★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Suppose we abstract our file system by a string in the following manner: The string dir subdir1 subdir2 file.ext The directory The string dir subdir1 file1.ext subsubdir1 subdir2 subsubdir2 file2.ext The directory We are interested in finding the longest (number of characters) absolute path to a file within our file system. For example, in the second example above, the longest absolute path is Given a string representing the file system in the above format, return the length of the longest absolute path to file in the abstracted file system. If there is no file in the system, return Note:
Time complexity required: Notice that 假设我们以下述方式将我们的文件系统抽象成一个字符串: 字符串 dir subdir1 subdir2 file.ext 目录 字符串 dir subdir1 file1.ext subsubdir1 subdir2 subsubdir2 file2.ext 目录 我们致力于寻找我们文件系统中文件的最长 (按字符的数量统计) 绝对路径。例如,在上述的第二个例子中,最长路径为 给定一个以上述格式表示文件系统的字符串,返回文件系统中文件的最长绝对路径的长度。 如果系统中没有文件,返回 说明:
要求时间复杂度为 请注意,如果存在路径 16ms 1 class Solution { 2 func lengthLongestPath(_ input: String) -> Int { 3 guard input != nil || input.count != 0 else 4 { 5 return 0 6 } 7 //创建整形堆栈,存放各级文件长度 8 var stackOfLen = Stack<Int>() 9 var strArray = input.characters.split{$0 == "\n"}.map(String.init) 10 var longesLen:Int = 0 11 for i in 0..<strArray.count 12 { 13 let item:String = strArray[i] 14 ////计算当前文件的层级 15 var level = LastIndexOf(item) 16 //返回到上一个同级文件的位置,注意使用count(),而非count 17 //例如:示例中遇到 \tsubdir2 时返回到与它同级的 \tsubdir1 位置 18 while(stackOfLen.count() > level) 19 { 20 stackOfLen.pop() 21 } 22 let tempLen:Int = item.count - level 23 if stackOfLen.count() == 0 24 { 25 stackOfLen.push(tempLen) 26 } 27 else 28 { 29 ////加1 是返回的结果带有 / 分割 30 let num:Int = tempLen + stackOfLen.GetLastElement() + 1 31 stackOfLen.push(num) 32 } 33 if item.contains(".") 34 { 35 longesLen = max(longesLen,stackOfLen.GetLastElement()) 36 } 37 } 38 return longesLen 39 } 40 //获取最后一个"\t"的索引整数位置 41 func LastIndexOf(_ item:String) -> Int 42 { 43 var num:Int = 0 44 var itemReversed:ReversedCollection<String> = item.reversed() 45 for i in 0..<itemReversed.count 46 { 47 var char:Character = itemReversed[itemReversed.index(itemReversed.startIndex, offsetBy: i)] 48 if char == "\t" 49 { 50 //注意索引也要反转,返回的为索引位置+1 51 num = item.count - i 52 break 53 } 54 } 55 return num 56 } 57 58 //堆栈的泛型通用版本 59 struct Stack<Element> { 60 var items = [Element]() 61 //入栈 62 //mutating 关键字修饰方法是为了能在该方法中修改 struct 或是 enum 的变量 63 mutating func push(_ item: Element) { 64 items.append(item) 65 } 66 //出栈 67 mutating func pop() -> Element { 68 return items.removeLast() 69 } 70 //返回堆栈中的元素个数 71 mutating func count() -> Int 72 { 73 return items.count 74 } 75 //获取最后一个元素 76 mutating func GetLastElement()->Element 77 { 78 return items[items.count-1] 79 } 80 } 81 } 8ms 1 class Solution { 2 3 func lengthLongestPath(_ input: String) -> Int { 4 guard !input.isEmpty else { return 0 } 5 6 let lines = input.split(separator: "\n").map{ String($0) } 7 var sum = [Int](repeating: 0, count: input.count + 1) 8 var result = 0 9 10 for line in lines { 11 var count = 0 12 while line.charAt(count) == "\t" { 13 count += 1 14 } 15 let level = count + 1 16 let len = line.count - (level - 1) 17 if line.contains(".") { 18 result = max(result, sum[level - 1] + len + level - 1) 19 } else { 20 sum[level] = sum[level - 1] + len 21 } 22 } 23 24 return result 25 } 26 } 27 28 extension String { 29 30 func charAt(_ i: Int) -> Character { 31 let index = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: i) 32 return self[index] 33 } 34 } 12ms 1 class Solution { 2 func lengthLongestPath(_ input: String) -> Int { 3 var dirPathLengths = [Int]() 4 var maxLength = 0 5 for pathComponent in input.split(separator: "\n") { 6 var dirLength = 0 7 let isFile = pathComponent.contains(".") 8 for (depth, dirLevel) in pathComponent.split(separator: "\t", omittingEmptySubsequences: false).enumerated() { 9 let isPathComponentFile = dirLevel.contains(".") 10 if depth < dirPathLengths.count { 11 if !dirLevel.isEmpty && !isFile { 12 dirPathLengths[depth] = dirLevel.count 13 } 14 } else { 15 if !dirLevel.isEmpty && !isFile { 16 dirPathLengths.append(dirLevel.count) 17 } 18 } 19 if isFile { 20 dirLength += (isPathComponentFile ? pathComponent.count : dirPathLengths[depth]) 21 } 22 } 23 maxLength = max(maxLength, dirLength) 24 } 25 return maxLength 26 } 27 } 16ms 1 class Solution { 2 3 func lengthLongestPath(_ input: String) -> Int { 4 guard !input.isEmpty else { return 0 } 5 6 let lines = input.split(separator: "\n").map{ String($0) } 7 var sum = [Int](repeating: 0, count: input.count + 1) 8 var result = 0 9 10 for line in lines { 11 var count = 0 12 while line.charAt(count) == "\t" { 13 count += 1 14 } 15 let level = count + 1 16 let len = line.count - (level - 1) 17 if line.contains(".") { 18 result = max(result, sum[level - 1] + len + level - 1) // Plus "/" 19 } else { 20 sum[level] = sum[level - 1] + len 21 } 22 } 23 24 return result 25 } 26 } 27 28 extension String { 29 30 func charAt(_ i: Int) -> Character { 31 let index = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: i) 32 return self[index] 33 } 34 }