Enumerations in Swift are flexible, and do not have to provide a value for each case of the enumeration. If a value(known as "raw" value) if provied for each enumeration case, the value can be a string, a character, or a value of any integer for floating-point type.
enum CompassPoint {
case north
case south
case east
case west
enum Planet {
case mercuy, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
var directionToHead = CompassPoint.west
directionToHead = .east
关联值(Associated Values)
enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)
var productBarcode = Barcode.upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)
switch productBarcode {
case .upc(let numberSystem, let manufacturer, var product, let check):
case .qrCode(let productCode):
switch productBarcode {
case let .upc(numberSytem, manufacturer, product, check):
case let .qrCode(productCode):
Raw Values
//raw value可以是字符串、字符、任何整型、浮点型
enum ASCIIControlCharacter: Character {
case tab = "\t"
case lineFeed = "\n"
case carriageReturn = "\r"
Implicitly Assigned Raw Values
当你使用枚举存储整型或者字符串类型的raw value时,没有必要给每一个case赋值。整型从0开始,字符串的raw value是case的名字。
enum RefinementPlanet: Int {
case mercury = 1, vanus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
enum RefinementCompassPoint: String {
case north, south, east, west
let earthsOrder = Planet.earth.rawValue
// earthsOrder is 3
let sunsetDirection = CompassPoint.west.rawValue
// sunsetDirection is "west"
Initializing from a Raw Value
If you define an enumeration with a raw-value type, the enumeration automatically receives an initializer that takes a value of the raw value’s type (as a parameter called rawValue) and returns either an enumeration case or nil.
let possiblePlanet = RefinementPlanet(rawValue: 7)
//possiblePlanet的类型是 RefinementPlanet?
Recursive Enumerations
递归枚举是一个枚举的一个或者多个case使用另一个枚举的实例作为关联值。通过的case前写indirect 来表示这个case是递归的。
enum ArithmeticExpression {
case number(Int)
indirect case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
indirect case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)