Dart异步编程包含两部分:Future和Stream 该篇文章中介绍Future
异步编程:Futures Dart是一个单线程编程语言。如果任何代码阻塞线程执行都会导致程序卡死。异步编程防止出现阻塞操作。Dart使用Future对象表示异步操作。 介绍 如下代码可能导致程序卡死
// Synchronous code printDailyNewsDigest() { String news = gatherNewsReports(); // Can take a while. print(news); } main() { printDailyNewsDigest(); printWinningLotteryNumbers(); printWeatherForecast(); printBaseballScore(); } 该程序获取每日新闻然并打印,然后打印其他一系列用户感兴趣的信息: <gathered news goes here> Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2] Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny. Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0
注:在Dart2中有轻微的改动。async函数执行时,不是立即挂起,而是要执行到函数内部的第一个await。在多数情况下,我们不会注意到这一改动 下面的代码使用Async和await读取新闻
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; printDailyNewsDigest() async { String news = await gatherNewsReports(); print(news); } main() { printDailyNewsDigest(); printWinningLotteryNumbers(); printWeatherForecast(); printBaseballScore(); } printWinningLotteryNumbers() { print('Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]'); } printWeatherForecast() { print("Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny."); } printBaseballScore() { print('Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0'); } const news = '<gathered news goes here>'; Duration oneSecond = const Duration(seconds: 1); final newsStream = new Stream.periodic(oneSecond, (_) => news); // Imagine that this function is more complex and slow. :) Future gatherNewsReports() => newsStream.first; // Alternatively, you can get news from a server using features // from either dart:io or dart:html. For example: // // import 'dart:html'; // // Future gatherNewsReportsFromServer() => HttpRequest.getString( // '', // ); 执行结果: Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2] Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny. Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0 <gathered news goes here> 从执行结果我们可以注意到printDailyNewsDigest是第一个调用的,但是新闻是最后才打印,即使只要一行内容。这是因为代码读取和打印内容是异步执行的。 在这个例子中间,printDailyNewsDigest调用的gatherNewsReports不是阻塞的。gatherNewsReports把自己放入队列,不会暂停代码的执行。程序打印中奖号码,天气预报和比赛分数;当gatherNewsReports完成收集新闻过后打印。gatherNewsReports需要消耗一定时间的执行完成,而不会影响功能:用户在读取新闻之前获得其他消息。 下面的图展示代码的执行流程。每一个数字对应着相应的步骤 1. 开始程序执行 注:如果async函数没有明确指定返回值,返回的null值的Future 错误处理 如果在Future返回函数发生错误,你可能想捕获错误。Async函数可以用try-catch捕获错误。 printDailyNewsDigest() async { try { String news = await gatherNewsReports(); print(news); } catch (e) { // Handle error... } } try-catch在同步代码和异步代码的表现是一样的:如果在try块中间发生异常,那么在catch中的代码执行
连续执行 你可以使用多个await表达式,保证一个await执行完成过后再执行下一个 // Sequential processing using async and await. main() async { await expensiveA(); await expensiveB(); doSomethingWith(await expensiveC()); } expensiveB函数将等待expensiveA完成之后再执行。
Future API 在Dart1.9之前还没有添加async和await时,你必须使用Future接口。你可能在一些老的代码中间看到使用Future接口 为了使用Future接口写异步代码,你需要使用then()方法注册一个回调。当Future完成时这个回调被调用。 下面的代码使用Future接口: // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; printDailyNewsDigest() { final future = gatherNewsReports(); future.then((news) => print(news)); } main() { printDailyNewsDigest(); printWinningLotteryNumbers(); printWeatherForecast(); printBaseballScore(); } printWinningLotteryNumbers() { print('Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]'); } printWeatherForecast() { print("Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny."); } printBaseballScore() { print('Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0'); } const news = '<gathered news goes here>'; Duration oneSecond = const Duration(seconds: 1); final newsStream = new Stream.periodic(oneSecond, (_) => news); // Imagine that this function is more complex and slow. :) Future gatherNewsReports() => newsStream.first; // Alternatively, you can get news from a server using features // from either dart:io or dart:html. For example: // // import 'dart:html'; // // Future gatherNewsReportsFromServer() => HttpRequest.getString( // '', // );
程序执行流程: 1. 程序开始执行 在printDailyNewsDigest函数中then可以多种不同的方式写。
1. 使用花括号。当有多个操作的时候,这种方式比较方便 printDailyNewsDigest() { final future = gatherNewsReports(); future.then((news) { print(news); // Do something else... }); } 2. 直接传print函数 printDailyNewsDigest() =>
错误处理 使用Future接口,你可以使用catchError捕获错误 printDailyNewsDigest() => gatherNewsReports() .then((news) => print(news)) .catchError((e) => handleError(e)); 如果新闻不可用,那么代码的执行流程如下: 当使用Future接口时,在then后连接catchError,可以认为这一对接口相应于try-catch。 像then(), catchError返回一个带回调返回值的新Future
使用then连接多个函数 当Future返回时需要顺序执行多个函数是,可以串联then调用 expensiveA() .then((aValue) => expensiveB()) .then((bValue) => expensiveC()) .then((cValue) => doSomethingWith(cValue)); 使用Future.wait等待多个Future完成
Future .wait([expensiveA(), expensiveB(), expensiveC()]) .then((List responses) => chooseBestResponse(responses)) .catchError((e) => handleError(e));