swift是静态语言,没有在运行时保存类型的结构信息(isa、class)。一、self、Self、Type、typeofextension Collection where Self.Element == UInt8, Self.Index == Int
public static func isValueTypeOrSubtype(_ value: Any) -> Bool { return value is Self }
static func _transform(dict: [String: Any]) -> _ExtendCustomModelType? {
var instance: Self if let _nsType = Self.self as? NSObject.Type { instance = _nsType.createInstance() as! Self } else { instance = Self.init() } _transform(dict: dict, to: &instance) instance.didFinishMapping() return instance }
let someInstance: SomeBaseClass = SomeSubClass() /* | | compileTime Runtime | | To extract, use: .self type(of)
1. In a protocol, it refers to the type that conforms to the protocol in any particular use. In Equatable, for example, it's used to require that the two values being compared are of the same type. It's something like a generic type parameter that you don't have to put between the <…> because it's deduced from the context of its use.
2. In a class/static method, it can be used as the return type, to indicate that the return type is the type of the class to which the method was sent, rather than the class in which the method is declared. It's similar to 'instancetype' in Obj-C.
Self相当于oc中的instance 是什么 相信大家都知道self这个关键字的具体作用,它跟OC里的self基本一样。但是对于Self来说...(WTF,这是什么东西) 当你用错Self的时候编译器会这样提示 'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class 分割开来的话就是两个意思 1.Self可以用于协议(protocol)中限制相关的类型 2.Self可以用于类(Class)中来充当方法的返回值类型
三、反射let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in mirror.children { print("Property name:", child.label) print("Property value:", child.value) }
四、内存信息获取Looking up the elements in structs, classes, and enums is currently quite complex. Much of this complexity is due to the lack of a direct reference between these types and the field descriptors which contain the information about a type’s fields. A helper function called |