numbered lists. Thanks to Marcel Bennett.
  • The Font Format combo will now reflect the EditorAreaCSS styles.
  • [SF Patch-1461539] The File Browser connector can now optionally return a "url" attribute for the files. Thanks to Pent.
  • [SF BUG-1090851] The new "ToolbarComboPreviewCSS" configuration option has been created, so it is possible to point the Style and Format toolbar combos to a different CSS, avoiding conflicts with the editor area CSS.
  • [SF Feature-1421309] [SF BUG-1489402] It is now possible to configure the Quick Uploder target path to consider the file type (ex: Image or File) in the target path for uploads.
  • The JavaScript integration file has two new things:
    • The "CreateHtml()" function in the FCKeditor object, used to retrieve the HTML of an editor instance, instead of writing it directly to the page (as done by "Create()").
    • The global "FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()" function, which tells if the executing browser is compatible with FCKeditor. This makes it possible to do any necessary processing depending on the compatibility, without having to create and editor instance.

Fixed Bugs:

  • [SF BUG-1525242] [SF BUG-1500050] All event attributes (like onclick or onmouseover) are now being protected before loading the editor. In this way, we avoid firing those events during editing (IE issue) and they don't interfere in other specific processors in the editor.
  • Small security fixes to the File Browser connectors.
  • [SF BUG-1546226] Small fix to the ColdFusion CFC integration file.
  • [SF Patch-1407500] The Word Cleanup function was breaking the HTML on pasting, on very specific cases. Fixed, thanks to Frode E. Moe.
  • [SF Patch-1551979] [SF BUG-1418066] [SF BUG-1439621] [SF BUG-1501698] Make FCKeditor work with application/xhtml+xml. Thanks to Arpad Borsos.
  • [SF Patch-1547738] [SF BUG-1550595] [SF BUG-1540807] [SF BUG-1510685] Fixed problem with panels wrongly positioned when the editor is placed on absolute or relative positioned elements. Thanks to Filipe Martins.
  • [SF Patch-1511294] Small fix for the File Browser compatibility with IE 5.5.
  • [SF Patch-1503178] Small improvement to stop IE from loading smiley images when one smiley is quickly selected from a huge list of smileys. Thanks to stuckhere.
  • [SF BUG-1549112] The Replace dialog window now escapes regular expression specific characters in the find and replace fields.
  • [SF BUG-1548788] Updated the ieSpell download URL.
  • In FF, the editor was throwing an error when closing the window. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1538509] The "type" attribute for text fields will always be set now.
  • [SF BUG-1551734] The SetHTML function will now update the editing area height no matter which editing mode is active.
  • [SF BUG-1554141] [SF BUG-1565562] [SF BUG-1451056] [SF BUG-1478408] [SF BUG-1489322] [SF BUG-1513667] [SF BUG-1562134] The protection of URLs has been enhanced and now it will not break URLs on very specific cases.
  • [SF BUG-1545732] [SF BUG-1490919] No security errors will be thrown when loading FCKeditor in page inside a FRAME defined in a different domain.
  • [SF BUG-1512817] [SF BUG-1571345] Fixed the "undefined" addition to the content when ShowBorders = false and FullPage = true in Firefox. Thanks to Brett.
  • [SF BUG-1512798] BaseHref will now work well on FullPage, even if no <head> is available.
  • [SF BUG-1509923] The DocumentProcessor is now called when using InserHtml().
  • [SF BUG-1505964] The DOCTYPE declaration is now preserved when working in FullPage.
  • [SF BUG-1553727] The editor was throwing an error when inserting complex templates. Fixed.
  • [SF Patch-1564930] [SF BUG-1562828] In IE, anchors where incorrectly copied when using the Paste from Word button. Fixed, thanks to geirhelge.
  • [SF BUG-1557709] [SF BUG-1421810] The link dialog now validates Popup Window names.
  • [SF BUG-1556878] Firefox was creating empty tags when deleting the selection in some special cases.
  • The context menu for links is now correctly shown when right-clicking on floating divs.
  • [SF BUG-1084404] The XHTML processor now ignores empty span tags.
  • [SF BUG-1221728] [SF BUG-1174503] The <abbr> tag is not anymore getting broken by IE.
  • [SF BUG-1182906] IE is not anymore messing up mailto links.
  • [SF BUG-1386094] Fixed an issue when setting configuration options to empty ('') by code.
  • [SF BUG-1389435] Fixed an issue in some dialog boxes when handling numeric inputs.
  • [SF BUG-1398829] Some links may got broken on very specific cases. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1409969] <noscript> tags now remain untouched by the editor.
  • [SF BUG-1433457] [SF BUG-1513631] Empty "href" attributes in <a> or empty "src" in <img> will now be correctly preserved.
  • [SF BUG-1435195] Scrollbars are now visible in the File Browser (for custom implementations).
  • [SF BUG-1438296] The "ForceSimpleAmpersand" setting is now being honored in all tags.
  • If a popup blocker blocks context menu operations, the correct alert message is displayed now, instead of a ugly JavaScript error.
  • [SF BUG-1454116] The GetXHTML() function will not change the IsDirty() value of the editor.
  • The spell check may not work correctly when using SpellerPages with ColdFusion. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1481861] HTML comments are now removed by the Word Cleanup System.
  • [SF BUG-1489390] A few missing hard coded combo options used in some dialogs are now localizable.
  • [SF BUG-1505448] The Form dialog now retrieves the value of the "action" attribute exactly as defined in the source.
  • [SF Patch-1517322] Solved an issue when the toolbar has buttons with simple icons (usually used by plugins) mixed with icons coming from a strip (the default toolbar buttons).
  • [SF Patch-1575261] Some fields in the Table and Cell Properties dialogs were being cut. Fixed.
  • Fixed a startup compatibility issue with Firefox 1.0.4.

Version 2.3.1

Fixed Bugs:

  • [SF BUG-1506126] Fixed the Catalan language file, which had been published with problems in accented letters.
  • More performance improvements in the default File Browser.
  • [SF BUG-1506701] Fixed compatibility issues with IE 5.5.
  • [SF BUG-1509073] Fixed the "Image Properties" dialog window, which was making invalid calls to the "editor/dialog/" directory, generating error 400 entries in the web server log.
  • [SF BUG-1507294] [SF BUG-1507953] The editing area was getting a fixed size when using the "SetHTML" API command or even when switching back from the source view. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1507755] Fixed a conflict between the "DisableObjectResizing" and "ShowBorders" configuration options over IE.
  • Opera 9 tries to "mimic" Gecko in the browser detection system of FCKeditor. As this browser is not "yet" supported, the editor was broken on it. It has been fixed, and now a textarea is displayed, as in any other unsupported browser. Support for Opera is still experimental and can be activated by setting the property "EnableOpera" to true when creating an instance of the editor with the JavaScript integration files.
  • With Opera 9, the toolbar was jumping on buttons rollover.
  • [SF BUG-1509479] The iframes used in Firefox for all editor panels (dropdown combos, context menu, etc...) are now being placed right before the main iframe that holds the editor. In this way, if the editor container element is removed from the DOM (by DHTML) they are removed together with it.
  • [SF BUG-1271070] [SF BUG-1411430] The editor API now works well on DHTML pages that create and remove instances of FCKeditor dynamically.
  • A second call to a page with the editor was not working correctly with Firefox 1.0.x. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1511460] Small correction to the <script> protected source regex. Thanks to Randall Severy.
  • [SF BUG-1521754] Small fix to the paths of the internal CSS files used by FCKeditor. Thanks to johnw_ceb.
  • [SF BUG-1511442] The <base> tag is now correctly handled in IE, no matter its position in the source code.
  • [SF BUG-1507773] The "Lock" and "Reset" buttons in the Image Properties dialog window are not anymore jumping with Firefox 1.5.

Version 2.3

New Features and Improvements:

  • The Toolbar Sharing system has been completed. See sample10.html and sample11.html.*
  • [SF Patch-1407500] Small enhancement to the Find and Replace dialog windows.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Small security fixes.
  • The context menu system has been optimized. Nested menus now open "onmouseover".
  • An error in the image preloader system was making the toolbar strip being downloaded once for each button on slow connections. Some enhancements have also been made so now the smaple05.html is loading fast for all skins.
  • Fixed many memory leak issues with IE.
  • [SF BUG-1489768] The panels (context menus, toolbar combos and color selectors), where being displayed in the wrong position if the contents of the editor, or its containing window were scrolled down.
  • [SF BUG-1493176] Using ASP, the connector was not working on servers with buffer disable by default.
  • [SF BUG-1491784] Language files have been updated to not include html entities.
  • [SF BUG-1490259] No more security warning on IE over HTTPS.
  • [SF BUG-1493173] [SF BUG-1499708] We now assume that, if a user is in source editing, he/she wants to control the HTML, so the editor doesn't make changes to it when posting the form being in source view or when calling the GetXHTML function in the API.
  • [SF BUG-1490610] The FitWindow is now working on elements set with relative position.
  • [SF BUG-1493438] The "Word Wrap" combo in the cell properties dialog now accepts only Yes/No (no more <Not Set> value).
  • The context menu is now being hidden when a nested menu option is selected.
  • Table cell context menu operations are now working correctly.
  • [SF BUG-1494549] The code formatter was having problems with dollar signs inside <pre> tags.
  • [SF Patch-1459740] The "src" element of images can now be set by styles definitions. Thanks to joelwreed.
  • [SF Patch-1437052] [SF Patch-1436166] [SF Patch-1352385] Small fix to the FCK.InsertHtml, FCKTools.AppendStyleSheet and FCKSelection.SelectNode functions over IE. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • [SF Patch-1349765] Small fix to the FCKSelection.GetType over Firefox. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • [SF Patch-1495422] The editor now creates link based on the URL when no selection is available. Thanks to Dominik Pesch.
  • [SF Patch-1478859] On some circumstances, the Yahoo popup blocker was blocking the File Browser window, giving no feedback to the user. Now an alert message is displayed.
  • When using the editor in a RTL localized interface, like Arabic, the toolbar combos were not showing completely in the first click. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1500212] All "_samples/html" samples are now working when loading directly from the Windows Explorer. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • The "FitWindow" feature was breaking the editor under Firefox 1.0.x.
  • [SF Patch-1500032] In Firefox, the caret position now follows the user clicks when clicking in the white area bellow the editor contents. Thanks to Alfonso Martinez.
  • [SF BUG-1499522] In Firefox, the link dialog window was loosing the focus (and quickly reacquiring it) when opening. This behavior was blocking the dialog in some Linux installations.
  • Drastically improved the loading performance of the file list in the default File Browser.
  • [SF BUG-1503059] The default "BasePath" for FCKeditor in all integration files has been now unified to "/fckeditor/" (lower-case). This is the usual casing system in case sensitive OSs like Linux.
  • The "DisableFFTableHandles" setting is now honored when switching the full screen mode with FitWindow.
  • Some fixes has been applied to the cell merging in Firefox.

* This version has been partially sponsored by Footsteps and Kentico.

Version 2.3 Beta

New Features and Improvements:

  • Extremely Fast Loading! The editor now loads more than 3 times faster than before, with no impact on its advanced features.
  • New toolbar system:
    • [SF Feature-1454850] The toolbar will now load much faster. All images have being merged in a single image file using a unique system available only with FCKeditor.
    • The "Text Color" and "Background Color" commands buttons have enhancements on the interface.
    • Attention: As a completely new system has being developed. Skins created for versions prior this one will not work. Skin styles definitions have being merged, added and removed. All skins have been a little bit reviewed.
    • It is possible to detach the toolbar from an editor instance and share it with other instances. In this way you may have only one toolbar (in the top of the window, for example, that can be used by many editors (see sample10.html). This feature is still under development (issues with IE focus still to be solved).*
  • New context menu system:
    • It uses the same (fast) loading system as the toolbar.
    • Sub-Menus are now available to group features (try the context menu over a table cell).
    • It is now possible to create your own context menu entries by creating plugins.
  • New "FitWindow" toolbar button, based on the plugin published by Paul Moers. Thanks Paul!
  • "Auto Grow" Plugin: automatically resizes the editor until a maximum height, based on its contents size.**
  • [SF Feature-1444943] Multiple CSS files can now be used in the editing area. Just define FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS as an array of strings (each one is a path to a different css file). It works also as a simple string, as on prior versions.
  • New language files:
    • Bengali / Bangla (by Richard Walledge).
    • English (Canadian) (by Kevin Bennett).
    • Khmer (by Sengtha Chay).
  • The source view is now available in the editing area on Gecko browsers. Previously a popup was used for it (due to a Firefox bug).
  • As some people may prefer the popup way for source editing, a new configuration option (SourcePopup) has being introduced.
  • The IEForceVScroll configuration option has been removed. The editor now automatically shows the vertical scrollbar when needed (for XHTML doctypes).
  • The configuration file doesn't define a default DOCTYPE to be used now.
  • It is now possible to easily change the toolbar using the JavaScript API by just calling <EditorInstance>.ToolbarSet.Load( '<ToolbarName>' ). See _testcases/010.html for a sample.
  • The "OnBlur" and "OnFocus" JavaScript API events are now compatible with all supported browsers.
  • Some few updates in the Lasso connector and uploader.
  • The GeckoUseSPAN setting is now set to "false" by default. In this way, the code produced by the bold, italic and underline commands are the same on all browsers.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Important security fixes have been applied to the File Manager, Uploader and Connectors. Upgrade is highly recommended. Thanks to Alberto Moro, Baudouin Lamourere and James Bercegay.
  • [SF BUG-1399966] [SF BUG-1249853] The "BaseHref" configuration is now working with Firefox in both normal and full page modes.
  • [SF BUG-1405263] A typo in the configuration file was impacting the Quick Upload feature.
  • Nested <ul> and <ol> tags are now generating valid html.
  • The "wmode" and "quality" attributes are now preserved for Flash embed tags, in case they are entered manually in the source view. Also, empty attributes are removed from that tag.
  • Tables where not being created correctly on Opera.
  • The XHTML processor will ignore invalid tags with names ending with ":", like http:.
  • On Firefox, the scrollbar is not anymore displayed on toolbar dropdown commands when not needed.
  • Some small fixes have being done to the dropdown commands rendering for FF.
  • The table dialog window has been a little bit enlarged to avoid contents being cropped on some languages, like Russian.
  • [SF BUG-1465203] The ieSpell download URL has been updated. The problem is that they don't have a fixed URL for it, so let's hope the mirror will be up for it.
  • [SF BUG-1456332] Small fix in the Spanish language file.
  • [SF BUG-1457078] The File Manager was generating 404 calls in the server.
  • [SF BUG-1459846] Fixed a problem with the config file if PHP is set to parse .js files.
  • [SF BUG-1432120] The "UserFilesAbsolutePath" setting is not correctly used in the PHP uploader.
  • [SF BUG-1408869] The collapse handler is now rendering correctly in Firefox 1.5.
  • [SF BUG-1410082] [SF BUG-1424240] The "moz-bindings.xml" file is now well formed.
  • [SF BUG-1413980] All frameborder "yes/no" values have been changes to "1/0".
  • [SF BUG-1414101] The fake table borders are now showing correctly when running under the "file://" protocol.
  • [SF BUG-1414155] Small typo in the cell properties dialog window.
  • Fixed a problem in the File Manager. It was not working well with folder or file names with apostrophes ('). Thanks to René de Jong.
  • Small "lenght" type corrected in the select dialog window. Thanks to Bernd Nussbaumer.
  • The about box is now showing correctly in Firefox 1.5.
  • [SF Patch-1464020] [SF BUG-1155793] The "Unlink" command is now working correctly under Firefox if you don't have a complete link selection. Thanks to Johnny Egeland.
  • In the File Manager, it was not possible to upload files to folders with ampersands in the name. Thanks to Mike Pone.
  • [SF BUG-1178359] Elements from the toolbar are not anymore draggable in the editing area.
  • [SF BUG-1487544] Fixed a small issue in the code formatter for <br /> and <hr /&













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