增添于网上的一些书单: C++/OPP/OOD系列: 层级一:语法/语意(C++) [Lippman2000] Essential C++ Essential C++,by Stanley B. Lippman Addison Wesley Longman 2000,276 pages Essential C++ 中文版 ,侯俊杰 译,282页 Desc: 这本书概要性的介绍了C++核心的东西,但讲得较浅显,适合刚入门的人阅读。 [Andrew Koeing & Barbara MOO] Accelerated C++ Accelerated c++, Andrew Koeing & Barbara MOO, Addison Wesley, 2000 Desc: 这本书相当不错,讲解的C++编程的实践东西。也相当适合预巩固C++语法知识的人阅读。 [Eckel2000] Thinking in C++ Thinking in C++ 2/e Bruce Eckel 2000 1470 pages Prentice Hall C++ 编程思想,刘宗田等 译,420页 [Lippman98] C++Primer C++ Primer,3rd Editoin,by Stanley Lippman and Josee Lajoie Addison Wesley Longman,1998 1237 pages C++ Primer 中文版,侯俊杰 译,1999,1237页 [Struostrup2000] The C++ Programming Language The C++ Programming Language,Special Editoin,by Bjarne Stroustrup Addison Wesley Longman,2000,1017 pages [ANSI C++] C++规格书 1998.9.1 PDF格式 ANSI C++ 1996 Draft 层级二:专家经验(C++/OOP) [Meyers96] More Effective C++ More Effective C++, by Scott Meyers,Addison Wesley,1996,318pages More Effective C++中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000. 318页 [Meyers98] Effective C++ Effective C++, Second Edition,by Scott Meyers,Addison Wesley Longman,1998.256pages Effective C++ 2/e 中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000.256页 Effective C++, Third Edition, by Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley Longman. [Sutter99] Exceptional C++ Exceptional C++,by Herb Sutter,Addison Wesley Longman,2000.208pages Exceptional C++中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000.248页 [Sutter2001]More Exceptional C++ More Exceptional C++ by Herb Sutter, Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. 层级三:底层机制(C++ Object Model) [Ellis90] The Annotated C++ Reference Manual The Annotated C++ Reference Manual,by Margaret A.Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup Addison Wesley Longman,1990,447 pages. [Lippman96] Inside the C++ Object Model Inside the C++ Object Model,by Stanley Lippman,Addison Wesley Longman,1996,280pages 深度探索C++物件模型,侯俊杰 译 层级四:设计观念的复用(C++/Patterns) [Gamma95] Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma,Richard Helm,Ralph Johnson,and John Vlissides,Addison Wesley,1995.395pages 设计模式,李英军等译,机械工业出版社,2000.254页 [Alex2001]Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu,Addison-Wesley,2001,352Paper Genericity/STL系列(与层级二同步): 第一个境界是使用STL: [Josuttis99]:The C++ Standard Library -A Tutorial and Reference,by Nicolai M.Josuttis, Addison Wesley 1999.799pages 第二个境界是了解泛型技术的内涵与STL的学理: [Austern98]:Generic Programming and the STL -Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template library,by Matthew H.Austern,Addison Wesley 1998.548page 第三个境界是扩充STL: [Stepanov2001]:C++ Standard Template Library by P.J.Plauger,Alexander A.Stepanov, Meng Lee,David R.Musser,Prentice Hall 2001 1. Large-scale C++ software Design, John Lako, Addison Wesley, 1996 2. Effective STL, Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley, 1995 3. C++ FAQs, 2nd, Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow, Mike Girou, Addison Wesley, 1998 4. C++ Gotchas, Stephen Dewhurst, Addison Wesley, 2002 5. C++ templates, the complete Guide, Daveed Vandevoorde & Nicolar M.Josuttis, Addison Wesley, 2002 6. Standard C++ iostreams and Locals, Angelika Langer & Klaus Kreft, Addison Wesley, 2000 7. Design & Evolution of C++, BS, Addison Wesley, 1994 8. Modern C++ Design, Andrie Alexandrescu, Addison Wesley, 2001 9. Generative Programming, Krzysztof Czarnecki & Ulrich Eisencecker, Addison Wesley, 2000 10.Pattern-oriented software architecture, Vol1:A system of patterns, Frank Buschmann, 1996 11. STL 源码剖析,侯杰 12. C++ Coding Standards 101 Rules Guidelines, Andrie Alexandrescu & Herb Sutter, Addison Wesley, 2005 层级一:语法/语意(C++) [Lippman2000] Essential C++ Essential C++,by Stanley B. Lippman Addison Wesley Longman 2000,276 pages Essential C++ 中文版 ,侯俊杰 译,282页 Desc: 这本书概要性的介绍了C++核心的东西,但讲得较浅显,适合刚入门的人阅读。 [Andrew Koeing & Barbara MOO] Accelerated C++ Accelerated c++, Andrew Koeing & Barbara MOO, Addison Wesley, 2000 Desc: 这本书相当不错,讲解的C++编程的实践东西。也相当适合预巩固C++语法知识的人阅读。 [Eckel2000] Thinking in C++ Thinking in C++ 2/e Bruce Eckel 2000 1470 pages Prentice Hall C++ 编程思想,刘宗田等 译,420页 [Lippman98] C++Primer C++ Primer,3rd Editoin,by Stanley Lippman and Josee Lajoie Addison Wesley Longman,1998 1237 pages C++ Primer 中文版,侯俊杰 译,1999,1237页 [Struostrup2000] The C++ Programming Language The C++ Programming Language,Special Editoin,by Bjarne Stroustrup Addison Wesley Longman,2000,1017 pages [ANSI C++] C++规格书 1998.9.1 PDF格式 ANSI C++ 1996 Draft 层级二:专家经验(C++/OOP) [Meyers96] More Effective C++ More Effective C++, by Scott Meyers,Addison Wesley,1996,318pages More Effective C++中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000. 318页 [Meyers98] Effective C++ Effective C++, Second Edition,by Scott Meyers,Addison Wesley Longman,1998.256pages Effective C++ 2/e 中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000.256页 Effective C++, Third Edition, by Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley Longman. [Sutter99] Exceptional C++ Exceptional C++,by Herb Sutter,Addison Wesley Longman,2000.208pages Exceptional C++中文版,侯俊杰,培生 2000.248页 [Sutter2001]More Exceptional C++ More Exceptional C++ by Herb Sutter, Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. 层级三:底层机制(C++ Object Model) [Ellis90] The Annotated C++ Reference Manual The Annotated C++ Reference Manual,by Margaret A.Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup Addison Wesley Longman,1990,447 pages. [Lippman96] Inside the C++ Object Model Inside the C++ Object Model,by Stanley Lippman,Addison Wesley Longman,1996,280pages 深度探索C++物件模型,侯俊杰 译 层级四:设计观念的复用(C++/Patterns) [Gamma95] Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma,Richard Helm,Ralph Johnson,and John Vlissides,Addison Wesley,1995.395pages 设计模式,李英军等译,机械工业出版社,2000.254页 [Alex2001]Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu,Addison-Wesley,2001,352Paper Genericity/STL系列(与层级二同步): 第一个境界是使用STL: [Josuttis99]:The C++ Standard Library -A Tutorial and Reference,by Nicolai M.Josuttis, Addison Wesley 1999.799pages 第二个境界是了解泛型技术的内涵与STL的学理: [Austern98]:Generic Programming and the STL -Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template library,by Matthew H.Austern,Addison Wesley 1998.548page 第三个境界是扩充STL: [Stepanov2001]:C++ Standard Template Library by P.J.Plauger,Alexander A.Stepanov, Meng Lee,David R.Musser,Prentice Hall 2001 1. Large-scale C++ software Design, John Lako, Addison Wesley, 1996 2. Effective STL, Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley, 1995 3. C++ FAQs, 2nd, Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow, Mike Girou, Addison Wesley, 1998 4. C++ Gotchas, Stephen Dewhurst, Addison Wesley, 2002 5. C++ templates, the complete Guide, Daveed Vandevoorde & Nicolar M.Josuttis, Addison Wesley, 2002 6. Standard C++ iostreams and Locals, Angelika Langer & Klaus Kreft, Addison Wesley, 2000 7. Design & Evolution of C++, BS, Addison Wesley, 1994 8. Modern C++ Design, Andrie Alexandrescu, Addison Wesley, 2001 9. Generative Programming, Krzysztof Czarnecki & Ulrich Eisencecker, Addison Wesley, 2000 10.Pattern-oriented software architecture, Vol1:A system of patterns, Frank Buschmann, 1996 11. STL 源码剖析,侯杰 12. C++ Coding Standards 101 Rules Guidelines, Andrie Alexandrescu & Herb Sutter, Addison Wesley, 2005 |