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CLR via C#, Third Edition图书推荐及下载

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我们先来看看这书的作者Jeffrey Richter,Jeffrey Richter是一位在全球享有盛誉的技术作家,尤其在Windows/.NET领域有着杰出的贡献。他的第一本Windows著作Windows 3: A Developer's Guide大获好评,从而声名远扬。之后,他又推出了经典著作《Windows 高级编程指南》和《Windows核心编程》。如今这两本书早已成为Windows程序设计领域的颠峰之作,培育了几代软件开发设计人员。他的每一本新作问世,我们都有理由相信这是一本巨著,我们想要的一切尽在其中。Jeffery 是Wintellect公司的创始人之一,也是MSDN杂志.NET专栏的特邀编辑。现在他正领导开发该公司的.NET程序设计课程,向大众推广.NET技术。因为他自1999年开始就参与了微软.NET框架开发组的咨询工作,与这些一线人员一起经历了.NET的孕育与诞生,所以他对.NET思想的领悟、对.NET的细节熟稔,是其他任何作家难以企及的。他是.NET著作领域中当之无愧的一面旗帜。

2003年我买了这本书的第一版《Microsoft .NET框架程序设计(修订版)》,从那时我才真正深入了解.net,后来这本书被朋友借去没还,很让我咬牙切齿了一阵。

2006年我买了这本书的第二版《框架设计(第2版):CLR Via C#》,没完全看完,翻译的虽然不如第一版,但还不算垃圾,英文不太好的可以买本看看,但如果英文过的去也比较有空的话可以看看原版,网上有电子版下载


作者:Jeffrey Richter

出版日期:February 2010

出版社:Microsoft Press





Part I CLR Basics

1 The CLRs Execution Model . 1

Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules . 1

Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies 5

Loading the Common Language Runtime 6

Executing Your Assemblys Code 9

IL and Verification 15

Unsafe Code 16

The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe . 18

The Framework Class Library . 20

The Common Type System 22

The Common Language Specification . 25

Interoperability with Unmanaged Code 29

2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications

and Types 31

.NET Framework Deployment Goals 32

Building Types into a Module 33

Response Files . 34

A Brief Look at Metadata . 36

Combining Modules to Form an Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

Adding Assemblies to a Project by Using the Visual Studio IDE 49

Using the Assembly Linker 50

Adding Resource Files to an Assembly . 52

Assembly Version Resource Information . 53

Version Numbers 57

Culture . 58

Simple Application Deployment (Privately Deployed Assemblies) . 59

Simple Administrative Control (Configuration) 61

3 Shared Assemblies and Strongly Named Assemblies . 65

Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment 66

Giving an Assembly a Strong Name . 67

The Global Assembly Cache 73

Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly 75

Strongly Named Assemblies Are Tamper-Resistant 76

Delayed Signing . 77

Privately Deploying Strongly Named Assemblies 80

How the Runtime Resolves Type References 81

Advanced Administrative Control (Configuration) 84

Publisher Policy Control 87

Part II Designing Types

4 Type Fundamentals 91

All Types Are Derived from System.Object . 91

Casting Between Types . 93

Casting with the C# is and as Operators . 95

Namespaces and Assemblies . 97

How Things Relate at Runtime 102

5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types . 113

Programming Language Primitive Types 113

Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations . 117

Reference Types and Value Types . 121

Boxing and Unboxing Value Types . 127

Changing Fields in a Boxed Value Type by Using Interfaces (and Why You

Shouldnt Do This) . 140

Object Equality and Identity 143

Object Hash Codes 146

The dynamic Primitive Type 148

6 Type and Member Basics . 155

The Different Kinds of Type Members . 155

Type Visibility 158

Friend Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159

Member Accessibility 160

Static Classes . 162

Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces . 164

Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning 165

How the CLR Calls Virtual Methods, Properties, and Events 167

Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently . 172

Dealing with Virtual Methods When Versioning Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175

7 Constants and Fields 181

Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181

Fields 183

8 Methods . 187

Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types) . 187

Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types) . 191

Type Constructors 194

Type Constructor Performance 198

Operator Overload Methods . 200

Operators and Programming Language Interoperability . 203

Conversion Operator Methods 204

Extension Methods 207

Rules and Guidelines 210

Extending Various Types with Extension Methods 211

The Extension Attribute 213

Partial Methods 213

Rules and Guidelines 216

9 Parameters . 219

Optional and Named Parameters . 219

Rules and Guidelines 220

The DefaultParameterValue and Optional Attributes 222

Implicitly Typed Local Variables 223

Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method 225

Passing a Variable Number of Arguments to a Method . 231

Parameter and Return Type Guidelines . 233

Const-ness 235

10 Properties 237

Parameterless Properties 237

Automatically Implemented Properties . 241

Defining Properties Intelligently 242

Object and Collection Initializers 245

Anonymous Types 247

The System.Tuple Type 250

Parameterful Properties . 252

The Performance of Calling Property Accessor Methods 257

Property Accessor Accessibility . 258

Generic Property Accessor Methods 258

11 Events . 259

Designing a Type That Exposes an Event 260

Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information

that should be sent to receivers of the event notification 261

Step #2: Define the event member . 262

Step #3: Define a method responsible for raising the event to

notify registered objects that the event has occurred . 263

Step #4: Define a method that translates the input into the desired event 266

How the Compiler Implements an Event . 266

Designing a Type That Listens for an Event 269

Explicitly Implementing an Event 271

12 Generics . 275

Generics in the Framework Class Library . 280

Wintellects Power Collections Library . 281

Generics Infrastructure . 282

Open and Closed Types 283

Generic Types and Inheritance 285

Generic Type Identity 287

Code Explosion . 288

Generic Interfaces 289

Generic Delegates 290

Delegate and Interface Contravariant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments 291

Generic Methods . 293

Generic Methods and Type Inference 294

Generics and Other Members . 296

Verifiability and Constraints . 296

Primary Constraints 299

Secondary Constraints . 300

Constructor Constraints 301

Other Verifiability Issues . 302

13 Interfaces . 307

Class and Interface Inheritance . 308

Defining an Interface 308

Inheriting an Interface 310

More About Calling Interface Methods . 312

Implicit and Explicit Interface Method Implementations (Whats Happening

Behind the Scenes) . 314

Generic Interfaces 315

Generics and Interface Constraints 318

Implementing Multiple Interfaces That Have the Same Method Name

and Signature 319

Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method

Implementations 320

Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations . 322

Design: Base Class or Interface? 325

Part III Essential Types

14 Chars, Strings, and Working with Text 327

Characters . 327

The System.String Type . 330

Constructing Strings 330

Strings Are Immutable . 333

Comparing Strings . 334

String Interning . 340

String Pooling . 343

Examining a Strings Characters and Text Elements . 343

Other String Operations 346

Constructing a String Efficiently 346

Constructing a StringBuilder Object 347

StringBuilder Members 348

Obtaining a String Representation of an Object: ToString 350

Specific Formats and Cultures 351

Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String . 355

Providing Your Own Custom Formatter . 356

Parsing a String to Obtain an Object: Parse . 359

Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes 361

Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes 367

Base-64 String Encoding and Decoding 368

Secure Strings . 369

15 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags 373

Enumerated Types . 373

Bit Flags . 379

Adding Methods to Enumerated Types . 383

16 Arrays 385

Initializing Array Elements 388

Casting Arrays 390

All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array . 392

All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList 393

Passing and Returning Arrays 394

Creating Non-ZeroLower Bound Arrays 395

Array Access Performance 396








(转)C# 泛型相关讲解发布时间:2022-07-13





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