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unity swift_韩国的报告:Unity在移动开发领域的明星Swift崛起

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Hi, my name is Dustin Lee and I’m a product evangelist at the Unity office in Seoul. Unity is experiencing tremendous growth in Korea, especially among mobile developers. I’d like to give the wider Unity community a glimpse of what we’re seeing here in mobile development.

嗨,我叫Dustin Lee,我是汉城Unity办公室的产品推广员。 Unity在韩国正经历着巨大的增长,特别是在移动开发人员中。 我想让广大的Unity社区了解一下我们在移动开发中看到的内容。

Let’s start with some numbers—big numbers. It’s forecasted that in 2013 the market will increase by 470%, from 231.8M USD in 2012 to 1090.9M USD in 2013.

让我们从一些数字开始-大数字。 预计到2013年,该市场将增长470%,从2012年的2.318亿美元增长到2013年的1.909亿美元。

Fueling this growth in a massive way is Kakao Talk, a mobile messaging service that last year expanded its platform to include social games.

移动消息服务Kakao Talk在很大程度上推动了这一增长,该服务去年将其平台扩展到社交游戏。

Now, currently in South Korea, 90% of mobile devices are running on the Android OS. And 97% of mobile users have Kakao on their phone.  What Kakao does is it provides a social graph API for the games it hosts, so that players can communicate with friends in their Kakao network: pass on rewards, invites, and points, and compete against them and compare scores. Currently if you log onto Google Play Korea, almost all the top rated/selling apps are ones designed to integrate with Kakao’s ubiquitous platform. In terms of revenue ranking by country, South Korea holds the number 2 spot on Google Play, after Japan and before the U.S.

现在,目前在韩国,有90%的移动设备都在Android OS上运行。 97%的移动用户的手机上都有Kakao。 Kakao所做的是为其托管的游戏提供社交图谱API,以便玩家可以在其Kakao网络中与朋友进行交流:传递奖励,邀请和积分,与他们竞争并比较得分。 目前,如果您登录到Google Play Korea,几乎所有评分最高/销量最高的应用都是旨在与Kakao的无处不在的平台集成的应用。 就按国家/地区划分的收入排名而言,韩国在Google Play上排名第二,仅次于日本和美国

So where’s Unity in all this mobile social gaming frenzy? Well, pretty much everywhere!

那么,在所有这些移动社交游戏狂潮中,Unity在哪里? 好吧,到处都是!

Kakao has released 120 games to date and up to 40% of those are made with Unity! The top 5 games on Google Play are made with Unity and it’s been estimated by some Korean press that the No. 1 game is making up to 1M USD per day. So there is a lot of potential financial success to be won by our customers.

迄今为止,Kakao已发布了120款游戏,其中多达40%是使用Unity制作的! Google Play上排名前5的游戏都是使用Unity制作的,据一些韩国媒体估计,排名第一的游戏每天的收入高达100万美元。 因此,我们的客户有很多潜在的财务成功。

Based on customer interviews we have conducted we know that our user base is wide but all of them are experiencing a new level of freedom and fun by creating with Unity. We have server developers who enjoy the smooth experience of client-side programming with Unity; MMORPG Client developers who love the speed and efficiency it offers for mobile development, and artists who learned programming and games development by using Unity. The common reasons they chose Unity include multi-platform support, followed by ease of use and a fast development cycle.

根据我们进行的客户访谈,我们知道我们的用户基础很广泛,但是通过使用Unity进行创建,他们所有人都在体验新的自由度和乐趣。 我们有一些服务器开发人员,他们喜欢使用Unity进行客户端编程的流畅体验; MMORPG客户开发人员,他们热爱它为移动开发提供的速度和效率,以及喜欢使用Unity学习编程和游戏开发的美术师。 他们选择Unity的常见原因包括多平台支持,易用性和快速的开发周期。

A universal story


We just wrapped up our first Unite Korea regional conference (which grew out of the “bootcamp” we held last year) and there is much excitement and positive feeling for Unity from the Korean development Community. The Unity “story” is universal. Just like in so many other regions, we have passionate developers in Korea who want to break into the huge mobile market.  And when they are introduced to Unity and start playing around with it, they are struck by its incredible ease of use, by the speed with which they can create their content, and by the possibilities that suddenly open up for them. That’s powerful!

我们刚刚结束了我们的首次韩国团结大会区域会议(该会议是从去年举行的“训练营”发展而来的),韩国发展共同体给团结带来了很多兴奋和积极的感觉。 Unity的“故事”是普遍的。 就像在许多其他地区一样,我们在韩国拥有热情的开发人员,他们希望打入庞大的移动市场。 当将它们介绍给Unity并开始使用它时,它们会因其难以置信的易用性,创建内容的速度以及突然为他们打开的可能性而感到震惊。 真厉害!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/05/02/report-from-korea-the-rapid-rise-of-unitys-star-in-mobile-development/

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