using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace HuaTong.General.Utility { /// <summary> /// 实体处理工具类 /// </summary> public static class ModelHandler { /// <summary> /// Determine of specified type is nullable /// </summary> public static bool IsNullable(Type t) { return !t.IsValueType || (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)); } /// <summary> /// Return underlying type if type is Nullable otherwise return the type /// </summary> public static Type GetCoreType(Type t) { if (t != null && IsNullable(t)) { if (!t.IsValueType) { return t; } else { return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t); } } else { return t; } } public static object Copy(this object obj) { Object targetDeepCopyObj; Type targetType = obj.GetType(); //值类型 if (targetType.IsValueType == true) { targetDeepCopyObj = obj; } //引用类型 else { targetDeepCopyObj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(targetType); //创建引用对象 System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] memberCollection = obj.GetType().GetMembers(); foreach (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member in memberCollection) { if (member.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Field) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = (System.Reflection.FieldInfo)member; Object fieldValue = field.GetValue(obj); if (fieldValue is ICloneable) { field.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, (fieldValue as ICloneable).Clone()); } else { field.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, Copy(fieldValue)); } } else if (member.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Property) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo myProperty = (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)member; MethodInfo info = myProperty.GetSetMethod(false); if (info != null) { object propertyValue = myProperty.GetValue(obj, null); if (propertyValue is ICloneable) { myProperty.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, (propertyValue as ICloneable).Clone(), null); } else { myProperty.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, Copy(propertyValue), null); } } } } } return targetDeepCopyObj; } public static T CloneEntity<T>(this T entity) where T : new() { T ent = new T(); PropertyInfo[] propertyInfoes = PropCache<T>(); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfoes) { if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsArray || (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass && propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(string))) { object child = propertyInfo.GetValue(entity, null); if (child == null) continue; Type childType = child.GetType(); if (childType.IsGenericType) { Type typeDefinition = childType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; IList items = childType.Assembly.CreateInstance(childType.FullName) as IList; PropertyInfo[] childPropertyInfoes = PropCache(typeDefinition); IList lst = child as IList; for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { object itemEntity = null; if (typeDefinition.IsClass && typeDefinition != typeof(string)) { itemEntity = typeDefinition.Assembly.CreateInstance(typeDefinition.FullName); foreach (PropertyInfo childProperty in childPropertyInfoes) { childProperty.SetValue(itemEntity, childProperty.GetValue(lst[i], null), null); } } else { itemEntity = lst[i]; } items.Add(itemEntity); } propertyInfo.SetValue(ent, items, null); } continue; } propertyInfo.SetValue(ent, propertyInfo.GetValue(entity, null), null); } FieldInfo[] fieldInfoes = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfoes) { fieldInfo.SetValue(ent, fieldInfo.GetValue(entity)); } return ent; } /// <summary> /// 复制实体的属性至另一个类实体的同名属性(属性不区分大小写),被复制的值必须支持隐式转换 /// </summary> public static T1 CopyEntity<T1, T2>(T1 copyTo, T2 from, string replace_copy = null, string replace_from = null) where T1 : class, new() where T2 : class, new() { var prop1 = ModelHandler.PropCache<T1>(); var prop2 = ModelHandler.PropCache<T2>(); foreach (var p1 in prop1) { var fname = replace_copy != null ? Regex.Replace(p1.Name, replace_copy, "") : p1.Name; //同名属性不区分大小写 var p2 = prop2.SingleOrDefault( m => replace_from != null ? StringHelper.IsEqualString(Regex.Replace(m.Name, replace_from, ""), fname) : StringHelper.IsEqualString(m.Name, fname)); if (p2 != null) { var p2value = p2.GetValue(from, null); //忽略空值 if (p2value != null && p2value != DBNull.Value) { //是否Nullable if (p1.PropertyType.IsGenericType && p1.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof (Nullable<>))) { //Nullable数据转换 NullableConverter converter = new NullableConverter(p1.PropertyType); p1.SetValue(copyTo, converter.ConvertFrom(p2value.ToString()), null); } else { p1.SetValue(copyTo, Convert.ChangeType(p2value, p1.PropertyType), null); } } else if (p2.PropertyType == typeof (string)) { //字符串添加默认值string.Empty p1.SetValue(copyTo, string.Empty, null); } } } return copyTo; } /// <summary> /// 复制实体集合 /// </summary> public static List<T1> CopyEntityList<T1, T2>(List<T1> copyTo, List<T2> from) where T1 : class, new() where T2 : class, new() { foreach (var f in from) { var copyto = new T1(); CopyEntity(copyto, f); copyTo.Add(copyto); } return copyTo; } private static object _sync = new object(); private static Dictionary<int, PropertyInfo[]> propDictionary = new Dictionary<int, PropertyInfo[]>(); /// <summary> /// 获取指定类型的PropertyInfo缓存 /// </summary> public static PropertyInfo[] PropCache<T>() { return PropCache(typeof(T)); } /// <summary> /// 获取指定类型的PropertyInfo缓存 /// </summary> public static PropertyInfo[] PropCache(object obj) { return PropCache(obj.GetType()); } /// <summary> /// 获取指定类型的PropertyInfo缓存 /// </summary> public static PropertyInfo[] PropCache(Type type) { int propCode = type.GetHashCode(); if (!propDictionary.ContainsKey(propCode)) { lock (_sync) { if (!propDictionary.ContainsKey(propCode)) { var props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); List<PropertyInfo> tmplist = new List<PropertyInfo>(); foreach (var prop in props) { if (!prop.Name.StartsWith("__")) { tmplist.Add(prop); } } propDictionary.Add(propCode, tmplist.ToArray()); } } } return propDictionary[propCode]; } } }