★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes values. For each node at position Running a vertical line from If two nodes have the same position, then the value of the node that is reported first is the value that is smaller. Return an list of non-empty reports in order of Example 1: Input: [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: [[9],[3,15],[20],[7]]
Without loss of generality, we can assume the root node is at position (0, 0):
Then, the node with value 9 occurs at position (-1, -1);
The nodes with values 3 and 15 occur at positions (0, 0) and (0, -2);
The node with value 20 occurs at position (1, -1);
The node with value 7 occurs at position (2, -2).
Example 2: Input: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Output: [[4],[2],[1,5,6],[3],[7]]
The node with value 5 and the node with value 6 have the same position according to the given scheme.
However, in the report "[1,5,6]", the node value of 5 comes first since 5 is smaller than 6.
给定二叉树,按垂序遍历返回其结点值。 对位于 把一条垂线从 如果两个结点位置相同,则首先报告的结点值较小。 按 示例 1: 输入:[3,9,20,null,null,15,7] 输出:[[9],[3,15],[20],[7]] 解释: 在不丧失其普遍性的情况下,我们可以假设根结点位于 (0, 0): 然后,值为 9 的结点出现在 (-1, -1); 值为 3 和 15 的两个结点分别出现在 (0, 0) 和 (0, -2); 值为 20 的结点出现在 (1, -1); 值为 7 的结点出现在 (2, -2)。 示例 2: 输入:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] 输出:[[4],[2],[1,5,6],[3],[7]] 解释: 根据给定的方案,值为 5 和 6 的两个结点出现在同一位置。 然而,在报告 "[1,5,6]" 中,结点值 5 排在前面,因为 5 小于 6。 提示:
16ms 1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 var map = [Int: [(Int, Int)]]() 16 func verticalTraversal(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [[Int]] { 17 if root == nil { 18 return [] 19 } 20 map[0] = [(root!.val, 0)] 21 traversTree(root!.left, true, 0, -1) 22 traversTree(root!.right, false, 0, -1) 23 var ans = [[Int]]() 24 for k in map.keys.sorted() { 25 let sortedTuple = map[k]!.sorted {($0, $1) 26 if $0.1 > $1.1 { return true } 27 if $0.1 == $1.1 { return $0.0 < $1.0 } 28 return false 29 } 30 let arr = {$0.0} 31 ans.append(arr) 32 } 33 return ans 34 } 35 36 func traversTree(_ node: TreeNode?, _ left: Bool, _ v: Int, _ vv: Int) { 37 if node != nil { 38 let k = left ? v-1 : v+1 39 var arr = map[k] ?? [(Int, Int)]() 40 arr.append((node!.val, vv)) 41 map[k] = arr 42 traversTree(node!.left, true, k, vv-1) 43 traversTree(node!.right, false, k, vv-1) 44 } 45 } 46 } Runtime: 20 ms Memory Usage: 4.1 MB
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 var hi:[[Int]] = [[Int]]() 16 func verticalTraversal(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [[Int]] { 17 dfs(root, 0, 0) 18 hi.sort(by:sortArray) 19 var ret:[[Int]] = [[Int]]() 20 var i:Int = 0 21 while(i < hi.count) 22 { 23 var j:Int = i 24 while(j < hi.count && hi[j][1] == hi[i][1]) 25 { 26 j += 1 27 } 28 var item:[Int] = [Int]() 29 for k in i..<j 30 { 31 item.append(hi[k][0]) 32 } 33 ret.append(item) 34 i = j 35 } 36 return ret 37 } 38 39 func sortArray(_ a:[Int],_ b:[Int]) -> Bool 40 { 41 if a[1] != b[1] {return a[1] < b[1]} 42 if a[2] != b[2] {return a[2] > b[2]} 43 return a[0] < b[0] 44 } 45 46 func dfs(_ cur: TreeNode?,_ x:Int,_ y:Int) 47 { 48 if cur == nil {return} 49 hi.append([cur!.val,x,y]) 50 dfs(cur!.left, x-1, y-1) 51 dfs(cur!.right, x+1, y-1) 52 } 53 } 24ms 1 class Solution { 2 func verticalTraversal(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [[Int]] { 3 var res: [[Int]] = [] 4 5 var dict: [Int: [(Int, [Int])]] = [:] 6 7 func tra(_ node: TreeNode?, _ x: Int, y: Int) { 8 guard let node = node else { 9 return 10 } 11 12 if dict[x] == nil { 13 dict[x] = [(y, [node.val])] 14 } else { 15 var sameY = false 16 17 for (index, (yVal, nodeVal)) in dict[x]!.enumerated() { 18 if yVal == y { 19 sameY = true 20 21 var newVal = nodeVal 22 newVal.append(node.val) 23 24 dict[x]![index].1 = newVal.sorted() 25 } 26 } 27 28 if sameY == false { 29 dict[x]!.append((y, [node.val])) 30 } 31 } 32 33 tra(node.left, x - 1, y: y - 1) 34 tra(node.right, x + 1, y: y - 1) 35 } 36 37 tra(root, 0, y: 0) 38 39 let sortedDict = dict.sorted(by: {$0.key < $1.key}) 40 41 for dict in sortedDict { 42 var vals: [Int] = [] 43 44 for (_, val) in dict.value.sorted(by: { $0.0 > $1.0 }) { 45 vals += val 46 } 47 48 res.append(vals) 49 } 50 51 return res 52 } 53 }