One can explicitly write @objc on any Swift declaration that can be expressed in Objective-C. @objc相关的参量只能修饰类、类的成员、扩展以及只能被类实现的协议; 下面开列修饰的情况和说明
一、无修饰NSObject-derived classes no longer infer @objc
A declaration within an NSObject-derived class will no longer infer @objc. For example: class MyClass : NSObject { func foo() { } // not exposed to Objective-C in Swift 4 }
Before Swift 4, the compiler made some Swift declarations automatically available to Objective-C. For example, if one subclassed from NSObject, the compiler created Objective-C entry points for all methods in such classes. The mechanism is called @objc inference.
In Swift 4, such automatic @objc inference is deprecated because it is costly to generate all those Objective-C entry points.
二、@objc修饰1、修饰类:不再使用; 2、修饰扩展:扩展中的成员全部暴露给oc; 3、修饰协议:实现全部暴露; 4、修饰成员:暴露给oc;
To expose a group of members to Obj-C, you can use an @objc extension: @objc extension ViewController{….}
说明: 1、NSObject-derived classes no longer infer @objc; 2、Other cases currently supported (e.g., a method declared in a subclass of NSObject) would no longer infer @objc, but one could continue to write it explicitly to produce Objective-C entry points. 3、扩展中的缺省实现无法继承,修饰为@objc后会被编译器进一步修饰为@objc and dynamic从而实现可继承性;
三、@objcMembersIf you have a class where you need all Obj-C compatible members to be exposed to Obj-C, you can mark the class as @objcMembers:
五、原理与代价The final observation is that there is a cost for each Objective-C entry point, because the Swift compiler must create a "thunk" method that maps from the Objective-C calling convention to the Swift calling convention and is recorded within Objective-C metadata. This increases the size of the binary (preliminary tests on some Cocoa[Touch] apps found that 6-8% of binary size was in these thunks alone, some of which are undoubtedly unused), and can have some impact on load time (the dynamic linker has to sort through the Objective-C metadata for these thunks).
@objc protocol MyDelegate { func bar() }
class MyClass : MyDelegate { /* inferred @objc */ func bar() { } }
class SwiftClass { }
@objc extension SwiftClass { func foo() { } // implicitly @objc func bar() -> (Int, Int) // error: tuple type (Int, Int) not // expressible in @objc. add @nonobjc or move this method to fix the issue }
@objcMembers class MyClass : NSObject { func wibble() { } // implicitly @objc }
@nonobjc extension MyClass { func wobble() { } // not @objc, despite @objcMembers }