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swift条款编号最新更新_更新了服务条款并致力于成为开放平台 ...

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We’ve been building Unity for 15 years with the vision of creating an open and accessible tool to enable creators to build whatever you can dream of.

我们已经创建Unity 15年了,其愿景是创建一个开放且易于访问的工具,使创建者能够构建您梦can以求的东西。

Over the last week there was much confusion, and untrue statements were raised which we refuted. But most importantly we listened to you, our community that felt that the End User License Agreement (EULA)/Terms of Service (TOS) was too restrictive.

在过去的一周中,存在很多混乱,我们提出了不真实的陈述,我们对此予以了驳斥。 但最重要的是,我们听取了您的意见,我们的社区认为最终用户许可协议(EULA)/服务条款(TOS)的限制过于严格。

When you make a game with Unity, you own the content and you should have the right to put it wherever you want. Our TOS didn’t reflect this principle – something that is not in line with who we are.

使用Unity制作游戏时,您拥有内容,应该有权将其放置在任何位置。 我们的服务条款没有体现这一原则,这与我们的身份不符。

We believe the Unity Engine business model is the best way for developers to be successful. We charge a flat fee per-seat — not a royalty on all of your revenue. Building Unity takes a lot of resources, and we believe that partnerships make better services for developers and augment our business model — as opposed to charging developers to pay for Unity’s development through revenue share.

我们认为Unity Engine业务模型是开发人员成功的最佳途径。 我们会按固定席位收费,而不是您所有收入的特许权使用费。 建立Unity需要大量资源,我们认为合作伙伴关系可以为开发人员提供更好的服务并扩大我们的业务模型,而不是让开发人员通过收益分成来支付Unity的开发费用。

Our TOS update on December 5 was an attempt to define what our terms mean for the cloud and an opportunity to make our business model clearer. After listening to developers, we realized how this language came across, and how it would impact your ability to choose.

我们在12月5日发布的TOS更新旨在尝试定义我们的术语对云意味着什么,并有机会使我们的业务模型更加清晰。 在听完开发人员的讨论后,我们意识到了这种语言是如何产生的,以及它将如何影响您的选择能力。

Overview of Today’s TOS Update


Today we have updated our Terms of Service, Section 2.4. The language is at the bottom of this post.

今天,我们更新了服务条款第2.4节。 语言在这篇文章的底部。

The TOS update highlights that developers can use any third party service that integrate into Unity.


Some of these services will be supported, others will not.


The distinction is that with a supported service, we understand the technology. We make sure the service and Unity work better together for developers. We also ensure that the supported service always runs well on the latest version of our software, so we can help future proof your project in Unity and ensure access to the latest tech.

区别在于,通过受支持的服务,我们了解该技术。 我们确保该服务和Unity可以更好地为开发人员一起工作。 我们还确保受支持的服务在我们最新版本的软件上始终能够良好运行,因此我们可以帮助您将来在Unity中对您的项目进行验证,并确保可以访问最新技术。

Additionally we have created, and will continue to create, our own services. We will integrate our own services, but we will not block developers from using competitive third-party services.

此外,我们已经创建并将继续创建我们自己的服务。 我们将集成我们自己的服务,但我们不会阻止开发人员使用竞争性第三方服务。

Retroactive TOS changes


When you obtain a version of Unity, and don’t upgrade your project, we think you should be able to stick to that version of the TOS.


In practice, that is only possible if you have access to bug fixes. For this reason, we now allow users to continue to use the TOS for the same major (year-based) version number, including Long Term Stable (LTS) builds that you are using in your project.

实际上,这只有在您有权访问错误修复程序的情况下才有可能。 因此,我们现在允许用户继续将TOS用于相同的主要(基于年份)版本号,包括您​​在项目中使用的长期稳定版(LTS)。

Moving forward, we will host TOS changes on Github to give developers full transparency about what changes are happening, and when. The link is https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/TermsOfService.

展望未来,我们将在Github上托管TOS更改,以使开发人员对发生的更改以及更改的时间完全透明。 链接是 https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/TermsOfService



Today’s change in our TOS means Improbable is no longer in breach by providing you a service, and that we are able to reinstate their licenses. But we do not consider them a partner, and cannot vouch for how their service works with Unity as we have no insight into their technology or how they run their business.

今天我们TOS的变化意味着Improbable通过为您提供服务不再受到违反,并且我们能够恢复其许可。 但是我们不认为他们是合作伙伴,也无法保证他们的服务如何与Unity配合使用,因为我们不了解他们的技术或他们如何经营他们的业务。

We know Improbable was in violation even before the December TOS update and misrepresented their affiliation with us. Although SpatialOS is not a supported third-party service, it can continue to be used for development and shipping games.

我们知道,即使在12月的服务条款更新之前,“不可能的”仍在违反中,并歪曲了他们与我们的隶属关系。 尽管SpatialOS不是受支持的第三方服务,但可以继续用于开发和发布游戏。

We are holding an AMA on r/Unity3d at 10 a.m. PST to discuss this TOS update in more detail.

我们 将于 太平洋标准时间上午10点 在 r / Unity3d 上举行AMA, 以更详细地讨论此TOS更新。

Section 2.4  Working with Third Party Service Providers.


Unity developers are free to use any service offered to Unity developers (each, a “Third Party Service”).  Unity does not have any obligation to provide support for any Third Party Service provider or Third Party Service under this Agreement.

Unity开发人员可以自由使用提供给Unity开发人员的任何服务(每个服务均为“第三方服务”)。 根据本协议,Unity没有义务为任何第三方服务提供商或第三方服务提供支持。

Third Party Service providers may not, without Unity’s express written permission: (1) use a stylized version of any Unity name, trademark, logos, images or product icons, or other Unity-owned graphic symbols; (2) use a product name confusingly similar to a Unity product or that could be construed by Unity developers as being a Unity product or service; or (3) create or use any marketing materials that suggest an affiliation with, or endorsement by, Unity.  All use of Unity’s trademarks must comply with Unity’s Trademark Guidelines.

未经Unity明确书面许可,第三方服务提供商不得:(1)使用任何Unity名称,商标,徽标,图像或产品图标或其他Unity拥有的图形符号的程式化版本; (2)使用容易混淆的产品名称(类似于Unity产品),或者可以由Unity开发人员解释为Unity产品或服务; 或(3)创建或使用任何暗示与Unity有从属关系或得到其认可的营销材料。 所有使用Unity商标的行为必须遵守Unity商标准则

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/01/16/updated-terms-of-service-and-commitment-to-being-an-open-platform/














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