作者语: 在一位园友的文章中下载了C#读取托盘栏源码,DOWN下来之后发现在Windows 7 X64中显示不出来.顺着代码查找,怀疑TBUTTON的结构体在32位和64位系统下定义有所不同,于是搜索X64的TBUTTON定义, 于是搜索到了以下这篇文章, 根据文章中定义的结构体修改源码中的STRUCT定义, 执行成功. 这篇文章写的很细, 转过来以供参考. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Part 2 of this series I demonstrated how to use the Shell_NotifyIconGetRect function to find the position of a notify icon. This function is new to Windows 7, however, and we must find a different solution for earlier versions of Windows. This turns out to be quite difficult. A post on the MSDN forums by user parisisinjail provided a good starting point, and it led me to a Code Project article by Irek Zielinski that explained exactly what to do – in native code. This post shows how to implement this kind of approach in managed code. I have verified that the following code works with Windows XP and Vista. It also works under Windows 7, but only when the icon is not located in the notification area fly-out (not found in previous versions). As such, this solution should only be used when Shell_NotifyIconGetRect is not available. The basic idea is that the notification area is actually just a special Toolbar control, with each icon being a toolbar button. We want to find the toolbar control and loop over the buttons until we find the one that corresponds to our notify icon. We can then find the coordinates of the toolbar button. (The fly-out in Windows 7 has a separate toolbar control, so you could search that instead of using Shell_NotifyIconGetRect if you really wanted to.) The process sounds straight forward, but the implementation is quite tricky. Read on for the code. The first thing that we need to do is to find the handle of the notification area toolbar. If we open Spy++ (a tool included with Visual Studio), we can find a top-level window with the class name ‘Shell_TrayWnd’. This window represents the Windows taskbar (the notification area is a child window). While this class name is not documented anywhere as far as I can tell (meaning that it might change with a future version of Windows), it has been consistent since at least Windows XP. If we look at this window’s children, we’ll find some windows with the class name ‘ToolbarWindow32’. One of these points to the toolbar containing our notification icon.
The screenshot above is of a system running Windows 7 x64. However, the arrangement of windows underneath the Shell_TrayWnd window varies from version-to-version: it has changed from Windows XP to Vista and again from Vista to 7. Furthermore, the names of windows vary according to the system’s language, so it’s not worth searching for a window called ‘User Promoted Notification Area’ when it might be called ‘사용자 프롬프트 알림 영역’ or any number of other strings (the names also change within language between Windows versions). In other words, we must be careful when we search for the toolbar’s handle. With that in mind, let us continue. Find Shell_TrayWndWe’ll use the FindWindow function to search for window with the class name ‘Shell_TrayWnd’.
Enumerate Child WindowsGiven the variable nature of the child windows, it seems to me that the best approach is to find all child windows with the class name ‘ToolbarWindow32’ and search through all of them until we find our notify icon. We’ll use the EnumChildWindows function to make a list of windows. The following code is, with a minor change to make the list include only ToolbarWindow32 windows.