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iOS Developer Libray (中文版)-- About Objective-C

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About Objective-C  关于 Objective-C

Objective-C is the primary programming language you use when writing software for OS X and iOS. It’s a superset of the C programming language and provides object-oriented capabilities and a dynamic runtime. Objective-C inherits the syntax, primitive types, and flow control statements of C and adds syntax for defining classes and methods. It also adds language-level support for object graph management and object literals while providing dynamic typing and binding, deferring many responsibilities until runtime.

Objective-C是在OS X和iOS系统上编程的主要语言(后面会简称OC),它是一种C的超集并且提供动态运行时(因为OC基于C,所以你可以理解为OC是别人写好的一个非常牛的函数库,当然事实并非如此简单),OC继承了C的语法、基本数据类型和流控制语句,并添加、定义了自己的语法、类和方法。在同时提供动态类型和绑定的同时,它还增加了对【对象图管理】和【对象字面量】语言级的支持,将许多任务推迟到运行时处理。

At a Glance  概述

This document introduces the Objective-C language and offers extensive examples of its use. You’ll learn how to create your own classes describing custom objects and see how to work with some of the framework classes provided by Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Although the framework classes are separate from the language, their use is tightly wound into coding with Objective-C and many language-level features rely on behavior offered by these classes.

这份文档介绍了OC语言,并且提供了大量的用法示例。你将学会怎么创建一个类去描述一个自定义对象、怎么使用一些Cocoa或者Cocoa Touch 提供的框架类工作。虽然这些框架类是独立于语言的,但是在使用OC编程和它们密切相关,而且一些语言特性依赖于这些类。

An App Is Built from a Network of Objects 应用和对象

When building apps for OS X or iOS, you’ll spend most of your time working with objects. Those objects are instances of Objective-C classes, some of which are provided for you by Cocoa or Cocoa Touch and some of which you’ll write yourself.

当你创建一个OS X或者iOS应用时,你会花费大部分时间在对象上。这些对象是OC的类的实体,(类)一些由Cocoa或Cocoa Touch 提供还有一些是你自定义的。

If you’re writing your own class, start by providing a description of the class that details the intended public interface to instances of the class. This interface includes the public properties to encapsulate relevant data, along with a list of methods. Method declarations indicate the messages that an object can receive, and include information about the parameters required whenever the method is called. You’ll also provide a class implementation, which includes the executable code for each method declared in the interface.


Relevant Chapters: Defining ClassesWorking with ObjectsEncapsulating Data


Categories Extend Existing Classes  类目和延展

Rather than creating an entirely new class to provide minor additional capabilities over an existing class, it’s possible to define a category to add custom behavior to an existing class. You can use a category to add methods to any class, including classes for which you don’t have the original implementation source code, such as framework classes like NSString.


If you do have the original source code for a class, you can use a class extension to add new properties, or modify the attributes of existing properties. Class extensions are commonly used to hide private behavior for use either within a single source code file, or within the private implementation of a custom framework.


Relevant Chapters: Customizing Existing Classes


Protocols Define Messaging Contracts  协议

The majority of work in an Objective-C app occurs as a result of objects sending messages to each other. Often, these messages are defined by the methods declared explicitly in a class interface. Sometimes, however, it is useful to be able to define a set of related methods that aren’t tied directly to a specific class.


Objective-C uses protocols to define a group of related methods, such as the methods an object might call on its delegate, which are either optional or required. Any class can indicate that it adopts a protocol, which means that it must also provide implementations for all of the required methods in the protocol.


Relevant Chapters: Working with Protocols


Values and Collections Are Often Represented as Objective-C Objects 值和集合

It’s common in Objective-C to use Cocoa or Cocoa Touch classes to represent values. The NSString class is used for strings of characters, the NSNumber class for different types of numbers such as integer or floating point, and the NSValue class for other values such as C structures. You can also use any of the primitive types defined by the C language, such as int, float or char.

在OC中很常见的一件事就是用Cocoa 或 Cocoa Touch 中的类来表示值,比如NSString类用来表示字符串的特性,NSNumber类用来表示不同的数字类型,像整形、浮点类型,NSValue用来表示C的结构体。当然,你也可以使用任何基本的C的数据类型,比如int、float、char。

Collections are usually represented as instances of one of the collection classes, such as NSArray, NSSet, or NSDictionary, which are each used to collect other Objective-C objects.


Relevant Chapters: Values and Collections


Blocks Simplify Common Tasks BLOCK代码块

Blocks are a language feature introduced to C, Objective-C and C++ to represent a unit of work; they encapsulate a block of code along with captured state, which makes them similar to closures in other programming languages. Blocks are often used to simplify common tasks such as collection enumeration, sorting and testing. They also make it easy to schedule tasks for concurrent or asynchronous execution using technologies like Grand Central Dispatch (GCD).


Relevant Chapters: Working with Blocks


Error Objects Are Used for Runtime Problems   NSError

Although Objective-C includes syntax for exception handling, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch use exceptions only for programming errors (such as out of bounds array access), which should be fixed before an app is shipped.

尽管OC包含的语法包含异常处理,但是Cocoa和Cocoa Touch仅仅用来处理编程错误(比如数组越界),应该是装载数组之前设定好数组的大小。

All other errors—including runtime problems such as running out of disk space or not being able to access a web service—are represented by instances of the NSError class. Your app should plan for errors and decide how best to handle them in order to present the best possible user experience when something goes wrong.


Relevant Chapters: Dealing with Errors


Objective-C Code Follows Established Conventions 编码习惯

When writing Objective-C code, you should keep in mind a number of established coding conventions. Method names, for example, start with a lowercase letter and use camel case for multiple words; for example, doSomething or doSomethingElse. It’s not just the capitalization that’s important, though; you should also make sure that your code is as readable as possible, which means that method names should be expressive, but not too verbose.

当你写OC代码时,你应该注意一些编码习惯。比如方法名:小写字母开头、使用驼峰命名法;像doSomething 、doSomethingElse。这不仅仅是形式问题,这很重要;同时,你应该保证代码的可读性,所以你的方法名应该可以明确表达它的意思,但是不要太冗长。

In addition, there are a few conventions that are required if you wish to take advantage of language or framework features. Property accessor methods, for example, must follow strict naming conventions in order to work with technologies likeKey-Value Coding (KVC) or Key-Value Observing (KVO).


Relevant Chapters: Conventions  相关链接:公约

Prerequisites    准备条件

If you are new to OS X or iOS development, you should read through Start Developing iOS Apps Today or Start Developing Mac Apps Today before reading this document, to get a general overview of the application development process for iOS and OS X. Additionally, you should become familiar with Xcode before trying to follow the exercises at the end of most chapters in this document. Xcode is the IDE used to build apps for iOS and OS X; you’ll use it to write your code, design your app\'s user interface, test your application, and debug any problems.

如果你是刚刚开始接触OS X、iOS开发,在读该文档之前你应该先通读《 Start Developing iOS Apps Today or Start Developing Mac Apps Today  》,了解OS X、iOS应用开发的一般流程,另外,在度翁当之前你应该先熟悉XCode的基本使用。Xcode是用于OS X、iOS应用开发编辑器。你可以用它写代码,设计的应用,测试和调试你的应用。

Although it’s preferable to have some familiarity with C or one of the C-based languages such as Java or C#, this document does include inline examples of basic C language features such as flow control statements. If you have knowledge of another higher-level programming language, such as Ruby or Python, you should be able to follow the content.


Reasonable coverage is given to general object-oriented programming principles, particularly as they apply in the context of Objective-C, but it is assumed that you have at least a minimal familiarity with basic object-oriented concepts. If you’re not familiar with these concepts, you should read the relevant chapters in Concepts in Objective-C Programming.


See Also   附:

The content in this document applies to Xcode 4.4 or later and assumes you are targeting either OS X v10.7 or later, or iOS 5 or later. For more information about Xcode, see Xcode Overview. For information on language feature availability, see Objective-C Feature Availability Index.

本文档适用于Xcode4.4及以上版本,且开发在OS X10.7及以上版本,或者iOS5以上版本,更多关于Xcode的信息参阅:XCode概览,关于语言特性相关的信息,参阅:OC特性。

Objective-C apps use reference counting to determine the lifetime of objects. For the most part, the Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) feature of the compiler takes care of this for you. If you are unable to take advantage of ARC, or need to convert or maintain legacy code that manages an object’s memory manually, you should read Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide.


In addition to the compiler, the Objective-C language uses a runtime system to enable its dynamic and object-oriented features. Although you don’t usually need to worry about how Objective-C “works,” it’s possible to interact directly with this runtime system, as described by Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide and Objective-C Runtime Reference.

除了编译器,OC使用运行时机制实现动态语言和面向对象的特性,但是大部分时间你不用关心OC如何工作,就可以直接使用OC。参阅:OC编程指南 、 OC运行时参考。








【转】 Objective C实现多继承发布时间:2022-07-12





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