经过N多调研,最终选择了OpenCV(Emgu CV) ** 至于DirectShow, OpenCV等等其他大家可以百度,在这里我就不再赘述
环境:vs2010 vs2012 vs2013均可 OpenCV官方网站为:Emgu CV 也可以去我的百度网盘下载安装包:libemgucv-windows-universal-cuda- 然后就可以自己想怎么玩,怎么玩了。
安装好后: 我的一个Demo,用来打开摄像头: 下载地址:c#调用摄像头 代码结构: 运行效果:
核心代码解释: namespace CameraCapture { public partial class CameraCapture : Form { private readonly Capture _capture; private bool _captureInProgress; public CameraCapture()//构造函数 { InitializeComponent(); try { _capture = new Capture();//构造一个摄像头实例 _capture.ImageGrabbed += ProcessFrame;//图像捕捉事件 } catch (NullReferenceException excpt) { MessageBox.Show(excpt.Message); } } private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg) { Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();//获取视频帧 Image<Gray, Byte> grayFrame = frame.Convert<Gray, Byte>(); Image<Gray, Byte> smallGrayFrame = grayFrame.PyrDown(); Image<Gray, Byte> smoothedGrayFrame = smallGrayFrame.PyrUp(); Image<Gray, Byte> cannyFrame = smoothedGrayFrame.Canny(100, 60); captureImageBox.Image = frame; grayscaleImageBox.Image = grayFrame; smoothedGrayscaleImageBox.Image = smoothedGrayFrame; cannyImageBox.Image = cannyFrame; //转成图片并显示在主界面上 } private void CaptureButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_capture != null) { if (_captureInProgress) { //stop the capture captureButton.Text = "Start Capture"; _capture.Pause(); } else { //start the capture captureButton.Text = "Stop"; _capture.Start(); } _captureInProgress = !_captureInProgress; } } private void ReleaseData()//释放资源 { if (_capture != null) _capture.Dispose(); } private void FlipHorizontalButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_capture != null) _capture.FlipHorizontal = !_capture.FlipHorizontal; } private void FlipVerticalButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_capture != null) _capture.FlipVertical = !_capture.FlipVertical; } } } 扩展 emgucv不仅可以控制摄像头,而且可以直接播放本地视频,但是需要一些配置 public CameraCapture() { InitializeComponent(); try { //_capture = new Capture(); var fileName = "文件地址"; _capture = new Capture(fileName); _capture.ImageGrabbed += ProcessFrame; } catch (NullReferenceException excpt) { MessageBox.Show(excpt.Message); } } 需要下载两个第三方文件: opencv_ffmpeg.dll opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll 三方插件可以去 github opencv 下载 三方控件,我的百度网盘:opencv_ffmpeg
这两个文件需要再重新改下名字(因为加进去报错,始终用不起,谷歌了好半天): opencv_ffmpeg.dll opencv_ffmpegVersion.dll -> opencv_ffmpeg2410_64.dll opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll opencv_ffmpegVersion_64.dll -> opencv_ffmpeg2410_64.dll 最后复制加到bin目录下的 x86,x64 下就可以播放本地视频了 效果如下: 有问题可以站内信