1.A very basic tutorial for performing linear mixed effects analyses(入门极品) Tutorial 1: Tutorial 2: nlme (Non-Linear Mixed Effects), lme4 (Linear Mixed Effects) and asreml (average spatial real)
2.其它资料(Google搜索即有) Mixed-Eects Models in R (较好) An Appendix to An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition
John Fox & Sanford Weisberg Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R(一本教材,进阶选用)
A Step-by-Step Approach
Andrzej Ga?ecki ? Tomasz Burzykowski
sslopef=as.numeric(as.matrix(lme4::fixef(fm1)[2])) sloper=as.numeric(LMM.model(lme4::ranef(fm1)$Day[,2])) intersf= as.numeric(LMM.model(lme4::fixef(fm1)[1])) intersr=as.numeric(LMM.model(lme4::ranef(fm1)$Day[,1]))
lme4::fixef(yourmodle)读取固定截距和斜率 lme4::fixef(yourmodle)读取随机截距和斜率
文档中示例(A very basic tutorial for performing linear mixed effects analyses): ----------------------------------------- #load data into R politeness=read.csv("") #================view the dataset====================== #show the head of politeness head(politeness) #show the tail of politeness tail(politeness) # other commands you may use summary(politeness) str(politeness) colnames(politeness) #================check for missing values====================== which(!complete.cases(politeness)) #======look at the relationship between politeness and pitch by means of a boxplot========== boxplot(frequency ~ attitude*gender, col=c("white","lightgray"),politeness) #================A random intercept model====================== library(Matrix) library(lme4) lmer(frequency ~ attitude, data=politeness) politeness.model = lmer(frequency ~ attitude + gender + (1|subject) + (1|scenario), data=politeness) summary(politeness.model) #Statistical significance test politeness.null = lmer(frequency ~ gender + (1|subject) + (1|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) politeness.model = lmer(frequency ~ attitude + gender + (1|subject) + (1|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) anova(politeness.null,politeness.model) #look at the coefficients of the model by subject and by item coef(politeness.model) #================A random slope model====================== politeness.model = lmer(frequency ~ attitude + gender + (1+attitude|subject) + (1+attitude|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) coef(politeness.model) #Statistical significance test (try to obtain a p-value) #construct the null model politeness.null = lmer(frequency ~ gender + (1+attitude|subject) + (1+attitude|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) #do the likelihood ratio test anova(politeness.null,politeness.model) ----------------------------------------------------- 结果分析 1.使用数据:subject(F1,F2,F3,M3,M4,M7),gender(M,F),scenario 语境(1~7),attitude(inf,pol),frequency(e.g.200Hz)
2.随机截距模型: 2.1 代码 politeness.model = lmer(frequency ~ attitude + gender + (1|subject) + (1|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) 其中: Fix effect: attitude, gender(固定斜率) Random intercepts: subject, scenario (随机截距) *we’ve told the model with “(1|subject)” and “(1|scenario)” to take by-subject and by-item variability into account. 2.2 输出系数分析:(注:这个系数是总系数,固定系数和随机系数已加和) -------------------- PS. 若想分别查看固定系数和随机系数,使用以下命令 #输出固定效应系数 print(lme4::fixef(yourmodel)) #输出随机效应系数 print(lme4::ranef(yourmodel)) ------------------ 对于随机截距模型: Random intercepts: scenario1~7:各自具有不同的随机截距 subject(F1,F2,F3,M3,M4,M7):各自具有不同的随机截距 Fix effect: 对于所有项都是相同的:attitudepol :attitudepol的pol斜率 genderM:geder的M斜率
3.随机截距模型+随机截距模型 3.1 代码 politeness.model = lmer(frequency ~ attitude + gender + (1+attitude|subject) + (1+attitude|scenario), data=politeness, REML=FALSE) 其中: > Fix effect: gender为固定斜率, > Radom effect: 让attitude随机斜率, subject,scenario为随机截距 *The notation “(1+attitude|subject)” means that you tell the model to expect differing baseline-levels of frequency (the intercept, represented by 1)
3.2 输出系数分析:(注:这个系数是总系数,固定系数和随机系数已加和)
> Fix effect: genderM:geder的M斜率,固定斜率 > Random intercepts: scenario1~7:各自具有不同的随机截距 subject(F1,F2,F3,M3,M4,M7):各自具有不同的随机截距 attitudepol :attitudepol的pol斜率,随机斜率
-------------------------------------------- 自己写的程序: (读取nc文件并合并,做混合效应模型+系数验证) #========Set the working directory (on a Mac) and load the data======== ##setwd("/Users/Gewanru/Documents/mix effect/") #=======Read Data from a folder(循环读入多个txt文件)========== ##a = list.files("input") ##dir = paste("./input/",a,sep="") ##n = length(dir) ##LMMexcdata = read.table(file = dir[1],header=TRUE,dec = ".") ##for (i in 2:n){ ## = read.table(file = dir[i], header=TRUE, dec = ".") ## LMMexcdata = rbind(LMMexcdata, ##} #read a single table ##LMMexcdata <- read.table(file = "merge.txt", header = TRUE, dec = ".") #========view the data set(查看数据结构)============= #see the variable names of the data ##names(LMMexcdata) #show the head of the data ##head(LMMexcdata) #show the data structure ##str(LMMexcdata) #check for missing values(misiing value:"NA") ##which(!complete.cases(LMMexcdata)) #show the tail of the data ##tail(LMMexcdata) # other commands may use ##summary(LMMexcdata) ##colnames(LMMexcdata) #==========Read nc files(读取气象nc文件,若不用则用上一个读取方式)=============== setwd("/Users/Gewanru/Documents/mix effect/2015/Resultsnc") library(ncdf4) ncname <- "0101" ncfname <- paste(ncname, ".nc", sep = "") dname <- "PM25" #===open a NetCDF file== ncin <- nc_open(ncfname) print(ncin) #Obtain some basic information of the nc file #===Read the data from a variable in the file== PM25data <- ncvar_get(ncin) nc_close(ncin) dim(PM25data)#show the the size of the array print(PM25) #=======Drawing some plots============= #Scatter plot(散点图) ##x <- LMMexcdata$AOD #define x lab ##y <- LMMexcdata$PM25 #define y lab ##plot(x, y, main = "Title", xlab = "PM2.5", ylab = "AOD") # "" : mian title & Title of x(y)lab #Box plot(箱线图) # #====================Correlation(求相关)========================= #(Here we need to use all of the data) #correlation x <- LMMexcdata[,c("PM25","AOD")] y <- LMMexcdata[,c("PM25","AOD")] cor(x,y) #correlation & Significance test(问题1:怎么让输出的数据位数更多一点?) library(mnormt) library(psych) x <- LMMexcdata[,c("PM25","AOD")] y <- LMMexcdata[,c("PM25","AOD")] corr.test(x,y,use = "complete") #===================== Linear Modle (线性回归模型)===================== #The simplest modle(without temporal and spatial variations) LMsimplest.model = lm(PM25 ~ AOD , data=LMMexcdata) summary(LMsimplest.model) coef(LMsimplest.model) #Get the coefficient of the Linear Modle #c1 <- LMsimplest.model$coefficient #===========Linear Mixed effects model (混合效应模型)=================== #1.(Without site effect) library(Matrix) library(lme4) LMM.model = lmer(PM25 ~ AOD + (1 + AOD|Day) , data=LMMexcdata) summary(LMM.model) coef(LMM.model) print(lme4::fixef(LMM.model)) print(lme4::ranef(LMM.model))
#2.(With site effect) ##LMMsite.model = lmer(PM25 ~ AOD + (1 + AOD|Day) + (1|Site) , data=LMMexcdata) ##summary(LMMsite.model) ##coef(LMMsite.model) #输出固定效应系数 ##print(lme4::fixef(LMMsite.model)) #输出随机效应系数 ##print(lme4::ranef(LMMsite.model))
#============Significance test of the model(混合效应模型显著性检验)============ LMM.null1 = lmer(PM25 ~ AOD + (0 + AOD|Day) , data=LMMexcdata, REML=FALSE) LMM.null2 = lmer(PM25 ~ AOD + (1|Day) , data=LMMexcdata, REML=FALSE) LMM.model = lmer(PM25 ~ AOD + (1 + AOD|Day) , data=LMMexcdata,REML=FALSE) anova(LMM.null1,LMM.model) anova(LMM.null2,LMM.model) #============ Output (如果需要把系数输出成文本 ,自己完善下代码) ================ #Linear Mixed effects modle #Get the coefficient of LLM # coefficient (fixed) AODslopefix=as.numeric((lme4::fixef(LMM.model)[2])) interceptfix=as.numeric(as.matrix(lme4::fixef(LMM.model)[1])) # coefficient (radom) AODsloperad=as.numeric(as.matrix(lme4::ranef(LMM.model)$Day[,2])) interceptsrad=as.numeric(as.matrix(lme4::ranef(LMM.model)$Day[,1]))
print(AODslopefix) print(interceptfix) print(AODsloperad) print(interceptsrad) #==============================================================