目 录1、顺序表. 1 Seqlist.h 1 Test.cpp 6 2、单链表. 8 ListNode.h 8 SingleList.h 10 test.cpp 20 3、双向链表. 22 NodeList.h 22 DoubleList.h 24 Test.cpp 34 4、循环链表. 36 ListNode.h 36 CircularList.h 37 Test.cpp 47 5、顺序栈. 49 SeqStack.h 49 Test.cpp 54 6、链式栈. 55 StackNode.h 55 LinkStack.h 56 Test.cpp 60 7、顺序队列. 62 SeqQueue.h 63 Test.cpp 68 8、链式队列. 70 QueueNode.h 70 LinkQueue.h 71 Test.cpp 75 9、优先级队列. 77 QueueNode.h 77 Compare.h 78 PriorityQueue.h 80 Test.cpp 85 10、串. 88 MyString.h 88 MyString.cpp 90 test.cpp 101 11、二叉树. 104 BinTreeNode.h 104 BinaryTree.h 112 Test.cpp 124 12、线索二叉树. 126 ThreadNode.h 126 ThreadTree.h 128 ThreadInorderIterator.h 128 test.cpp 139 13、堆. 140 MinHeap.h 140 test.cpp 147 14、哈夫曼树. 149 BinTreeNode.h 149 BinaryTree.h 151 MinHeap.h 156 Huffman.h 161 Test.cpp 163 15、树. 164 QueueNode.h 164 LinkQueue.h 165 TreeNode.h 169 Tree.h 170 test.cpp 187 16、B+树. 189 BTreeNode.h 189 BTree.h 192 test.cpp 215 17、图. 217 MinHeap.h 217 Edge.h 222 Vertex.h 223 Graph.h 224 test.cpp 246 18、排序. 249 Data.h 249 QueueNode.h 255 LinkQueue.h 259 Sort.h 263 test.cpp 278
const int DefaultSize=100;
template <typename Type> class SeqList{ public: SeqList(int sz=DefaultSize) :m_nmaxsize(sz),m_ncurrentsize(-1){ if(sz>0){ m_elements=new Type[m_nmaxsize]; } } ~SeqList(){ delete[] m_elements; } int Length() const{ //get the length return m_ncurrentsize+1; } int Find(Type x) const; //find the position of x int IsElement(Type x) const; //is it in the list int Insert(Type x,int i); //insert data int Remove(Type x); //delete data int IsEmpty(){ return m_ncurrentsize==-1; } int IsFull(){ return m_ncurrentsize==m_nmaxsize-1; } Type Get(int i){ //get the ith data return i<0||i>m_ncurrentsize?(cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl,0):m_elements[i]; } void Print();
private: Type *m_elements; const int m_nmaxsize; int m_ncurrentsize; };
template <typename Type> int SeqList<Type>::Find(Type x) const{ for(int i=0;i<m_ncurrentsize;i++) if(m_elements[i]==x) return i; cout<<"can't find the element you want to find"<<endl; return -1; }
template <typename Type> int SeqList<Type>::IsElement(Type x) const{ if(Find(x)==-1) return 0; return 1; }
template <typename Type> int SeqList<Type>::Insert(Type x, int i){ if(i<0||i>m_ncurrentsize+1||m_ncurrentsize==m_nmaxsize-1){ cout<<"the operate is illegal"<<endl; return 0; } m_ncurrentsize++; for(int j=m_ncurrentsize;j>i;j--){ m_elements[j]=m_elements[j-1]; } m_elements[i]=x; return 1; }
template <typename Type> int SeqList<Type>::Remove(Type x){ int size=m_ncurrentsize; for(int i=0;i<m_ncurrentsize;){ if(m_elements[i]==x){ for(int j=i;j<m_ncurrentsize;j++){ m_elements[j]=m_elements[j+1]; } m_ncurrentsize--; continue; } i++; } if(size==m_ncurrentsize){ cout<<"can't find the element you want to remove"<<endl; return 0; } return 1; }
template <typename Type> void SeqList<Type>::Print(){ for(int i=0;i<=m_ncurrentsize;i++) cout<<i+1<<":\t"<<m_elements[i]<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; }
#include <iostream> #include "SeqList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() { SeqList<int> test(15); int array[15]={2,5,8,1,9,9,7,6,4,3,2,9,7,7,9}; for(int i=0;i<15;i++){ test.Insert(array[i],0); } test.Insert(1,0); cout<<(test.Find(0)?"can't be found ":"Be found ")<< 0 << endl<<endl; test.Remove(7); test.Print(); test.Remove(9); test.Print(); test.Remove(0); test.Print(); return 0; } 2、 单链表
template<typename Type> class SingleList;
template<typename Type> class ListNode{ private: friend typename SingleList<Type>;
ListNode():m_pnext(NULL){} ListNode(const Type item,ListNode<Type> *next=NULL):m_data(item),m_pnext(next){} ~ListNode(){ m_pnext=NULL; }
public: Type GetData(); friend ostream& operator<< <Type>(ostream& ,ListNode<Type>&);
private: Type m_data; ListNode *m_pnext; };
template<typename Type> Type ListNode<Type>::GetData(){ return this->m_data; }
template<typename Type> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,ListNode<Type>& out){ os<<out.m_data; return os; }
#include "ListNode.h"
template<typename Type> class SingleList{ public: SingleList():head(new ListNode<Type>()){} ~SingleList(){ MakeEmpty(); delete head; }
public: void MakeEmpty(); //make the list empty int Length(); //get the length ListNode<Type> *Find(Type value,int n); //find thd nth data which is equal to value ListNode<Type> *Find(int n); //find the nth data bool Insert(Type item,int n=0); //insert the data in the nth position Type Remove(int n=0); //remove the nth data bool RemoveAll(Type item); //remove all the data which is equal to item Type Get(int n); //get the nth data void Print(); //print the list
private: ListNode<Type> *head; };
template<typename Type> void SingleList<Type>::MakeEmpty(){ ListNode<Type> *pdel; while(head->m_pnext!=NULL){ pdel=head->m_pnext; head->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; } }
template<typename Type> int SingleList<Type>::Length(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; int count=0; while(pmove!=NULL){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; count++; } return count; }
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* SingleList<Type>::Find(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove==NULL){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } return pmove; }
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* SingleList<Type>::Find(Type value,int n){ if(n<1){ cout<<"The n is illegal"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; int count=0; while(count!=n&&pmove){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove->m_data==value){ count++; }
} if(pmove==NULL){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; return NULL; } return pmove; }
template<typename Type> bool SingleList<Type>::Insert(Type item, int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is illegal"<<endl; return 0; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pnode=new ListNode<Type>(item); if(pnode==NULL){ cout<<"Application error!"<<endl; return 0; } for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove==NULL){ cout<<"the n is illegal"<<endl; return 0; } pnode->m_pnext=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pnode; return 1; }
template<typename Type> bool SingleList<Type>::RemoveAll(Type item){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pdel=head->m_pnext; while(pdel!=NULL){ if(pdel->m_data==item){ pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; pdel=pmove->m_pnext; continue; } pmove=pmove->m_pnext; pdel=pdel->m_pnext; } return 1; }
template<typename Type> Type SingleList<Type>::Remove(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head,*pdel; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove->m_pnext;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove->m_pnext==NULL){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } pdel=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; Type temp=pdel->m_data; delete pdel; return temp; }
template<typename Type> Type SingleList<Type>::Get(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(NULL==pmove){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } } return pmove->m_data; }
template<typename Type> void SingleList<Type>::Print(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; cout<<"head"; while(pmove){ cout<<"--->"<<pmove->m_data; pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } cout<<"--->over"<<endl<<endl<<endl; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
#include "SingleList.h"
int main() { SingleList<int> list; for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ list.Insert(i*3,i); } for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ list.Insert(3,i*3); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
list.Remove(5); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
list.RemoveAll(3); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
cout<<"The third element is "<<list.Get(3)<<endl;
list.MakeEmpty(); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
return 0; }
3、 双向链表
template<typename Type> class DoublyList;
template<typename Type> class ListNode{ private: friend class DoublyList<Type>; ListNode():m_pprior(NULL),m_pnext(NULL){} ListNode(const Type item,ListNode<Type> *prior=NULL,ListNode<Type> *next=NULL) :m_data(item),m_pprior(prior),m_pnext(next){} ~ListNode(){ m_pprior=NULL; m_pnext=NULL; } public: Type GetData(); private: Type m_data; ListNode *m_pprior; ListNode *m_pnext; };
template<typename Type> Type ListNode<Type>::GetData(){ return this->m_data; }
#include "ListNode.h"
template<typename Type> class DoublyList{ public: DoublyList():head(new ListNode<Type>()){ //the head node point to itself head->m_pprior=head; head->m_pnext=head; } ~DoublyList(){ MakeEmpty(); delete head; }
public: void MakeEmpty(); //make the list empty int Length(); //get the length of the list ListNode<Type> *Find(int n=0); //find the nth data ListNode<Type> * FindData(Type item); //find the data which is equal to item bool Insert(Type item,int n=0); //insert item in the nth data Type Remove(int n=0); //delete the nth data Type Get(int n=0); //get the nth data void Print(); //print the list
private: ListNode<Type> *head; };
template<typename Type> void DoublyList<Type>::MakeEmpty(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext,*pdel; while(pmove!=head){ pdel=pmove; pmove=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; } head->m_pnext=head; head->m_pprior=head; }
template<typename Type> int DoublyList<Type>::Length(){ ListNode<Type> *pprior=head->m_pprior,*pnext=head->m_pnext; int count=0; while(1){ if(pprior->m_pnext==pnext){ break; } if(pprior==pnext&&pprior!=head){ count++; break; } count+=2; pprior=pprior->m_pprior; pnext=pnext->m_pnext; } return count; }
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* DoublyList<Type>::Find(int n = 0){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } } return pmove; }
template<typename Type> bool DoublyList<Type>::Insert(Type item,int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } ListNode<Type> *newnode=new ListNode<Type>(item),*pmove=head; if(newnode==NULL){ cout<<"Application Erorr!"<<endl; exit(1); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ //find the position for insert pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } }
//insert the data newnode->m_pnext=pmove->m_pnext; newnode->m_pprior=pmove; pmove->m_pnext=newnode; newnode->m_pnext->m_pprior=newnode; return 1; }
template<typename Type> Type DoublyList<Type>::Remove(int n = 0){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head,*pdel; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ //find the position for delete pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } }
//delete the data pdel=pmove; pmove->m_pprior->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext->m_pprior=pdel->m_pprior; Type temp=pdel->m_data; delete pdel; return temp; }
template<typename Type> Type DoublyList<Type>::Get(int n = 0){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } } return pmove->m_data; }
template<typename Type> void DoublyList<Type>::Print(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; cout<<"head"; while(pmove!=head){ cout<<"--->"<<pmove->m_data; pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } cout<<"--->over"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* DoublyList<Type>::FindData(Type item){ ListNode<Type> *pprior=head->m_pprior,*pnext=head->m_pnext; while(pprior->m_pnext!=pnext && pprior!=pnext){ //find the data in the two direction if(pprior->m_data==item){ return pprior; } if(pnext->m_data==item){ return pnext; } pprior=pprior->m_pprior; pnext=pnext->m_pnext; } cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; return NULL; }
#include <iostream> #include "DoublyList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() { DoublyList<int> list; for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ list.Insert(i*3,i); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ list.Insert(3,i*3); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
list.Remove(5); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
cout<<"The third element is "<<list.Get(3)<<endl;
list.MakeEmpty(); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
return 0; }
4、 循环链表
template<typename Type> class CircularList;
template<typename Type> class ListNode{ private: friend class CircularList<Type>; ListNode():m_pnext(NULL){} ListNode(const Type item,ListNode<Type> *next=NULL):m_data(item),m_pnext(next){} ~ListNode(){ m_pnext=NULL; }
private: Type m_data; ListNode *m_pnext; };
#include "ListNode.h"
template<typename Type> class CircularList{ public: CircularList():head(new ListNode<Type>()){ head->m_pnext=head; } ~CircularList(){ MakeEmpty(); delete head; } public: void MakeEmpty(); //clear the list int Length(); //get the length ListNode<Type> *Find(Type value,int n); //find the nth data which is equal to value ListNode<Type> *Find(int n); //find the nth data bool Insert(Type item,int n=0); //insert the data into the nth data of the list Type Remove(int n=0); //delete the nth data bool RemoveAll(Type item); //delete all the datas which are equal to value Type Get(int n); //get the nth data void Print(); //print the list
private: ListNode<Type> *head;
template<typename Type> void CircularList<Type>::MakeEmpty(){ ListNode<Type> *pdel,*pmove=head; while(pmove->m_pnext!=head){ pdel=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; } }
template<typename Type> int CircularList<Type>::Length(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; int count=0; while(pmove->m_pnext!=head){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; count++; } return count; }
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* CircularList<Type>::Find(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove!=head;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } return pmove; }
template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* CircularList<Type>::Find(Type value,int n){ if(n<1){ cout<<"The n is illegal"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; int count=0; while(count!=n){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove->m_data==value){ count++; } if(pmove==head){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; return NULL; } } return pmove; }
template<typename Type> bool CircularList<Type>::Insert(Type item, int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pnode=new ListNode<Type>(item); if(pnode==NULL){ cout<<"Application error!"<<endl; exit(1); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } }
pnode->m_pnext=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pnode; return 1; }
template<typename Type> bool CircularList<Type>::RemoveAll(Type item){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pdel=head->m_pnext; while(pdel!=head){ if(pdel->m_data==item){ pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; pdel=pmove->m_pnext; continue; } pmove=pmove->m_pnext; pdel=pdel->m_pnext; } return 1; }
template<typename Type> Type CircularList<Type>::Remove(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head,*pdel; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove->m_pnext!=head;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove->m_pnext==head){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } pdel=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; Type temp=pdel->m_data; delete pdel; return temp; }
template<typename Type> Type CircularList<Type>::Get(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } } return pmove->m_data; }
template<typename Type> void CircularList<Type>::Print(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; cout<<"head"; while(pmove!=head){ cout<<"--->"<<pmove->m_data; pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } cout<<"--->over"<<endl<<endl<<endl; }
#include <iostream> #include "CircularList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() { CircularList<int> list; for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ list.Insert(i*3,i); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ list.Insert(3,i*3); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
list.Remove(5); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
list.RemoveAll(3); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
cout<<"The third element is "<<list.Get(3)<<endl;
list.MakeEmpty(); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print();
return 0; }
5、 顺序栈
template<typename Type> class SeqStack{ public: SeqStack(int sz):m_ntop(-1),m_nMaxSize(sz){ m_pelements=new Type[sz]; if(m_pelements==NULL){ cout<<"Application Error!"<<endl; exit(1); } } ~SeqStack(){ delete[] m_pelements; }
void Push(const Type item); //push data Type Pop(); //pop data Type GetTop() const; //get data void Print(); //print the stack void MakeEmpty(){ //make the stack empty m_ntop=-1; } bool IsEmpty() const{ return m_ntop==-1; } bool IsFull() const{ return m_ntop==m_nMaxSize-1; }
private: int m_ntop; Type *m_pelements; int m_nMaxSize;
template<typename Type> void SeqStack<Type>::Push(const Type item){ if(IsFull()){ cout<<"The stack is full!"<<endl; return; } m_pelements[++m_ntop]=item; }
template<typename Type> Type SeqStack<Type>::Pop(){ if(IsEmpty()){ cout<<"There is no element!"<<endl; exit(1); } return m_pelements[m_ntop--]; }
template<typename Type> Type SeqStack<Type>::GetTop() const{ if(IsEmpty()){ cout<<"There is no element!"<<endl; exit(1); } return m_pelements[m_ntop]; }
template<typename Type> void SeqStack<Type>::Print(){ cout<<"bottom"; for(int i=0;i<=m_ntop;i++){ cout<<"--->"<<m_pelements[i]; } cout<<"--->top"<<endl<<endl<<endl; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std;
#include "SeqStack.h"
int main(){ SeqStack<int> stack(10); int init[10]={1,2,6,9,0,3,8,7,5,4}; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ stack.Push(init[i]); } stack.Print();
cout<<stack.Pop()<<endl; stack.Print();
stack.MakeEmpty(); stack.Print();
stack.Pop(); return 0; }
6、 链式栈
template<typename Type> class LinkStack;
template<typename Type> class StackNode{ private: friend class LinkStack<Type>; StackNode(Type dt,StackNode<Type> *next=NULL):m_data(dt),m_pnext(next){}
private: Type m_data; StackNode<Type> *m_pnext; };
#include "StackNode.h"
template<typename Type> class LinkStack{ public: LinkStack():m_ptop(NULL){} ~LinkStack(){ MakeEmpty(); }
public: void MakeEmpty(); //make the stack empty void Push(const Type item); //push the data Type Pop(); //pop the data Type GetTop() const; //get the data void Print(); //print the stack
bool IsEmpty() const{ return m_ptop==NULL; }
private: StackNode<Type> *m_ptop; };
template<typename Type> void LinkStack |