一、基本形式:形式:内部无泛型类型; 实现:只需指定类型和实现相应的功能即可; 使用:可以用在其他类型出现的任何地方;
protocol Response { /// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics. var _metrics: AnyObject? { get set } mutating func add(_ metrics: AnyObject?) }
Protocols as Types Protocols don’t actually implement any functionality themselves. Nonetheless, any protocol you create will become a fully-fledged type for use in your code. Because it’s a type, you can use a protocol in many places where other types are allowed, including:
实现类提供:函数的具体实现和存储变量; 对于变量,提供同名的存储变量即可;
二、普通泛型形式:形式:内部无高阶类型,只包含普通泛型类型; 实现:只需指定类型和实现相应的功能即可; 使用:只能用作泛型类型的约束;
Protocol 'TransformType' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
public protocol TransformType { associatedtype Object associatedtype JSON
func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Object? func transformToJSON(_ value: Object?) -> JSON? }
open class DataTransform: TransformType { public typealias Object = Data public typealias JSON = String
public init() {}
open func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Data? { guard let string = value as? String else{ return nil } return Data(base64Encoded: string) }
open func transformToJSON(_ value: Data?) -> String? { guard let data = value else{ return nil } return data.base64EncodedString() } }
三、monad形式:形式:内部有包含泛型的高阶类型,包含类型构造器,是低阶类型与高阶类型相互转换和引用的桥梁; 使用:只能用作泛型类型的约束; 实现: 1、指定类型和实现相应; 2、对泛型本身进行扩展,实现构造类型变量的赋值; 3、对构造类型进行扩展,实现更多的功能; 4、实现为一个泛型类型?
public protocol ReactiveCompatible { /// Extended type associatedtype CompatibleType /// Reactive extensions. var rx: Reactive<CompatibleType> { get set } }
extension ReactiveCompatible {
/// Reactive extensions. public var rx: Reactive<Self> { get { return Reactive(self) } set { // this enables using Reactive to "mutate" base object } } }
extension NSObject: ReactiveCompatible { }
public final class Kingfisher<Base> { public let base: Base public init(_ base: Base) { self.base = base } }
public protocol KingfisherCompatible { associatedtype CompatibleType var kf: CompatibleType { get } }
public extension KingfisherCompatible { public var kf: Kingfisher<Self> { return Kingfisher(self) } }
extension Kingfisher where Base: Image { fileprivate(set) var animatedImageData: Data? { get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &animatedImageDataKey) as? Data } set { objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &animatedImageDataKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } } }
四、内部实现依赖于其它协议形式:关联类型有其它协议约束 实现: 1、关联类型协议类型的实现: 2、关联类型所定义的变量的构造; 3、主协议的实现(引用关联类型的协议的实现);
public protocol Sequence { associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
public func makeIterator() -> Self.Iterator
// ... }
public protocol IteratorProtocol { associatedtype Element
public mutating func next() -> Self.Element? }
struct _Iterator: IteratorProtocol { var children: Mirror.Children
init(obj: Any) { children = Mirror(reflecting: obj).children }
mutating func next() -> String? { guard let child = children.popFirst() else { return nil } return "\(child.label.wrapped) is \(child.value)" } }
protocol Sequencible: Sequence { }
extension Sequencible { func makeIterator() -> _Iterator { return _Iterator(obj: self) } }