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【ASP.NET MVC 5】第27章 Web API与单页应用程序

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注:《精通ASP.NET MVC 3框架》受到了出版社和广大读者的充分肯定,这让本人深感欣慰。目前该书的第4版不日即将出版,现在又已开始第5版的翻译,这里先贴出该书的最后一章译稿,仅供大家参考。
去年,除了翻译《Pro ASP.NET MVC 4》之外,另外还翻译了两本书。一本是《HTML5+CSS3开发实战》(亚马逊京东),由清华大学出版社出版。另一本是《ASP.NET MVC 4实战》(亚马逊京东),也由人民邮电出版社出版。


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In this chapter, I describe the Web API feature, which is a relatively new addition to the ASP.NET platform that allows you to quickly and easily create Web services that provide an API to HTTP clients, known as Web APIs.
本章描述Web API特性,它是新添加到ASP.NET平台的,让你能够快速而方便地创建Web服务,以便为HTTP客户端提供API,称之为Web API

The Web API feature is based on the same foundation as the MVC Framework applications, but is not part of the MVC Framework. Instead, Microsoft has taken some key classes and characteristics that are associated with the System.Web.Mvc namespace and duplicated them in the System.Web.Http namespace. The idea is that Web API is part of the core ASP.NET platform and can be used in other types of Web applications or used as a stand-alone Web services engine. I have included Web API in this book because one of the main uses for it is to create single-page applications (SPAs) by combining the Web API with MVC Framework features you have seen in previous chapters. I'll explain what SPAs are and how they work later in the chapter.
Web API特性建立在MVC框架应用程序的同样基础之上,但不是MVC框架的一部分。微软从System.Web.Mvc命名空间提取了一些关键的类和特征,并将它们复制到了System.Web.Http命名空间。其思想是,Web API是核心ASP.NET平台的一部分,因而可以将其用于其他类型的Web应用程序,或者作为独立的Web服务引擎。本书之所以包含Web API内容,是因为它的主要用途是,你可以将这种Web API与前几章所看到的MVC框架特性相结合,从而创建一种单页应用程序(SPA,Single-Page Application)。本章的后面部分将解释这种SPA及其工作机制。

That is not to take away from the way that Web API simplifies creating Web services. It is a huge improvement over the other Microsoft Web service technologies that have been appearing over the last decade or so. I like the Web API and you should use it for your projects, not least because it is simple and built on the same design that the MVC Framework uses.
这并非是在贬低Web API简化创建Web服务的方式。它是对微软早在十多年前就已出现的其他Web服务技术的巨大改进。我喜欢这种Web API,你也应该将它用于自己的项目,尤其因为它简单,而且建立在MVC框架所使用的同样设计模式之上。

I start this chapter by creating a regular MVC Framework application and then using the Web API to transform it into a single-page application. This is a surprisingly simple example, so I have treated the process like an extended example and applied some of the relevant techniques from earlier chapters because you can never have enough examples. Table 27-1 provides the summary for this chapter.
本章首先从创建一个常规的MVC框架应用程序开始,然后使用Web API将其转换成一个单页应用程序。这是一个相当简单的示例,因此,我将这一创建过程处理成一个逐步扩展的示例,并运用前几章的一些相关技术,因为示例是不可能嫌多的。表27-1描述了本章概要。

Table 27-1. Chapter Summary
表 27-1. 本章概要
Create a RESTful web service
Add a Web API controller to an MVC Framework application.
在MVC框架的应用程序中添加一个Web API控制器
Map between HTTP methods and action names in a Web API controller
Web API控制器中HTTP方法与动作名之间的映射
Apply attributes such as HttpPut and HttpPost to the methods.
Create a single-page application
Use Knockout and jQuery to obtain data via Ajax and bind it to HTML elements.

27.1 Understanding Single-page Applications
27.1 理解单页应用程序

The term single-page application (SPA) is a broadly applied term. The most consistently-used definition is a web application whose initial content is delivered as a combination of HTML and JavaScript and whose subsequent operations are performed using a RESTful web service that delivers data via JSON in response to Ajax requests.

This differs from the kind of application I have been building in most of the chapters of this book, where operations performed by the user result in new HTML documents being generated in response to synchronous HTTP requests, which I will refer to as round-trip applications (RTAs).
这与本书大部分章节所建立的应用程序不同,在那些应用程序中,用户执行的操作所产生的结果是,对HTTP请求以同步响应的方式生成新的HTML文档,我将其称为往返式应用程序(RTA,Round-Trip Application)。

The advantages of a SPA are that less bandwidth is required and that the user receives a smoother experience. The disadvantages are that the smoother experience can be hard to achieve and that the complexity of the JavaScript code required for a SPA demands careful design and testing.

Most applications mix and match SPA and RTA techniques, where each major functional area of the application is delivered as a SPA, and navigation between functional areas is managed using standard HTTP requests that create a new HTML document.

27.2 Preparing the Example Application
27.2 准备示例项目

For this chapter, I created a new ASP.NET project called WebServices using the Empty template. I checked the options to add the folders and references for both MVC and Web API applications, as shown in Figure 27-1.
本章使用Empty模板创建了一个新的ASP.NET项目,名称为WebServices,并选中了一些选项,以便同时为MVC和Web API应用程序添加文件夹和引用,如图27-1所示。

Figure 27-1. Creating the project with the MVC and Web API references
图 27-1. 创建带有MVC和Web API引用的项目

I will use this project to create a regular MVC Framework application and then use the Web API to create a web service. Once the web service is complete, I'll return to the MVC Framework application and make it into a single-page application.
本章将用该项目创建一个常规的MVC框架应用程序,然后使用Web API创建一个Web服务。Web服务完成后,将回到MVC框架应用程序,将其改成单页应用程序。

27.2.1 Creating the Model
27.2.1 创建模型

This application will create and maintain a series of reservations. I want to keep the application simple so that I can focus on the mechanics of the features I describe, and so these reservations will consist of just a name and a location. I added a class file called Reservation.cs to the Models folder, the contents of which are shown in Listing 27-1.

Listing 27-1. The Contents of the Reservation.cs File
清单 27-1. Reservation.cs文件的内容

namespace WebServices.Models {
    public class Reservation {
        public int ReservationId { get; set; }
        public string ClientName { get; set; }
        public string Location { get; set; }

I am going to create a simple in-memory collection of Reservation objects to act as the model repository. I don't want to go to the trouble of setting up a database, but I do need to be able to perform CRUD operations on a collection of model objects so that I can demonstrate some important aspects of the Web API. I added a class file called ReservationRepository.cs to the Models folder and you can see the contents of the new file in Listing 27-2.
我打算创建一个简单的Reservation对象的内存集合,以此充当模型存储库。我不想介入建立数据库的麻烦,但又确实需要能够对模型对象集合执行CRUD操作,以便能够演示Web API的一些重要方面。于是在Models文件夹中添加了一个名称为ReservationRepository.cs的类文件,可以从清单27-2看到其内容。

Listing 27-2. The Contents of the ReservationRespository.cs File
清单 27-2. ReservationRespository.cs文件的内容

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace WebServices.Models { public class ReservationRespository { private static ReservationRespository repo = new ReservationRespository();
public static ReservationRespository Current { get { return repo; } }
private List<Reservation> data = new List<Reservation> { new Reservation { ReservationId = 1, ClientName = "Adam", Location = "Board Room"}, new Reservation { ReservationId = 2, ClientName = "Jacqui", Location = "Lecture Hall"}, new Reservation { ReservationId = 3, ClientName = "Russell", Location = "Meeting Room 1"}, };
public IEnumerable<Reservation> GetAll() { return data; }
public Reservation Get(int id) { return data.Where(r => r.ReservationId == id).FirstOrDefault(); }
public Reservation Add(Reservation item) { item.ReservationId = data.Count + 1; data.Add(item); return item; }
public void Remove(int id) { Reservation item = Get(id); if (item != null) { data.Remove(item); } }
public bool Update(Reservation item) { Reservation storedItem = Get(item.ReservationId); if (storedItem != null) { storedItem.ClientName = item.ClientName; storedItem.Location = item.Location; return true; } else { return false; } } } }

Tip In a real project, I would be concerned about tight coupling between classes and introduce interfaces and dependency injection into the application. My focus in this chapter is just on the Web API and SPA applications, so I am going to take some shortcuts when it comes to other standard techniques.
提示:在一个实际项目中,我会关注类与类之间的紧偶合情况,并在应用程序中引入接口和依赖性注入。但本章的焦点只是Web API和SPA应用程序,因此,在涉及其他标准技术时,我会采取一些简化。

The repository class has an initial list of three Reservation objects and defines methods that allow me to view, add, delete and update the collection. Since there is no persistent storage, any changes that are made to the repository will be lost when the application is stopped or restarted, but this example is all about the way in which content can be delivered and not how it is stored by the server. To ensure that there is some persistence between requests, I have created a static instance of the ReservationRespository class, which is accessible through the Current property.

27.2.2 Adding the NuGet Packages
27.2.2 添加NuGet包

I am going to rely on three NuGet packages in this chapter: jQuery, Bootstrap and Knockout. I have already described and used jQuery and Bootstrap in earlier chapters. Knockout is the library that Microsoft has adopted for single-page applications. It was created by Steve Sanderson, whom I worked with on an earlier edition of this book and who works for the Microsoft ASP.NET team. Even though Steve works for Microsoft, the Knockout package is open source and widely used and you can learn more about it at http://knockoutjs.com. I'll explain how Knockout works later in the chapter, but for the moment I just need to install the NuGet packages. Select Package Manager Console from the Visual Studio ToolsLibrary Package Manager menu and enter the following commands:
本章打算依靠三个NuGet包:jQuery、Bootstrap和Knockout。在前面几章中已经描述并使用过jQuery和Bootstrap。Knockout是微软为单页应用程序而采纳的一个库。它是Steve Sanderson所创建的,他曾和我一起著作过本书的早期版本,现在微软的ASP.NET团队工作。尽管Steve为微软工作,但Knockout包是开源的,而且被广泛使用,你可以从http://knockoutjs.com了解更多情况。本章稍后将解释Knockout如何工作,但此刻只需要安装这一NuGet包。在Visual Studio中选择“Tools(工具)” →“Library Package Manager(库包管理器)”,以进入“Package Manager Console(包管理器控制台)”,然后输入如下命令:

Install-Package jquery –version 1.10.2
Install-Package bootstrap –version 3.0.0
Install-Package knockoutjs –version 3.0.0

27.2.3 Adding the Controller
27.2.3 添加控制器

I added a controller called Home to the example project, the definition of which you can see in Listing 27-3.

Listing 27-3. The Contents of the HomeController.cs File
清单 27-3. HomeController.cs文件的内容

using System.Web.Mvc;
using WebServices.Models;
namespace WebServices.Controllers {
public class HomeController : Controller { private ReservationRespository repo = ReservationRespository.Current;
public ViewResult Index() { return View(repo.GetAll()); }
public ActionResult Add(Reservation item) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { repo.Add(item); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { return View("Index"); } }
public ActionResult Remove(int id) { repo.Remove(id); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public ActionResult Update(Reservation item) { if (ModelState.IsValid && repo.Update(item)) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { return View("Index"); } } } }

This is a fairly typical controller for such a simple application. Each of the action methods corresponds directly to one of the methods in the repository and the only value that the controller adds is to perform model validation, to select views, and perform redirections. In a real project, there would be more business domain logic, of course, but because the example application I am using is so basic, the controller ends up being little more than a wrapper around the repository.

27.2.4 Adding the Layout and Views
27.2.4 添加布局和视图

To generate the content for the application, I started by creating the Views/Shared folder and adding a view file called _Layout.cshtml to it, the contents of which are shown by Listing 27-4.

Listing 27-4. The Contents of the _Layout.cshtml File
清单 27-4. _Layout.cshtml文件的内容

    Layout = null;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>@ViewBag.Title</title> <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> @RenderSection("Scripts") </head> <body> @RenderSection("Body") </body> </html>

This is a basic layout that has link elements for the Bootstrap CSS files. I have defined two layout sections, Scripts and Body, that I will use to insert content into the layout. My next step was to create the top-level view for the application. Although I am going through the process of creating a regular MVC Framework application, I know that I am going to end up with a single-page application and the transformation will be made easier if I create a single view that contains all the HTML that the application will require, even if it results in an odd appearance initially. I added a view file called Index.cshtml to the Views/Home folder, the contents of which you can see in Listing 27-5.
这是一个基本的布局,它具有引用Bootstrap CSS文件(Bootstrap的样式表文件——译者注)的link元素。其中定义了ScriptsBody两个布局片段,用于将内容插入该布局。下一步是创建应用程序的顶级视图。虽然中间会经过创建常规MVC框架应用程序的过程,但我知道,最终这是一个单页应用程序,而且,如果创建一个单一的视图,其中包含该应用程序所需要的全部HTML,后面的转换会更为容易,尽管该视图最初的外观有点怪异。为此,在Views/Home文件夹中添加了一个名称为Index.cshtml的视图,如清单27-5所示。

Listing 27-5. The Contents of the Index.cshtml File
清单 27-5. Index.cshtml文件的内容

@using WebServices.Models
@model IEnumerable<Reservation>
@{ ViewBag.Title = "Reservations"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }
@section Scripts { }
@section Body { <div > @Html.Partial("Summary", Model) </div>
<div > @Html.Partial("Editor", new Reservation()) </div> }

The view model for this view is an enumeration of Reservation objects and I rely on two partial views to provide the functional building blocks that the user will see. The first partial view file is called Summary.cshtml. I created the file in the Views/Home folder and you can see the contents of the file in Listing 27-6.

Listing 27-6. The Contents of the Summary.cshtml File
清单 27-6. Summary.cshtml文件的内容

@model IEnumerable<WebServices.Models.Reservation>
<div class="panel-heading">Reservation Summary</div> <div class="panel-body"> <table class="table table-striped table-condensed"> <thead> <tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Location</th><th></th></tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach (var item in Model) { <tr> <td>@item.ReservationId</td> <td>@item.ClientName</td> <td>@item.Location</td> <td> @Html.ActionLink("Remove", "Remove", new { id = item.ReservationId }, new { @class = "btn btn-xs btn-primary" }) </td> </tr> } </tbody> </table> </div>

The view model for the partial view is the same enumeration of Reservation object and I use it to generate a Bootstrap-styled table element that displays the object property values. I use the Html.ActionLink helper method to generate a link that will invoke the Remove action on the Home controller and use Bootstrap to style it as a button.

The other partial view is called Editor.cshtml and I put this in the Views/Home folder as well. Listing 27-7 shows the contents of this file. This partial view contains a form that can be used to create new reservations. Submitting the form invokes the Add action on the Home controller.

Listing 27-7. The Contents of the Editor.cshtml File
清单 27-7. Editor.cshtml文件的内容

@model WebServices.Models.Reservation
<div class="panel-heading"> Create Reservation </div> <div class="panel-body"> @using(Html.BeginForm("Add", "Home")) { <div class="form-group"> <label>Client Name</label> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ClientName, new {@class = "form-control" }) </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Location</label> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Location, new { @class = "form-control" }) </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button> } </div>

27.2.5 Setting the Start Location and Testing the Example Application
27.2.5 设置启动位置并测试示例应用程序

The last preparatory step is to set the location that Visual Studio will navigate to when the application is started. Select WebServices Properties from the Visual Studio Project menu, switch to the Web tab and check the Specific Page option in the Start Action section. You don't have to provide a value. Just checking the option is enough. To test the application in its classic MVC Framework form, select Start Debugging from the Visual Studio Debug menu. You will see the (slightly odd) all-in-one layout that provides the user with a list of the current reservations and the ability to create and delete items, as shown in Figure 27-2.
最后一项准备工作是设置启动位置,应用程序启动时,Visual Studio将导航到该位置。在Visual Studio的“Project(项目)”菜单中选择“WebServices Properties(WebServices属性)”,切换到“ Web”选项卡,并选中“ Start Action(启动行为)”小节中的“ Specific Page(特定页面)”选项。不必为其提供一个值,只需选中该选项即可。为了对这一传统形式的MVC框架表单应用程序进行测试,可从Visual Studio的“ Debug(调试)”菜单中选择“ Start Debugging(开始调试)”。这将看到一个一体化的布局(有点怪),它给用户提供了一个当前预约的列表,并能够创建和删除条目,如图27-2所示。

Figure 27-2. Testing the example application
图 27-2. 测试示例应用程序

27.3 Using Web API
27.3 使用Web API

The Web API feature is based on adding a special kind of controller to an MVC Framework application. This kind of controller, called an API Controller, has two distinctive characteristics:
Web API特性是在MVC框架应用程序基础上添加一种特殊的控制器,这种控制叫做API控制器(API Controller),它有两个明显的特征:

  1. Action methods return model, rather than ActionResult, objects.
  2. Action methods are selected based on the HTTP method used in the request.

The model objects that are returned from an API controller action method are encoded as JSON and sent to the client. API controllers are designed to deliver Web data services, so they do not support views, layouts, or any of the other features that I used to generate HTML in the example application.

Tip The inability of an API controller to generate HTML from views is the reason that single-page applications combine standard MVC Framework techniques with the Web API. The MVC Framework performs the steps required to deliver HTML content to the user (including authentication, authorization, and selecting and rendering a view). Once the HTML is delivered to the browser, the Ajax requests generated by the JavaScript it contains are handled by the Web API controller.
提示:API控制无法通过视图生成HTML,这正是单页应用程序需要将标准的MVC框架技术与Web API相结合的原因。MVC框架执行的一些步骤是向用户投递HTML内容(包括认证、授权,以及选择并渲染视图等)。一旦给浏览器提供了HTML,由其中包含的JavaScript生成的Ajax请求,便可以由Web API控制器来处理了。

从这里可以看出,Web API的职责其实很简单,就是在服务器端对客户端发送过来的请求(通常为Ajax请求)进行响应,并为该请求准备数据,然后将数据回递给客户端。说得更简单一点,就是为客户端提供Web服务。

另一方面,为了实现这种Web服务,客户端需要做两件事:第一,“要求服务”。客户端要向服务器发送要求服务的请求,这通常为Ajax请求。因此,客户端通常需要使用JavaScript代码形成这种请求(通常会使用jQuery库,或渐近式Ajax库)。客户端要做的第二件事是,“处理服务”。客户端要对Web API回发过来的数据进行处理,这通常又需要用JavaScript代码对这些数据(通常为JSON格式的数据)进行解析,并将这些数据显示出来。这两件事都是在客户端发生的——译者注

As I demonstrated in Chapter 23, you can create action methods in regular controllers that return JSON data to support Ajax, but the API controller offers an alternative approach that separates the data-related actions in your application from the view-related actions, and makes creating a general-purpose Web API quick and simple.
正如第23章所演示的,你可以在常规控制器中创建返回JSON的动作方法,以支持Ajax,但这种API控制器提供了另一种办法,可以将应用程序中数据相关的动作与视图相关的动作分离开来,而且使得创建通用目的的Web API快速而简单。

27.3.1 Creating the Web API Controller
27.3.1 创建Web API控制器

Adding Web API to an application is incredibly simple. In part this is because I am creating a basic web service, but also because the integration with the underpinnings of the MVC Framework means that little work is required. I created the WebController.cs class file in the Controllers folder of the project and used it to define the controller shown in Listing 27-8.
在应用程序添加Web API简单得难以置信。一方面是因为这是在创建一个基本的Web服务,另一方面是因为这种与MVC框架基础的集成,意味着只需做很少的工作。我在项目的Controllers文件夹中创建了WebController.cs类文件,并用它定义了该控制器,如清单27-8所示。

Listing 27-8. The Contents of the WebController.cs File
清单 27-8. WebController.cs文件的内容

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Http;
using WebServices.Models;
namespace WebServices.Controllers {
public class WebController : ApiController { private ReservationRespository repo = ReservationRespository.Current;
public IEnumerable<Reservation> GetAllReservations() { return repo.GetAll(); }
public Reservation GetReservation(int id) { return repo.Get(id); }
public Reservation PostReservation(Reservation item) { return repo.Add(item); }
public bool PutReservation(Reservation item) { return repo.Update(item); }
public void DeleteReservation(int id) { repo.Remove(id); } } }

That is all that is required to create a Web API. The API controller has a set of five action methods that map to the capabilities of the repository and provide web service access to the Reservation objects.
这就是创建Web API所需要的全部。该PAI控制器有五个动作方法,它们分别映射到存储库的功能,并提供了对Reservation对象进行访问的Web服务。

27.3.2 Testing the API Controller
27.3.2 测试API控制器

I will explain how the API controller works shortly, but first I am going to perform a simple test. Start the application. Once the browser loads the root URL for the project, navigate to the /api/web URL. The result that you see will depend on the browser that you are using. If you are using Internet Explorer, then you will be prompted to save or open a file that contains the following JSON data:
我很快会解释API控制器的工作机制,但我首先打算执行一个简单的测试。启动应用程序,一旦浏览器已加载了项目的根URL,便导航到/api/web。所看到的结果依赖于你所使用的浏览器。如果是Internet Explorer,将提示你保存或打开含有以下JSON数据的文件:

[{"ReservationId":1,"ClientName":"Adam","Location":"Board Room"},
 {"ReservationId":2,"ClientName":"Jacqui","Location":"Lecture Hall"},
 {"ReservationId":3,"ClientName":"Russell","Location":"Meeting Room 1"}]

If you navigate to the same URL using a different browser, such as Google Chrome, then the browser will display the following XML data:
如果用不同的浏览器导航到同样的URL,如Google Chrome,则浏览器将显示以下XML数据:

        <Location>Board Room</Location>
        <Location>Lecture Hall</Location>
        <Location>Meeting Room 1</Location>

There are a couple of interesting things to note here. The first is that the request for the /api/web URL has produced a list of all of the model objects and their properties, from which we can infer that the GetAllReservations action method in the Reservation controller was called.

The second point to note is that different browsers received different data formats. You might get different results if you try this yourself because later versions of the browsers may change the way they make requests, but you can see that one of requests has produced JSON and the other has produced XML. (You can also see why JSON has largely replaced XML for Web services. XML is more verbose and harder to process, especially when you are using JavaScript.)

The different data formats are used because the Web API uses the HTTP Accept header contained in the request to work out what data type the client would prefer to work with. Internet Explorer got JSON because this is the Accept header it sends:
之所以会使用不同的数据格式,是因为Web API会使用包含在请求中的HTTP的Accept报头,以便推断出客户端更喜欢使用哪种数据类型。Internet Explorer得到JSON,是因为它发送了以下Accept报头:

Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*

The browser specified that it would like text/html content most of all, and then application/xhtml+xml. The final part of the Accept header is */*, which means the browser will accept any data type if the first two are not available.

The Web API supports JSON and XML, but it gives preference to JSON, which is what it used to respond to the */* part of the IE Accept header. Here is the Accept header that Google Chrome sent:
Web API支持JSON和XML,但对JSON会给予优先,这也是它针对IE的Accept报头中的*/*部分所使用的响应。以下是Google Chrome所发送的Accept报头:

Accept : text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml; q=0.9, */*; q=0.8

I have highlighted the important part: Chrome has said that it prefers to receive application/xml data in preference to the */* catchall. The Web API controller honored this preference and delivered the XML data. I mention this because a common problem with Web API is getting an undesired data format. This happens because the Accept header gives unexpected preference to a format, or it is missing from the request entirely.
这里已高亮了重要部分:Chrome说过,它更喜欢优先于*/*通配符而接受application/xml数据(故在上述报头中,application/xml位于*/*通配符之前——译者注)。Web API控制器遵从了这种优先,因而交付了XML数据。这里提及此事,是因为Web API的一个常见问题是,它会获得非期望的数据格式。究其原因是Accept报头对非期望的格式给予了优先——或者,Accept报头根本不在请求中出现。

27.4 Understanding How the API Controller Works
27.4 理解API控制器工作机制

You will understand a lot more about how the API controller works by navigating to the /api/web/3 URL. You will see the following JSON (or the equivalent XML if you are using another browser):

{"ReservationId":3,"ClientName":"Russell","Location":"Meeting Room 1"}

This time, the Web API controller has returned details of the Reservation object whose ReservationId value corresponds to the last segment of the URL I requested. The format of the URL and the use of the URL segment should remind you of Chapter 15, where I explained how MVC Framework routes work.
这一次,Web API返回了具体的Reservation对象,其ReservationId的值对应于请求URL的最后一个片段。这种URL格式以及URL片段的用法应该让你回忆起第15章,在那里解释了MVC框架的路由工作机制。

API controllers have their own routing configuration, which is completely separate from the rest of the application. You can see the default configuration that Visual Studio creates for new projects by looking at the /App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs file, which I have shown in Listing 27-9. This is one of the files that Visual Studio adds to the project when you check the Web API box during project creation.
API控制器有其自己的路由配置,它与应用程序的其余部分是完全分开的。通过考察/App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs文件,可以看到Visual Studio为新项目所创建的默认配置,如清单27-9所示。这是在创建项目期间选中Web API复选框时,Visual Studio会添加到项目的一个文件。

Listing 27-9. The Contents of the WebApiConfig.cs File
清单 27-9. WebApiConfig.cs文件的内容

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace WebServices { public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( name: "DefaultApi", routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } ); } } }

The WebApiConfig.cs file contains the routes used for API Controllers, but uses different classes from the regular MVC routes defined in the RouteConfig.cs file. The Web API feature is implemented as a stand-alone ASP.NET feature and it can be used outside of the MVC Framework, which means that Microsoft has duplicated some key MVC Framework functionality in the System.Web.Http namespace to keep MVC and Web API features separate. (This seems oddly duplicative when writing an MVC Framework application but makes sense since Microsoft is trying to target non-MVC developers with Web API, too.) Visual Studio also adds a call from the Application_Start method in the Global.asax class so that the Web API routes are added to the application configuration, as shown in Listing 27-10.
WebApiConfig.cs文件包含了用于API控制器的路由,但使用了与RouteConfig.cs文件中所定义的常规MVC路由不同的类。Web API是作为一个独立的ASP.NET特性而实现的,而且可以将它用于MVC框架之外,这意味着,微软在System.Web.Http命名空间中复制了某些关键的MVC框架功能,以保持MVC与Web API特性相互独立。(在编写MVC框架的应用程序时,这似乎是一种奇怪的重复,但这是有意义的,因为微软这是在尝试让Web API也能面向非MVC开发者)。Visual Studio也在Global.asax类的Application_Start方法中添加了一个调用,以便将Web API路由添加到应用程序,如清单27-10所示。

Listing 27-10. The Contents of the Global.asax File
清单 27-10. Global.asax文件的内容

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace WebServices { public class Global : HttpApplication { void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } } }

The result is that the application has two sets of routes: those used for MVC Framework controllers and those used for Web API controllers.
其结果是,应用程序有两套路由:分别用于MVC框架控制器和Web API控制器。

27.4.1 Understanding API Controller Action Selection
27.4.1 理解API控制的动作选择

The default Web API route, which you can see in Listing 27-9, has a static api segment, and controller and id segment variables, the latter being optional. They key difference from a regular MVC route is that there is no action segment variable, and this is where the behavior of API controllers takes shape.
默认的Web API路由(见清单27-9)有一个静态的api片段,还有controllerid两个片段变量,后者(id)是可选的。这种路由与规则MVC路由的关键差别在于,它没有action片段变量,而这正是形成API控制器行为之所在。

When a request comes in to the application that matches a Web API route, the action is determined from the HTTP method used to make the request. When I tested the API controller by requesting /api/reservation using the browser, the browser specified the GET method.
当一个与Web API路由匹配的请求到达应用程序时,动作是通过形成该请求的HTTP方法来决定的。在使用浏览器请求/api/reservation来测试API控制器时,浏览器指定的是GET方法。

The ApiController class, which is the base for API controllers, knows which controller it needs to target from the route and uses the HTTP method to look for suitable action methods.

The convention when naming API controller action methods is to prefix the name with the action method that it supports and include some reference to the model type that it operates on. But this is just a convention because Web API will match any action method whose name contains the HTTP method used to make the request.
在对API控制器的动作方法进行命名时,其约定是,以它所支持的HTTP方法为前缀,并且含有对它所操作模型类型的某种参考。但这只是一种约定,因为Web API可以匹配任何动作方法,只要其名称包含了用以形成该请求的HTTP方法。

For the example, that means that a GET request results in a choice between the GetAllReservations and GetReservation, but method names like DoGetReservation or just ThisIsTheGetAction would also be matched.

To decide between the two action methods, the controller looks at the arguments that the contenders accept and uses the routing variables to make the best match. When requesting the /api/reservation API, there were no routing variables except for controller, and so the GetAllReservations method was selected because it has no arguments. When requesting the /api/reservation/3 URL, I supplied a value for the optional id segment variable, which made the GetReservation the better match because it accepts an id argument.

The other actions in the Web API controller are targeted using other HTTP methods: POST, DELETE, and PUT. This is the foundation for the Representation State Transfer (REST) style of Web API, known more commonly as a RESTful service, where an operation is specified by the combination of a URL and the HTTP method used to request it.
上述Web API控制器中的其他动作方法也进行了目标定位,使用的是其他HTTP方法:POST、DELETE以及PUT。这是“表现状态传输(Representation State Transfer,简称REST)”风格的Web API的基础,更经常地称为REST化服务(RESTful Service),在这种服务中,某个操作是通过URL和请求该URL的HTTP方法相结合的方式来指定的。

Note REST is a style of API rather than a well-defined specification, and there is disagreement about what exactly makes a Web service RESTful. One point of contention is that purists do not consider Web services that return JSON as being RESTful. Like any disagreement about an architectural pattern, the reasons for the disagreement are arbitrary and dull. I try to be pragmatic about how patterns are applied, and JSON services are RESTful as far as I am concerned.
注:REST是一种API风格,而不是一个完善定义的规范,到底什么是Web服务的REST化是有争议的。其中一种论点是,有些纯粹主义者认为,返回JSON的Web服务不是REST化的。如同“架构模式(Architectural Pattern)”的争论一样,争论的理由是随意而无聊的。就我们而言,应尽量务实地看待如何运用模式,以及JSON服务是否是REST化的(作者倾向于认为JSON服务是REST化的——译者注)。

27.4.2 Mapping HTTP Methods to Action Methods

I explained that the ApiController base class uses the HTTP method to work out which action methods to target. It is a nice approach, but it does mean that you end up with some unnatural method names that are inconsistent with conventions you might be using elsewhere. For example, the PutReservation method might be more naturally called UpdateReservation. Not only would UpdateReservation make the purpose of the method more obvious, but it may allow for a more direct mapping between the actions in your controller and the methods in your repository.

Tip You might be tempted to derive your repository class from ApiController and expose the repository methods directly as a Web API. I recommend against that and strongly suggest you create a separate controller, even as simple as the one I created in the example. At some point, the methods you want to offer via your API and the capabilities of your repository will diverge, and having a separate API controller class will make that easier to manage.
提示:你也许会尝试根据ApiController来派生你的存储库类,并将这些存储方法直接暴露成Web API。我的建议与此相左,而是强烈建议你创建一个独立的控制器,哪怕是在创建如同此示例一样简单的项目。在有些情况下,你希望通过API提供的方法与存储的功能是有偏差的,因而拥有独立的API控制器,会更易于管理。

The System.Web.Http namespace contains a set of attributes that you can use to specify which HTTP methods an action should be used for. You can see how I have applied two of these attributes in Listing 27-11 to create a more natural set of method names.

Listing 27-11. Applying Attributes in the WebController.cs File
Listing 27-11. 在WebController.cs文件中动作注解属性

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Http;
using WebServices.Models;
namespace WebServices.Controllers {
public class WebController : ApiController { private ReservationRespository repo = ReservationRespository.Current;
public IEnumerable<Reservation> GetAllReservations() { return repo.GetAll(); }
public Reservation GetReservation(int id) { return repo.Get(id); }
[HttpPost] public Reservation CreateReservation(Reservation item) { return repo.Add(item); }
[HttpPut] public bool UpdateReservation(Reservation item) { return repo.Update(item); }
public void DeleteReservation(int id) { repo.Remove(id); } } }

You can see the duplication with the MVC Framework features and the Web API. The HttpPost and HttpPut attributes that I used in Listing 27-11 have the exact same purpose as the attributes with the same name that I used in Chapter 19, but they are defined in the System.Web.Http namespace and not System.Web.Mvc. Duplication aside, the attributes work in the same way and I have ended up with more useful method names that will still work for the POST and PUT HTTP methods. (There are, of course, attributes for all of the HTTP methods, including GET, DELETE and so on.)
可以看出,MVC框架的特性与Web API是重复的。清单27-11所使用的HttpPostHttpPut注解属性与第19章所使用的同名注解属性具有完全相同的目的,但它们是在System.Web.Http命名空间而不是在System.Web.Mvc中定义的。除了这种重复以外,这些注解属性的工作方式也相同,于是我们最终拥有了更为有用的方法名,它们仍然能够为POSTPUT等HTTP方法而工作(当然,所有HTTP方法都有注解属性,包括GETDELETE等)。

27.5 Using Knockout for Single-page Applications
27.5 将Knockout用于单页应用程序

The purpose of creating the Web API web service is to refactor the example application so that operations on the application data can be performed using Ajax requests whose JSON results will be used to update the HTML in the browser. The overall functionality of the application will be the same, but I won't be generating complete HTML documents for each interaction between the client and the server.
创建上述Web API这种Web服务的目的,是重新构造示例应用程序,以便使用Ajax请求来执行应用程序的数据操作,将Ajax请求的JSON结果用于更新浏览器中的HTML。应用程序的总体功能是相同的(指重构前后——译者注),但对于客户端与服务器之间的每一个交互,无需生成完整的HTML。

The transition to a single-page application puts more of a burden on the browser because I need to preserve application state at the client. I need a data model that I can update, a series of logic operations that I can perform to transform the data and a set of UI elements that allows the user to trigger those operations. In short, I need to recreate a miniature version of the MVC pattern in the browser.

The library that Microsoft has adopted for single-page applications is Knockout, which creates a JavaScript implementation of the MVC pattern (or, more accurately, the MVVM pattern which I described in Chapter 3 and is sufficiently close to the MVC pattern that I am going to treat them as the same thing). In the sections that follow, I am going to return to the MVC Framework side of the example application and apply the Knockout library to create a simple SPA.

Note Knockout does a lot more than I am going to demonstrate here and I recommend you explore the library in more depth to see what it is capable of. You can learn more at http://knockoutjs.com or from my Pro JavaScript for Web Apps book, which is published by Apress. I like Knockout, but for more complex applications I prefer AngularJS. It has a steeper learning curve, but the investment is worthwhile. You can learn more at http://angularjs.org or read my Pro AngularJS book, which—as you might have guessed by now—is also published by Apress.
注:Knockout要比这里所演示的功能强大得多,建议对该库做更深入的考察,看看它能够做些什么。更多信息可参阅http://knockoutjs.com,或我著的Pro JavaScript for Web Apps,该书由Apress出版。我喜欢Knockout,但对于更复杂的应用程序,我更喜欢AngularJS。它有一个陡峭的学习曲线,但这种付出是值得的。更多信息可参阅http://angularjs.org,或阅读我的图书Pro AngularJS——你此刻可能已经猜到,该书也由Apress出版。

27.5.1 Adding the JavaScript Libraries to the Layout
27.5.1 在布局中添加JavaScript库

The first step is to add the Knockout and jQuery files to the layout so that they are available in the view. You can see the script element I added in Listing 27-12.

Listing 27-12. Adding the Knockout JavaScript File to the _Layout.cshtml File
清单 27-12. 在_Layout.cshtml文件中添加Knockout和JavaScript文件

    Layout = null;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>@ViewBag.Title</title> <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-








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