using System;
using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace DataProtection { /// <summary> /// Summary description for DataProtector. /// </summary> public class DataProtector { [DllImport("Crypt32.dll", SetLastError=true,CharSet=System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)] private static extern bool CryptProtectData(ref DATA_BLOB pDataIn, String szDataDescr, ref DATA_BLOB pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, ref DATA_BLOB pDataOut); [DllImport("Crypt32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)] private static extern bool CryptUnprotectData(ref DATA_BLOB pDataIn, String szDataDescr, ref DATA_BLOB pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, ref DATA_BLOB pDataOut); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)] private unsafe static extern int FormatMessage(int dwFlags, ref IntPtr lpSource, int dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, ref String lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr *Arguments); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] internal struct DATA_BLOB { public int cbData; public IntPtr pbData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] internal struct CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT { public int cbSize; public int dwPromptFlags; public IntPtr hwndApp; public String szPrompt; } static private IntPtr NullPtr = ((IntPtr)((int)(0))); private const int CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN = 0x1; private const int CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x4; public enum Store {USE_MACHINE_STORE = 1, USE_USER_STORE}; private Store store; public DataProtector(Store tempStore) { store = tempStore; } public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] optionalEntropy) { bool retVal = false; DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); DATA_BLOB cipherTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT prompt = new CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT(); InitPromptstruct(ref prompt); int dwFlags; try { try { int bytesSize = plainText.Length; plainTextBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytesSize); if(IntPtr.Zero == plainTextBlob.pbData) { throw new Exception("Unable to allocate plaintext buffer."); } plainTextBlob.cbData = bytesSize; Marshal.Copy(plainText, 0, plainTextBlob.pbData, bytesSize); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception marshalling data. " + ex.Message); } if(Store.USE_MACHINE_STORE == store) {//Using the machine store, should be providing entropy. dwFlags = CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE|CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN; //Check to see if the entropy is null if(null == optionalEntropy) {//Allocate something optionalEntropy = new byte[0]; } try { int bytesSize = optionalEntropy.Length; entropyBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(optionalEntropy.Length);; if(IntPtr.Zero == entropyBlob.pbData) { throw new Exception("Unable to allocate entropy data buffer."); } Marshal.Copy(optionalEntropy, 0, entropyBlob.pbData, bytesSize); entropyBlob.cbData = bytesSize; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception entropy marshalling data. " + ex.Message); } } else {//Using the user store dwFlags = CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN; } retVal = CryptProtectData(ref plainTextBlob, "", ref entropyBlob, IntPtr.Zero, ref prompt, dwFlags, ref cipherTextBlob); if(false == retVal) { throw new Exception("Encryption failed. " + GetErrorMessage(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception encrypting. " + ex.Message); } byte[] cipherText = new byte[cipherTextBlob.cbData]; Marshal.Copy(cipherTextBlob.pbData, cipherText, 0, cipherTextBlob.cbData); return cipherText; } public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] optionalEntropy) { bool retVal = false; DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); DATA_BLOB cipherBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT prompt = new CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT(); InitPromptstruct(ref prompt); try { try { int cipherTextSize = cipherText.Length; cipherBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cipherTextSize); if(IntPtr.Zero == cipherBlob.pbData) { throw new Exception("Unable to allocate cipherText buffer."); } cipherBlob.cbData = cipherTextSize; Marshal.Copy(cipherText, 0, cipherBlob.pbData, cipherBlob.cbData); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception marshalling data. " + ex.Message); } DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB(); int dwFlags; if(Store.USE_MACHINE_STORE == store) {//Using the machine store, should be providing entropy. dwFlags = CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE|CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN; //Check to see if the entropy is null if(null == optionalEntropy) {//Allocate something optionalEntropy = new byte[0]; } try { int bytesSize = optionalEntropy.Length; entropyBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytesSize); if(IntPtr.Zero == entropyBlob.pbData) { throw new Exception("Unable to allocate entropy buffer."); } entropyBlob.cbData = bytesSize; Marshal.Copy(optionalEntropy, 0, entropyBlob.pbData, bytesSize); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception entropy marshalling data. " + ex.Message); } } else {//Using the user store dwFlags = CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN; } retVal = CryptUnprotectData(ref cipherBlob, null, ref entropyBlob, IntPtr.Zero, ref prompt, dwFlags, ref plainTextBlob); if(false == retVal) { throw new Exception("Decryption failed. " + GetErrorMessage(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } //Free the blob and entropy. if(IntPtr.Zero != cipherBlob.pbData) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(cipherBlob.pbData); } if(IntPtr.Zero != entropyBlob.pbData) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(entropyBlob.pbData); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception decrypting. " + ex.Message); } byte[] plainText = new byte[plainTextBlob.cbData]; Marshal.Copy(plainTextBlob.pbData, plainText, 0, plainTextBlob.cbData); return plainText; } private void InitPromptstruct(ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT ps) { ps.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT)); ps.dwPromptFlags = 0; ps.hwndApp = NullPtr; ps.szPrompt = null; } private unsafe static String GetErrorMessage(int errorCode) { int FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER = 0x00000100; int FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS = 0x00000200; int FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000; int messageSize = 255; String lpMsgBuf = ""; int dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; IntPtr ptrlpSource = new IntPtr(); IntPtr prtArguments = new IntPtr(); int retVal = FormatMessage(dwFlags, ref ptrlpSource, errorCode, 0, ref lpMsgBuf, messageSize, &prtArguments); if(0 == retVal) { throw new Exception("Failed to format message for error code " + errorCode + ". "); } return lpMsgBuf; } } } VB.NET Code
Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace DataProtectionVB Public Enum Store MachineStore = 1 UserStore End Enum #Region " Custom Exception" Public Class DataProtectionException Inherits Exception Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal message As String) MyBase.New(message) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal message As String, ByVal innerException As Exception) MyBase.New(message, innerException) End Sub End Class #End Region Public Class DataProtector #Region " Dll Imports" Private Declare Auto Function CryptProtectData Lib "Crypt32.dll" ( _ ByRef pDataIn As DATA_BLOB, _ ByVal szDataDescr As String, _ ByRef pOptionalEntropy As DATA_BLOB, _ ByVal pvReserved As IntPtr, _ ByRef pPromptStruct As CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT, _ ByVal dwFlags As Integer, _ ByRef pDataOut As DATA_BLOB) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function CryptUnprotectData Lib "Crypt32.dll" ( _ ByRef pDataIn As DATA_BLOB, _ ByVal szDataDescr As String, _ ByRef pOptionalEntropy As DATA_BLOB, _ ByVal pvReserved As IntPtr, _ ByRef pPromptStruct As CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT, _ ByVal dwFlags As Integer, _ ByRef pDataOut As DATA_BLOB) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal dwFlags As Integer, _ ByRef lpSource As IntPtr, _ ByVal dwMessageId As Integer, _ ByVal dwLanguageId As Integer, _ ByRef lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Integer, _ ByVal Arguments As IntPtr) As Integer #End Region #Region " Structure definistions and constraints " Friend Structure DATA_BLOB Public cbData As Integer Public pbData As IntPtr End Structure Friend Structure CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT Public cbSize As Integer Public dwPromptFlags As Integer Public hwndApp As IntPtr Public szPrompt As String End Structure Private Const CRYPTOPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN = &H1 |