/// <summary> /// 导出 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string IDList = "'0'"; for (int i = 0; i < GVData.Rows.Count; i++) { Label LabVis = (Label)GVData.Rows[i].FindControl("LabVisible"); IDList = IDList + ",'" + LabVis.Text.ToString() + "'"; } Hashtable MyTable = new Hashtable(); MyTable.Add("TrueName", "姓名"); MyTable.Add("DateType", "请假类别及事由"); MyTable.Add("DateFR", "开始时间"); MyTable.Add("DateTo", "结束时间"); MyTable.Add("BuMenName", "组别"); MyTable.Add("Days", "休假天数"); MyTable.Add("SDays", "实修天数"); MyTable.Add("Note", "备注"); string sql = "select TrueName "+"姓名"+",DateType "+"请假类别及事由"+",DateFR "+"开始时间"+",DateTO "+"结束时间"+",Note "+"备注"+",BuMenName "+"所属部门"+",Days "+"休假天数"+",SDays "+"实修天数"+" from T_ProjectLeave,Erpuser,erpbumen where T_ProjectLeave.userid= Erpuser.id and T_projectLeave.bumenID=erpbumen.ID and T_projectLeave.ID in (" + IDList + ") order by userID desc"; ZWL.Common.DataToExcel.GridViewToExcel(ZWL.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.GetDataSet(sql), MyTable, "Excel报表"); }
#region 将DataTable的数据导出显示为报表(不使用Excel对象,使用COM.Excel)这里必须要引入Com.EXCEl.dll文件
#region 使用示例 public static void GridViewToExcel(DataSet MyData, Hashtable nameList,string ReportTitle) { string FilePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../") + "ReportFile\\"; //利用excel对象 DataToExcel dte = new DataToExcel(); string filename = ""; try { if (MyData.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { filename = dte.DataExcel(MyData.Tables[0], ReportTitle, FilePath, nameList); } } catch {} if (filename != "") { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("../ReportFile/" + filename, true); } }
/// <summary> /// 将DataTable的数据导出显示为报表(不使用Excel对象) /// </summary> /// <param name="dt">数据DataTable</param> /// <param name="strTitle">标题</param> /// <param name="FilePath">生成文件的路径</param> /// <param name="nameList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string DataExcel(System.Data.DataTable dt, string strTitle, string FilePath, Hashtable nameList) { COM.Excel.cExcelFile excel = new COM.Excel.cExcelFile(); ClearFile(FilePath); string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls"; excel.CreateFile(FilePath + filename); excel.PrintGridLines = false;
COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt1 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsTopMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt2 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsLeftMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt3 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsRightMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt4 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsBottomMargin;
double height = 1.5; excel.SetMargin(ref mt1, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt2, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt3, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt4, ref height);
COM.Excel.cExcelFile.FontFormatting ff = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.FontFormatting.xlsNoFormat; string font = "宋体"; short fontsize = 9; excel.SetFont(ref font, ref fontsize, ref ff);
byte b1 = 1, b2 = 12; short s3 = 12; excel.SetColumnWidth(ref b1, ref b2, ref s3);
string header = "页眉"; string footer = "页脚"; excel.SetHeader(ref header); excel.SetFooter(ref footer);
COM.Excel.cExcelFile.ValueTypes vt = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.ValueTypes.xlsText; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellFont cf = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellFont.xlsFont0; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellAlignment ca = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellAlignment.xlsCentreAlign; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellHiddenLocked chl = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellHiddenLocked.xlsNormal;
// 报表标题 int cellformat = 1; // int rowindex = 1,colindex = 3; // object title = (object)strTitle; // excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl,ref rowindex,ref colindex,ref title,ref cellformat);
int rowIndex = 1;//起始行 int colIndex = 0;
//取得列标题 foreach (DataColumn colhead in dt.Columns) { colIndex++; string name = colhead.ColumnName.Trim(); object namestr = (object)name; IDictionaryEnumerator Enum = nameList.GetEnumerator(); while (Enum.MoveNext()) { if (Enum.Key.ToString().Trim() == name) { namestr = Enum.Value; } } excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref namestr, ref cellformat);
//取得表格中的数据 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { rowIndex++; colIndex = 0; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { colIndex++; if (col.DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")) { object str; try { str = (object)(Convert.ToDateTime(row[col.ColumnName].ToString())).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } catch { str = ""; } excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref str, ref cellformat); } else { object str = (object)row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref str, ref cellformat); } } } int ret = excel.CloseFile();
// if(ret!=0) // { // //MessageBox.Show(this,"Error!"); // } // else // { // //MessageBox.Show(this,"请打开文件c:\\test.xls!"); // } return filename;
#region 清理过时的Excel文件
private void ClearFile(string FilePath) { String[] Files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FilePath); if (Files.Length > 10) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(Files[i]); } catch { }
} } } #endregion