where 1=1 and Dictionary[key1]=Dictionary[value1] and Dictionary[key2]=Dictionary[value3]。。。。
/// <summary> /// 传入一个字段返回where条件 /// </summary> /// <param name="where">字段</param> /// <param name="tableAlias">可以为空</param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetWhere(Dictionary<string, object> where, string tableAlias) { string sql = ""; string aliasName = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableAlias)) { aliasName = tableAlias + "."; } if (where == null) { return sql; } string joinList = string.Empty; foreach (var item in where) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) { sql += " where "; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql.Replace("where", "").Trim())) { sql += " and "; } string speCode = "┝┝┞┞├├┼┽┾┿╀╂┣─┐┎"; if (item.Value == null) { sql += "nvl(" + aliasName + item.Key + ",'"+speCode+"') = '"+speCode+"'"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { sql += "nvl(" + aliasName + item.Key + ",'"+speCode+"') = '"+speCode+"'"; } else if (item.Value is List<string>) { List<string> valueList = (List<string>)item.Value; string valueStr = ""; if (valueList.Count > 1) { //sql += " in (" + valueStr + ") "; int strIndex = 0; valueList = valueList.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var str in valueList) { if (strIndex > 0) { valueStr += " union all "; } valueStr += " select '" + str + "' as TEMP" + item.Key + " from dual "; strIndex++; } joinList += " inner join (" + valueStr + ") " + item.Key + "TABLE ON " + aliasName + item.Key + "=" + item.Key + "TABLE.TEMP" + item.Key; if (sql.EndsWith("and ")) { sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 4); } } else { foreach (var str in valueList) { valueStr += "'" + str + "',"; } valueStr = valueStr.TrimEnd(','); sql += aliasName + item.Key; sql += " = " + valueStr + " "; } } else if (item.Value is List<int>) { List<int> valueList = (List<int>)item.Value; string valueStr = ""; foreach (var str in valueList) { valueStr += str + ","; } valueStr = valueStr.TrimEnd(','); sql += aliasName + item.Key; if (valueList.Count > 1) { sql += " in (" + valueStr + ") "; } else { sql += " = " + valueStr + " "; } } else if (item.Value is List<decimal>) { List<decimal> valueList = (List<decimal>)item.Value; string valueStr = ""; foreach (var str in valueList) { valueStr += str + ","; } valueStr = valueStr.TrimEnd(','); sql += aliasName + item.Key; if (valueList.Count > 1) { sql += " in (" + valueStr + ") "; } else { sql += " = " + valueStr + " "; } } else if (item.Value is string) { sql += aliasName + item.Key + " = '" + item.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { sql += aliasName + item.Key + " = " + item.Value.ToString(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql.Replace("where", "").Trim())) { sql += " 1=1 "; }
//选择是否需要比如分区控制之类的 //if (!where.ContainsKey("F_SITE_ID")) //{ //sql += CommomBus.GetPatitionFilter(tableAlias); //} return joinList + " " + sql; }